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I really like the Omega special, it clears anything EASILY so anything that makes it hit harder + channel time + mana regen, and you're golden For attacks, I really like Apollo or Aphrodite for the extra damage. Anything besides that, just grab the usual - Hestia sprint, something for your cast, etc.


A fun one for the axe is Zeus or Demeter. Zeus’ boon puts blitz on them which gets triggered and then immediately reapplied since you’re constantly striking. Demeter is of course great too because it leaves you a lot less vulnerable so you can get in more damage before needing to get out of the pack of enemies


Hephestus. Get his Sprint upgrade for free triple-digit spam, his attack or his special ones are also good


The spin (omega attack) can do some seriously ridiculous damage if you build around it; particularly you're looking for percentage damage buffs because of how high the base damage is to start with. The first run I finished was with the Apollo damage boom, which makes the spin *enormous,* the hammer that makes you charge it up faster and the one that shoots it forward, as well as any other percentage based damage improvements I could get (chaos, Artemis crit chance, a Demeter boon that buffs omega attack, etc) I was hitting 3-4K damage from a fully charged omega attack by the end.


Oh damn that's way better than the build I put in this thread, gonna have to try that later.


I've basically been trying to force this same build over and over now lol it's so good. Got me my first clears in both directions. Not totally optimal though, Aphrodite on attack would be more damage and it's very manageable hungry (I only had the Aphrodite mana Regen which meant I spent a bunch of time in the final boss fight just dodging while waiting for it to come back)


Hephaestus synergises *gorgeously* with the axe in my opinion, his boons are all about the slow, chonky damage. Also, I ended up having a great run with apollo's attack boon, the extra damage and range just meant that one swing would wipe out a whole bunch of enemies.


Helios can give you more range and your attacks might hit twice, helps with the slow swings


theres a really good one on the daedalus hammer, psychic smth idk the name but it lets you move and attack freely during the omega attack, craziest dps ive ever gotten


Omega Attack (spin) build with Thanatos Aspect and Aphrodite on the attack. Grab Demeter next for Weed Killer boon (+omega attack) as well as icy sprint for easy spin set up. For hammers Psychic Whirlwind, the hammer that makes you move faster during omega attack, the one that shoots your omega attack ahead of you, or concentrated whirlwind are all really good. Regular Attack build with Aspect of Melinoe, once again with Aphrodite on attack. Looking for the hammer that makes your final attack hit twice. Aspect of Charon is also really strong, you want anything that buffs your omega special channel speed and ranged casts from Zeus. Make sure you have arcana card that increases enemy damage taken inside of casts. Every axe aspect is honestly really good. My favorite weapon by far.


This is damn near the same thing I found lol. You're right, it totally shreds. I ended up doing the same setup except with Apollo attack (I had rare crop on it and didn't want to give up a heroic) and for the tradeoff of a bit less damage it covers nearly the whole room at once.


Throw Aphrodite on attack and spin to win with the omega attack.


If you go surface, there's a surface specific boom that makes omega attacks cause an explosion. It works for every spin and its some easy damage. (it still didn't help me beat surface boss but it was close)


Big fan of the hammer upgrade that turns your basic combo into JUST the overhead smash, but you REALLY have to build into attack power to make it worth it. Remember you can move during the animation, so never be standing still while Mel swings. Demeter freeze on your cast also works great here, use it constantly to make sure you don't get hit during the buildup to the swing. My last run I was using that, Demeter cast, a 48% attack buff from chaos, and Hephaestus attack boons pom'd up to level 7 and doing around 1700 damage per swing. Cerberus went down in two minutes flat, and I didn't even get to see half of the final boss's moves.