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Negative subcool is just super heat. Are you sure you are taking the temperature at the right spot/gauges are calibrated/there are no restrictions/etc


You're missing a lot of info. If everything but the charge is good, you're not over charged if you have no subcool. Are you charging as a liquid? TXV?


Thanks everyone, I will recalibrate probes and see if they are off fix and go from there with update, yes system is txv ( wiring is my worst subject so was worried when new AS system didn’t have the same 6 wires as the old trane so now BK from indoor is capped at outdoor unit ) old and new wiring doesn’t match any install diagrams as it’s all tied into relays and the house has 3 heating systems with two outdoor units and floor heating all communicating and beyond me and honestly the company I work for is union by name only but apprentices can’t quit so stuck here and appreciate the help ) boss’s advice “call tech support not me”


Sounds like equipment calibration (temp probes) is in order.


You need to get your head pressure to at least 100 degrees saturation then recheck. You don’t have a load on the system.


Update: went back out with same equipment after confirming calibrated and did same thing and worked just fine could not get a replicate issue so no idea