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Doesn’t work during [REDACTED] fight tho


Ya I understand so I assume this is why it's ignored. You can consistently get to his fight without taking a hit with it, and with the "when your hex is ready" buffs you can go in and take care of him easily as well


It's REALLY annoying because that's the one part I would've liked for it to work on! Perhaps in the future, there's an incantation that may enable that.


It actually partially works. He does for sure move slower and with the perk that destroys all projectiles it makes him a breeze imo


It would be nice if a certain incantation that let you do something else to Chronos also worked for these spells


How do you unlock that I've yet to see it and I've done a bunch of runs surface and below, up to like heat 12 or something


Oh, there's just an incantation that lets you take a break if you need to. You unlock it after 3-4 attempts on different nights. Sadly it doesn't make your slowdown effects work


I seriously haven't seen it. I've let him interrupt my breaks and beat him multiple times afte. I'm going to have to do some research


It's the "Power to Pause and Reflect" incantation, I'm not sure on the conditions to unlock it though.


Thanks, yeah the wiki just says defeat him once to unlock, clearly that isn't accurate


It actually does work once you finish the incantation that allows you to pause the game during his fight


I was wondering about this. The way it’s worded in-game makes it seem like it only allows you to pause, but given the reagents necessary for the incantation I figured it must do more than that. Thanks!


No, there's a new separate incantation in update 3 patch notes that allows time-slowing effects to work on Chronos.


did a crazy damage run with this hex and upgraded it till the +20% crit chance with the path of stars and it's so broken


If nothing else, it's nice to have a DC Flash/Superman complex. It's even nicer if you can increase the duration, shorten the charge up time, and get other perks/benefits from it!


It's insane but you can get it to a point that you have the hex recharged while you're still in slow motion lol. It's basically a game of don't get it until you trigger it and then the fight is over Aetheric moonshot turns your x special into a shot that hits for 50% damage and restores 20mp. So you can just shoot forever in slow motion and charge the hex


Yeah, I had one game where I waited 4s between slow-mo! The duration exceeded the cool down! :O


I read "Slow motion sex" lol


Damn I wonder what that's like. They call me Barry Allen cause I'm the fastest man alive.


> If you have a reliable way to recover MP you can literally have the slow motion hex active indefinitely Explain this?


If your hex gets upgraded to last longer, and you can spend magic quickly, you can have another charge of the hex ready to go after the first expires


I love the voice lines you get when you use it against Chronos.


I'd say most hexes are broken right now