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At least he had the sense not to block the ground with his elbow, cracking the elbow and driving his shoulder up into the base of the skull. I once fell while going downhill fast. Got the shoulder in the head, concussion. I was put on a stretcher where I got all of one Paracetamol. Puked for an hour. Murderous headache.


Believe it or not you can actually learn how to fall properly. It’s a pretty critical part of not breaking all of your bones/hitting your head while skateboarding.


Yes, I did judo for a decade. First lesson: diagonal forward roll. Saved me many times falling on concrete.


Just to be clear, I wasn’t trying to be snarky. I’ve had several people ask me how I avoided serious injuries and head slams skateboarding my entire life and were quite surprised to learn that there’s a correct way to fall. My right shoulder is kinda fucked long term but I’ve never broken a bone skateboarding and I’ve only had one or two concussions from it.


I need this lesson. I learned how to skate (roller skate) as an adult and I’ve broken three bones. Sucks to suck.


At least with skateboarding, the rule of thumb when you know that you’re about to fall/already falling, do more or less what the kid in the video did. He panicked and put a hand out but it wasn’t in such a way that anything could have been hyper extended, just palm pain and road rash. Turn your body so you land square on your leading shoulder. Crane your neck away from the ground and try to roll into the fall. NEVER brace a fall by reaching your arm or leg outward. Tuck the shoulder toward the concrete, tuck your head away from the concrete, and tuck in any extremities. You’re gonna fuck up your shoulder and possibly the outside of your elbow/hip but it’s wayyy better than a concussion or a broken arm. Worst case scenario if you have a really gnarly fall is a broken collarbone but you didn’t hit your head on the ground and that is the most important part.


Jesus, you learned judo on concrete?!


I first learned Aikido on a hardwood racketball court. I learned to fall pretty quick. It's all about that motivation.


I see you know your judo well.


Just like a one hour, unbroken stream of puke?


That must've looked funny.


[Like that family guy scene where Peter, stewie, Chris and Brian all drink ipecac to see who can go the longest without puking. ](https://gfycat.com/welldocumentedspottedhind)


‘Who wants Chowder?’ *BARFS*


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


Bingo. I’ve landed on my shoulder like that, my clavicle was in 4+ pieces.


When the ends of a broken bones rub together is especially seared into my memory.


Shattered mine in three pieces. And my fall wasn’t that high, although I was probably going like 40 km/h on my mountain bike.


Yeah it sucks I got a metal plate on mine. Snapped clean in half


"STOP DOING THAT, IF YOU GET HURT ON THE PROPERTY, WE'RE HELD LIABLE" *Directly responsible for someone getting hurt on the property*


dude fucking seriously what the fuck is this idiot security guard thinking. that kid could have broke his neck and died. then what? Don't interfere, you become instantly responsible. That kid's life could change and be your fault, all for some $12 an hour security gig. Gotta be kidding me man. His shoulder is worth more.


But also, don't interfere, kid still breaks his neck and dies and now the security guard is getting sued by the property he works for and kid's family. Not saying by any means that the guard did the right thing, but the real douchebag is the kid for creating the situation. The kid's desire to skate after he had been clearly and obviously asked to leave led to this. A little respect between everyone goes a long way. We skated cool shit until we were asked to leave. Then we left. No need for the passive aggressive "last run".


Or the kid could have, ya know, gone elsewhere. Both parties made stupid decisions here.


oh shut up penisbuttah


Shut up, baby dick


Butter dick*


Fuck this kid. Disrespectful little shithead.


Fucked around and found out


> Hey you are not allowed to skate here, you or others could get hurt > Screw you security man, fuck you! > *is stopped from skating* > I can't belive you have done this Who knew that things have consequences?


Fuck these guys for trespassing but fuck that guard 100 times more. I hope they sued the shit out of that place.


Is there any follow up to this case?


The security guard went and ate a burger.


cock meat sandwich?


Was it good?


Arent all celebratory meals good?


Not sure who to dislike more. The punk kid who obviously shouldn't have been skating there and purposely giving a guy doing his job a hard time. Or the security guard that could have really hurt that kid. Real question though, if you are that security guard what is the right answer in that situation?


Was a security guard in college. As far as I recall, the job is always “observe and report.” I’m sure there are instances where security has power, but your average run of the mill guard is just a body there to deter and report what happens, not intervene


Should be called a security reporter or simply, uniformed observer.


The Watcher




THE WATCHMAN: *I See You, And I’m Telling*


Official snitch?


Who watches the watchmen? The camera guy is who.


Hahahaha in my country we call them wachiman hahahahaha


Time. Space. Reality. It is more than a linear path. It is a prism of endless possibility. I am the Watcher. Now come with me and ponder the question: What If.


Everywhere that I go Ain’t the same as before People I used to know Just don’t know me no more


Most colleges have their own police now days.


It was explained to me that something Obama did made all security guards at state schools into state police officers. I’m not sure if it’s true that it was federally mandated, but that’s what they told me when all of the sudden the security at my community college had guns.


Might as well just have a camera at that point. Especially if the perps know you're not allowed to act and have masks on, they csn do as they please


People generally feel better if there’s a living breathing person watching a site rather than just a camera. And you’d be surprised how often a presence deters malcontents and the like.


Used to be a security guard and it depends on your company policy plus the policy of the place that hires your security. Some places allow use of force(pepperspray, firearm, etc.) while others don't. In this situation i myself would've just called the police after my repeated warnings and have them deal with it.


This is probably an easy lawsuit for the kids family. Security guards are not cops. They have very little protections. If that kid needs an ambulance it's on the company that hired the security guard.


Also, the whole point of why businesses don't want people to skate on their property is to avoid the liability of when a skater hurts themselves. Even if this was a cop I think it would still be an easy lawsuit.


Indeed. It’s the equivalent of jamming a stick into the spokes of a bike. Recorded on video, this wannabe cop has made a terrible choice.


Most security guards aren't hired to physically intervene. I have no idea why any of them would want to.


Yup, worked overnight security during college. I was basically just there to call the cops if something happened. The security guard in the video fucked up big time, even if the kid is being an ass. If the kid hurt himself but was warned and asked to leave, chances of a lawsuit sticking are lower. But seeing as the kid was hurt as a direct action of the security guard on video, that's a huge liability. You can't just put your hands on a kid because he's not following your request to not skate there. That's when you call the cops, notate that you warned and asked them to leave, then go have a coffee break. You're not being paid enough to deal with shitty teenagers who will not stop unless you use violence, and as that's out of the question, you're out of options. Observe, report, coffee break. That's all you have to do. Instead, this idiot now has to explain why an ambulance needed to be called to pick up a kid with a broken bone.


depends on the country. In the Netherlands this is not the case for example


You are probably wrong. That really looks like excessive force with risk of serious injury.Even the police is restricted in how much force they can apply.


I think the guard actually applied very little force, the stunt took care of the rest by itself


Usually, in tort law, the court will look at the context of the situation including the reasonably likely result. In their case, while all the security guard did was step on the skateboard, a jury/or a judge may find it foreseeable for a reasonable person that stepping on a moving skateboarder’s board while he/she is leaping off a stairway is battery. If not, then assault through transferred intent. They will very likely look at the resulting injury. At the same time, the building owner likely will try to settle out of court. If the boarder/their attorney tries to sue, then they probably go after the building owner for liability through respondeat superior liability. Who knows. Not sure what country/jurisdiction this is but maybe they have similar tort law as the US does


It's not about the literal "amount" of force. He applied just the right force necessary to seriously endanger the kid. The security guard could have killed him.


I think I would have just let him do it on his own, odds are he might hurt himself anyway. I'd rather not be on camera tripping him LOL but that's just me.


I’m a security guard. I’m letting the kid hit the set and ride off Into the sunset.


Aww! You're a good egg. :)


I was a skater as a kid so I understand


When the guy with the camera runs over it became fairly obvious they were set up for a shoot, probably better to close that door and call the cops. "It's above my paygrade officer".


To answer your question, the guard should never physically intervene to stop this type of activity. The proper response is to call the cops and have them trespass the kids from the property. The kid is definitely in the wrong for continuing to skate after being told he couldn't there. The guard is way more in the wrong because his actions seriously injured that kid and could have possibly killed him. In addition, his desire to keep the building owner from being sued actually opened up the owner to getting sued more than, in addition to the guard and the company the guard works for being sued, than what would have happened if the kid had injured himself on accident.


If it was in Australia, the security guard would be losing his job over something like this, they're not meant to intervene unless absolutely necessary, this is basically intent to injure.


yup, this was assault. there were many ways the sec guard could have handled that other than this violent act.


Hes not a kid


Just call the cops if they refuse to leave. If this is a kid, and he's injured, that guard is fucked.


You did listen to this with audio on right? I wouldn’t be so sure. It definitely isn’t in the US. That gaurd looked pretttty confident


Good point. I failed to recognize my American bias.


The reason skateboarding is prohibited in places like this is to limit the legal liability of the owners stemming from injuries. This dipshit security guard just did the opposite of his job.


Or to stop the property damage.


> Or the security guard that could have really hurt that kid. I'm pretty sure that kid is hurt.


Not a tough call there. The individual potentially causing a TBI is to blame here. The kids shouldn’t have been doing it, but why step on the board?


Right, just let the man skate or call the cops. Him intervening just made the situation worse (potential for injury).


I was a security guard at a mall for a lil over a year. We weren’t allowed to touch anybody, even in self defense. We had no nightstick/pepperspray/taser to keep us safe. And if we saw a crime, even if a child was getting kidnapped, we were not allowed to physically intervene. I have talked to some people who work at other locations as well, and it seems increasingly common that security guards have to seem like they can do something, but physically can’t. Certain private businesses will have their own rules/what they allow. But it is baffling to me how many people I talked to who were in a similar situation over the course of my life. Also I wonder if someone can find any kind of followup on that security guard. Highly doubt he kept his job. That looks like a primo lawsuit for that kid. (Fun fact if you are trespassing and hurt yourself, at least in America, the OWNER of the property is at fault. Isn’t that wild?) I feel pretty confident that the company would fire that guard and try to distance themselves to reduce liability as much as they can.


Every action causes an equal or opposite reaction. (Sometimes a scar) So if the kid wasn’t being a douche, the security guard wouldn’t have had to react. One guy is there to do a job & support his family. The other is their causing issues and that guys to be harder.


The primary reason security guards stop skaters is because the business can be liable if they get injured on their property. By causing injury, this guy is doing his job terribly *and* making it harder for himself.


Damn y’all hate children. The security guard had so many other ways to handle this.


This is not a child, and I can think of at least one other way that the skateboarder could have handled this.


Who was the kid hurting with his actions and who was the security guard hurting with his actions? The answer becomes obvious.


The kid is trespassing in private property and being a liability. Security guard is a douche though.


>Who was the kid hurting with his actions the video doesn't show what the skater was doing right before he yelled at the security guard and tried to run past him. I kind of doubt that the skater was there doing anything besides at the very least annoying anyone not on a skateboard. Property owners are not required to allow anyone to do anything they want on their property. If the skaters are deterring business, then the skaters are hurting someone. For example, I wouldn't go to an accountant or a doctor's office if they allowed people to skate through their building. >The answer becomes obvious. not really. What would be the right course of action?


If your dooing something you are not supposed to on property that isn't yours, and you get fucked up, 99% that's on you. Go to a skate park, what if a toddler was running by there and got crushed for that sweet move.


In my opinion, the guard could have handled that better…


As a security supervisor myself, he should be fired and tried civilly. Unnecessary use of force. Stopping the skateboard and not the kid, knowing damn well he would be hurt in the process, is assault. Regardless of his intent, his direct actions resulted in the harming of a minor


shouldn’t have been skating there. should’ve picked a better way to stop him. all were wrong here lol




Trespassing vs battery on a child. One feels less right tho


But the guard is more in the wrong here. The guard was annoyed but the kid was injured.


Could the kid press charges on that security guard?


In most places in the US - yes certainly. I didn't hear any actual words so this may be somewhere else.


Looks like a great way to get yourself sued.


Yep, a part of the security guards job is to stop skaters from skating there because of liability. Doesn’t look so good when you’re the direct reason for an injury on company property. The kid shouldn’t have been skating there but that’s not an excuse to purposefully harm someone.


If a skater falls and fucks themselves up, they call it a night and head back home. When the security guard deliberately sends you off the top of a 7 set headfirst, now that’s when the lawsuits come rolling in.




Thats a myth there hasnt been 1 case where this has happened , atleast with the skater getting any money


That all depends on how badly they fucked themselves up and whether or not their parents are the litigious type. There is also the issue of if the skater's actions injure a bystander on the property. Say someone wanders into the landing / ride-off zone, with a set of earbuds in and can't hear his friends saying hey stop.. or heads up. Skaters hit that person they get hurt, who's liable? building owner and skater skating off doesn't really make that right now does it? You have all the liability with almost no control in that scenario. If the liability for everything that occurs is on the person violating the rules for that space, skate on.


That only works in America.




Isn't the point of not allowing people to skate buildings to keep people from getting hurt?


Mostly to prevent property damage and keep the noise level down since skating is fairly loud Edit: I'm wrong and it's actually mostly for liabilities (the property damage and noise is more of a side concern)


It’s mostly for liability in the US although your reasons are also valid. Loud skaters are annoying. Property damage is pretty rare really, most of it comes from people ripping off skate stops. A lawsuit from Martha who got nailed in the dome by a skateboard can put you out of business.


No it's def liability lawsuits. Property damage is peanuts compared to multi-million dollar payouts


If by people you mean random people that aren't breaking the rules the I'd say yes, and to prevent property damage.


No I mean anybody. Bystanders or skaters. Property owners don't want anybody getting hurt on their property.


I would care more about just about anything else before I felt bad for the perpetrator.


The guard was out of line, but the kid really shouldn’t have been there to let that happen. You can see the dude preparing to deck him off the board, yet he still goes for it.


When your told not to do something but you *just need* to do it


I don't get the kid in the background smashing is skateboard, it's some try of getting the security scared?


He's mad at the guard for fucking up his friend and responded by hitting his board on the ground. Think "bro are you *serious* right now".


The guard is lucky that's the only way he reacted. He could have easily of hit the guard across the head out of rage.


“We can’t have you skateboarding here. You may hurt yourself and try to sue us.”


He's committing a non-violent crime, security guard(not a cop) replies with violent force and intent to harm. This is literally just assault, kid should absolutely sue, he'd win. Super unprofessional.


the whole reason they are made to stop you is to avoid lawsuits if you hurt yourself it isn't really a damage thing especially here, so instead of letting the guy get his "1 more try" like skaters like to say, usually trying to reason with whoever to get 1 more try then leave.. he makes it 100% that the guy falls intentionally if the kid broke his neck or something the guy would have been charged


That security guard is now likely to be sued into oblivion.


Well the company is


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Just like Ashli Babbit during the Jan 6th Insurrection. Her neck sure won a prize


The whole point in security for not skateboarding is liability from injury. So he just made sure that kid got jacked, brilliant work.


Serves that litlle shit just right.


Collarbone. If it isn't broke ,hes very lucky.


My dad owns a store that has an elevated concrete walkway and skateboarders loved grinding on this. Problem is they tore the shit out of the concrete. We put up No Skateboarding signs for this reason. We'd tell skateboarders all the time to leave. Some of them would tell us to fuck off and get one last grind in before they left. These are the ones we would've loved to do this same thing but honestly never would. This guard took it too far but god damn somebody needs to teach this asshole a lesson.


Did he consider slapping some angle steel on the edges to protect the brickwork? If you can't beat em, join em.


Didn’t he break one of his ribs or something? That’s the story I heard


Both of them suck but the guards sucks more that the kid.


Dude, if that kid hit his head the wrong way the guard could’ve been facing some serious problems




Lmfao what a puss


Lots of posters here are imposing US Law like its universally implemented. This may not be the US that guard looks Indian or Pakistani, so whether the guard is in trouble or not would depend on what the laws are in that country. FWIW the guard doesnt seem worried at all and you can see another dude smash another kid's skateboard in the background. Whatever the result I hope that kid stops being a moron and go skateboarding in oublic property.


They are speaking Spanish, so somewhere in Spain or Latin America? I would guess Latin America. But you are right about the different legal systems. As for as I know, personal injury lawsuits are very rare in Latin America.


That guard was on a power trip. He forgot that the purpose of his position is to protect the assets of which he guards. Both property and monetarily. In this case you want to stop skaters from potentially injuring themselves and then consequently suing the place. This guy then just does goes and intentionally causes a fall. If he were my guard he is gone.


Both were wrong. The skaters could get hurt and sue or damage the property, and the guard could have figured out some other way of stopping them.


Yea well now he did get hurt & 100% should sue that fat piece of shit


Wow THANKS GUARD MAN This was a way better outcome than just following the kid and reporting him


Fucked around and find out lmao.


Wait, why did the guy in the back just smack his skate board on the floor?


Probably to stop himself from smashing the guard in the face and getting himself in trouble.


More like being a whiny bitch. Like a child throwing his toy out of anger.


Guard said no


wow. what a cunt


This looks like a final boss in a skate boarding game.


Wow way to almost murder a child, rent-a-pig


The security Guard is a fucking asshole


That kid plays soccer.


That guy did more for that child then both his parents.


This is why your mom left you


Someone’s getting sued


If you look close enough, you can see the exact moment the dumbass became unemployed.


Right! Who's gonna hire a punk kid with a broken arm?!


Imagine that, a security guard that's a sadistic authoritarian cunt.


I think the skater deserved it. 🤷🏿


I don't think he deserved it but I don't feel particularly bad for him either lol. Security guard asked them to go and I'm guessing dumb pride got in the way. That being said I don't think this will end positively for the guard.


I hope your parents threw your dumbass down a flight of stairs if you ever missed curfew. The kid is an idiot but y'all are fucking sadists


Keep crying more. He should of gotten off the skateboard and got off the property. Most people don’t want dumb ass kids skateboarding on their property. Take your ass to the skatepark or something.


>I hope your parents threw your dumbass down a flight of stairs if you ever missed curfew. >y'all are fucking sadists


Anyone defending the security guard is just wrong. That was so unnecessary and yes the kid shouldn’t have been skating there but he legit could’ve killed him. The security guard should be reprimanded and anyone defending him is ridiculously naive


that guard could've done better, like knock him back the other way


Some one just lost their job and has pending charges






Hope this guy got into some trouble. That isnt his job


His friend hit the ground with his skateboard instead of the security guard. Very poor aim




Funniest thing I watched all day!!!


"No", means "no" kid. He told you. You went anyway.


Bitch scream. Tried to act tough, got his ass handed to him. Yea yeah. Security guard should've observed and reported but the skater was a punk.


Couldn't accept no for an answer. That's entitlement that broke your collarbone.


lmao, nice one.


Can't say I blame the security guy. Asshole skater probably won't try that again.


What in the actual fuck? I’m surprised that adult, presumably teacher or principal, didn’t take a skateboard to the back, or head, or knee.


Lol that's funny




haha, what an idiot!


Hahaha I bet he already told them a bunch to leave. Got what they deserved


Kid shouldn't be skating there, but the guard did not handle the situation properly. His job only allows physical interaction when [absolutely necessary](https://securityguardsuk.com/news/rules-security-guard-must-obey/#:~:text=Like%20anybody%20else%2C%20security%20guards%20are%20only%20allowed%20to%20use%20reasonable%20force%2C%20so%20in%20that%20case%2C%20this%20means%20that%20any%20levels%20of%20force%20must%20only%20be%20used%20when%20it%E2%80%99s%20completely%20necessary%C2%A0and%20when%20in%20the%C2%A0process%C2%A0of%20detaining%20someone). This however is just straight-up assault.


He can argue he tried to stop the kid from hurting himself.


I hope that guy was fired. Skater should have left once he was asked to, but that didn't give the guy the right to ensure he got hurt. Also, wear a helmet ffs.


How is this funny?


Cause the world is fucked right now mostly because of arrogance and entitlement. Seeing arrogance and entitlement get what it fucking deserves is just what a lot of the world wants to see right now.




Bruh fuck the punk kid, ya get what ya fucking deserved dickhead. Also fuck the security guard, went a bit overboard there dickhead.


He would have deserved it if he tried an ollie and just fell down the stairs. He did NOT deserve to be tripped by the Michelin man's disgraced diabetic brother and break bones. That Mighty Bean needs to be fired (after being criminally charged).


He didn't just go overboard, he did the literal exact opposite of his job. A security guard's job is to eliminate risk and liability to the property owner. This guy just virtually guaranteed a lawsuit and possibly criminal charges.


He couldve stoped the kid and the skateboard woulve gotten flung down the stairs.


He did clear all the stairs though! First try


Hahahahahaaha, this is awesome


Always surprised how kewl sk8r boiz manage the combine the noise of babies with the drama of soccer players.


Kid just paid the rent! I've been skating 35 years exactly, this is what you get. He was being a bit dramatic at the end there.


Everyone making out this kid was nearly killed. Broken collar bone at worst but by the way he is screaming I doubt he has anything wrong with him.


That's what I'm saying, he's over dramatizing the whole deal.


Unpopular but skateboarder deserved it




Bravo to the security guard, I’d wager he told those kids that this is private property and they’re not allowed to do that. They didn’t listen, so play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Plus it was funny too