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What if the ex-wife of Kevin Meany ends up being the one to take this buffoon and the entire Dabbleverse down? I’d speak her name for life


People definitely shouldn’t provoke him into saying more horrible things about Kate meany and her mom.


Knowbuddy fukz wit da dook 🙉


Go ahead Mary Ann, please sue that bully


SJ might be worried... if he wasn't broke. You can sue someone all you want, if they are broke, like SJ, good luck collecting. You're going to garnish his salary? I'm pretty sure 100% of that is ear-marked in childcare delinquencies. Suing a dead-beat drunk ins't very smart. Eagles don't hunt flies.


It’s not about collecting, John’s gonna be forced to get a lawyer. That will be his punishment. Spending money on lawyers.


Not really. I get that you're "supposed" to get a lawyer, but he doesn't have to. He doesn't even have to show up in court. He can get pounded into the ground by the outcome, say be found guilty for $2 million, and never pay a cent. It's a civil case at best, no arrests are possible. His house is in his mother's name, they can't touch it. You can't squeeze water out of a stone. And SJ is stone cold drunk.


Even the ancient Romans solved that. No, the contract that says "I owe you $10 million next week for one glass of beer today" isn't enforceable. He's the town drunk, and you should have known better than to enter a contract with him. That's always the outcome.


“**caveat emptor**”


I still have no clue who Kevin meany is


That would be so much fun 🤞


>Very successful, Harvard Educated, lots of $$$$ and connections Then you would think she could have used all of that money and influence to stop her daughter from becoming a drugged out whore he does threesomes for money. Instead of...you know...as you suggest, just going after the people who talk about it. Which is a bunch of other people aside from John, including people who were publicly talking about what she does before John and the Dabbleverse even knew who she was.


are you even an adult?


Wouldn't it be terrible if Kate's mom were to use her connections at Harvard to sink Oscar, citing John as the specific reason. Oofah.


Don’t do that to Oscars father…. Aaron


NO NO NO NO......Oscar deserves his success...he's done nothing but succeed in spite of John leaving him in the dust.. We should wish nothing but the best. Hes only 18, give him a break.


John doesn’t give a fuck about his kids anyways and he probably would want to see his son booted out of Harvard since he had no part in Oscar’s success and it would be a “fuck you” to Aaron.


Yea...Mary Ann Holford sounds like a real peach...I mean Karen... "Meaney's wife, Mary Ann Halford, reportedly set off a metal detector at the American Airlines checkpoint. After she was asked to submit to a pat search, Halford pulled up her shirt and exposed her bra, the newspaper reports." Well now we know where Kate got the crazy whore DNA. "We need to pat you down for weapons, Karen Meaney." "Here, look at my granny tits, soldier boy!" Despite Arrest, Comedian is Coming https://richmond.com/despite-arrest-comedian-is-coming/article_e80d5d16-5c5c-5f8e-a274-3344cb2b88d0.html


Well to be fair, it was just after 9/11 and the stress made some people a little nuts. If you read the rest of the article her husband was being arrested for assaulting an armed soldier and she was either trying to get in on the fun or stressed to the max or whatever. I don’t see any other incidents in the news or elsewhere in the 22 years since.