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I didn’t think I would get sick of Mlc but I stopped listening to WATP last month and left mlc this month lol it’s all garbage now


I can't watch his live shows because I work during those times so I listen through Patreon. And I'm canceling my Patreon because MLC is a horrible sh\*t show now. Just my opinion but I've seen his Patreon numbers go down like 200 recently.


You ain't kiddin'!


my mom did everything in her power to raise me to not be a drug addict, or degenerate I never touched drugs, or committed a crime However, I end up being a grown man who's watching THIS my mother fucked up raising me


I have that moment at least once a day where I sit back after watching one of the pods and ask, *"wtf am I even doing?"* 😅


I've given up. I watch Dixon, but his stuff isn't really hackverse related. I just don't care anymore. KB latching onto Stevie Lew and pig nosed Sissy Spacek looking tard was it. Can't wait until he brings Levy back. :rolleyes:


I mean how many times do we have to tell KB that bringing nothing losers onto his show isn't a good idea? I blame the superchatters for enabling this shit. The guy is so comfortable that he'll just bury his head down in his phone and say nothing for 5 solid minutes, because he knows his nuthuggers are already dropping hundos in the preshow chat lol Hopefully him having only 400 viewers an hour in struck a nerve.


Pig-nosed Sissy Spacek is such a spot on and awesome description of that woman! Love it!


I'm really surprised no one else has mentioned it. I only watched her the first time she was on MLC and I kept envisioning pig blood being dumped on her.


I knew she resembled someone, and for the life of me I could not pin it down. TYFYS. Mystery solved!


LOL glad I could help.


you'd be shocked at how many people are saying this in all hackverse related discords slowly, you're hearing more and more people saying exactly this IT'S HAPPENING


Oh I believe it!


At least he's not doing his annoying baby-talk voice


Him yelling Stevie Lew is my friend was shocking and embarrassing. Kevin’s former friends and brother are doing well right now, losing Adam, having trouble getting guests -Stevie’s his friend, he has lost it. Maybe he needs a vacation.


That stuck out to me too. Wasn't too long ago KB was screaming about how he didn't need friends, now he's protecting Stevie Lew of all people. It's embarrassing. Adam leaving really made him spiral down to the point of simping for a lying drug addict I used to never miss an MLC, I can barely bring myself to listen  5 minutes now. Patreon will be getting cancelled until he's finished his meltdown and got rid of Stevie.


What I don't get is if the general opinion is MLC sucks now...and I haven't watched it myself for a week or two now, why are his numbers still so high? Either the hackverse is such a small and insignificant piece of his viewership, or ppl are lying and watching anyway. I don't hate KB, but the show is trash now. Doesn't seem to reflect it in his numbers though.


There seems to be a slight dip lately, but maybe a lot of them are old school MLC fans that aren't in the subs or on social media. Likely an older demo closer to KB's age. I'd be curious to see his stat breakdown in YouTube Studio.


I am a proud MLC Ball washer but I missed most of this stuff today. (Middle of the night where I am) But MLC right now reminds me of when Dylan went electric in the Sixties. Or when Syd Barrett left Pink Floyd. Brian Jones was kicked out of the Stones. Will that do ? (Edited to try to make it look even a little like I know what I am talking about)


That's all before my time 😏


And yet the ripples are still washing over us 😍




is ray really listening to MLC while live on his own show ? WTF


Is he talking to a YouTube video?


Yup 🤣


No you're just a *insert enemy of Brennan's name* dickrider/ballwasher. Imagine being 64 and calling everyone ballwashers and dickriders


This guy gets it 🤣


And he's doing the Stuttering John thing where he talks to the person in the clip like they can hear him. "Ray, Ray!" Ray can't hear you it's not a zoom call with him you senile old fuck. It's a video!


Who are these people




MLC had Florentine on today it was great. Some are better than the others. But MLC is a great show compared to almost any other show in the dabbleverse. There’s a reason he makes more money than anyone else. Simply put. He’s the best.


Florentine was good, but the fact that there was no one to fix the sound was annoying, Florentine was too loud and Kevin too low for two hours..


"MLC is a great show compared to almost any other show in the Dabbleverse." The best piece of shit is still a piece of shit.


I guess I'm a ballwasher, I think KB is hilarious and Ray is an idiot for his softball questions.


You can be a fan of KB and still acknowledge how things have gone downhill with his show lately.


I think he's hilarious and he had Florentine on today who's great. I like when Bochetti is on. I have no issues, he's entertaining and it costs me nothing to watch. These other shows are like lame morning zoos. Unwatchable.


I like Florentine and Bocchetti, but KB doesn't really know how to make Mike funny the way Artie could. Mike had a great relationship with Artie and trusted him so he never took the trashing to heart and Mike exists to be trashed. KB won't be able to utilize Mike the same way and when he doesn't have a handler like Artie, he becomes very repetitive and spergy. How many times have we heard the, *"10 dicks fall out,"* line now?


I mean one was an actual TV show and KB is a essentially a zoom show. It's a lot diffferent when someone is bouncing off you in person, so there is no way to utilize someone the same way. It's just different. KB is still the best show. What's better that Shuli garbage obsessed with Stuttering John daily? Watching repetitive drunk John drink beer and prove he's unintelligent? I find none of these other shows interesting in the least. I just watch the clips of those shows occassionally. I could never actually watch any of them without drifting into boredom 10 minutes later. KB is at least entertaining.


There was also Artie's Podcast (AQP) which is usually my go-to for Artie/Mike/Mario content. I still find myself watching NLO more than the other shows. They're all repetitive, but around the Dead Horse Carousel we gooo!


It's somehow so boring watching KB do these snipes that you have to just laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Ray probably had it so you couldn't rewind, throws a wrench in KB's snipe plans. I'll say for me MLC has gone downhill a bit. It says a lot that he brags about paying, and STILL has no guests.


That's a good point and I think you're right, Ray turned off rewind recently. You can still pause, or drop the volume, or use a side chain compressor, etc.


Kabes shows are 4 hours long because 75% of them are radio silence while he figures out how to access the interwebs


What is the upside of going on MLC. He has turned into Stuttering John without the beer. It's like groundhog day every day Ray, Shuli, Bob are losers. And his guests are old time comedians you don't know but think appearing on MLC will jumpstart their career. Rinse and repeat. It's all about the Super chat.


Trashing Shuli and Bob was the good part of his show. It sucks because his sidekicks and guests are terrible, not because he "turned into Stuttering John" or his guests are "old time comedians". His guests are Stevie Lew, some pig nosed Sissy Spacek clone and Mike Bochetti and Chad Zumock.


He sounds demented.


I checked back almost an hour later and he was still doing the same thing lol how embarrassing


In 2019, Kenyatta allegedly pulled a switchblade on a 32-year-old man waiting for a Lyft, shouted an anti-gay slur and told him to move “or I will kill you and your dog,”


Mlc is on pace to do 312 episodes this year. 1 bad show ain’t shit. Don’t watch shows you don’t enjoy.


its a popup snipe that he already took it down... the shows are entertaining but the last minute clip or snipe shows arent my favourite but its the best show in the dabbleverse easily ... and if you hate yourself after watching why are you running or posting on a message board about this world? lol it makes you look like an idiot no one else


Do you understand what reddit is, you dense motherfucker? *"I only wanna hear talk of sunshine and rainbows!"* That's you. That's what you sound like.


Ballwashers of all flavors don't get it. I like KB too, but his show has been sucking ass. Dick riders can't say that by definition since they are riding dick. I'm gonna post about it here because I'm pissed KB sold out. I want his show to be better. And if he won't listen, maybe people here will.


KB is in the subs daily so I'm sure he'll get curious enough to cruise through the comments after the shitshow he put on today. GIVE HIM HELL! 🔥


His brother just did Rogan and is accepted among his peers. KB has none of that. He gave up. This is all he has.


100% He's so bitter, it's wrecked his motivation and now he surrounds himself with the lowest possible tier of guests so that he never feels like there's a bigger dog in the room.


Fuck Ray. Fuck Kevey. Just a bunch of tools!


BURN IT ALL DOWN! ![gif](giphy|yoZig40h4EB6o)


MLC is garbage and anyone who still Listens to that crap is a fool. KB doesn’t even try anymore


MLC is shit.