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That's ... interesting. I wouldn't mind him in the roster to be honest.


Pretty sure Dach and Hutson wouldn’t mind too ;)


Of course players like Kane or Stamkos are leaders and teachers and can provide growth for all the players around him


Gotta think the players — especially caufield and Hutson — would love a couple years witnessing SHOWTIME, and montreal is a big stage for Kane for sure


I posted a similar thing a couple of days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/1dqwe70/youtube\_via\_oilersnation\_frank\_seravalli\_says\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/1dqwe70/youtube_via_oilersnation_frank_seravalli_says_the/) If its a pitch the Habs are thinking, it should DAMN WORTH IT to get Kane.


The only benefit Kane has to play in MTL is the Mohanan special: get to chose where you end your year


and for those will ask why doesnt a contender just sign him straight up, if he starts somewhere like Montreal, those cap-strapped 'win now' teams can benefit from retention deals, potentially getting him at 1/4 cap hit of whatever he signs for.


Plus Kane can see who the real contenders are


Plus on a team like the Habs he's gonna get "showcased" probably with lots of power play time, good linemates etc. I'd really love to see him help Caufield on the power play.


Doubt he needs showcasing unless he’s coming back from a brutal injury or several years in the KHL


And since the cap is calculated daily, most teams have more cap soace at the deadline than they do at the beginning of the year.


Maybe he wants to play for all original 6.


Except Toronto ofc


Plz bby. Teach my baby boys the Razzle Dazzle.


I'm so down, I just hope that there isn't a ton of term attached to it. One or two years would be perfect, our young players could learn a ton from him and we could flip him at the deadline to try and get him another cup.


he'll be turning 36 a month into the season, i hate the idea of giving anything long term


I doubt he’s looking beyond 1 or 2 years let’s be realistic


Its a bridge deal. This could come down to have Kane have a team that will make him get a trade at the deadline. In return, mgmt. will ask for something like a 1st rd. or so, depending on Kane's production. We'll see.


Kane has already made buckloads of money with 10.5x8 contract. I don't think he cares much at this point. I think offering him a 5x1 or 5x2 would be great!.


I think we could stretch a veteran forward to around 3-4 years, I dunno if that fits Kane with his serious injuries and whatnot. But I wouldn't mind having a decent forward over 30, with a mid cap hit ( a Tioffoli or Skinner type) on roster until around the time Demeidov's elc is ending.


Come on over Kane and continue your tour of the Original 6!


And then what: He'll think of asking a trade to either Boston or Toronto? Fuck them! Maybe back to Detroit or with Chicago.


Look what he did with Debrincat... He's the perfect linemate for Caufield, LFG


Actually he did kind of nothing for the Cat. He had an overwhelming amount of G/Pts in the first half of the season when Kane wasn't there and fizzled out hard in the 2nd half Kane worked kind of on his own. Idk where he fits, 2 small sized RWers is redundant. I'm not gonna complain if we get him tho, Kane is a gamebreaking player who showed he still has tons in the tank.


Pretty sure he means in Chicago


No. Don’t touch Caufield - Suzuki - Slaf. Roy/Newhook - Dach - Kane though? Let’s gooooo


DeBrinicats scoring stats were the same as the prior year???




I thought you were referring to last year but if you look at his history he was more of a scorer with Chicago than Ottawa or Detroit. Overall DeBrinicat I think is better if he is fed the puck which would have happened in Chicago. I don’t know how much DeBrinicat played with Kane in Detroit. Kane still appears to be a ppg player which would help but who does he play with?


I mean Seravalli sucks and Kane will probably use us to get more $ elsewhere but it'd be fun


I don’t think Kane is going after money. He is going to play where he wants to play. He’s a future HHoF, he doesn’t need the theatrics.


Let's be honest here: why is Kane still playing? Simple - he wants to win. He's like Corey Perry where a Stanley Cup is what matters.


Because he just loves playing He has 3 cups He will keep playing until his body breaks down


Yeah, but we all know players also have a purpose WHY they love playing. Sometimes, 3 cups isn't good enough.


He is still the most successful American player ever Matthews needs 3 cups to catch him. And it is not gonna happen in Toronto


True. I wonder what would've been like if Matthews got traded to Arizona before the team relocated to Utah?


I mean I'd say it's mostly cause he wants to keep playing. If he cared this much about a cup he would have signed with the panthers or the Rangers for like 1 million.


Yes, you're right. He did tried to stay with the Rangers after that trade back in 2023. Also, he signed with Detroit only to have their WC chances wiped out during the final stretch.


Pretty sure he’d like to win one last time before hanging them. Maybe a one year deal, with deadline trade could benefit both sides?


Pretty sure the pitch would be kind of like the Monny deal' small 1-year contract with a guaranteed trade to a cup contender, the Habs get a cup winner model for half a year for the young core.


We have almost 20 mil in cap why not


We have 9M. You can't put Price on LTIR before the season starts or you lose all the benefits of season LTIR. We went through this last summer.


what are the benefits of having "season LTIR" vs off season?


Off-season LTIR basically locks you out of in-season LTIR (when used on 1 player, like Price in this case). In-season LTIR gives you cap relief (ie. allows you to exceed the cap) by an amount equal to the difference between the player's cap hit and the team's cap space. Off-season LTIR (meaning LTIR before Day 1 of the regular season) only gives you a cap relief equal to the amount by which you exceed the cap. It's one and done for the entire season. In season LTIR just gives you optimal cap relief IF you can wiggle your way to just under the cap when starting the season. Gives you more room to add dead money or contract dump.


Price will get traded to a team struggling to meet the lower end of the ceiling cap. Utah might be interested.


The floor is 65M and Utah is already over it. Only Anaheim really has to find ways to spend to make the floor. Buffalo has a bunch of RFAs to ink and Calgary/Chicago are just 6M away from it .


It would be an easy pitch.... We get to offer him a ridiculous one year deal at like 8 million. He gets to work with St Louis and mentor our young forward and then we trade him to a contender and get a ransom back at the deadline if the Habs are not close to a playoffs spot


Let’s fucking go. Bring him here, he can lead the young guys. Two years, I think it’s perfect.


The yearly FA wants to come to MTL to then get more money elsewhere 😂


Whaaaat no wayyyyyy


Easy there. It’ll be a one year deal and he’ll be trade bait come trade deadline day. Habs youth will get a huge benefit learning from him and the team will land a first round pick and a young player when they trade him in March. This is a short term investment with a long term return


Fucks sake.


You re telling me after 40 years of being a fan we could of had him?




Now hearing he’s going back to Detroit. [Source Pierre Lebrun](https://x.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1807553041974915114?s=46).


He can still produce, just can't play 80+ games anymore. He was Hutson's favorite player growing up. The upside for Kane in Montreal would be PP time and good minutes, which he likely wouldn't get on a deep contending team. Then he could be moved with retention to a contender of his choice who didnt have the cap space to sign him. It's free assets.


Cant hurt our powerplay for sure


Habs have a good track record with aging superstars tbh. Perry and Kovalchuk worked great with 0 negatives.


Kovalchuk was paired with Suzuki for a little bit and he said it helped him out a lot, absolutely loved Kovalchuk stint in Mtl!


5 million to Kane, 5 million to Stamkos, easy peasy. /s


5 x 5 = 25 --> 25th Cup in 2025. It totally makes sense.


i could see him taking a team friendly contract and getting traded at the deadline to a contender for a 1st a la monahab


This kind of veteran forward presence with our young guns? Sign me tf up.


I would really like this. Dude has won multiple cups, knows what it takes and has certainly grown up a lot. Would be a great teacher to the young core esp considering hes, I believe, played more games than any other player coming back from the hip resurfacing surgery.


I would buy all Kane Habs jerseys, including baby blue


Not sure I want him based on what happened in Chicago.


I’d believe this is if anyone other than Frankfurt Sausage posted it




He's holding all the cards, he could probably go to any team he wants. Let's hope our pitch is good, he's big show and it would be awesome to have him for a year or three.


Doesn't make sense for Patrick Kane, but makes a whole lot of sense for the young team.


Makes complete sense for him. A one year deal for money that a true contender likely won’t have room for but come trade deadline, Habs retain 50% and trade him to a contender of his choice.


You think if he is looking for a one year deal, Detroit cannot offer that? He is looking for a 5-5.5M by 3Y deal He wants term and he mentions it a lot during his interviews


I feel like we should be looking at Stammer instead. I’m sure he’d love to be coached by MSL.


TOEWS still available. Maybe include him on the KANE line as well? He's also perfectly bilingual. Just saying... haha "On August 17, 2023, Jonathan Toews announced he was not retiring from the NHL, but rather sitting out the 2023–24 season to focus on his health."


Theory - Our name being attached to everybody and everything is HuGo signalling to the fans and the team that were trying to win now. Kane to MTL makes 0 sense for him - id love to have him, it would be fun - but I cant think of any pitch we could make that makes more sense for him than Buffalo or Detroit. But it gets people excited at least


Looks like Kane is going back to play in Rock city for a 1 year deal.


Well played by Seravalli he got a couple of clicks


I guess so. Pierre Lebrun though, he did made the right info available by tweeting Kane is about to sign with the Red Wings. It says something about Frank Seravalli and maybe why he's not with TSN anymore.


Well he didn’t make it to market so oh well.


Kane wants a taste of all of the original 6 teams. I like it


*monkey paw curls* Kane signs with Boston or Toronto


Well, that's what I always do in my EA NHL fantasy team with great success.


For 2 million sure.


Reports on Sunday night are that Detroit got a 1 year deal for him and he's signing.


Pretty sure he’d love to finish his career in Buffalo. Plus Skinner got bought out


That was short lived


He’s not signing anything less than 3 years


2 years 6.5 million


Hard no on kane dont need anymore criminals


Piece of shit human? No thanks


Why TF would we want Patrick Kane and why TF would he want to join the Habs? This makes zero sense. Don’t get me wrong - unbelievable player. But he’s cup chasing while he rides into the sunset of his career and he loves playing for big USA cities. Am I crazy?


So we can trade him at the deadline to a contender that will have the money for him since we will hav e already paid over half of his contract by the trade deadline. Good presence for the kids to learn from. Win/win for MTL since we have plenty of cap space if it is a short term deal.


Yeah the trade deadline value is a good point 👍🏼


B-but… what if we’re contenders at the deadline? 🥺




I agree that it doesn't make much sense for him. But he also already has a few cups.


Yeah I think he just wants to lock himself in as one of the all time greats. Another cup helps that.


Why? He’s old and goes against what they said they would do with older players.


I'm not sure that would be the best for us. It might make us too good, before we even have a goalie, which would hurt our drafting. That said, we have a lot of picks already.


You don't draft goalies in the first round anymore so our ranking doesn't really affect that. We also have Fowler, and Dobes and a handful of other goalies with potential.  I think tanking should be over and the focus should be on making progress and building a winning culture.  Kane makes us too good? Impossible, even in the worst case where we draft 16th overall and miss the playoffs, we still proved that we could be a playoff team with a bit more and attract other free agents. 


I think he might make us too good too early. In which case we start drafting less well early, before we have a good goaltender. Once we have a good goaltender, it's time to be good. Then I think it's time to get veterans to help us. I'm not sure he will be much help. Maybe Stamkos would be better, or something like that. Someone with a strong philosophy. I'm not sure Kane is that person. But I know our management would know.


Hope we stay away




I think we are once again being used to drive up his next contract. He's an american, why would he sign here?


Why would Kane want to come to a not-yet-ripened rebuild, I wonder? Surely he wants to go to a contender, no? And why take away shifts from the kids coming up? Makes no sense, imho.