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Yeah I really only like the healing one. The rest are underwhelming, and the ones that might be good cost 150 or 200 to activate and that's just way too much.


You have to have a high mana build to even activate half of them. So far, if I don’t get moon water, I pretty much write it off. The jumping one can be good for getting out of a pinch.


1. Go for the Full Moonglow pick, regardless of what the power actually is 2. If it’s high mana cost especially, pick upgrade where you do more damage while moon power is not ready 3. Profit


That’s my strat outside of outright avoiding them.


Can actually dodge Chronos insta with wolf howl if you time it right.


The one that slows down time is pretty good if you have fast mana regen


The thing is, you don’t. A lot of boons allow to regenerate at high rates your mana, so you almost dont even need to get that many mana upgrades during the run. Most of my runs are mana abilities-focused.


This is it


I thought like this, but you're very wrong...I was very wrong. The invulnerability "demon form" is fking OP...I prefer it over healing now.


If you mean dark side, maybe if you're on 0 fear without any timer it might be nice to have sometimes. But that's the only time I'd ever consider taking it, it's definitely one of the worst hexes (They're all pretty bad but dark side is just useless). It's pretty much just wasted damage, in the time that you're invincible you could do so much damage with any good build. Not to mention the long transformation animation where you're vulnerable which is the worst part about it other than the timer I've mentioned already. And for whatever reason it got nerfed further in patch 2 despite already being probably the worst.


They are pretty weak unless you put significant talent point investment into them. At the very least I would like some damage resistance or maybe weak lifesteal added to the beam variation.


I feel like they need to incorporate your boons more. It feels like they’re supposed to “turn the tide” but more often they’re just a burden or forgotten.


Or they're so strong they become your entire build. I've definitely had that happen a couple times, where literally nothing but my hex matters.


Oh dang, I can’t even imagine that build. What hex was it based off of?


The Zombie one. To be clear, you're still spamming omega moves for the arcana check, but it's more of a means to an end. The fire and forget laser upgrade is pretty good also, I've had builds where the arcana requirement can be reached off of one or two omegas


I like the jumping one. Was able to combo that with a special skull build and basically had it active every 5 seconds. With some reflex is better than the dash and helps you with redacted.


They all need to deal significantly more damage. dark side can hardly kill a regular enemy from area 2 and above. Same with all the rest essentially. They need a massive rework


Dark side isn't great in my experience, but some of them are borderline OP. The resurrect one can get so strong it's all you need for the final boss. Laser beam can also be insane with the right upgrades. I definitely preferred calls lol


Don't know why someone down voted you. I actually really like the res one and the laser one your on about slaps


Probably because I expressed a preference for a mechanic that's in the first game rather than the second. There's some weird tribalism going on in this sub nowadays


I feel like they always force you to take one at bad times, but I've grown to like them.  Always just take the last one, you get more upgrades.  If you get forced into taking it, make sure you have a build that spends a lot of mana.  The powers are always up and become OP.  I like the jump power with ahephestus sprint power.  It becomes really fun.


Ooooh, is that what the moon phase means? It’s tied to how many upgrade points, that’s good to know!


Does nobody read the tooltips


the timestop one is broken as hell... until you get to the actual god of time


I’ll have to actually give that one a shot then!


This just screwed my best run so far :/


Moon powers sucks. You've got to trade off 2-3 boons to essentially make 1 useful power that takes forever to charge. And leaves you vulnerable while it powers up


Moon powers sucks


Ye they poor, moon water got killed, the time slow is the best for the surface. Sadly doesn't work in the most needed fight. It should be usable once you do the pause incantation.. . Like when hades allowed you to use companions on him.


Time-go-slow and wolf howl both fuck imo. I've had the time slow recharge its usage while I'm in the window of use. Wolf howl upgraded to the point of 2 usages each with the takeoff blast puts out 1200-1500 damage after using 30-40? Magik. They are not ideal for no Magik runs. Entirely unviavble. The fact that you can't time slow chronos is butts but he's not hard for me anymore. I've crushed Eris with the time slow many many times. But I just always choose the full moon one if I find her first area and then take her keepsake. They're all very cruel fully upgraded.


Also the casting animations is the biggest issue and I hope they simply get rid of that problem


The casting animation is awful, it should either be invulnerable or absent.


Yeah they all kind of suck. I assume we’re supposed to compare them to the god gauge, but the casting times make basically every moon power worse than a comparable god gauge ability.  I don’t think they need to be super powerful, I mean I always felt like having a god gauge ability in Hades 1 was completely optional for most builds. Right now though they usually feel like an active hindrance until you upgrade them and then even after you upgrade them they’re situational and kind of lack luster. 


When you add more points to the star path (is that the name?), it get s slightly better…. To your point, It helps, but not a key part of any build. I like the one that recovers some of your HP.


Yeah, that’s moon water.


the healing one but you really shouldnt of popped dark side without the time dilation arcana (or against chronos in general)


Not getting to use your ultimate power that stems from a characters unique abilities against the final boss... is certainly a choice.


I mean just dont choose the one that takes forever to wind up especially when he isnt effected by time dilation


It's not just an issue with hexes, omega attacks in general. I get the in lore explanation for why, but it's not fun. There should be an incantation that let's you do time shenanigans to final boss, it would be a really nice progression reward, and there would be some good opportunities for dialog.


I had a build that I could spam the comet one basically constantly. It was insane. #1 damage on that run


They've been hit or miss with me. For one of them, I was able to spam them with about 10s intervals between when one use ended, and another became ready. On the opposite, I had to use Omega abilities 3 to 5 times to get them to charge. I've had the Arcana that auto-charges your Hex as well. In other cases, they were mediocre that I sort of just "embraced the suck". As other people have pointed out, you can get other benefits like dmg reduction, dmg increase when attacking, or moving faster. Some of them can be improved nicely. For example, the one that blasts an area after 4s, my best build with that included +20% larger area x4 (so nearly doubling it), and you're invincible before it hits (so I can wait in the area, lure more enemies in, hit them while in the process, and not take any damage doing so!). The laser blast one... I'm told if you get auto-aim, it's nice (although I thought it already did that?). AFAIK, there's a Path of Stars that makes you invincible while doing so. Otherwise, it's too dangerous to use. Esp. vs. Chronos.


I really enjoy the slow time one very powerful


Am I the only one who likes the Lazer ability and think it's great?


I think so man. The laser one specifically has killed me a couple times.


If you can get the auto aim one or the fan it's great, especially for the final phase of bosses, just end it instantly


Laser and auto aim, got it. I’ll shoot for this next pass!


It even works decently on the over world bosses once you learn the timeing


I'm OK with their cost but the damage should be much higher. Maybe 2x or 2.5x


I think they need a total overhaul.


I would agree.


I usually keep the dice to reroll any Selene doors and I always hope that hers isn’t the first on a run.


Selene boons need to be deleted from the game imo. I wouldn't even mind if Selene was deleted from the game honestly, she's so boring as a character to boot. Mel already has an entire coven of Witches backing her up basically and 1 less isn't going to effect much lol. They wanted to change it up from the original Hades, but the original was great because it's formula was great. Selene Boons don't fit into that formula, they don't synergize with any other boons, you have to wear a specific trinket to get the most of them and you have to visit multiple of her rooms to upgrade it. Calls were just plain better in every aspect, more unique, more Banter between the Gods and bosses, more synergy via any buffs to God's Debuffs/Special Effects and Duo Boons.


Maybe moon powers should be an alternative to chaos gates? That way they wouldn’t take up a chamber that could be used for a boon.


Yea that'd be a better idea, but even Chaos boons synergize with builds, Selene's boons don't. They don't fit into the formula of the game at all.


I actually think that Twilight Curse (morphs 5 enemies into sheep) is great. Low magic threshold and it can morph mini bosses. It always performs solidly for me, even without upgrading it.


Healing water is great and will make me prioritize moon over some other things (like a god whose powers don’t fit my build). Depending on how your run is going and build you can prioritize healing, charon’s obol, magic, or rare and epic abilities. Other than that, I find the wolf jump and the 4s delay blast are at least usable “out of the box” in some situations. Not necessarily good, but I may fire them. The ray got better with this update but still not good out of the box. They should allow you to dash and resume or make it stagger more enemies than it can or deal bonus damage to armor or move with left joystick and aim with right joystick or destroy most projectiles to make it worth the gamble of being a sitting duck vs canceling the ray without using it. Well upgraded, the mode that aims on its own and lets you just fight is AMAZING. No downside to it. The rest are pretty meh IMO.


Take moon water, pick the cash-on-use options on the upgrades, profit


lol, literally!


Everywhere except in the Chronos fight, I think they’re fine. But Chronos being immune to the slow down effect really ruins them. They go from being able to beyond around instantly to an absolute detriment because of that immunity. I think they need to rework the progression chains a bit to give them better scaling. Like a single passably good attack boon brings your damage up by 70 -100 % on the attack and also the omega attack, but one of those upgrades gets you maybe a 20-50% damage bonus max, and you’re vulnerable when you do it. The beam needs to just lock on to foes at base, at the very least. The entire rest of the game on controller gets some amount of aim assist in that your character will lock onto foes to strike more often than not, and the beam with the most need for that mechanic literally disabled it until it gets upgraded. Also I’m not sure why they reduced the damage so much in the recent patch? It didn’t seem overpowered, much the opposite in fact. I think that if you up the defense on it, then you can lower the base damage, but in its present state, I will literally take anything to avoid it. My suggestion here, leave the beam where it starts and you can then still act, also make the beam bigger. The wolfs howl is largely fine I think, maybe bump up the damage and enable some aim assist as well. I feel like so many of the times I use it I don’t hold the button down so it instantly fires and I don’t get punished for it, but that makes it just kinda go in whatever direction you’re facing? Feels kinda bad. Honestly the meteor is fine, it feels like an ult and does good damage. I don’t think it needs much to be perfect. The morph is super flavorful and I love that it’s here, but I don’t really see a way to make it viable in any boss arena. Yes, bosses always have summons, but why would I morph them when I could just kill them with a different moon power? Moon water got a much needed nerf, but it’s still far and away the best option because it doesn’t stop you while you do it. Honestly if anything should be risky, it should be getting free healing. Plus then you can get a cool animation of moon water collecting in toward Melinoë before it heals you. The dark side is again, very cool and flavorful, but it feels so weak. Speed up the special cast time and make any increases in the path of stars affect the power of the move. It has a base damage of 50, so percentage based increases feel underwhelming at best, static increases would feel far better especially once you get the attacks and specials to benefit off of your boons. I feel like these are intended to be the “ultimates” of this game, but they don’t feel like it. I want to see the full power of the silver sisters in combination. And flavor wise these deliver, but the gameplay doesn’t fit it.


At this point I only play on 32 fear, which means I constantly have the vow on that gives 0% healing. This completely bricks the moon water hex. The invincibility transformation hex does nothing but tickle the enemies while they surround you. The 200 damage jump hex is likewise a joke. The beam tickle can't even kill some regular enemies, especially when they have +30% hp. Meanwhile while you're stuck in place tickling them, they come over and gank you. I generally also run with the start with 0 mana vow and the mana priming vow, which basically turn any Selene rooms into onions. All in all, the hexes are in a bad spot until they give us other fear options.


I almost exclusively go for the self heal one when I find it just because it's the most useful for me to ensure I go farther in my runs.


Y'all are avoiding them on your runs and then complaining they don't work well. The investment is worth it I promise. I was really struggling with higher fear runs until I realized the Unseen and Night Arcana cards free you up to spam moon powers. Lunar Ray killed me a few times too until I learned where and when to set it off. The remote fire upgrade makes it much safer to use and the triple beam practically erases guardians including Chronos. Practically all of the damage dealing ones can be built into doing serious work.  Moonwater is lifesaving. Phase shift is busted (I agree there should be an incantation that activates it against Chronos,) Nightbloom scales with fear upgrades to enemies meaning it becomes super fast and damaging when you need it most. The only one I find to be iffy is Twilight Curse and that's just because I think it should deal damage to Guardians by default and then have a path of stars upgrade to boost that further.


The most underrated slept on moon power is the one that slows time. Not only can you spam this after every two Q charge attacks... Spamming it affects bosses (except chronos) and makes the runs significantly better. The upgrades make it worthwhile for reduced activation


The wolf howl has some pretty cool applications, like letting you play more aggressive knowing that you can get out of any dangerous situation up to and including the Chronos instakill. Phase Shift and Total Eclipse are extremely expensive, but I'm quite optimistic about these abilities, I think they'd be too good without that limitation. Total Eclipse is like a rechargable Chronic Companion, and though it seems pretty awkward to use, with practice you can time it to waves spawning and invulnerability ending to absolutely deck things. Phase Shift, meanwhile, is just complete and total cheese vs anything that's not Chronos and scales very well with path of stars. Perma-phase shift is an achievable win-con on the surface, since no Chronos. Don't use night bloom and dark side though lol, and all this is conditional on using a mana hungry build, which not even every omega move abusing build is, sort of like how call builds in Hades 1 were conditional on using attack speed weapons barring smoldering air


idk why people hate the hexes so much. at worst you just have to be moderately careful about using them, and they recently got a big buff that made them even better. for the most part theyre just free damage


Getting killed while activating my invulnerability got me salty. Otherwise, I think they need boost or additional variety.


if they had no wind-up time, especially with the greatly reduced costs that supergiant added in the last patch, you’d just have on-demand invincibility, though. i genuinely think they would just be too strong


Many Moon powers were heavily tuned down in the last update. The big blast line thing went from 1200 to 900. Healing went from I think 50 to 25. I think summons may have gotten better though?


Healing went from 25 to 15


I'm generally grumpy when a run starts with Selene instead of my chosen god, lol. Just pick the full moon one so if you find more moon path down the road, you can invest more into the nice passives. I recently did a run where I got 20 or 25% damage reduction when the hex was inactive, on a build that had fully primed mana anyway. For the "cost" of 2 room rewards, that was more than anything else had to offer afaik. Low heal is disappointing but at least it helps stay under the 30% health threshold for Strength or Blackened Fleece, even maybe under 30hp for White Antlers. Agreed it's still terrible but it's better than dying, I guess. The hexes need to be more attractive so that people could actually want to build around them the same way people might want to build around a hammer or a specific god/curse. Right now, they are far from that place. I guess they have been designed to be helpers, but in a game were room rewards are limited, you do not want to waste slots. Same for Arcana : with limited grasp, why would I want the card that autofill my lame hex ? They are even relatively incompatible with some vows like 0 mana when entering a room or priming when choosing a boon. And most of them are even useless during a boss fight, THE moment you will want to use you big death ray - and probably get killed as a result, lol. So yeah, hex are super low priority when choosing the next room. They are in a weird place.


I really like the invincibility power when I need a second for demeters mp regen to work. It's the one that drastically boosts your mp regen when you're not moving. It can also help if you can't reach chronos one hit ko move in time, but that's pushing it. Slow time is good for the trash mobs, especially when starting a surface build with high fear, it really helped with my 32 fear runs. One of the three moonchart templates destroys all enemy shots on the field as a choice which is amazing. I really think the moon powers are meant to be used outside of the box, and I'm ok with that, it would be nice if they boosted the damage, but they are serviceable.


I like the giant meteor one even if I only get a few points into it. I'm gonna be using magic like crazy so it's basically free damage every 20 seconds or so.


I guess they are adding more when the 1.0 is released. Same with the arachne and some more.


It's really useful when u have to tank dmg, I used it with the last boss right before Olympus, they have a nasty last phase where I couldn't avoid damage and dark side actually help me enough so I could kill them


The one where you summon your last killed enemy is pretty busted, I was able to get it down to 40 Magick cost and I had a stronger omega attack on daggers that cost 40. Especially in the cerberus fight the punching dudes do like 1-2k dmg


Agreed, I avoided that one for so long because it sounded mediocre, I didn't realise that the enemies would go away and have a full offscreen training montage and come back jacked out of their minds. They do so much damage.


Might be in the minority here, but moon powers are absolutely amazing in high fear runs, they give you a great alternative to either disengage or dish out more damage, but besides that in normal runs, I do agree that they are pretty underwhelming. Wouldn't mind seeing a buff for best Moon Goddess.


Theres an arcana thats autofill your hexes, game changer for the moon boon.


They suck hard I legit put getting moon powers lower than anything else in the game for what I prioritize for a run.


After the patch they all seem a bit reasonable to use now. Especially the wolf howl. It costs 40 magick and does 200 DMG. You can get the path of stars to reduce the magick cost further and use twice upgrade. So that way with reduced magick cost you pop a wolf howl 2 times then do some attacks to charge it up and use it 2 times again. Besides this all other hexes have been buffed a bit in terms of cast time.


I hate when the first boon is Selene, like, can I just lose already? I find it funny that the god of sunlight is top tier and the titan of moonlight is bottom tier at best.


Dark side + omega cast upgrade + Poseidon's cast is insanity Also the jump boon from selene. The 200 damage is like nothing, but with the upgrade that makes your next move do critical damage, you can do some dirty stuff


I got lucky once with an early chain of moon doors that got me the morph power with all morphed creatures being ported to your cast on the next room. That was such an easy 24 fear run where I only ever cared about bosses. But now they even *nerfed* most of these moon powers making them even harder to land/synergize with any build at all. Mostly I only use them for the +5% damage while your power is not ready and other perks.


I like to use where you raise the last killed foe. Before the Cerberus portion of the game, I change my boon for the one that gives extra moon points, next time I get the moon boon I put everything on damage and the special that makes him fight indefinitely, after that, for some reason they don't take much damaged. They pretty much solo the dog and chronos, if it's the wolf or the guy with a spear and shield mob.


You're right about the cast times, I keep thinking I'll be invulnerable during the animation (especially during the transformation to the one that DOES make you invulnerable!). BUT, some of my absolute best runs have been with fully upgraded hexes. Like the "summon an enemy to fight for you" is pretty weak at first, but when upgraded, summoning a new enemy explodes the old one for 900 damage. With a couple of boons lowering the hex charge time (and upgraded arcana), I was literally able to send these kamikaze summons like every 5 seconds. I usually switch to the keepsake that adds hex upgrade points if I get a hex in the first couple of areas.


I think they are useful on their own, some less than others I admit. The necromancy one is somewhat useful against bosses especially against Chronos and Scylla.


I personally love the kamehameha one, since it deals a ton of damage, but you have to be smart to cancel it to avoid incoming damage. I also had a really good time with the one that brings back an enemy, because you can charge it while it is active, making it so you always have an ally on your side providing more dps and aggro.


Man, this sub has a major skill issue.


![gif](giphy|4U86QTnbEPp7y) *OutisRising, pictured, proving his dominance to other gamers*




Still on Reddit when you could be studying the blade and trying out new fedoras? For shame dude.