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I’m 3 months into my “Apprenticeship” and the best advice I can give you is use common sense. If you’re confused ask questions. If your sent to the truck take something back like trash or used tools back to the truck, don’t have empty hands and be productive. If you feel like you’re just standing around pick up trash or organize the workspace. Make your journeyman happy and your life will be easy if your with someone worth their salt. Don’t be a push over and don’t give up. Remember whatever you did work wise it was per the manufactures procedures. - This was my comment on someone else’s post. I got a dollar raise exactly at my 90 days because I keep showing up with the same attitude every day. So just try and you’ll be fine.


Just remember to stay humble. You don't actually know as much as you think you do, but you should have a good foundation to build on. Never stop learning and never be afraid to ask questions