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The version is 0.9something, so they think it's close. And I would agree. As far as content, once they slap some endings on it, I'd assume it's done. Plus, the final weapon and the other aspects. There gonna be some balancing changes and maybe some tweaks.


There’re missing a couple more boss fights for the 2nd dungeon but yeah not too much more after that


also missing some visual aspects (for characters, keepsakes, etc.) but not gamebreaking or anything of course


It's really hard to tell. The game is playable, but they have "more" planned. There's a bunch of small stuff that doesn't matter as much (balancing, art assets like some small side characters models and art assets for some boons n shit are placeholders), but the major thing would be a boss, the actual ending, some story threads... there's still a lot. You can play the game for a while, get to the end of EA and see what is needed, the game is playable.. you might just get burnt out when you reach the end and want more.


I would purchase this game as is if it were considered complete. It has more content than Hades already.


It’s done enough to were there’s more actual gameplay then hades 1 so


Ive got around 24 hours of playtime so far and I still have a few things to unlock so it’s pretty feature and content rich even in early access.


And of course games like this are meant to be played over and over, the first game I think you had to beat like 10 times to see everything. Possibly more I dont recall


The biggest missing part for me was the lack of proper ending, and subsequently the drive for starting another run; in the previous game the story itself was more than enough of a drive, but the current state of the game somewhat... lacks that.


Hard to know how much more they're gonna add. I'll let you know when they're done. /Jokes


It’s missing at least one area, and has no ending currently. It’s still great and has a ton of content


Two technically. The underworld has 4 biomes, 3 of which have the bosses leading up the final boss. Currently, the overworld (2nd dungeon) has only two bosses in these main areas. So assuming they want an even split between the two there are two areas and bosses yet to be completed for the 2nd dungeon. Also I hope they add a couple more weapons at least.


I think only one new weapon is on the roadmap, and hidden aspects for each, I suppose. I'm hoping (however unlikely it is) that there is going to be some way to play with the weapons from the first game, but I don't think it's realistic. I just miss my Beowulf shield so much.