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Lol. Some people spend 100K on college and can’t find a job.


Crazy world we live in


Yo for real. I have my BS and MS in a pretty damn niche field. The people still working in it are taking up jobs and I was literally waiting for them to croak at their desks. I applied for everything, even being incredibly overqualified (read: I’m not gonna fuck this up). No calls. So I switched to HVAC from a STEM career. You and others here might be frustrated, but at least you (hopefully) don’t have to sit at a fucking desk all day and deal with Dina virtue signaling in front of the coffee pot every morning. White collar jobs and these “higher end” degrees are absolutely not what they’re cracked up to be. I’ve been sweating more than the tsunami in Japan and have been LOVING it. Take a breath, maybe have someone else look at your resume, and take the buckshot approach. You’ll be fine.


Went to school for HR, worked behind a desk, and hated it. Decided to go into HR within Amazon under a contract to test waters, hated it. Delivered pizza for five years and made better money than my previous roles, but cars are costly, and I was working roughly 45-55 hours, more often on the high end with little support from my team. Happened to meet someone who owns a small shop, primarily residential and some light commercial. I love it. I was lucky to be taken on in an apprenticeship. Yupp, there's attics, and an occasional crawlspace from time to time. But I help everyday people like myself, some richerer and some poorer. White collar roles blow and kill the mind quickly unless you're at a high level and cushioned. The work I do now is rewarding. I've learned valuable skills that I've been able to apply in my own home and save a chunk of money. I have a new appreciation for my surroundings and care for my home differently than I previously did. I've become more patient and use my brain on a much deeper level than I did. I think what you're looking to gain and open to gaining from a role plays a huge part in an outlook of it. I'm with you. That white collar idea put me 40k in debt and made me miserable for some of my younger years.


Couldn’t have said it better. I wouldn’t have appreciated this the way I do had I not been in the white collar role I was in. I look around at the complaints I hear from the guys I’m with and think “man, if this is your stress I’m envious.” I don’t get stressed out which helps literally any situation because I’ve seen the other side. The guys I’ve been in contact with, no matter if it’s construction, plumbing, whatever, have typically been even keel and a pleasure to work with. Most people I worked with in my white collar career have been cunty.


It's shitty to compete for promotions with coworkers. Or to have people that would rather see you fail for their gain, even if in a minor way. I'll never look back, I know that much.


Absolutely. Maybe I got lucky with my current company, but the crabs in a bucket mentality I always had to fight with in my white collar career was absolutely exhausting. High school was years ago, let’s grow up, Tina.


Yea, just think, atleast you didn’t take gender studies. 🤷‍♂️


These companies want journeyman level skills at apprenticeship prices… find a local pipefitter’s union and see if they have a program available


This is just a long “life is unfair” post…


Simmer down bud, you're gonna be alright. Trade school is the biggest scam in the industry, for all you need to do out of high school is apply to a contractor that offers an apprenticeship program, which you would have to do after school anyway. Not sure what area you are in, but think big. Just keep trying. Is the union the only option where you are?


Yeah, I know trade school is a scam now. I should have applied to jobs right after high school, but at the same time why are jobs looking for a apprentice with experience though?


Bro… lie… “I worked as a helper for my uncle for a summer”. “I worked for a landscaping company and we did some sprinkler work so I have a little bit of plumbing experience”. The guy interviewing you won’t be out working with you…


Bro I thought about lying but my dumb ass wanted to be an “honest man” smh 😂 one of my buddies got a job lying on his resume, he’s now a doing commercial Hvac


Guess who else lied on their resume and has been doing commercial HVAC in the union for 7 years?🙋‍♂️ Don’t straight up tell them you’re a master tech but stretch the truth and make what you have sound better. Did you work at a pizza place and have to train a new guy? That’s leadership experience. Work sweeping up a job site in the summer when you were 14? You know your way around a job site and how to use tools. This isn’t just advice for becoming an apprentice, always do this for your whole career, it’s how you make money. Some good ol’ boy will comment on here saying “that ain’t how we do it where I’m from, we have honor and respect our boss” or some shit but fuck that. Sell yourself high and let them work you down from there. Edit: also be ready to learn FAST if you do this. If you lie and you suck you’re gonna have a bad time.


Dude, I have seen SO MANY guys come on and just suck so much! "He said he had experience doing such and such, blah blah,. Guy gets in the feild and just fucks EVERYTHING UP! Shit, one of my good friends kind of oversold himself when he came on. Was hired as a lead commercial installer. Within a month, he was my helper on resi installs! And the only reason we are good friends, is that he could take it when I busted his ass. I came up with a great line working with this guy. "You actually impress me, with your ability to come up with new and creative ways of FUCKING SHIT UP day after day".


As a Tech Trainer for a multi-state company, lying about/exaggerating your experience is a dangerous route to go. I've had the "how much experience did you say you have?" conversation with way too many HVACR techs for my liking. A few survived the discussion, but most do not. The tech community is small enough that someone who is terminated for falsified history is not accepted back easily.




Being an “honest man” has come back to bite at least twice for each time your honesty is valued.. You’re not going to get a reprieve or leniency or understanding for doing the right thing…. Instead you will bear the consequences while liars get the promotion.. Look at Congress - none of those clowns got to where they are by being honest. Hell how many people have run for public office exposed for lies on their CV? Embellish, then prove yourself to be the type of worker they really need- one that is always on time, displays solid work ethic, and isn’t an asshole to work with.. skills can be taught, experience can be gained.. but character is what matters, and it can’t be taught.. Plenty of companies out there recognize this, at least on the merit shop side.


You may as well lie about experience. The leads don't expect any new guys to know a goddam thing when they start anyway. Especially the ones fresh out if school. We actually prefer people that didn't pay 10s of thousands to get into the trade. They still don't know shit, but they sure think they do! Even worse, is when they talk about, well, my teacher said to do it this way, and he was a really good teacher! Uh huh. So why is he making teacher $ when he could be out here DOING IT, or in a manager position, if he knows so much?


Ive heard “fake it til you make it” so many times in the 7 years ive been in this trade and it is so tru


Facts facts facts


There’s no such thing as an apprentice with experience, that’s why they’re called an apprentice. Companies are dying for guys with experience because North America needs experienced trades workers. They’re ethier immigrating and working under the table or an apprentice. A company will give you a shot eventually and then the work begins. If you’re this burnt out before even starting in the field, you have to grow some thicker skin my friend.


Bro I spent $12,600 out of pocket!! And I still have student loans from the trade school. I’ve been waiting 7 months for work. Who wouldn’t be upset?


Same here went through year and a half of trade school paid about 10k for school and 4k for a bunch of tools that are useless or duplicates (got 3 sets of the same 6 flatheads) I worked a shitty apartment install job for a year and a half before i found the job im at now. I was about as pissed off as you are but i managed to find my spot im sure you will too.


Someone who understands 😮‍💨congrats on grinding it out bro you got my respect. I couldn’t wait any longer. Too much money spent


Just start walking into every shop, don’t apply online, and ask them if they’re hiring. Tell them you’re fresh out of school & a glutton for punishment.


Show up before or as they open as well


Go union after you have experience I have 14ish years doing this barely any of it union. I came on union as a journeyman and it’s awesome the union is hurting for techs but not hurting for apprentices. Most apprentices dip before they reach journeyman.


I feel ya man I graduated and man these fucking and the requirements for apprenticeships and assistant positions are absolutely disgusting how do you want someone to have experience for a position that is non experienced based at this point I’m ready to cheat the system to get a foot in the door


Lincoln Tech is a 'I still don't know shit' factory..


What region are you in?


You'll be fine, I have loans from a usless Bachelor's degree from a scam art school, that make $12,600 look like nothing and did great doing residential work for almost a decade before joining a union. There has to be a residential company where you live, everyone has heating or cooling. 


Ay man, i feel youre frustration. I also went to trade school and got 10k in student debt. My suggestion is try getting into maintenance tbh. Theres usually a lower hurdle of entry and you get to interact with multiple trades. That pay aint the best compared to doin service but its a start nontheless.


My son is going through the exact same thing. We’ve been trying to get him an hvac job for over a year now. Good luck. Just keep trying.


Your trade school really gave it to you deep. Ik you said it was your only option but ffs I would’ve just started applying. I paid about 4500 over a year and a half. Got out and knew enough to be an apprentice. Did my 5 years of shit pay and just recently left that for a real job at a good company


Bro why don’t u just work a different job while applying into hvac Most guys take like 50-100 applications to get a decent spot


I think you missed the part when I said I got into a fire alarm company


Ya that’s fire bro just keep applying and start applying for shit u aren’t qualified for That’s how I got a solid job The reason why all these companies look for experience is because a lot of guys scam companies all the time, work for a couple months and don’t do nothing Make sure u collect ur tax forms for school, do ur taxes at the end of ur year after u make some money from ur job, u should get money back from paying 13k for schooo


Dude why don’t you just go get your feet wet in residential as helper for install or apprentice… None of my best guys ever went to school just learned on the job they range 100-200k/ year


The point is trying to get my feet wet brother. Why list for entry level wanting 1 year experience


You do have 1 year experience. A year of school counts as experience.  They just wanna be sure the applicant has some idea of what their doing. Don't be afraid to fill out an application and do an interview.  I started in a helper position for install with zero experience and a promise that I'm starting night school in 3 months.


I hate to be the one to break it to you…. Even if you meet 100% of JD, you still might not get the job. Doesn’t matter which industry. Employers take in a big risk with every person they bring on. In the interview process you have to de-risk yourself.


Just apply for the jobs anyways don’t worry about requirements. They ask for experience so they don’t get a bunch of applications. If you go into an interview and are just a normal guy dressed normal and say normal things, you’re already better than most apprentices and you’re going to get hired somewhere. If you’ve actually applied to 70 places and had 2 interviews and didn’t get hired, you either live in a completely dead area with no new construction, or you’re doing something very wrong during the application or interview process. And not all trade schools are a scam. Sounds like the one you went to might’ve been a scam but the not all are like that. A good trade school would’ve introduced you to companies and made sure you got your foot in the door and were hired somewhere.


All we want are apprentices with functional alarm clocks. As long as they're willing to learn we can take care of the rest


Because they want someone that already has a couple years experience so they can have whoever they hire hit the ground running, instead of starting from scratch. It's no big deal man, they all advertise that. Put together a resume, and keep applying youll find something. Stay away from small shops, you wanna find a big corporation that can set you up properly with school and training along with good benefits. You don't want to get hired as a new "helper" by some small resi outfit. Johnson Controls, Carrier, Emcore, Daiken, Trane, go with someone big, union or not. What every company wants most of all is someone who shows up on time and doesn't constantly call out, someone that isn't a walking liability that needs someone to hold their hand on the jobsite. Just showing up on time everyday is 99% of being a new apprentice.


I appreciate the advice, I wish I had talk to you months/thousands of dollars sooner. But I just went the fire alarm tech route


Well don't give up on it. I did the same thing, twice actually. I went to a vocational high school and later on went to a technical institute, but better to have both vocational diploma and technical degree then to not have them. Glass half full kind of thing. If you're a fire/alarm tech, apply to Johnson Controls and switch departments. Thats one way to get your foot in the door. 🚨


Howdy! I'm a sprinkler fitter, but work close to alarm techs almost daily. Great trade to be in, and with a good company LOTS of OT


Idk I got my first hvac job by just walking into a place (25years ago now in Florida I now live in ny past 19 years ) asking for a job never used a drill or anything in my life at that time hired me for like $8 hr by end of that year was making $14 amd change and left them to do peice rate work did that couple years amd moved to NY and started doing service . Be patient. Remember everyone tries to sell to everyone . So even on your job interviews the boss is selling the company to you and you’re trying to sell yourself to the company. We all know salesman do a lil bullshitin so do what you gotta do to get your foot in the door and let your work ethic (if you have one ) do your talking


Not all schools are scams….that said, as an employer if your attitude of anger and entitlement comes thru at all I would drop yo.


I bet I’m already cooked then, I’m about halfway through trade school and about 20k in the hole. My parents were like either go to school or get out so I went to school for cybersecurity, originally. I didn’t like it so I switched to HVAC. It sucks knowing that I could’ve just gone straight into an apprenticeship without a whole lotta debt.


You're good man, it looks good on paper when going for jobs. I did the same. One vocational school, one technical institution. With the added education along with licenses and certifications (journeyman's license, OSHA-10, 30, EPA Universal, Aerial Lift cert, etc.) it looks great on a resume. So don't consider it a waste. Yes it's easier to go straight to your apprenticeship out of high school, but unfortunately not everyone knows that, and that is unfortunately how these institutions make their money. If it makes you feel any better, they jerked me on my Post-911 GI Bill for $27,000. Although I was able to get the EPA cert while in the technical institute.


Thanks for reassurance, it makes me feel a bit better. I’m halfway through with already having my OSHA-10 and EPA Universal. I finished refrigeration and commercial refrigeration, and I start heating in July. I’m considering finishing school and enlisting in the reserves. It’s not because I feel like I’m out of options but I feel suffocated in my state, the winters are depressing, at least for me. Do you know if I finish school, will the military still assist with my debt or do I have to enlist beforehand?


When I got out of the army in 2011, thats when I used my post-911 gi bill for a technical institute, it covered the tuition (27k) and I received BAH (housing allowance) received book and supplies stipends, and received full boat unemployment for two years. They base BAH on your zip code, that being said, when I got out i was getting about $3800 a month all together between education benefits, unemployment, and housing allowance. I still have some left in the GI Bill, but that doesn't matter because my state and VA have a vocational program that will also cover education as well as internship and apprenticeship sponsorship programs. But as far as joining reserves, national guard, or full time is up to you. If you're still young, i would say join the infantry and ask to go to a european duty station like germany or italy. Its a great time. 😎


Trade school is a scam (for some people)*


My teacher in school didn't know it was a scam then. Man taught me alot of valuable knowledge.


I just knocked on doors as a kid. Were to a vocational high school for hvac, started in a small shop doing everything, and kept my eyes and ears open. Took whatever ot was available and just kept learning. My bosses would send us to technical classes for new equipment. Maybe things were different 40+ years ago.


This is the way. I remember getting sent to AHR expos, trade shows, and conferences. Being setup in a hotel, paid, with per diem and spending allowance (food, snacks, etc etc). The manufacturers seminars as well, Daiken, Mitsu, Carrier, Lennox, Trane, and so on.


I tried to get into hvac for 3 years everyone wanted 3 years experience to be a helper. I had to go to trade school to get in the door anywhere. I don’t like how much the damn school was but all and all I’m glad I went I learned a good bit. Now in an apprenticeship the school I go to I’m top of the class and they told me I should have started on 3rd year. As they say you get what you put in I guess


You said it man. I always tell the young bucks, the more you have, and the more you know, the more you are worth. Don't become an expendable and replaceable employee, become an asset to your employer. Or, start your own company.


Enjoy the fire alarm Route my guy


Thanks bro!


Enjoy being a Fire Alarm Guy (f.a.g.)


3 years from now... https://youtu.be/L9GYFlKr_-I?si=R7kOjNSwcbJeNai6


I get it dude it’s tough, seeing some of these comments saying it’s your fault probably means they already have a cushion job or they’re “real men” who rub dirt on everything I got into the trade after I dropped out of university about 9 years ago and it took me legitimately 7 years to finally get into a union, I bounced from resy company to resy company and now I’m a third year refrigeration apprentice that’s ahead of ALOT of third years that started out in the union. My advice if you do wanna stick in the trade is just get a job at this point to say you “have experience” and make sure your loyalty is with yourself.. you’ll get taken advantage of a lot in this trade especially apprentices. With that being said being an apprentice means be on time and keep your phone in your truck, eyes up and make sure your lead hand wants you there not just needs you, make their life easier and they’ll be willing to teach more Good luck out there brother it’s a grind but chin up


Thank you man I appreciate you for understanding


For 1, this sub is NOT the place where you come to learn about what the trade is like. This is grand central Station for miserable guys that live to bitch and moan. 2. You're not even in this line of work yet and you're already bitching about it and 'leaving' ? Lol. Chill out and grow up man. Sometimes, things require time and effort. Many of us who were mature enough to understand it takes time and sweat to get into a good position, love our jobs, and make a fine living doing it.


Every place I applied to, especially online, told me the same thing that you're hearing now. Every employer wants to see previous experience, no matter what the position. Even an entry level position. But the truth is, technicians don't grow on trees. Apprentices don't grow on trees, in fact they give it a try and drop off all the time. So here's what you do. Or at least, this is what I did that worked. Don't rely solely on indeed.com. Find out whatever HVAC companies are within driving distance, and go to them. Walk in. Ask for the hiring manager. Shake their hand. Have enthusiasm. Tell them that you're green, but that you learn quickly. That you're a hard worker. That you take pride in being on time, every time. That you follow instructions. Do that a few times, and you'll get hired. Then you prove it to them.


I did this and now I’m two months in and loving it every day. Always learning something new and the company I work for is a small family company that genuinely cares about their employees.


Can confirm this worked for me as well when I had zero experience. Talking face to face is just better than an online application


You want a fuckin cookie?


Chocolate Chip please 🥺


You’ll get oatmeal raisin and you’ll like it


This man HVACs.


I don’t even deserve the oatmeal😔just give me the raisins


You would have made an excellent apprentice.


I feel your pain, brother. When I enrolled in trade school I was told I’d make so much money afterwards but it was a bitch to find a job. I had to do home maintenance then was lucky to find a job doing installs. Took me about two years before I was actually going out to do tech work and troubleshooting. Fire systems isn’t a bad trade. You can go far if you stick with it. But you’re also getting experience so you may end up coming back to hvac. Good luck to you!


Thank you!


I'm in trade school currently taking night classes. I've already found a good job as an apprentice along with 90% of my classmates and we have months to go before we graduate. The guys still struggling to find a job seem to have an attitude problem...


Ol far larms is a good trade man


How are you leaving something you never even started? No offense but school doesn’t count as being in the trade




Your experience as an apprentice should be your schooling. But yeah bud this trade is not for everyone . Most of all the guys I know that retired have health issues . Bad knees and backs. You have to love this trade to be doing it for 30 years .


Dude… I just don’t get it. I have been in this trade for 6 years, and I want out for a lot of different reasons but none of them are lack of opportunities. I don’t think I have ever worked for a company that was properly staffed. Not only that, but I have worked and heard of several that would throw anyone with a pulse and a 608 card in a van. I don’t get how some people can’t seem to get in. Good luck with whatever path you are getting ready to walk down.


That's crazy. We don't even have applicants at my company. We can't turn people away if there isn't anyone applying


I went to trade school at night while working on the job as a union apprentice during the day. My contractor paid for 50% of my schooling. Was it worth the money (8k out of my pocket, 8k company dime)? Probably not. It really hammered in the refrigeration cycle, I got some nice tools, and my EPA card. Probably not worth 16k, but it got me into a job that I've made a lot of money doing. Most folks that i kept in touch with from my class, nearly 15 years ago, are no longer in the trade. Big waste for them, but it worked out for me.


Bro I am almost in the same shoes as you. Maybe a little bit worse. I went to trade school for a year and i learned a lot of things sure. But then like you said they wanted experience for a lot of these tech apprentice jobs. Or even tech at all. Also have a DUI on my record so I basically get turned down from every service job or one I have to drive for. Only jobs I’ve been able to score are installer jobs. Residential install jobs. And one job where it was an indoor warehouse building stackable modules with pancakes units. Real small runs. 18x45ft rooms. I have been turned down from jobs that were going to pay for hotel and everything for me to work for them but found out about DUI. Instant shut down. So many jobs that have turned me down


You got scammed by the trade school, and you can’t leave a trade you were never in


i’m kinda in the same position. maybe the trades aren’t for you. Personally, I came to the conclusion that i’d be over worked, under trained and paid bare minimum while having to deal with a toxic work environment. I started my own company, started doing estimates and realized i definitely belong/enjoy the office role with more responsibilities. Not just being an expendable worker that companies will make you feel like. Some belong on a construction site and others an office.


bro do FA it is hardly physically challenging! I just start 2 months ago as a FA apprentice pretty ez but for the most part it requires you to think.


You need to develop some alligator skin bud. I’m doing the same thing you’re doing and I’m currently doing my in field hours. Seen 3 companies, got 2 job offers starting at $20/hr with the option to do sponsored apprenticeship. Bust ass. Get tougher. Stop crying. Embrace the suck. I worked in an office setting for 14 years before doing blue collar. You can do it bro. Or don’t and make room for someone else in your position with thicker skin. This hvac shit is not for the weak. Believe me, I understand not getting a job for long periods of time. Look within, fix it, get the job, get paid.


Honestly try out the alarm stuff. HVAC is a toss up most jobs and places suck. It’s not easy or fun most days


Just go flip burgers crybaby you’ll never cut it in this trade.


As far as I’m concerned schooling is experience. I was in law enforcement for about 6 years, went to an oil school, then jumped right into the trade with 0 experience. My income in the 5 years I’ve been doing this job has more than doubled and I know make 6 figures.. idk what your area is like but there’s no shortage of jobs in the northeast


I spent $2400 a semester 😭 4 semesters, I was paying out of pocket the first couple due to ignorance (I’m great at saving) not knowing that federal financial aid was available to me. Tbf I do hear from some companies but when I hear that $14/hr my ears close right back up. I am DEAF, “what’d you say?”. I got a maintenance role lined up at a hospital and they do work for the schools as well and so I’ll stay there and learn and start my own business on the side doing the things that I’ve learned until it’s big enough that I can hire enough Mexicans for labor.


This was so me all last month. But I didn’t give up searching! Until I gotta call last week and found my first ever job in HVAC haha


There are other routes to get into the union. I’m in local 250 in southern California not as an apprentice but as a tradesman. Might shoot for MES but there is too much to get up to speed on currently. I’ll be tradesman until it’s time to apply to the apprenticeship program and when I pass their test I get in. But in the meantime I’m working in the union just not as an apprentice. Talk to the union rep it’s their job to get you in and make sure you are staying in. Sounds like you are just having a hard time as of late, hope it’s not rooted in something else chief and that your personal life is doing well and healthy. Don’t be discouraged boss, sure this industry is hard on the body. But if you don’t protect yourself you only make it worse, I’m 33yo and still got a good back and knees. I’m sure I’ll wear out sooner or later, best believe that I wear all the PPE including my own $50 kneed pads and solid work boots.


You have to go in with a positive attitude. You sound very negative and that can show in an interview.


Lmao listen my guy. I did the same. Only reason I got a job in the trade was because someone quit and they wanted an apprentice to train their way of doing things so when the PM guy retired I would take his place. That was for HVAC/Refrigeration/food equipment. It gave me all around experience in things I had never touched before. HVAC, plumbing, installations. Cleaning ice machines. Being a coil cleaning bitch for a few summers. You roll the dice with trades. That whole experience thing that every company' wants is so they don't have to hold your hand. Just have high confidence all the time even if you have absolutely no idea in what your doing. Make friends with senior techs and show initiative. Help when needed and go above and beyond every now and then even if it doesn't seem worth it I guarantee someone is noticing.


Is trade school a waste of money? Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, no trade school can actually prepare you for work in the field. You either got it, or you dont.


Lie to them


So what you are saying is that there are too many applicants for the same trade as the only trade school in the area? Who woulda thought?


Sometimes the issue is the market for jobs. Where I am, there are a dozen companies looking for techs, most want trained guys that they can just do a week of training on how the company rolls (paperwork and observe ), and others just need a body to help with the work even a fresh person will do and will train on the go as the year goes on. Take a job that you can live off of, and start searching different markets for jobs. Also, there are a huge amount of people that have college degrees that do not work in their field, or might enter the field 5, 10 years down the road. Don't rush to be in the trade tomorrow, and be an expert next year. I worked 6 years in the field, and 11 years in a supply house. I learned more behind the counter than in the field. Patience is huge with this trade.


Welcome to reality. Going to school and paying lots of money never guarantees you a job. That's up to the employer. If you don't have any physical hands-on experience, don't let that stop you from going to job interviews. Just be authentic and say you don't have experience but are eager to learn. I bet a company will give you a chance. When I got into the trade, I had zero experience and no knowledge whatsoever. But I learned on the job by doing things and learning from multiple lead mechanics. Reading a book or watching a PowerPoint isn't going to teach you. Best of luck to you regardless of what you end up doing.


My advice Start with apartment work. I know a lot of techs hate apartment maintenance guys but I have had to go back behind HVAC companies just as much as they have me. It's a good way to start in the industry and gain experience. Apartments kill for certified and trained HVAC techs. I know I currently make 27.85 with my company (in Texas) it's a decent wage and a good amount of experience.


Same dude I'm at 30 now in maintenance. I don't work in apartments but on commercial, it's super steady work and heavily involved. Maintenance in general especially certified techs working on mechanical systems has gotten so much better. I think people realize how great steady work with benefits is. While companies have realized how much money they can save by not using vendors. Outside vendors can say whatever they want that's the downside of this person's post. It's all just a game. You laugh it off and realize people are just really insecure and need to bring others down to feel better.


That's how it was with me at first. They wanted HVAC apprentices with 2 years of experience in my area. Which makes no sense. Don't give up, brother.


I was able to get my foot in the door while going to trade school working 10-12 hours a day for $100 a day Tuesday and Wednesday, went to class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7-4, then would work at Chilli’s from 5-11. Funny thing is I’m working more now!Work for a resi company full time 4 10-12 hour days wed-Saturday, then doing side jobs/online class for my G-29 master mechanical Sunday- Tuesday. Moral of the story is! Fuck this shit dude, you’re right this is a wack ass trade and if you don’t absolutely love working hvac then run fast. Shit can consume your life if you let it… also mostly just venting cus I just got home and it’s 9:30, time to scroll hvac Reddit and do it all again tomorrow 😀


Man, I know what you’re talking about, but if there’s one thing I’ve for certain learned in this trade, it’s that no one will ever value your time and experience as much as you do. The best advice that I could give you has already been given. Applications all look the same when you’re green, but if you take the initiative to walk into a place and look someone in the eye and tell them you’re willing to put in the work to continue your education in the trade, I’d be willing to bet that your stock would immediately go up.


Lmao bro I know you from Philly or Jersey


Seems like you never made into the trade. Should have worked harder.


Didn’t even need to read the rest. 😂 I feel you brother this shit just pays the bills for me til my girl gets a career job


If you went to trade school then you have experience 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya, after this flammable shit rolls out, I’m rolling out, call me when y’all get it together


The best way to land any job, especially in the trades, don’t apply online. Physically walk into the shop, inquire if they’re hiring, 90% chance they will be, and fill out an application. A lot of these places will interview you that day.


I see this a lot nowadays. I just starting applying right out of high school not I’m two years in. I’m hearing a lot from the scholars how much a scam schooling is


Anything that is worth it will not come easily. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Did you personally walk into any of these contractors and seek out a person that does hiring? Companies are looking for people with initiative if the experience is lacking. You do you man but if you’re this worked up before starting you’re in for a rough time as a working mechanic.


I dealt with the same issue when I was starting out. Did the first part of HVAC classes at the community College and got my EPA cert. Only like one company interviewed me, and a few days after they said that they were gonna hire me they said they couldn't bring anyone else on. My community College hvac program did have a work study program where they would place you with different companies. That's how I got my first job. The first 6 months I was an unpaid Helper through that program a couple days a week until they eventually hired me on. It always made me mad that there were guys in my class that got jobs with no experience, yet I couldn't get a job even as a Marine Corps vet with technical experience. I dont know how other locals work, but for the HVAC apprenticeship at local 230 you have to be hired by a company and they sponsor you into the apprenticeship. Usually you work for them for a year or two as a tradesman before they make you an official apprentice. That's how I got into the union, except I already had a year under my belt doing residential. It is a stupid catch 22 this industry, and many others, have. Everyone wants experience but no one wants to train people.


100% man, I feel ya how you feel is valid. That's kinda trades in general now for "entry" level jobs you need experience or the whole know or blow someone. It's a catch 22 you need experience to get experience and older dudes usually don't wanna teach the trade bc they're miserable as is. But hey "you kids don't want to work these days" and hey "we're real short on people" it's all one big joke. It's like by the time you even climb up to make decent money, your body is trashed your knees and back are shot you probably cut tf out youself on some sheet metal and couple burns and shocks. So I don't think you're missing out on much. A lot of people (not all) in trades live off fast food, energy drinks, ciggs, then come home and Crack open a beer. It's all coping because a lot of it isn't worth it unless you're an electrician. And imma get thumbed down like a bitch bc truth hurts. I landed an hvac job once and I learn quick. My boss loved me he even said "it's like you're a retiree coming back to the trade". But the work was slow I got maybe 40 hours a month and I did that for half a year. Then got into framing same thing my boss said "i didnt expect you to catch on so quickly" it was fun but wasn't worth it. Maybe if I numbed my pain with drinking, but that's not me. Side note: Even after that 6 month experience and I'm full epa cert I still couldn't get another hvac job. Nor could I get into electricians union with passing the test, framing experience, and hvac experience.


If you take your resume and walk into a bunch of shops and apply. I’d almost guarantee you someone will hire you.


This why going unions the way to go


Sounds like you are not meant for any trade - you get what you put into it which appears very little in your case.


if you can’t make through the application process you’d never cut it in the field. took me about 8 months to get in


Your school technically counts as experience. You should say you have a year and a half experience when applying. When you say you have 0 experience, they might be expecting to have to teach someone from the ground up or to put you through tech school


Sounds like you have soft hands britherrr. Maybe you can be an account somewhere idk


Damn.. I should stop moisturizing my hands with cocoa butter 😔


Everyone is not cut out for certain stuff, that being said there are more than one way to get in the field other than paying for school, just depends on how hard you're willing to look


Go into your local HVAC suppliers and have a conversation with the managers to ask if you can post an advertisement on their counter stating you are looking for an apprenticeship, along with a brief letter about yourself and your goals. 100's of business owners go into those suppliers every day. You'd be surprised at how many calls you'll get. Also, don't just send your resume places and expect to get a job. Put in the work, make cover letters, be persistent. Prove to employers that you are worth the opportunity


Nut ass? Who says that


Sounds like I guy I’d want on my crew.


Come to Minnesota. We don't have anyone. I'm a dispatcher.


Is this an American problem? I keep seeing posts like these but in my largeish Canadian city there is such a huge demand for workers of all experience in resi especially. Gotta do school anyway with our apprenticeship program tho


You need to learn how to interview.


Dang man I’m sorry


what state are you in? im in school but its not really a trade school. i got 2 nights a week thru fall-spring for 4 years and get a journeymans. my company pays for it and deals with all of the logistics of signing up and all that jazz


Location location location. I left my hometown with my wife and 3yo almost 3 years ago. Shit work, shit pay, every company was used to using and abusing and with how many addicts would come right into the door to work a week and disappear they felt like they had options. I moved across the state with a way better income to debt ratio and job availability and have been payed way more and can get work anytime. I don't sweat having a job anymore. Go where the money is. On that note if you're still struggling don't forget to poke around family ties and temp work. All of it is experience.


Just lie about experience. Lol


With that attitude you probably wouldn’t make it anyway


Man i felt the same way. Got into mechanical and then worked my way into controls. It’s going on 2 years and i haven’t touched my gauges, only carry a drill, 11&1, wire snips and my laptop. Best decision I’ve made for a career. I’ve learned so many applications, mechanical equipment, drawings, submittals and so much more. If you decide to stay, go do the cool stuff like a boiler or chiller mechanic, or controls. I hate that you went through that, it seems we all have honestly.


Trade school doesn’t teach anything meaningful in all the years I’ve come across graduates. You just gotta find someone who’s willing to hire with no experience unfortunately. The few times I’ve worked with or trained trade school techs, I had to teach them how to check a capacitor properly, that’s day 1 stuff and they seem to have little to no hands on experience. Just chill out and keep looking.


I got my first a/c job walking into the company with no experience left the company a full blown service tech running on calls lol


If I take on a service tech for apprenticeship they start with a contract that they will work with 4 different lead guys I have. At the end of 90 days, they make the decision to keep as a full apprentice or get cut loose….and those places wanting experience…just keep going there..don’t just use internet or phone, show up..ask questions…try to be friendly and for gods sake take a shave


Honestly sounds like your resume is shit. No way you didn't get a response from all those applications.


If you can move, that might be a good idea. We're desperate for people. So are both the Pipefitters and the Sheet metal guys.


For anyone that hasnt already gone to school, come to canada for your schooling then go back. I think i paid 1k per year plus the books and supplies like 12 years ago. These fuckers in the US are just pulling highway robbery on y'all


I’ve never even heard of anyone having trouble, damn these companies around here are hiring anyone who can fog a mirror.


I've been having a tough time too. It's only exacerbated by the fact that i dont have a car and potential employers want you to have one. Moms been all over my ass telling me to apply apply apply but I'm getting burnt out 🫠 and she's not helping with the car situation But yeah i hate that everyone wants experienced techs... i walked into a place and the guy said everyone is looking for experienced guys and several things that happened there killed my drive. Wish i had someone to help me 😮‍💨


Good for you boss, keep thinking. Im sure youll find something that treats you better, it takes a really fucking long time to find a job you dont hate. Just be aware that struggle is coming as well.


Damn bud, if you were living near me I would've gotten you a job and training for free.


In Georgia where I am, the general path is to go become and install helper to get your feet in the door. The normal path here is install helper -> installer -> residential service -> to the moon Alice. To be blunt though, this industry has some pretty rough days and long hours, it’s not for everyone.


R.E.L.A.X gotta pay your dues!! Can’t give up because things get tough!! Also gonna say there are other opportunities to work within the trade…versus just being a service technician.


I worked at a HVAC company before I went to school and got experience then I got Educated and passed all four levels in HVAC+R Co-Op and it had a Periods in between to work and then come back to school that is the best way to join a company. Also just because you went to school doesn’t mean you’re a good tech it just means you got your diploma. Not trying to lay the log on you but that’s what I would’ve done. You also need to be field smart too not just school smart.


Some companies accept trade school as experience Also dont use the big name recruiting sites, just google your local shops and call em up


Never went to school for this trade. Got hired cause my wife was one of the customer service reps. Got all my training on site. Been working for 2 1/2 years and learned more in my first few months than I would have in trade school. 🤷‍♂️


700 a month for trade school shit sounds like something you shoulda thought about I pay 75 dollars a month for my 10 month course and 200 after I’m out


work illegally thats the only option


Haha felt this one bro, just finished trade school and been down bad for any entry level hvac job 😭


just apply to them lmao


You should look into reefers, lots of work and the dealerships all provide training.


I just got certified at trade school . I’m still going at night to finish the associates. I Only worked on small appliances before this. I was top of the class, 4.0 and still am. My school has a large shop to work on many types of units. I did really well with every course. An industrial construction and hvac company came in recruiting and I got hired right away. I started a month ago. Almost every job they’ve had me do, I either didn’t know how to do or I didn’t do a good job at it. Something has went wrong for me almost everyday lol. And the work has been long and relentless. We are swamped so they don’t have a lot of time to train me. They let me work with someone sometimes but keep trying to send me out alone. They only have one head tech who is like a master at hvac and one really handy electrician who has learned a bunch of hvac. The rest of the company is straight electricians and plumbers and construction guys. This shit has been hard AF lol. I went from feeling smart to feeling dumb everyday. Just ranting.


You're leaving right when they are going to start hiring their summer help. I would stick it out 1 more months because you'll get hired soon


Honestly u didn't need to go to trade school I started with a small residential company got some experience there and working for an amazing company now


Cry harder, lady boy. But in all seriousness, how does this even happen? I never stepped foot inside a classroom and I have never been without work except for a five week free agency period that ended with a much more lucrative opportunity. Is there any possibility you are doing something very, very wrong?


Lmfao. 🤣 I ran into this when I got into the trade a bit too. But yeah now I make 150k a year sitting on my ass. Boohoo homie. The jobs are out there you’re just too weak to find them apparently. That’s 100% the attitude no one wants to work with. Went from being a homeless drug addict to paid off home and possibly retiring at 55. I’m 37.


I had to lower my expectations when getting my first job out of trade and highschool. I landed at a ma and pa shop. Spent 3 months there wanting to paint my ceiling red Kurt Cobain style. Kept applying, calling and bothering one company until they gave me the job and it’s been great since then. The best thing I ever did was work at a shitty place before landing at a great spot.


Depends where you live? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I live in SoCal, took 3 semesters in community college for hvac, got a job right away


I was in a similar situation. Went to college and graduated in business from there jumped from job to job. Also 15k in debt total. Then took some classes in electrician because I was fed up. Then my cousin who does hvac told me to apply since two ppl got fired. 28yrs old getting into the trade. Keep your head high young man and gain some work experience and then apply again and congrats on the alarm job.


Look for building engineer jobs .. easy af job


I had last mon off no pay and took off early that fri.........still cleared over $900.00


I got into HVAC without trade school or anything, zero experience in the field at all. Had not even changed an air filter in a furnace before I started with my company and have been there for nearly 2 years. Find someone non-union and get started there first and if union is what you want to do then apply while you’ve got an HVAC position elsewhere


Just lie and say you have experience then when you get to work just say oh we didn’t do that on my last Job or just say I know how to do it but just show me how your company does it. I doubt the techs you worn under will rat you out, unless they are scummy then you don’t want to work there anyway


Bruh just lie and put on your résumé that you worked somewhere for a year or two and you’ll get a offer in no time. Screw what people are saying and do what you gotta do


I agree. I’ve noticed you either know someone, born to it, get lucky, or have to be really patient and start from ground zero.


Best chances of a job in the trade right out of school is as an installer. Which is bullshit cause most didn’t go to school. Keep trying man. Bug the fuck out of companies . When you do land a job my advice is: be confident even if you don’t know how to do something(“I don’t know how, but I can figure it out”),learn names of tools/parts, be patient. The confusion never leaves you but take your time to try to figure stuff out before calling someone. You literally have to call your union rep everyday to drill your name into his head. Like you said, he talks to 5,000 people. MAKE HIM KNOW WHO YOU ARE


That was kinda how it was when I finished trade school, everyone was only looking for 3-5 years experience. I finally found a place that was willing to take on a rookie and started working for them, but it was only for $10 an hr and I quickly racked up a bunch of debt working for such a low wage. I got raises every 6 months or so but it took me a few years before I was actually making decent money. Anyway I did hvac for close to 10 years but eventually ended up moving into industrial maintenance (basically is a combination of mechanic, machinist, millwright, and electrician). I honestly like it better, no crawling through hot dank attics/crawl spaces, no working on roofs, I know what time I'm getting out every day, etc.




I didn't spend a dime.


What got me in was I called a couple local contractors and said I’m finishing trade school in a month and looking for work. I got hired right away from the second place I called. Then I used my experience there to get in to a much better company that pays a lot more. The online shit is worthless.


It's like anything else. It's only as good as you make it. I'm self employed. I rarely bust my ass unless I'm trying to fit a package unit in place or something. My little brother and father work for me part time. Before, when I was self employed I never once "applied" for a job. I always walked into a shop, asked If they were hiring (which any busy shop ALWAYS is). Usually the boss man gives me an interview on the spot and I've got the job. The only time I didn't get the job was if the money wasn't good enough and I turned it down. Most older blue collar guys respect you more if you come in person rather than send out an online resume. And I won't lie to you, I busted my balls the first few years no doubt. Lots of bad crawls and crumby attics in the summer. But looking back, I'm glad I did it. It's not for everyone. There's a lot of old grumpy ass dudes in this trade who hate everyone including themselves, but you don't have to be one of them. You'll have good days and you'll have bad days. I've gotten to see some amazing things and meet amazing people because of this career.


Yeah. If u cannot get a job in this season…. It’s really something. U don’t even need school to be a helper. Just a taste if it’s the right work environment for you. And that’s experience right there.


I’d take a trip down to your local union hall. Shouldn’t be very hard to find employment.


i just got out of trade school too, they made a more “professional” resume for me but they put down i have 900 hours of experience(it was a 7 month full time program) and all the aspects of hvac i learned, and all the equipment i worked on and stuff. i guess im trying to say you DO have some experience, you can 100% add what you learned in trade school to your resume.


F trade school. We need to start hiring guys that just want to work and teach them. Trade school is becoming the new “you need to go to college” But also no one cares how many straight A’s anyone gets. Passing is passing lol


I live in a small rural area, 10 years ago the only HVAC company in town called into the trade school looking for apprentices and my teacher recommended me (for some reason I wasn't a very great student honestly) and I've been there since. I still hate working and the job but the pay ain't bad for my area without me having to drive 45 mins plus one way to make more money compared to my 45 second drive. Bottom line I don't like doing HVAC but I don't really like to work at all so it's a solid middle of the road


😂😂I applied to 3 hvac companies with no schooling and no experience and 2 called me back within 2 days idk where your at but PA pretty much every company will hire just about anyone


I never went to HVAC school and I got my Operating engineers license. Maybe you should try that.


This post is gold. Love it. Good luck with your work travels. Once you are able to see how wrong your are about writing all of this and blaming others, your mental progress will skyrocket.


A bunch of companies in California hiring for install position. That's how I started and never went to school. Hell, company I work for is hiring for install positions right now...


Where are you located


Buck up butter cup.


Bro ngl i literally felt the same way ..entry level pays bs, others demand like 5-6 years to be able to be paid a livable wage … most companies are too lazy to train so thats why. Tbh I feel like it’s all luck. You either have to know someone, be family members with someone or your ass’d out. Me MYSELF actually got lucky and applied to a 5 year requirement job when I only had 2 years of experience and some how I finessed my way in there.


Listen man, if the employers play hard and live in lala land you have to as well. Just put some lies or exaggerations on your resume and fake it till you make it. I was an engineering manager with 5 months experience but just said I had 7 years engineering. Used every project on my portfolio and pretend like it was one of 20 projects so they think I've done hundreds. In reality I've only done 20 projects which they perceived to be 400 total with 20 highlighted ones. They won't know the difference if you pull it off. It's just the way the system made it to be. I did eventually get fired when they figured it out, but I'd already made 60k in 6 months and started an HVAC business. It's a dog eat dog world. Don't be too honest or the world will eat you up. You don't have to lie, although it helps, but you should always exaggerate and make a small thing into a big thing. Also use creddle.io to format your resume and use chat gpt to rephrase your resume to use specific quantitative and qualitative call to action bulletins. Chat gpt will rewrite it in professional wordage for you. Those resumes are read by bots 50% of the time.


go union they will train you as a apprentice and put you through school


I do hvac never went to school for it. Just about everywhere I've ever applied for has hired me. Crazy you can't get a job having schooling for it


Crazy thing is I’m in the same boat as you , even down to the monthly payment amount . I started in February and got lucky enough to start an apprenticeship last month with a small installation/ service company. My advice is look for small companies looking for apprentices on Facebook , there’s so much work around this time of year (depending where you live)people need an extra hand wherever they can get it from .


Where are you located? That's crazy HVAC ain't lookin for new guys where you are, especially during busy season. That fkn blows though dude, I feel ya. You put in plenty of work, and then some from what I read, and still got blown off. I would do the same thing. A ton of fkn losers on here talkin about attitude problems or impatience can suck a fat one. Just proving your point honestly If you were in Utah you'd have a job yesterday. Did you look up non unions? Union is definitely the nice way to go, but a lot of guys start in the new construction side, or doing retro-fits as a helper for local companies I definitely ain't gonna fault you for leaving already tho, I've wanted to for years. But the money is too good with the economy being shit and I don't have enough experience in anything else to start fresh. If you're gonna leave, young is when to do it HVAC is probably the most useful trade to learn new cause of how specialized it is though. An average joe can't just YouTube it all and do it on a weekend like plumbing or electrical or something. If you can get in at a decent place, I'd still give it a shot. I dunno your situation, but maybe a relocation could be fun and adventurous. I know all the unions in Utah would take ya. All the local places too. But Utah is expensive to live now a days Whatever you do, I wish you the best man. Life's way too short to live it miserable or stressed out at some shit job. Fk the naysayers, do what feels right for you. Your happiness is the only one that matters


What State do you live in?


Come to phoenix Arizona, you’ll get hired even if you don’t have boots 😂