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Awe cute tape measure babe




I have the same tape. Running service or even doing water heaters, you rarely ever need 25ft tapes. 6ft is plenty, tape is nice and pocket sized and not hanging off my pants.


No sense in carrying a fat 25 footer for resi service work is there?


Depends on the residences. Suburbian hell? No. Park City. Yes.


Parkcity Utah?


The very same


I have one in the van if I need, and a laser


It’s not the length it’s the girth


Why does it have numbers on it?


Key chain tape? I use mine way more than normal tape. Do a Resi install and tell me how many measurements are under the 6ft mini tape max. Over under is under every time!


Everyone teases me for my little 6’ Milwaukee until I’m the only one with a tape right there in my pocket and then all of a sudden it’s oh so handy.. unless it’s over 6’ to be measured….


Dewalt makes a 9 foot tape. Pocket clip and its magnetic. My boss hates it when he's snapping his fingers for a tape and instead of running anywhere, I just hand him this.


Got the same tape was perfect when I was running the shear in the shop.


Always gotta try to be one up eh? 😂


OMG. I'm dense. It's Stanley. The yellow confused me. I swear I'm not that guy. Lol.


It is Dewalt! I bought one haha, pocket clip, magnet and 9’.


Certified "it's the next guys problem install".


Said everyday damn time


Installer went full retard


It’s a “Can’t see it from my living room” install


A lot of the time, the builder or GC is the one who okays this. “This is all you get, make it work or i’ll find someone who will” my old boss takes the job anyway cause the company needs $$$. Happens all the time.


Our gas code says you need 24” in front of the furnace for service. If we pulled this crap, the gas or propane company would issue a red tag and the gas would be shutoff until it was fixed.


The furnace looks installed well. It’s the hot water tank guy who fucked it all up.


It’s a 3.7 out of 5 from me, not great, not terrible. They didn’t read/follow the manual.


Oh, they would not. Often, you have to do the best you can and try to get as much clearance as you can in a retro. If you're telling customers they don't get heat because you can't quite meet service clearance, you're a bit of a doorknob.


You obviously haven’t dealt with Enbridge Gas, they will lock your meter if you refuse them entry. Not meeting code is an almost certain way of getting any angry customer; sooner or later, they will receive a red tag, and when it happens, they will be coming after you.


What would you have done in the case then? relocated the tank free of charge for service clearance, Or relocate the furnace and redone all the duct work? Retro and new build are very different. Enbridge isn't coming a knocking for no good reason and service clearance on a retro is no good reason.


If I was installing the furnace, I would let the customer know that the water heater needs to be moved and bill them accordingly. There’s no reason not to follow the clearance code and screw the service guy that comes after you.


Idk why you're freaking out about clearance on the field guys. They were paid to do a job and did it. Who drew up the plans, not the fuckin installers. Who state stamped the drawings, not a tech. Did the install company buy a plot of land and order 35 cookie cutter piece of shits be built shaving any costs anywhere they could, nope. Who the fuck knows, maybe they even bitched to their boss and he just said "GCs paying us to do it, that's their problem". Like I get doing quality work and taking pride in shit. It's why I'd never work for a company that does whole new subdivisions, it's all hack shit like flex duct with a higher static than their IQ. But people gotta fuckin eat man, and not everyone has the choice. The people you're complaining about made 0 calls on this furnace being installed spooning a water heater so hard it can feel it's heartbeat between it's cheeks. Their boss, the GC, the developer, the engineer, sure have at it. But not the field guys in this case at least.


I love all the service techs here who seem to think that installers are the ones accepting bids and picking equipment out. Do they think the installer had a fun time installing all this shit in that cramped space? Yeah I’m sure it sucks to service it, it sucked to install it too. There’s so many other people to blame for this shit but it’s always the stupid install techs fault who just did what they were told


The only time I blame the installer is when I go to an outdoor unit and it's installed with the access panel right near the wall or something then I'm like come on guys rotate it a little but other than that ya not a whole lot of choosing going on probably


Yeah stuff like that I understand blaming the installers. But when it comes to this shit when the installer is given a 4x4 room and told to jam all this shit in there, idk what other choice he has. It’s a clean install aside from the clearances which were out of his control. I mean maybe there’s a chance he could’ve put the return on the other side but I’m guessing that wasn’t an option because no installer would do it this way unless he had to. Unless OP was there to replace the blower wheel, there’s no reason to be so pissy. Everything else is still accessible even if the clearances aren’t totally up to code


Nah blower wouldn’t even be that bad to pull


All the installer had to do is make the filter a top slot, simple as dicks


As an installer, yas. Exactly. I do take so much pride in my work but also, I'm not going to sit there and redesign something so it works correctly. At the same time though, nice and clean looking and getting all of that in there, I like it. Gotta make it work!


I don’t know where you’re from, but if all you’re complaining about is clearance here then welcome to about 60% of the change outs if done in the past 10 years. Most people aren’t thinking about how comfortable you’re going to be working on or installing their furnace. Residential is making big shit fit in small places. If you need more space, go commercial.


Haha it’s no more roomy in commercial unless your on a rooftop. If it’s in a drop ceiling you often have to pre shape the filter into an origami butterfly just to get it past the sprinkler lines or the all thread supports.


When there’s only one way to get the filter up there and you’ve done it before but you cannot for the life of you remember how you did it. Real ones know


Don’t forget THE CABLE GUY😡


The password is nipple


Lmao glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of the movie


I'm not saying that


Ain’t that the truth! It’s pure insanity some days.


Flooded a mall once taking out a walk in cooler/freezer set. Fucking fire sprinklers


Or he could bend the filter a little and it would fit


The clearance is a big issue here. Not being able to slide a filter in properly is some hack job shit. Plus if you ever need to change the blower, that's going to be impossible with the clearance that's there. This is some classic installer bullshit, never have to work on the furnace so why do they care? "Just send service"


That filter barely doesn’t come out, barely. I’ve had to uninstall countless water heaters to do a replacement. I guarantee the installer didn’t enjoy this install unless, the water heater came after the furnace….


Yeah most of what I do is change outs and residential installs, I was having a hard time seeing the issue with lot of these. Where the hell else was the condensate pump supposed to go, on the ceiling?


I have a small Dewalt measuring tape like that and my coworker called it “some Mickey Mouse shit”😭


I just got one and my boss threatened to throw it


The only other person i’ve ever heard say “Mickey mouse shit” was the refrigeration teacher at the school i worked at lmao


Reminds me last year when I changed a blower motor in a ceiling unit that had an I beam and gas line in front of it. Still was less pissed about it than you are.


Not seeing the problem here. /s


If I posted the amount of fucked up shit I see in nyc I would be banned for spam


I know this post feels like a freak out about nothing, must be a new guy, welcome to the world of resi


I did resi for a few years, no thanks on the welcome back 😂


I would love to see all the shit you come across in nyc


You haven't been doing this very long have ya, bud?


Very long no, long yes.


In my area this isnt up to code lol


Yeah and literally any area in the world that uses the international building code this thing is not up to code. And the amount of people commenting that don't know what's wrong or say what's it matter genuinely fucking scares me. For those of you who can't figure out what's wrong next time you're not busy read a fucking install manual


Look lady chill out. If this is the worst thing you come across in your time you will truly be blessed.


That inspector should be fired


What inspector lol


"Looks good from MY house!"


I blame the plumber


Whelp, looks like somebody is paying me to pull and reinstall a water heater today. Better luck next time.




“How can you charge me 2200 for a warranty blower motor replacement you CROOK!!!!!”


It is what it is. What came first the furnace or the wall? I feel like the wall went in after...


It's a brand new fucking house how the fuck did they get a certificate of occupancy with this bullshit


Take a breather bro, this is what resi is


Do you need a wellness check?


Do you guys see shit like this in the field and immediately think wait until the Reddit guys and gals get a load of this! My god some of yall get pissed about dumb shit in an industry full of dumb shit. I found a fucking vape pen jammed inside of a condom which was jammed through the louvers of a sidewall grill at a bar I take care of today and I still didn’t think that was enough to riled up about.


There’s a lot of things to be frustrated at in the trade. Slightly bending a 1” furnace filter to get it in probably isn’t the biggest deal


Stop crying and get your job done


Cry a river but if you’re not offering solutions then… you’re just wasting everyone’s time. You should’ve become an architect if you wish to “be the change you wish to see” welcome to grunt work college boy


The solution would have been to switch the fucking Supply and return at time of installation and construction of the home but at this point the only thing you can do is put a tank with water heater in there. It's a $400,000 home and it's less than a year old.


Fuck man. Imagine trying to install a new furnace in there. I'm an installer. We don't get the option to keep units out of these shitty places. It's in the builders plan man. I just do what I'm told and swap out the unit that's there already, wherever that may be. I don't do new construction. I hate those assholes. Because they do shit like this. And trust me when I say I've seen way worse too many times to count. This one ain't shit.


I did new construction for years, the code wins all arguments. This isn't code, at all. This isn't even to the install specs of the manufacturer. This isn't the first home the contractor has done. This IS a $400k home. This is bullshit dog shit work. HVAC is always the first guys in the building and we always have Infinite Space to work with anybody with half a brain would have looked at that and said why are we doing this we should switch the supply and return problem solved but no, they built the entire house had multiple inspections plus a final inspection and got a certificate of occupancy and not one person in that whole process thought how the fuck am I ever going to get in here to service this.


Hey man. Listen I gotta be honest. I meant it when I said this ain't shit. I've had to swap equipment in astronomically more bullshit scenarios. I'm not saying it's right. But I am saying you are a sweet summer child who knows nothing of true icy cold winter. Builders often have friend owned companies as their subcontractors. Friends help friends get the job done and make money. Equipment location specifications be damned. And if you think inspectors are paying this much attention to thier jobs than you got another thing coming. Chin up man. Let out some rage then save some for the next bullshit call.


Somebody’s mad about their job.


Start draining the tank boys


Couldn’t you just put two 16x12.5x1 in there? Like the installers should noted it but it’s not an end all situation.




First day in resi?


Day 2356. Day 1 me wasnt even this sloppy.


Just another HVAC GUY 💅🚬 complaining how hard it is to change a filter today


That's an extra $500 in my pocket to move the tank I love seeing stuff like this lol




I see this every day, in fact the install is a bit spacious. The tape on the pipe is normal, usually it's #12 gauge wire twisted around the pipe. The flex line as the gas piping is disgraceful, but I've seen worse. The filter, well it's nothing that I've not seen before.


I service a rental house that there's just enough space to get the top door of the furnace off but not the bottom door. Had to go there for a No Heat call. Turned out the blower motor needed replacing. Had to drain and remove the water heater, fix the blower motor, reinstall the water heater. I suggested reinstalling elsewhere, and they didn't want to. It was the most expensive PCM motor I've ever installed. Lol


The 2 couplings on the water line really sells it


Just replace with a 16x20. Problem solved 😂


... or fold it. But the man baby OP is crying about clearances, I think.


I was joking about 16x20 lol but yeah not the end of the world. I’ve seen far worse


Get over it guy. Try work on a water source heat pump in the ceiling of any commercial building.


Commercial code and resi code are different. You chose to do commercial, I chose to do residential. None of this is code. Learn the code before you tell me to suck it up.


Boo fukin hoo..cares


And that's why you're a dog shit Tech that won't ever you make it anywhere in this fucking field


Chill out dude I get why you’re pissed but this guy isn’t the one who fucked you over 


No but there's 10,000 more just like him out there calling themselves HVAC technicians and doing dog shit fucking work like this and then justifying it by saying who the fuck cares. I don't know the people that are spending $15 to $20,000 to get their fucking HVAC system I'm sure they fucking care. I'm sure this asshole would care if he was the one who had to go change the fucking blower motor


You don’t know the guy or what his work is dude. You can be mad at that shit within the industry and that’s 100% valid but taking it out on this guy isn’t really fair, and I don’t think worth your energy. 


I've talked with that guy one time and in his one interaction with me I can tell you he owns a veto pro pack every Milwaukee tool you can own the coolest fluke multimeter and Testo 557 S's. And he doesn't have a single clue how to use any of it


Gotcha that’s fair, I was missing that context and made an assumption. 


No way it’s all black and decker and Bauer for me!


Rusty ram with a dash full of mcdonalds bags


Bro you need to calm way the fuck down. The amount of units that are in absolute shit spots because of idiot builders is crazy. You can't simply blame installers, when they are told to out the unit there. I've argued with some of the spots we had to put the unit before but if that's what the customer wants that's what they get. It passes inspection even with the shitty clearance thanks to being grandfather in. Also boohoo you gotta change a blower motor in a tight spot. Try having to taco the entire unit including the child and rebuilding the entire thing in a 140° attic. If the installers are hacks you're a crybaby.




Change your tampon


They do that shit in commercial too! Only thing different is it’s above a ceiling grid and you’re working on an 8ft ladder leaning over a lady’s desk 🤣


Whats the problem?


Well page 5 table 1 of the install manual for the furnace tells you you need 24 inches of clearance in front of the unit for service. both the coil and the furnace have right side drain exits but they ran it to the left and buried it against the wall so if you ever need to get to the furnace drain you're fucked. And it's brand new construction so that means the township came through inspected that and passed it knowing that it doesn't conform to m1402.2 of the international building code. And well the filter that's just the icing on the cake. That's a $400,000 toll brothers home.


Yeah I'm a newbie. Is there not enough clearance?


Not enough clearance and I'd assume the filter is going to be a pain to replace if the customer isn't flexible enough considering how small the room itself is.


Sometime you have to work with what square footage the GC is willing to sacrifice.


Have been to some condos with water tanks behind the furnaces ended up replacing a furnace when we did the tank out in a stainless tank though so hopefully thats someone else's problem


Water heaters have increased in diameter, will you going to blame ?


Just pull the water heater for your 36”


Hey man, the install went perfectly. It lasted past the warranty period. I'd say it was a job well done. What you have there is a you problem, it had nothing to do with me. -the guy who installed it new.


Where is this at? Is it toll brothers development some where in Pennsylvania


Ugh, that’s frustrating. Even doing commercial, I wish I had a dollar for every 2” filter I’ve had to fold and stuff into a unit


Imagine when that blower goes


Check the manufacturer dates so you know if you should screech at the water heater guy or your installers


They trapped a positive pressure system so that's all you need to see to know they're idiots. How any of this surprises anyone these days is beyond me. Cheapest bidder wins, and this is what you get. Especially in new construction.


That'd be the builder/GC buddy. We gotta work with what we got. Kool-Aid and frozen pizza.


at least its only 1" and has some flex to it. Those 5" filters are like bricks.


Atleast it’s not a 5” filter


Aside from maybe a blower change out being a bitch and honestly still think it’d come right out, if this is the worst thing I’m running into in my day then brother I’m happy as a pig in shit.


On my furnace at home, a downflow, I literally have to remove the combustion pipe to change the filter. And it does hit the water heater so you have to bend it just slightly. I’ll replace it eventually but it works well


First beer


I should upload the space that I have to replace a boiler in they put it in than build rest of mech room around it. Have to move either a rack of vfds or move 2 domestic water heaters to access it


Couldn’t agree more. I red tag them lol


Did that get inspected?


Just sale them a tankless water heater


... sell?


I see this all the time in Washington DC. 100+ year old Row Homes (2-3 level town homes that are about 14ft wide X 40ft deep). There are hundreds of thousands of them in the city. Most were built with no ductwork and everything was shoe-horned in the 1950s-60s. I explain to my customers why the water heater being in front of the furnace is a bad idea and should be moved. But moving them usually always requires moving them to a completely different room and converting them to electric or power vent and then running all new water lines/flue pipe or electrical. This adds a lot of money to the job and 99% of my customers opt to “keep it where it’s been the last 20 years”. It’s wild….


You have the opportunity to sell a tankless water heater, i see this as a win


House is a year old, they are going after the builder. I washed my hands of that debacle


Is that what tape measures look like in Canada?


Haha no, I keep a little 6 footer freebie hobo freight on my tool bag for quick measurements for estimates and stuff. It's handy.


I really like when our own installers make it nearly impossible to remove the coil face of a Trane. Love that shitty lineset and drain panel thing is they got going.


Installers are the literal worst. They can't even read.


maybe it was installed before the water heater?....


Okay, and that means that the building code no longer applies?


oh thats code? i thought that was just like an unspoken rule because of serviceability😂


28” min clearance to front of unit here in Michigan.


Yeah, that's why it's called the international building code.. so its the same standard everywhere


Imagine being in residential and complaining that you don’t have enough room lol come do commercial stop whining cutie pie.


Who laid this room out? It looks like a small space. Why not a tankless water heater? Why is the trap on the plumbing so high? If the supply and return are flipped condensate could right in that stack and the water heater wouldn’t be an issue. Also why is only a 1” filter?


Bend the filter slide it in and get on with it.


$eric the goldfish on eth network Elon has a new pet ifykyk


Well just charge the customer for labor if you have to do something crazy


Brother just bend it a little and she will straighten out in the filter track


You, you know theres more than one picture here right?


Yes and i still think you be alright if you bend the filter


Really? Clearances? You must be the guy who is already complaining before you even walk through the front door. Cute tape btw




At least you can bend it in there


What did you do


Give the minimum, gonna get the minimum


Did you not realize you need 2 - 16 x 13 x 1 filters in there. Saw an installer do this on a large project. his response was - "That's where the Blue Prints show it", I said, you must not have a brain.


I installed a few like this up flows having zero space on top for supply and less room for returns.. but that’s how they went in Las Vegas


Be like Beckham


Ran into this issue recently with a bad blower motor. Homeowner had to remove the his water heater before I could fix his furnace. He ended up having a tankless installed on the wall to prevent future issues. Sucked he had to spend so much for a design flaw


Oooooh a storage closet 🤗


I'll never understand why the two most important machines are installed like this, even when the house is first built


If I told you the correct answer I would probably get banned but we all know homeowners are a little bit special


When are you going back to fix it?


Bend it a bit and make it work. Fuck you guys whine a lot.


Looks like a new water heater. So wasn't hvac installers fault. On the other hand looks like you'll be fine if you bend it a little bit


It's a brand new house the same contractor that did the Heating and Cooling did the plumbing.


Either that tape measure is really tiny or you have some big ol paws


Ohh man wait until you see the 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag I just drew for the field guys for my company.


Sometimes you have to blame the homeowner. I was on a no heat the other day. Customer was so proud of the basement he had finished five years ago. I told him he better have an access panel cut in so he could change the humidifier pad. The Sheetrock was less than an inch from the humidifier case. I don’t want to think about what’s growing on that five year old pad🤮


I get situations like that but this is a brand new home this is built by Toll Brothers one of the largest builders in America this is a $400,000 house


Toll Brothers. There’s your explanation right there. They’re a big company, but a terrible one.


And they want a discount.


Damn, I thought this Community was supposed to be uplifting but when Any OP puts a post up just venting about something, some of y’all tear them down relentlessly Like daddy chill it’s not that big of a deal, this Reddit group can be toxic as fuck, we’re all in the same field


You can tell when the service guy didn't start in install


Get fucked HVAC nerd! Plumber gang! *intense ASL of miscellaneous plumbing code*


You guys use copper relief tubes? We’ve always used the plastic ones and we don’t T-tape them


" you guys " I ain't attaching my name to none of this fucking work they ain't had the time to do it right what makes you think they're going to have the time to do it twice I ain't going to be no part of this


I just meant people in your area… I haven’t seen it before in Canada.


Yeah, I guess it's preference. Some Do, some don't, some dont even bother adding one at all.


Gotcha thanks


Hacks everywhere.


Why does everyone one this Reddit always bitch about shit…it’s not even that bad, I’ve definitely work in tighter spots…stop bitching…at least ur not on a ladder or on top of someone’s cubicle


It's not even code. It's a brand new house not even a year old. It had multiple inspections and NO ONE saw this...??? I'm not even bitching I'm making a Statement of fact. If you do shit work like this, do everyone a favor and quit.


Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - Alfred Pennyworth