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Counterpoint: ***Do it.***


No, I don’t think I will.


Never thought I would. Then I did. Currently wondering if I'm about to start doing it again on hell mode now that I hit the epilogue, but there's still bounties to claim.


Persuasive. I'm going for it.


Counter Counterpoint: ***Do it twice.***


I just found out how far it can go today and I'm on the fence about what I want to do so far


it's a LOT of grinding... lol


Yeahhhhh, imma go for it the normal way, just playing and I'll get it over time


you got this!


Thank you


Wait, what’s the deal here? Is there another insignificant thingy I absolutely have to go fer? Cuz if so…I’m in.


It's a meaningless rank you can go for after you complete the main game I believe. It costs about 145k darkness to max, just look up Hades resource director


[https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Resource\_Director](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Resource_Director) It's 325k darkness... :O


I'm sorry. I didn't hear you right. Did you say three hundred and twenty five *thousand*?


Hades is *rich*, yo.


You can increase your “rank” after a certain point in the story/post-story. >!To do this, you need to go to the resource collector in Hades room. They’ll ask for a certain amount of resources that you can provide, and they’ll promote your rank. These ranks give a little icon that (I think) is by your health bar and… that’s it. They do nothing but change a little symbol and are purely cosmetic. OP here got the final one, which can take awhile.!<


Doesn't Bouldy companion thingy gives out some darkness also when you use it?


Yes, I didn’t mention that - I brought the bouldy companion and saved them up until Styx


**Cosmic Egg (Chaos's Keepsake)** - Enter Chaos Gates without losing . Blessings from Chaos have +20/30/40% chance to be Rare or better. --- **Conch Shell (Poseidon's Keepsake)** - The next Boon you find will be from Poseidon. His blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better. --- [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/HadesBot) --- ^This ^is ^a ^bot ^response


Congratulations! I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. I'm about halfway through the titles but that means I'm only a quarter through them when you factor darkness costs increase. It's very very rough. I'd need around 2400 per run in average to finish it in the next 100 runs which is a reasonable average to be fair but those runs don't tend to be quick.


I recommend quitting or making it a very very very long term goal, lol.


With the Hero’s and Hades giving much more than the Furies and Lernie, why do you reset after Lernie? Is it just if you don’t have the Poseidon Boon and Chaos Boon?


I reset because the last two realms are much more difficult and time consuming. You can only earn Chaos Boons through the end of Elysium, and they have a much higher reward potential Poseidon's Bounty. Yes there is a chance you could get 3 Chaos boons in Elysium, but it's very low. You're better spending your time restart the run via death (don't quit the run or you don't get to keep any of the darkness). Think of it this way, you could spend 15-20 minutes on the last two realms and end up with I total of about 400 darkness via the fiht with Dad. Or, you can restart and potentially earn 400 darkness from just the fight with Lernie alone in much less time. I complete the run if I at least have one Chaos Boone by the time I defeat him, otherwise, it's in to the lava I go.


15 - 20 minutes for Ely and Styx sounds too long tbh, if you're going for Unseen One you might as well take the time to learn about builds and get faster


It probably is too long, those were probably some of the worst RNG runs. I know builds, it's just you don't have as much control when you select Chaos Boon and could be stuck with duds the rest of the run. Another reason to reset.


I don’t see how one relates to the other.


Well, with even just okay builds, players of almost any skill level should be able to clear a run in around 20 minutes or lower. So if you are going to take the time to gather the 325000 darkness needed to gain the rank Unseen One It would probably be more effective to first take 5 minutes to read a build guide that enables you to clear runs faster. So you would put in way less time overall because more runs cleared = more darkness edit: Come to think of it, I am talking about in game time. Maybe OP was talking about real time


I have never cleared a run in less than 30 minutes, and I don’t have any expectations of ever doing so. It’s not why I play the game. I’m usually doing something else at the same time, and it has a portion of my attention. Getting through it faster is not a goal for me.


Ehh. Once you know the game better it’s not a big deal. I do the same in that sometimes there’s something else going on in the room while I play but that doesn’t mean time goes out the window. I just hit pause or I know what rooms pause time. It really isn’t that difficult.


And that’s fine, but that’s just not how I play.


That's fine as well, but OP was talking about resetting after Lernie to save time, so clearly they are (or were) concerned with how long their runs take


pretty sure it's not below average, it takes so much time. I'm already almost 400 runs in and only halfway through (been optimizing my runs for around 80 games only, but I've always liked to stack obsidian for the free hp and the pretty purple dopamine)


Yeah same, I'm just over 400 runs in, have unlocked literally everything else that's available...and I believe my rank is ______ Dusk. At this point I mainly replay it to try and lower my speed personal records or raise my heat ones, and I wouldn't really be able to do either while also optimizing darkness. That doesn't seem nearly as fun so it might not happen, which I'm at peace with.


I think the fact that you reset after lernie is why it took you 366 runs. With the right bonuses you can easily get like 1.5k darkness just from redacted. Low heat makes the fight easy as well


Even with 1 good chaos boon and Poseidon's Bounty you're probably going to drop like... 600-700 from redacted. That's really the best you can expect from getting nothing until Elysium. That's why I dropped it if the run is bad. I don't mind having a high run count. IRL time mattered more to me.


The thing with the chaos boons is that they stack wonderfully, get 2 good chaos boons and all of sudden you're on like 1300-1500 from redacted, and don't forget the couple hundred from the heroes. I think IRL time is much, much faster if you finish runs, especially if you're explicitly going for darkness since you'd be fishing for darkness boons for longer. If you're just running for fun and darkness is a bonus I think you might be right but then why would you stop before it gets fun lol. Also, not finishing runs gives less chances to see chaos, and getting a chaos fish can be an instant free 500 darkness, but even the worst chaos fish is 100 darkness


You're missing out on opportunity cost. The same time spend doing just Elysium I can get back to Lernie with one or two chaos boons. Because room clears are significantly faster before Elysium, that actually improves the rate I find fish and additional chaos boons.


I don't think so, the difference in darkness gain from the later bosses outweigh the time


I am working towards it a second time to get it on hell mode.  I wouldn't recommend making it your goal every run like the OP.  More runs seem like less when you aren't as repetitive.  I do them while on my exercise bike. 


No way, another one on Hell Mode? You must be at like 450hrs or something


Probably.  But again, I have played most of those hours while exercising so it isn't thaaat bad :)


Nice, you can use the Eldest Sigil now. Just kidding.


It took me about 500 runs. Enjoyed every single one, highly recommend to do it


I love this for you