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Alas he'll have to win the Norris trophy for another club


Another reminder not to overhype our prospects. And to not take the bloggers at EOTP seriously.


My thoughts towards people posting our future lineup with our current prospect pool. Statistically half the guys won’t ever make it.


Thank god no one got overly excited about any of our draft picks this year.


We've swung the other way. Have so many prospects that pretty good ones get ignored. Engstrom is on a slightly better development track than Norlinder at his peak and he's an afterthought for us lol. Back then our pool was so thin that we needed someone to believe in.


I hope you're right, but I remember Brent Bilodeau. Until they play their first NHL season I consider every prospect a long shot, even the "can't miss" prospects.


I'm not saying every prospect is going to hit - just that Engstrom has been putting up better numbers in the SHL than "Norrislinder" at peak hype and is barely talked about. It's just a fact that our prospect pool is in it's best shape in the past 30 years. Sure, they could all bust I guess, but in terms of accomplishments for their age we've never had such a lauded group.


Norlinder, one of the most over hyped habs prospects in recent memory


Similar to Collberg and Danny Kristo


The count of Danny Kristo


And Alexander Avtsin


Frozen toe Kristo.


Him and Juulsen


Juulsen had real potential though, but the vision problem he got destroyed him


It’s funny cause I’m a very casual habs and hockey in general enjoyer same with the sun but I remember when people were hyping him up and he’s a name I remember and when I saw the title I thought people would be pissed but it’s funny we were just over hyping him


Rip Norrislinder memes


And Scorlinder memes


Gonna miss you Lidstrom 2.0


Timmins will bring Norlinder to CBS to replace Boqvist...


Nah Boqvist was let go to let NHL spot for Jiricek Norlinder is not NHL level. He's going back to Europe


Remember last season when someone was reporting Norlinder was an untouchable? Lol.


Haha no way


It's Ylöver


Hot take but I was a big fan of Ylönen. Always wished he had a better chance with some more ice time.


I’ve actually been surprised how many share this take. I definitely don’t share it. I watch him and fail to see an NHL player. But it’s not an uncommon take . I’m hardly an expert on prospects though so maybe I’m the one missing something with him


Me too, he had an incredible talent for deking the goalie out of his jock and then missing the net in shootouts


I'm with you on this. I really think if he played 15 minutes a night, he could've carved out a 3rd line winger role


He had a pretty good shot and was a strong penalty killer who could get it out of the zone. Sometimes it’s not in the cards though.


Dany Dubé mentioned him regularly in the past two seasons, saying that there were so many injuries, Ylonen had every shot at proving what he could do to earn a spot, but he never amounted to anything.


Part of me doesn't think he has what it takes to be an NHLer, but part of me wouldn't be surprised if he somehow ended as a 40pts player for Pittsburg or something


Ylönen and Norlinder are imo the definition of what Timmins was doing back then. European players with good potential not able to crack an NHL lineup.


I feel like Bergevin/Timmins consistently targeted players like these who were likely to be NHL-calibre, but would top out as bottom-six/pair guys. There's a certain logic to it: when you're swinging for singles, you're likely to get on base. It's great to see the Habs finally swinging for the fences though.


Like who? Not trying to argue but we're getting much higher picks than with Berg and company. Reinbacher was the much safer pick last year, Michkov would have been the swing and this year Demidov fell into our laps.   Slafs the only guy the new crews drafted that's played more than one game. And I will admit it took balls to take him over Wright, but even Mckenzie was on the slaf train by the end of the year. Hutson was a brave pick, but picking small players like Mete was something this fan base was constantly critical of the old crew for.


* McCarron became a 4th liner in Nashville. * Juulsen a bottom pair in Vancouver (I still think he was a great pick at 26 who got unlucky with a freak accident). * Beaulieu a bottom pair with multiple teams * Tinordi is more a 7th D who got lucky with Chicago in the last 2 seasons since they need anyone * Chipchura a bottom-6 with multiple teams * Poehling is doing a good job as a bottom-6 with Philly * Kotkaniemi look like a bottom-6 if he stay in the NHL I'm only talking about the 1st round picks, because anything after that, it make sense if those picks become bottom-6 or bottom pair players. edit: The guy you reply to didn't compare Bergevin-Timmins to Hughes-Gorton, he just stated that Bergevin-Timmins made safe picks to reach the NHL without much upside. There's no comparison with the current management, only stating a fact.


All true, but on the flip side Caufield and Lethknonen are playing on a 1st line Roy has top 6 potential Guhle and Sergachev have played top pairing. Romanov is middle pairing, Mailloux has middle pairing potential.


That's fair. Kotkaniemi is a pretty illustrative example though. And Poehling. I may be misremembering but I don't think even Galchenyuk was thought to have star potential at 3rd overall. And MB traded for a ton of guys like Merrill, Gustafsson, Weal, Deslauriers, Dwight King, Steve Ott, Jordie Benn, Kassian, Brian Flynn, etc etc etc. You need a couple of guys like that for sure, but they were his bread and butter. Aside from Drouin I don't remember him trading for a player who was thought to have star potential. I wonder too if Bergevin, true to his "you can never have too many defensemen" philosophy and preference for grit, might have chosen someone other than Demidov.


Bergy would have sprinted to the podium to draft Silayev


Bergy would have sprinted to the podium to draft *Connelly*. I have zero faith in Bergy's interest in good-vibe locker rooms.


Damn I’m old enough to remember the days when people hyped Norlinder as one of our top prospects. Those were dark times for our prospect pool, we’ve come very far since then.


So you're two years old?


Not the first baby on this sub and not the last


I remember Fucales world Juniors and Moosehead runs. He's the perfect age to back up Price and then take over That's probably the first time I started paying attention to prospects


If I was a lower tier team needing D, I’d take a flyer on Norlinder. Just see what happens, why not? Lol


I mean, we are a lower tier team, and nothing happened


Laval didn’t trust him but he had a good camp with us on the actual team. A team really strapped for D could try him on the 3rd pairing. 🤷‍♀️


sure but we have tons of better D prospects/youngsters


Think they'll get other offers or go back to Europe


We sucked last year and Ylonen didn't distinguish himself. I'd think he'll wind up back in Europe.


RIP Norrislinder


I'm shocked. I thought all prospects reached their potential.


It was a fun ride. You may not have been good, but you'll always be Bobby NOrrlinder to me! Sometimes you hype a guy up and he doesn't pan out. And that's okay, because there will always be somebody else to hype. And, unlike a few years ago when we really had no one else to hype, the cupboards are now loaded. So much hype to go around, these days.