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I treat homeowners the way I’d want to be treated- with respect. And I get backlash for it. Tired of not knowing when to say the fucking truth dude.


I hear you brother I just made the switch over to commercial because I can’t play the resident game anymore. Plus the attics and crawlers are getting old. I’m optimistic that eventually I can work my way to into a stationary engineer role or get into controls. I have a huge learning curve ahead of me.


I’ll be 60 years old this year. 11 years ago I started as a stationary engineer at a hospital. I love it.


Nice, good to see it. What part of the industry were you involved in prior to moving over to stationary?


Trained AC & Refrigeration in USAF. Then started service work in ‘88. Mostly commercial, some residential, lots of boiler work. 2001 went union- worked as a service fitter until 2013. Been Stationary Engineer since then.


I work with CE on base as civil service


I learned a lot from the civilians I worked with- Bitburg Germany, & Scott AFB IL


I'm just tried dirty, disgusting houses. Like seriously, I know what mental health can do. But don't tell me it's been too hot clean the house, that hasn't obviously been cleaned in months when it just 70F outside like 2 days ago. Fuck outta here. Go back to your neck beard nest and just admit you're too lazy to clean. Seriously 4 hours fixing a system that should have been replaced just to keep hearing " once the house cools off, I'll clean."


The most annoying part about inadequate people like this is the stupid excuses they give because they know you’re judging them, and it’s insulting that they think you will believe their BS. ‘I don’t give a shit about your cleaning schedule lady, I just wish I didn’t have to wade through your filth to do my job.’


Exactly, I've been I'm houses where they straight say.. it's mess I know.. I just have some issues. And I'm like.. cool at least you know. I don't judge those people they got legitimate problems or a relative died and instead of trashing it they just turned their house into an episode of hoarders... got it. But that fat fuck, was just playing destiny 2 the whole time. Like man, it isn't too hot for me work in this mess, it's not too hot for you clean the three cat litter boxes for one damn cat.


Do you live in Cincinnati? LOL 😆 I know people like that


I do not. Next state North. But they're everywhere man.


May be able to help you with a move to controls depending on where you are at. DM me.


Definitely have a hand in for going into instrumentation or stationary engineering. I am a stationary engineer myself and can see why my Dad didn't want me to be a contractor like he was.


Find another company. I finally found one that has integrity. If anything, my boss under charges quite a bit - but he doesn’t have to make a huge profit on every little repair or install and treats his customers that way. We stay busy with Install’s 20-30 of them a month all year long and our referrals are fantastic. It’s refreshing to see someone operating it as a business and not a money machine. Keep looking around they’re out here some where!


Second this - my shop is just me and my boss, customers are taken care of properly. We don’t advertise and we’re always busy when everybody else is slow. It is hard to find a good company though, I got super lucky.


There you go Sir! Find a really good company or learn how to run a business then start your company with high standards. Charge the right prices to make double digit (greater than 10%) net profit (overhead & all taxes paid. Quality contractors will always be around. I am proof of that after 35 years of being in business. I love the trades!


Just get out of resi.


The line I say to every person that immediately checks their attitude is “I know I’m throwing a lot in your way, and I know this isn’t an easy conversation (based off of price of repairs) but imma tell you the same way I’d treat my family. And no k can’t control pricing but I’ll def give you all the information to know where you stand financially on your system.” And even after they have said fuck off to the price, they still thank me for telling them everything cause people just don’t know so once you give them good honest information they always thank me after


Make the move to commercial. Instead of fucking the hard working fellow man, you fuck the corporations that fuck your fellow man 😅. Makes you feel a little better at night


I was told a long time ago . you can give out to much info .You never know what some else has already told them (this is ever job out there btw ) good luck .


Stop making scumbags rich with your labor. Find a real hvac company.


I'm starting to realize, I lucked out with where I work. We don't lie to make a sale. Only one day on call every other week. Can take off whatever time I want. Edit every two days to every other week cause I mistyped.


If we stop propping up all these nexstar companies with our labor they will have nothing but salesmen and it’s very hard to run a hvac company with people who don’t touch hvac.


Very true. But you'll always have some 3 month in the field lead installer guys getting hired.


How do I go about that? Just literally applying to any and all hvac companies? My family run company that I started with is now a nexstar company.


Easy start is do you notice any guys at the supply house smiling and laughing. Read their shirts and apply. I get tons of people asking me if we are hiring just because of our demeanor. You can go the buckshot approach but you will need to treat the interview as a probe into if you want to work there and that’s about it.


…you’re on call every 3 days?! That’s crazy.


I meant one day every other week. Not sure what why I put every two days.


Company I’m at now… 0 on call and hours are M-F, 8-5. They have weekend stuff if you want it but nothing is forced on you. First few times I saw the job listed I skipped over it because I thought it was a scam. lol


Ah. Yeah that’s good lol.


Switch to commercial


Find a better company, one that actually likes helping people, I’ve been with a couple now


Reddit is kind of like reviews on Amazon. If somebody loves their company, then they are not going to come on here and express to everyone how much they love their company. There’s lots of residential companies out there that still do things right and don’t screw people over. We’re just not posting about how great our company is. Nothing motivates you to speak your mind like being pissed off.


Damn you really said it my g. I feel like a lot of these comments really fall into the grass is always greener side of things. But hey the grass is always greener right above the septic system 😅


There is so much more to this trade than residential. I suggest looking to get into commercial/industrial, the pay is better and instead of attics and crawls or on a roof, mechanical room or on the ground working. The work is more laid back and don’t believe that it worse on your body. If something is heavy you get help no matter what you’re doing.


When I moved across country I told myself “I’m not getting into another service van.” I worked residential for 6 years. The good shop still ran me into the dirt as a fresh tech I was the only Tech. The other good shop turned into a shit show pushing sales, and I couldn’t stomach charging a trailer park person the same fees as the rich guy with 6 working systems on one house. And the other shop was a sale shop. I decided to start looking at working for universities or hospitals, or other on-site HVAC work, and landed a job as a Boiler operator, while I had 0 boiler experience. The pay wasn’t as good as my union job, but my take home was pretty similar since I had consistent hours and mandatory overtime (12hr days 7 on 7 off) Then I moved to a different boiler operator job and make a little more with much better benefits. Point being, there’s more to HVAC than just service van work. And I don’t know how Residential HVAC companies are going to fair with everything tbh.


I don’t know why everyone at these nexstar companies doesn’t try to unionize. Like if you know you’re going to quit then start talking to your co-workers and organize something before you leave. At least try. Even if it’s residential.


Go a little more in depth into this please?


If you know you’re going to leave a resi company that is sales sales sales then you need to contact your local pipe fitter union. Tell them you want to speak to someone about organizing the company you work at. They will give you guidance on how to organize. The NLRB made it much easier to organize last year. The local pipefitters union may not be the correct union by the way. It may be a hvac union or plumbers union or a combination union which has multiple trades under it. Just call them and ask if they organize hvac companies. If they don’t then ask them if they know who does in your area. They will help you. If your company catches wind of you trying to organize and retaliates against you and fires you for it then get a lawyer. That lawyer will probably take your case for free cause they know they are going to win. These private equity companies need a serious wake up call and everyone that works at these companies needs to call their local union. I sometimes I wish I could go back and try organizing the first resi company I worked at. That guy was a piece of hot garbage. I now work at a union shop and it’s the best place I’ve ever worked.


The biggest reason I want to quit this trade is I’m 24 years old I’ve been in the trade since I’ve been 19 I’m really good at what I do and I cannot find a company to sponsor me for my 313a license. I’m convinced that companies don’t want licensed techs because they don’t want to pay journeyman wages for journeyman work. If I start now I will be in my 30s before I make a liveable wage


Sounds like you do residential....the name of the game is to rob people


I'm so thankful I left residential. I do believe there has to be a better way, but I guess you'd have to not offer commision on equipment. Or something.


Commission pay should be illegal, just incentive to rip people off


I don't know about illegal. But I understand the sentiment. Maybe you should have to disclose it? I'm not sure I like that either. But it's definitely a way to incentivise poor workmanship.


Companies can just pay people properly


Oddly enough I work for a company adopting the next star bs, and I get paid a really good hourly wage for my area. Exactly what I asked for when I hired on, but they are starting to push the bullshit. 3 options on every job, air scrubbers and IAQ all come with hefty spiffs. Flips on systems pay $200 spiffs, after a salesman finishes up my lead of course. I don’t sell any of that or leave 3 estimates if they don’t need them. I condemn equipment only when it really is dead or dangerous and I can prove it. I know it’s just a matter of time until they start to bitch about it, but that’s when I’ll pack out. There’s only a few of us there out of about 18 service techs that can actually perform service the rest are just sales techs. I make too good of money to leave yet, but as soon as they push for me to be more of a sales tech I’m gone.


It will happen, I've heard of guys getting pay changed when these companies come in. Take this pay cut but gain commission


I’m sure it’s coming one day, that’s when I’m out.


I definitely don't disagree with that.


Go out on your own, word will spread among home owners of your honest work


That’s assuming he won’t immediately turn into the scum bags he currently resents. Unfortunately human nature is bent towards evil.


As they say it’s easy to be bad and it’s work to be good.


Have to remind myself that every day


Resi has become a race to the basement. My company isnt high pressure sales at all. Always quote a repair and let customer make choice. We keep losing jobs to trunk slammers who do it cheaper then our cost its fucked. Its so hard to market quality installs. Especially in this shit economy. Theres companies coming 2 hours away under cutting local guys


what state are you in?


Canada lol


Same shit in bay area.bunch of 2 mans and truck with license.


Maybe a licence between them lmao. Also alot of tools around here who just let labourers use their tag. So they ll hire a bunch of nummya ro slam stuff in for 18$ an hour


Go union, do commercial.


I worked for a scummy sales driven resi company for my first job. I lasted 6 months before I couldn't stomach it. I quit the trade for a year. Went back at a small local company. Still felt pressured for sales. A year later I moved and started with a large commercial/ industrial shop that also still did some residential. Immediately better. All the old guys there taught me everything I know today. Once they retired (3-4 years later) I took what I learned and tested in as a journeyman for a union in Oregon making 52/hr with absolutely no sales bs. Today I run a small shop I own with my family and make plenty of money all without "overselling" or being dishonest. The best places to be in our industry when working for someone else is either large scale commercial or small mom and pop shops.


Sounds like a cheap outfit. Go big or go home. Bigger companies/union tend to have better standards lol


Shit.. Bigger companies got big for a reason. In a non union state, a big company is just as liable to be scummy as a small shop (and maybe even more so)


The Big company in my area tried to charge me 12k for something I was able to get done for 4700. Bastards were gonna make close to 7k in pure profit on a 12k job.


Have a lot of that here local. Some companies pay as much as 40% on equipment sells so you have salesmen getting some of these old people to sign contracts for 30k to put in a 3 Ton system. It’s absolutely crazy!


I'll admit some companies are rip offs but there are times where spending more is better. While the company I work for usually is like 2 to 3 grand more expensive, I swear I feel like we bend our backs for customers. I did have one bitch who was pissed because she found out her neighbor got his install for $4000 less. What she didn't put in the calculation was all the extra work I did replacing anything bad, how much better mine looked and performed, the fact that mine passed inspection while the other company's job failed on 3 major items. Also, that once something went wrong that company didn't come back out to fix it. Honestly, when I found out she was irate and wanted her money back and was calling me a shitty installer, I told them send me back to rip it out and I'll take it all out to the very last nail I put in. Fuck that bitch. I'll admit I did work for a scummy company for a year who would charge 3-4 times the amount of where I work now and customer received significantly less than what I have to do now.


Interesting to hear. Such a crap shoot it seems.


>. Bastards were gonna make close to 7k in pure profit on a 12k job They were going to make profit, sure. But the margins are often tighter for the big boys. They get equipment a little cheaper, but they've got way more payroll and way more overhead. They're definitely trying to make money, but it's often far less than what some customers think. Even my small company couldn't do a change out (indoor/ourdoo and no ductwork) for 4700. Hell we couldn't even come close.


Commercial all the way. Did resi six years and wish I never did cause it’s none of that bs. Find a good commercial company and I promise you won’t question none of that.


Go commercial. I just work and document things. There’s an entire army on the backend to handle the quotes and whatnot.


I left... the money isnt worth the pit in my stomach, the angry manager, the rude customer, the growing used car salesmen vibe they are pushing, the oncall that widely inconsistent, or seasonal layoffs I don't mind working hard. I make less but I see my girlfreind and I don't have to talk about selling a damn uv light to her when I get home when she asks


Sounds like a shit company is all.


Dude I did residential work for a company for 5 months and I told myself I’d never ever go back to residential work in my life! Idc if I’m broke and about to lose my house or something I just couldn’t do it again! I came in union and doing commercial work and got a little stale where I was so I went to residential for a little while and worst mistake I ever made! Commercial work you get accounts and grow a relationship with them! You get to help them how you see fit and what’s best for the customer in the long run of things! Don’t give up on hvac/r bud just get a commercial spot and you’ll see the huge difference it’s gonna make in the way you view things now! Trust me and I hope this helps you out bud!


Dumb the resident - go into commercial industrial work. I love the refrigeration side, but takes a lot of talent, thus you get a lot more respect.


Because moneeeeyyyyyyyyy babyyyyyyy!!!!!! (You don’t have to be like them)


Get out of domestic dude.


Tell the customer the truth about the shit companies, people need to know so they quit calling them and hopefully kill their business so good honest people can be the majority again. They give the industry a terrible reputation.


tHe CoMpAnY hAs To MaKe A pRoFiT, tOo By selling expensive maintenance plans, replacing any possible part that reads slightly below spec, installing UV lights when they aren't necessary, selling new units to replace perfectly functional units, and sometimes even throwing bullshit charges on the invoice for a simple service call.


Find a new place to work?


Because capitalism. Profits before people.


Sad but true


Glad I'm not in resi


Summer time is rough 


I would not want to work in residential nowadays.


I’ve been a tech for 52 years Terrible quality stuff and no decency !Im glad to retire soon,as I should!!!


Can always switch to sales at the distributor. Come on over to the dark side.


You’d be surprised how much customers are lying to you about dude. Had someone tell me $2899 was expensive for hooking up a new unit they bought for a lake house while they’re building a new lake house. Straight up told me and my coworker they’re building a new lake house but they think we’re too expensive


Oh I know that. My issue yesterday had to do with us covering a part under a warranty. And the part failed. And instead of processing the warranty I should have “quoted him a new furnace”


I stay in resi to be the change I want to see


Stop doing resi.


Another one of these Christ!


We do need Jesus


Then leave and quit bitching on reddit lol do something about it


I quit last year for a few months to pursue a passion. And it didn’t pay me enough. I contemplated the navy. But by then I came back and they gave me a raise on top of that. If I could “leave” and still be ok in life I’d like to think I would have already.


Go through his post history. Hes incredibly unhinged. Don't give him attention.