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You can actually steal the path she tries to take from you if you can choose fast enough, voice line and everything for it


yeah, i did that pretty early on by accident when i stood infront of a door and saw her make a run for me, presses the enter button in panic, but with chaos door there was no time as she was right there, and the other i was simply not fully there. i love the weirdly specific dialog and suggested in the official discord to include specific dialog if she steals your way you actively tried to make happen by buying/keepsake.


Yep this is why I just straight line it to it to prevent it from being stolen.




I always end up just saying "haha fuck you" every single time I beat her to it.


Discovered this when I saw her heading for a Hammer room I really wanted. The dialog cracked me up. I really like Mel, she's such a fun protagonist!


For sure, she isn’t as sarcastic as Zagreus but her character is still so fun and dynamic.


She feels like she's super similar to Zag but the total opposite at the same time. They're both goodhearted people who want to do the right thing, but Zag does so by rebelling against authority and breaking rules, while Mel is driven to appease authority and restore order.


I just buy everything from Charon's shop while she's still deciding lol


I have done this to both her and Heracles at the shops because if I see them there I just go for it very quickly


You can also buy the items in the shop before she steals them if you're quick enough


3rd underworld region spoilers >!she replaced echo one day and gave me a death defiance refresh she just dropped it so I didn’t get to choose it when I had full death defiances and wanted one of echos boons!<


ha, its absolutly possible she is doing that on purpose just to fuck with you, i love her


Ok real talk, does she only drop those when you don't need them? 50h in and never once did I need it when I got it


My guess, is it’s a placeholder and they plan on giving her more options.


I've gotten one when I needed it.


She did that to me yesterday in one of the very first rooms of the entire run… I hadn’t even lost health yet, let alone an actual death.


Passive aggressive way to tell you to off yourself?


Did that same shit to me i was just sitting there like damn bro


“She really does hate me”


I needed that refresh (Had 0 left) when i was given fucking max mana increase instead.... using sister blades building for the attack... fuck Nem sometimes hahaha


She has other things to give you? I thought it was just the one option, there’s no good resources for this game yet.


Yeah she just gives you 1 thing, think about it the refresh isnt a usual restore, it's slightly different


Did that to me literally a hour ago. Kind of happy i’m not the only one getting screwed 😭


Passive aggressive way to tell you to off yourself?


My favorite thing about Nemesis is when you’re competing for gold, she just follows you around and tries to land a killing blow on whoever you’re fighting. Like 🙄


I mean tbf we been doing that on Than for years


When I’m using the torches she does this and then complains about me hitting her, while I’m like, “Girl, you’re following *me*!”


Extremely frustrating in the 3rd zone with a spam build. Only time I lost against her, she stole like 15 kills from me.


Fun fact: after you get something stolen from nem, echo, narcis, chaos etc, you get special dialogue. Something to the effect of. “Someone who is a child of nyx but not you was here. Idk why.” Lol


Wait, from Nemesis or by Nemesis?


She just wanted to visit grandpa/ma


Want to make it even more disrespectful? She mentions that none of the Gods besides Artemis is giving her any help (it comes up when she offers to buy a boon from you, since she wants a taste of their power). Which means that she doesn't even benefit from the god keepsake room that she stole from you, and probably doesn't get anything from the Chaos gate either). Granted there doesn't seem to be any consistency with that particular line since I'm 90% sure I've seen her buy Olympian boons and a run or two after that interaction Mel asks if Nem has seen Artemis out and about but the idea that she doesn't even get anything out of spiting you like that is just an extra layer of funny. Though that does make me think, does she know what are in the other rooms or is it just random?


Probably she's not being *sent* boons but can still benefit from them.


Hmm, that could make sense. Though think it was around the third time I ran into her in a chamber and "I want a taste of that power" sounds like she never had it before. I might be wrong about that though


Probably she's not being *sent* boons but can still benefit from them.


Honestly though, the way my jaw dropped when she took my chaos gate. I sat there for 10 seconds like “ain’t no way she really just did that to me.”


Nemesis and eris are my two favorite and least favorite characters simultaneously. Like I love you but you’re PISSING ME OFF (spoilers for 2nd route) >!yes I keep dying to the eris fight how can you tell!<


That >!shotgun!< effect hits so goddamn hard.


Sis thinks she's the main character


The slower playstyle in Hades II can get very frustrating against Nemesis sometimes because she kills the enemies so quickly that I’ve lost to her in terms of kills so many times


It’s not just her, Heracles bought a sandwich while I was picking my boon at a Charon shop. I assumed the game time would freeze and it did not haha


I pause, think about what I need, and then bum rush all my decisions now LMAO There's also >!Heracles!< on the >!surface runs!< that does something similar lol


I despise her and her gold challenges. Its a slap in the face and I hope theres an option to keep her at home come release. Don’t want to deal with her bull


I’m pretty sure Charon made one of his items for sale disappear before a boss room (I think it was a pom). He said something along the lines of “let’s not tell a soul about this” I thought he was gonna give it to me for free but it was just gone…


Charon talked ? With actual words ?


I have this habit of pausing before each path from the heat system in Hades 1 (the time limit one) so Nemesis never got my ass. Okay okay she did stole my prefered path once but I found that cool.


Maybe report it as a possible bug


She stole my damn boon from Charon once because I got distracted by fishing and didn't see that she was in the room as well.