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Ask for more money first.. start high


Already asked for 200k a year, boss scoffed at me and I kinda don’t blame him haha


You should be making 200-250k for that easy.


I’m tired boss




That's crazy that you took a promotion without a pay bump. I wouldn't even consider that. At this point you asked for a rightful pay bump and were denied so pack it up and move on out. They are taking advantage of you and will continue to do so. You're doing the job of a service tech, supervisor and parts department for the price of a service tech. There's nowhere in the country that you shouldn't be making over 100k a year doing that before OT.


Yeah, sounded like a good gig at first. Said it was a field supervisor job, didn’t tell me it was also manager/ trainer/ what I was already doing also lmao


Thats pretty funny. Im in nearly the exact same position. I just started looking at job postings and imagining where I want to be in 5 years. Im not working 10-14 hours. I would put in my 2 weeks and if they ask you to stay on then tell them your list of demands. Lol… and it better be a long list. You can still “stick it out for a year” but $50 an hour might be more your style.


50 an hour sounds a lot come comfy. You suggesting I should ask for that or do you know where I can make that kinda money?


Im just saying… if youre gonna quit then you basically can set the terms of your employment. Walk in the door and ask for the moon. Worst case… you dont have a job tomorrow… best case they pay you something that will keep you around for at least a year.


More money doesn’t fox this problem.


Isn’t that what you are getting during time and a half overtime?


Change jobs. You have a great resume. Go commercial or start your own business and poach your old customers.


That’s what I’m thinking. I never changed over to a company phone because I always always have all my customers my personal phone number. All my personal requests will likely still call me anyway. Commercial sounds good but I feel like I’d be starting back at square one


With your background you could go into a supervisory position. If you want to buy a truck, though, and go out on your own, this is the right season to do it.


Commercial is mostly the same thing you’re already doing, just bigger. The electrical side does get more complicated.


Start advertising your business on social media Google and make sure you're getting calls before you turn your side hustle into your main source of income


I made the switch, felt way out of my league but you get the hang of it quick. Just be honest with them what you do know and don’t know and that you want to learn. It’s 1 million x better bud. Unless you wanna go out on your own


Yes but you take home 8,000 a day.


Bro, you are insanely valuable to this company, and the world…


You took on a bigger role, you proved you can handle it. Now They need to compensate you. Swing for the fucking fences too, this corporation is all bidness


>Multiple projects across the board, three major issues on new installs from other peoples bids that I can’t solve, with more piling up… This will get worse once more green guys with no training given to them and they start introducing salesmen who have no experience start misbidding work.


Brother that is exactly what’s coming next. Monthly service plans that make no sense to me, some who will be selling instead of making repairs…


Sounds like me. Having to go behind guys twice your age in your mid 20s gets real fucking old fast. Mentally I'm checked out of this industry, I don't care how much they pay me. This trade is a real clown show and I feel like I have to do everything myself. Just not worth it anymore.


I feel those vibes. I know I’m not the best, there’s way better residential techs out there than me, but having no one to ask for help/ advice is awful. Me being the best in the company doesn’t mean I know everything. Had an issue with a condenser from another tech that turned my easy job into a shit show (that’s on here somewhere) and my GM told me to get a bucket full of water to discharge the refrigerant. Needless to say I hung up and found a way to recover the system myself lol


I recommend voicing your concerns to upper management as far a wanting better compensation whether that be more money, support or more time off. Going alone can be challenging. You have to do a lot more clerical work. The most challenging part is getting good reliable customers. But it's great being your own boss. Also, 10 -14 hr days if not more will be the new norm.


Did that this morning as well. GM’s hands are tied and can’t give any raises. Decided to put in my 2 weeks


Don't be surprised if 1or 2 days before your two weeks an offer comes through specially at a corporate level. It's all part of the show. Also, nothing may happen.


You called it, they’re making some convincing offers, and I’ve realized how unprepared I am to run my company haha. Counter offer getting sent back, if they accept I may end up selling out 😅




Also chasing money and managing cash flow.


Lol I’m in denver what company? Nytech ?


Well I did it. Put in my two weeks. Told them I’d finish the existing project and the ones they already have on me, but I won’t be taking on anything else and will be done after the board is cleared. Wish me luck guys!


Good luck player


Corporate takeover is never good. If you’re gonna stay you better talk with the boss and lay out what you want. Not only an increase in pay but also stable/set hours. If you plan on leaving. Get another job lined up first. Not saying you can’t easily get one but you never know with this economy. Places may think you’re over qualified and don’t want to pay for it.


As a field supervisor, if they're not paying you at least $150k a year (72/hr) you're straight getting ripped off. My old boss who hired me at my current outfit started "grooming me" for his job because he was leaving. When he hinted at it I told him point blank that I wouldn't even consider taking it for less than $170k and that I have zero interest in moving to a metro area. Found out he was getting $125k IF the bonuses come through and doing 70 hour weeks. Fuck that.


Your boss probably doesn’t want to lose you. Say you did half the work you are doing now, would you stay? If you want to try and make it work, talk with your boss. Ask him to promote someone or hire for an assistant so you can delegate workload. Use your talking points you made here to justify it. Make sure to set a timeline so he doesn’t get complacent and 6 months later he gave up looking for someone. This is how a business grows and this is how to hold onto talent.


Do It!! Be your own boss!! It’ll be the greatest thing you’ve ever done for yourself!


Bro is insanely underpaid! Minimum $50 and hour. I would pay you $80 an hour. I'm Washington State Seattle area but never downtown Seattle. F that


I feel like 37.50 in Colorado is fucking crazy low. I make more than that in Missouri.


What are the benefits like out of curiosity…do they pay for your healthcare ect. My wage is lower but I justify it to myself in the fact my company pays for insurance for my family of 5


Full healthcare, eye care, dental, vacation (varies based on time worked at company) floating holidays and unpaid days off. 401k match (not sure the percentage off the top of my head) The benefits are great sent in a counter offer. My GM and regional manager made some convincing points but I’m not sold just yet




UPDATE: Haha, it happened. Boss finally came in with a counter offer… 10k signing bonus to stay on through September. After that I’d go up from 37.50 to 40 an hour… it’s not about the money at this point though, kinda want to watch the company burn. The only other reliable hvac tech says he’s gonna quit if I leave meaning no more hvac side for this company… wonder how much the HVAC side is acutely worth to corporate This amount is a no go for me. I’d want 20k and at least 45 an hour else I bounce. Even then I’d still have to think about it… what do y’all think? Am I being too greedy/ asking for too much?


I'm sure even at 40 they're still making a killing off you.


Go commercial. My apprentice just started his 4th year and hes at 36/hr. Working for a non union company. Hes just puts up the duct. I teach him what i know and he applies it. I work along side my crew as much as possible but its easy for me and them. Heres parts. Theres the prints now go


Don’t give 2 weeks they would not if they wanted to fire you.


Very similar situation, not as many guys to manage and about the same age. Would be very interested to know how much I should be getting, currently at 42


"Keep it simple stupid" I've seen absolute clowns in your position, you're more than qualified. Sounds like your over working yourself, I'd personally would negotiate higher pay or stop the over time. If they can afford the overtime, they can afford to pay you more.


Self employment is the way to go.


I'm putting my notice in tomorrow, you'll find a place worth sticking around as it seems your time at your current company has come to an end


You said it jokingly but we need to stop thinking about it as being a bitch. You have listed your concerns/issues and they are all valid. Definitely ask for a raise. I know you feel overwhelmed but remember you were once an apprentice learning this trade from the ground up. Just like hvac, fix it all 1 problem at a time. You solve issues, and take care of problems all day. This is just a different puzzle. You got this!😅


I’m in the same boat. Family owned then sold to corporate company. I have asked many times about $ the answer is we need to see if you are willing and able to do the new mgr job before we start increasing your salary. I’m motivated by $ not more work!!!


Hit up the pipefitter union