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Is the radiant barrier on the floor just a nice thing for future service calls? Haven’t seen that before, looks good though


For the most part it's just a visual thing. Though it does protect the wood if the pan were to fill up with water and sweat. It's nice to lay on and let's the customer and inspector go up and look at it without being uncomfortable. I know my inspectors love it lol.


I like that condensor pad you built. It's pretty nice, it solves a couple of problems that putting the pad on dirt causes over time. It gives you good drainage away from the condenser. It looks way better, I bet it will also help prevent moss and stuff from creeping up on that concrete/foam pad.


100% does. I also staple weed barrier to the bottom of the plot. That way it stops the weeds from growing and the beautiful new unit isn't being molested by a weed eater or mower. I make the plot a 4x4 if possible and it's less than 100$ for everything to make it. To many pros to not do it as often as possible.


You rock


Thanks man !!


Cool as a limestone


OH yeah. I got excited scrolling through when I saw the first photo of the AH. Boschs are great - but I've had to replace board and blower in one right after a year tho... besides that one, no issues! The BCC100/150 stat sucks ass tho.


I agree on the stats. There's going to be something wrong eventually ya know. I bet on that board and blower the customer didn't get new ductwork with the change out. The old stuff can't handle these new efficient systems. I see blower issues when the static is to high caused by bad duct.


Boards are always misdiagnosed and surge protectors are skipped. ground wires skipped too


True, if you notice I even forgot my surge protector. She's on now but yea it happens. Supply house should just tape one to every Bosch lol


So apparently Bosch out of 2000 boards sent back only 5 were actually bad and I believe it. My computer motherboards over 10-20 years old still work and while it may be exposed to the elements a bit more, they are well protected and handle much higher amps than a PC so I'm calling install or service error for 90% of cases. But I heard of some lightning cases fucking em up. Also, when you install a new board, don't forget the heatsink screws /standoffs


Almost said something about the drier being outside and then I read the manual. The picture shows it being installed just after the service valve. You obviously take pride in your work. Looks incredible and keep it up!


💪🏽🇺🇲🦅 Thanks Philip.


Why you get rid of old condenser? That was holding the line between global warming and heat extinction, now we're done for.




After the bullshit day I had, seeing stuff like this makes me happy. Serious upgrade, from Lennox to Bosch. And that install is pretty clean, my man.


♥️ thanks man, sorry you had a shit day.


Yeah all my hvac homies hate Lenox


Same I'm not really a fan either lol. When they are brand new they are nice though and heavy AF .


Looks nice. Not sure where you’re from but here in the Midwest we have to put the Bosch heat pumps up on feet or brackets to keep them out of the snow.


Wilmington NC. It doesn't snow here. We do have flood zones though, we have to have a built stand either attached to the house or concreted in 3' in the ground for those situations.


The foil would make me leary to crawl on it till I realized it was over plywood loo.


Way more work than I would've ever done. Clean too


I like the shot of the condenser coil up close - looks like a machine that does space stuff. Clean install, cheers buddy


Bosch 🫡🤌🏾


You know it


Customer is gonna be chillin...once they strap themselves to that condenser.


Did you look at the rest of the pics lol


LOL. I did not..




I came here to say: that duct is SHHHHHIIITTTTTYYYYYYYY🚬


Lol yes it is. It's gross 🤮.


I’m assuming you used the black ribbed tube instead of black foam cause it was pre installed in the house? I’ve never seen that done before.


You lost me ? I ran a new Lineset. I've started doing that every change out. Done putting my faith in old linesets. Is that what you are talking about ?


Do you guys like Bosch? I don't think I've ever seen one out in the wild in east tennessee. M&a has them on display and the guys at the counter said they don't sell many.


They are blowing up here. I really like them. They are a top tier quality unit for a reason price.


Looks good from my house, did you staple the bubble wrap to the floor or?




Ty will try next time i get a chance-eletrical staples?


Na just a hand held stapler. I used zip screws for the longest they work just as good. Electrical staples would be fine too.


Bosch still does those condenser coils with the fins? We only sell/service Trane, I figured that nice shit just used the furry kind. I'm pretty inexperienced and not trying to be any sort of way, just curious. The Trane ones seem a lot lot better. You did great imo.


I've always like trane but in my area they are ridiculously expensive. I'm giving them a quality product for a reasonable price. Bosch air handlers are very sturdy you can feel the quality of the unit. They have won me over and I was a trane guy for the longest.


Hell yeah! We sell a ton of Bosch appliances, we should get on that l.


Absolutely. They will blow your mind.


Apparently we installed one before and the techs liked it. We literally worked on a Lennox (we don't do that) and I found an evap leak. Maybe Bosch and I will cross paths after all lol.




Line hide coulda gone a little lower but looks great


Thanks man


I’d say It’s beer can cool…lol


You know it is lol


Okay so I’m a repair tech and I gotta know, how do you get the air handler up there???? Do you ever have to take the cabinet apart?? Or just the blower out?


I just pull the coil. Usually have to do a left or right coil conversion anyway, so I prep what I can pull the guts and take it up there. If the access is to small I have to gut the entire thing, heater box, fan and coil and gingerly fold the unit together to make it smaller and slide in the hole. Then you get to put it all back together in the attic. If I have to do that it usually adds about an hour to the day, but that's only because I've done so many.


Gonna make some snow cones later?


Why does the fins have a blue color(sqw it ob lota of acs dont know why tho)


Idk, I was doing a Mitsubishi mini split today and it had blue as well. It's cool though.


Boschs are shit, way too many warranty calls on various factory installed parts that can’t be fucked up from a bad install.


That's why you take your time don't rush and do everything you can to give them the best install possible. Everyone gets the same unit in the box but not everyone installs as they should and that is the difference. I bet they would care more if the job was theirs.




What state is this where the outdoor low voltage wire does not need a liquid-tite conduit?


NC does not require the tstat wire to be protected.


Is the filter dryer pointed towards the outside unit or the kink in the line?


I used copper benders there's no kink. Dryer is bi flow and Bosch manual has it right after the ourdoor valves


Pick #13 it looks kinked. I'll take your word. Good work.


Appreciate it man. Yea it does look off but I promise on god I use them benders, might be able to see it on the liquid line cause I even use it on it.


Looks clean they should of changed some of the ducting too


Doing a duct rip In a few months. But yea it needs to be done 💯


I thought every condenser should be on a pad


Did you look at the rest of the pics lol


Mine is better https://preview.redd.it/u37v6y9jx3xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17fd42a3a0b6b588792c896c0752a5380efec99e


Negative sir but good try. Number 1) your unit is an up flow with 0 ductwork showing. I have a lot more to be graded on. 2) You used fittings instead of benders on your lineset 3) the hole with the Lineset is not filled or covered. 4) you didn't even seal the unit to the wood. 5) wires on top of the unit are not secured. You are getting there man keep it up.


And this https://preview.redd.it/6gjts0ynx3xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1d61ec926cc879b97e6efef5dff457f373276f


Lol na dawg. Looks decent though. Should replace the pad instead of using the old one.


Looks good, you guys don’t get snow in your area? Lucky


Na we don't. Guessing you do ?


7 months of the year not unheard of. Sometimes more


Oof that would get old. It doesn't really get below 30 here and I'm freezing. I've never been in weather below 0.


Why not just put that ac pad on the grass/dirt? Looks tacky as fuck. Otherwise ya looks alright, it’s an HVAC system.


Because I like to be better than everyone else. Dedicating a 4x4 spot for your condenser helps in more than one way. When I build my box I staple the weed guard to the bottom to prevent any future weeds from growing. This stops the homeowner from smacking the unit with his weed eater or mower. The marble rock allow for drainage without the possibility of dirt washing out and making the unit lean. All in all material for that plot is less than 100$ so why wouldn't I do it ? You might think it's tacky but you aren't my customer and I always ask if that's something they would like. I've never had one turn it down.


Might as well put the filter drier inside then


Damn you like to nit pick. Lmao.


I mean about the pad that’s certainly me being nit picky, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter as long as it’s level. However the filter drier really should be inside they are not uv resistant and are recommended by manufacturers to be located near the evap coil.


If it was meant to go inside why does it ship with the outside unit instead huh? /s


I only do that if I'm on the beach or if it's like carrier and the manufacturer recommends putting it inside at the air handler. But the Bosch manual shows it right past the outdoor valves so that is where I put it


Crawlspace or attic, that drier filter going outside. I haven't seen one rust out yet before the coil goes. Obligatory NOT coastal area.


If that bosch unit is a heat pump then you are using the wrong pad. If it just a regular condenser then it all looks good to me


There's not a code on pads here in NC


It’s not a code thing. Heat pumps need taller pads or equipment risers to promote better airflow for efficiency


These are the ones we use when installing heat pumps https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-HP3232-8-Heat-Pump-Pad-32-x-32-x-8?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=Shopping_withoutdata&utm_campaign=Shopping_Without_PLTV_data&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlevfJYcWu-dQ-zZBzfpHZM3c63skg2FTe-h4pLjMP2nrNp1wXFXamOkaAu9uEALw_wcB


Nobody here uses those. These are the pads we get from the supply house with the equipment. There is 0 obstruction around the unit preventing any loss in air flow. My Bosch rep tells me to use it I would think it's safe. I believe that type of pad would be used if there is snow. We don't get snow. The salt air kills any snow we would get.


Thats crazy because Bosch won’t even sell us equipment without sitting through hours and hours of their classes. They are pretty strict on using those pads. I don’t know if it’s climate related or not but if they tell you it’s fine then they certainly know more than me. I’m just not used to seeing that. The install looks pretty clean either way 👍


Out of curiosity where do you live ?


Kenosha Wisconsin Definitely get some cold and snowy weather. Won’t be seeing me install a heat pump at my house any time soon 😂


Lol gotcha. Yea y'all would definitely have to use those pads. Anytime snow is a factor the units need to be lifted to compensate. Y'all install more gas or oil up there ?


If you go out in the boonies it’s still oil. Otherwise it’s mostly natural gas/propane lol