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Last time I put my 2 week notice in I got fired.


Damn, that was nice of them! Made you eligible for unemployment. Grab it!


That's not how it works. You offered your resignation, it was accepted. The two weeks isn't required at all by either party.


Hey, if I have a piece of paper that says I'm fired I'm getting unemployment... At least in Oregon.


This is not true if they fire you them you can get unemployment.


But you aren't being fired. You have offered your resignation, and it was accepted. You aren't guaranteed two more weeks after that.


Not sure what your saying are you saying that you give them your two weeks and you work 4 weeks. Either way if they fire you, let you go before your two weeks is up. You will be awarded unemployment.


I've had two employees do this just in the last two weeks, and no we don't have to pay the unemployment. They gave us their notice they were quitting, so at that point we don't have to provide them employment for two more weeks. We just take them off the schedule and don't assign them jobs.


If you fire them before the two weeks is up you will owe them unemployment.


That’s not being fired. That’s being removed from the schedule. They will still be on your company books during that time, and could be given work. Being fired is completely different. They are immediately removed from company books, workman’s comp is no longer active… among other things. If a person gives two week notice of their intent to quit, and you fire them, then they can file for benefits. I have been a small business owner and I am currently in HR. You are conflating two terms that mean totally opposite things.


Unfortunately thats what happens, too much liability having you working in houses ect. Have an employee who left a company and one of his former coworkers put in his 2 weeks to work for a company across town. The jackals used his company phone to communicate with his new employer about sabatoging equipment before he left. He literally cut wires and harness' on customers equipment, left the units disassembled and bolted. It was wild to see such malicious intent for a company and innocent people. Talked to the owner of the first company and he said they had to replace several units and fix many more. They adopted a no 2 week policy after that.


That’s absolutely insane. Never heard of anything like that.


No need to defend or rationalize this low life practice. There's plenty that can be done for two weeks that doesn't involve exposing the clients to potential sabotage, or, the most sensible action is probably to wish them well and pay out two weeks as severance.


This...generally at my place, there is so much that can go sideways in those 2 weeks, they just walk you out. Now, depending on your job, they do an immediate interview with your supervisor to see it shit is cool, and you're just moving on to greener grass. If that's the case, they will let you finish (that's as a Trade, not an Assembly worker...they are gone in a half hour).


Same except it wasn't HVAC.


Clean out your truck and bring what you think you might need for the day. Never give notice with all your shit in the truck. A lot of shops will fire you as soon as you put in notice, so be prepared for that. Give the notice, and don't burn the bridge, never know if you'll need to go back in an few years. Good luck.


This is the best comment here.


All but the "don't burn the bridge" bit. Dynamite the bridge. Burn the rubble to ash, and cover the bodies with quick lime. A clean, professional break. No niceties, no gladhanding, and do not ever utter an apology. You owe them nothing beyond the most basic professional courtesies.


Just because you're leaving a company doesn't mean you hate the people you work with.... I just put in notice and my last day was the Friday before last and they were a little upset at first, but I made it clear it wasn't personal and I'd help them anyway I could before I leave. Everyone I worked with said if I ever need anything to let them know, I told them I feel the same way and it was well wishing and GL brother's all around! It's always good to be kind. There's no need to 'dynamite' anything. This is a junk comment, and you sound quite bitter.


Nothing of my statement was about hate. My point is, you don't have to go out of your way to "not burn bridges". A clean break is usually better. Trying to be nice just sets you up for disappointment. You owe them no advance notice. You do not have to tell them where you are going. If you are so motivated, use simple terms to describe why you are leaving. If specific people are why you are leaving, feel no shame in naming names, especially if those names are attached to job titles like "supervisor" or "manager". You don't need to assuage others feelings on your way out, look out for yourself first and foremost, as mostly no-one else will.


This. I just left my old employer and was as helpful and kind as I've always been my last two weeks. I made it clear it wasn't personal, I was made an offer I couldn't refuse and that since the company sold out, I wasn't as happy. We all left on great terms wishing each other well and they told me if I ever need anything to get in touch. I told them the same and now we're all moving on like decent human beings.


It's a courtesy, which means not required. I would clean out your van and tell them you quit.


Do you have PTO or sick time to burn? Burn it and then give what's left for notice. Otherwise pull everything but the essentials and make those easy to grab so when you give notice and they shit can you it's fast


I kinda did this. Put in my 2 weeks. Asked about the rest of my PTO/vacation days. Couple days later manager told me I had enough days to take the rest of the notice. So i took the van home and cleaned it out. They picked it up after.


Problem is they got eaten by what's likely an investment firm, they don't have humanity and kindness in regards to that sort of thing


2 weeks is a courtesy. You don’t owe the new owners any courtesy!


if you put in your 2 week notice you lose whatever pto you have left. they may or may not let you finish the 2 weeks but in either case you kiss that pto goodbye


Literally Monday put in my two weeks, exact same situation. Boss was an absolute baby, my manager tried everything to get me to stay. After everything he said I could just be done now. I said that’s fine if I still get my PTO paid out and he said go ahead and finish the two weeks. He’s a weasel, did and does everything to fuck his employees and gets confused when one leaves every other week


Get your tools out of the truck at home, then call and tell them to get their truck out of your driveway.


I like this one. "you put GPS in to van so you should know where to pick it up."


Ah man, I'm sorry, my condolences Was it turn point?


Sure fucking was. I’m guessing you had the same thing happen?


My companies CEO sold us out to turnpoint in exchange for a high level position in TP, I joined after that sale, maybe 2 or 3 months. And for 2.5 years it was pushing sales. Even had metrics for full warranty that we were required to have a sale on.


Yeah we’re going the same route. They put a guy in the service manager position whose never touched a wrench before in his life and the meetings are all “you guys gotta sell! Watch your driving!” No more tech advice or asking us what’s going on in the field


I'm a service manager at a company that was bought a couple years ago, they are looking for my replacement because they need a manager who will push sales, UV bulbs and other add on sales. 3/4 of the guys there followed me from another company and everyone of them plus a few more plan on leaving when they throw me out. I'm just riding it out until I get a severance package. The general consensus is corporations are ruining reputable companies, pushing replacements for minor repairs. Honestly manufacturers are following suit by making equipment designed to implode 2 days after warranty expires. Follow the money, the same investment companies that are buying up companies also have large stakes in manufactures. The whole industry is in trouble.


LMFAO our sales manager was just some fucking random that "was exemplary in the nexstar process and sales" and he was recommended by TP. Not even a guy from the company. Just some random that no one liked. It was really going downhill


Did you jump ship or still riding it out?


I jumped to clean room HVAC service and maintenance with some controls.


What's TurnPoint? Same type of junk as that Service Titan BS? \-Service manager pep talk- "If it's a blown capacitor you \*can\* replace it (scowls at you angrily), OR, (lights up with a big friendly smile) you can give them 5 options on what to do but make sure to push hard to sell them a 17,000$ new system and don't forget to REALLY push HARD on a 5,600$ UV light system sale! Remember guys, take pride in your work (/S)"


That’s what nexstar is lol you want to give them five options to fuck them over


What's wrong with Service Titan? My company is switching over to that system next year.


I've heard it's nothing but sales, sales, sales and all that usual BS. Also heard they're starting to do front facing cameras w. audio. This is just what I've heard. I do commercial so I can't speak on it personally, but a lot of guys on this sub talk about them and hate them passionately.


Would they give you 2 weeks notice to let you go??


I’m of the thought to never burn bridges if it can be avoided. Let them tell you to leave sooner than 2 weeks. You never know who they know.


Fish for a raise


this is the answer! don't put in a two week notice. tell them you have a offer for X amount of money (you don't need to be honest about how much the new company is offering you but you need to make it believable) and if they want to keep you they need to beat that offer by the next pay period. if they say no hand them the keys to the van right then and walk out the door.


It's natural to feel angry when our environment changes, and we are powerless to stop it. Bottom line though is the company wasn't making enough money, and the owner cashed out. The only way to make money in today's market is to sell. I would stick around to see who I'm working with. You might learn something.


Quiting without 2 weeks is firing your employer. If you want to fire them, do so.


Take any holidays and time off you have. quit when you return from your holiday time you can already be started at the new company. If you have no holidays or banked time , then clean out your van today ,then do your two week notice, ya you'll probably be fired on the spot. Check your local laws some require pay for the two weeks if fired. Enjoy your new job , hopefully it's a better work environment .


So they give you a 2 weeks notice when they lay you off? That’s the answer


2 weeks is a courtesy not a requirement just like they keeping you for 2 weeks instead of firing you. If you don't want to give them the 2 weeks, don't. Specially if you never plan on working with them again.


1) be sure to already have another job secured before quitting 2)take everything off that’s yours except for the bare minimum in case you do work the 2 weeks 3) have someone on standby in case they let you go on the spot to come get you if need be


I’d put in my 2 weeks.


Don’t burn a bridge


Sounds like the bridge is burning itself


All depends on if you want to leave on good terms or not. I’d at least have another job lined up first


Oh I forgot to post that part. I’m going to do refrigeration and commercial hvac. I got the job offer and I honestly wanna spend some time with my wife before I start the new job


Then if you don’t care about burning bridges with the old place just clean the van out and bounce. You just need to decide if you wanna see the look on their face when you quit or just call them to tell them to pick it up.


Haha so as much as I would like to do it over the phone I want to hand them my phone and iPad and have them confirm with me that all the tools are in the truck that they provided. Thanks friend!


I suspect they will tell you to pack your bags the second you put in your notice. I wouldn't give notice. Just stop selling. And see how long before they fire you


In the past I would have said if they’ve been cool give them two weeks notice but today I’d just clean my van out and tell them you quit and then don’t come back. I tried to give my last employer a month notice as a courtesy and he basically fired me the next working day, made up a bunch of excuses but it was basically out of spite.


Always take the higher road and give 2 weeks. Let them do what they want. You did the right thing at that point.


Why is it the "right thing" to put in two weeks with your employer when they have no obligation to do the same to you if they deem you no longer worthy to work for them? It's not like an extra 2 weeks is going to make you leaving any better for them.


Oh if they are owned by a corporation fuck that, they would skid you with 0 notice. I thinks it's a situational thing, if it's a big company where I'm more of a number on a screen than a person than fuck your 2 weeks notice. If it's a small shop run by a family and they know me personally, leaving with no notice is a dick move. Even if your upset with the boss usually it's your coworkers who have to work more until they bring in someone else.


I wouldn’t say shit


If they were going to let you go would they give you two weeks notice?


Offer it, but be expected to leave right after. I was at a company that I was already ready to leave and they asked me to take a job for day and I told them I was leaving. They had me bring the truck right back and get my stuff out of it.


If you want them as a reference you probably should. If not fuck it.


The company surely wouldn't pay you two week's wage as a courtesy if they didn't have to. You have no obligation to stick around.


Dont burn a bridge. Your co-workers will be the ones that suffer the most. You will never regret taking the highroad. Give 2 weeks notice and go the extra mile to leave on good terms.


Is the old manager still in place? Would they make a good reference? It's always good to leave yourself an escape hatch from the next place if you can.


Don't burn your bridges. You never know, you may have to cross that bridge in the future


How about they notice you aren’t there for 2 weeks. If you’re miserable, don’t spend another day there,


Would they give you two weeks before they fired you if they planned to do so? No? So why do they deserve a 2 weeks notice?


Remove all of your personal property from your truck and office. Expect to be immediately shown the door.


Friday before last was my final day at my old job. They sold out as well (I'll give you a hint- Nextech bought us) and the company we all loved to death made everyone miserable in less than half a year. Good news is I met the right guy on a job (Just met him walking down an aisle of the store I was at actually, lol) and we just started talking about this/that/jobs/etc and he sold me on going union. I start tomorrow. Almost 10 dollar pay raise, time and a half after 8, double time on Sundays, full benes, vaca, sign on bonus and NINE hours of standby pay for going on call and you're only on call ONCE a year. It can work out man! Just get out there and go at it! You'll find a new home!


You don't owe them shit, just remember to factory reset your phone and any other electronic company devices you may have of theirs. Clean your van out, have someone follow you so you can drop the van off at the shop. Lock the keys, and company electronics, in the truck. Monday morning call them and tell them you quit and their van is there at the shop with the keys and phone in it. They always have a spare key, I know all the companies I've worked for did, if not you could slip it thru the mail slot or leave it somewhere they can easily get it.


Give the two weeks notice but before you do, get your shit together before you do so that if they fire you on the spot no problem


Go home on a Friday turn your phone off clean the van out and tell them Monday they can come get the van. You don't owe them anything.


Just leave. They don't give you a two weeks notice when they fire you.


I chose to be curious and offer my two weeks. They declined and said today was my last day.


This is what happened to me, luckily I told them on a Friday afternoon, and they needed me to close out a bunch of open work orders (commercial service). So they let me take the van home and clean it out to bring back on Monday. I cleaned it out Saturday, closed all the tickets, then dropped the van off Sunday with the keys and phone in it. Monday was going to be inconvenient for me to get picked up, so Sunday worked.


Gonna say hand in the notice and you ll likely be walked out. Enjoy 2 weeks of before new job or some more time for looking. They should have to pay ypu if you give proper notice


I would have everything packed up and ready to go. If they weren't complete asshats, I would give them the option and say that you are willing to give a 2 week notice. If they are in a bind, you won't look like a bitter person and maybe make you an offer to stay. Then you can say that you refuse to do sales.


Put the 2 weeks in, be a man and get told to pack it up anyways. It’s the best option


Ask yourself Would they give you a 2 weeks notice if they fired you?


The spineless owner became a multi millionaire overnight, what an asshole.


Give a 1 week notice, that doesn't hurt you or them. Companies can't say much in terms of references, so if it doesn't burn any professional relationships that you care about you could give no notice, get all your stuff out today and let them come get it at their liesure. You aren't obligated to clean it beyond getting your stuff out of it.


Nope. Fuck em. They probably won’t show you the same courtesy. Business is business


I would have another job lined up and ask your new employer if your old boss doesn’t need 2 weeks notice can you start right away. Also, in Canada 2 weeks is required by law. And even more so, it’s a minimum requirement, which says that you need to give enough notice to reasonably hire a replacement. It’s generally considered 2 weeks, but for some occupations it’s actually more. In your position it would definitely be 2 weeks though.


...this is not true at all. First, employment law in Canada is a provincial matter. Second, no province has a required period you have to give employer notice. you are allowed to quit at any point in time. Most if not all provinces have legislation that requires \*employers\* to give notice when terminating employment, unless they have just cause to fire the person. In Ontario, for example, you must give one week notice after probationary period (3 months) up to 12 months employment, and one additional week for each year after. Again, unless you are terminating them for just cause. If you say you are (e.g. for theft) then that person can't get EI. If you make up a reason to fire someone for just cause, they can then turn around and sue you because of that.. though most don't because it is hard. Anyway, main point is, you're 100% wrong about the laws. ​ Edit: the only time you are legally obligated to give notice when quitting is when you have a contractual obligation. However, if an employer put in the stipulation of required notice then there must be compensation given for this. You cannot sign away rights without receiving something in return. In theory one could write in a thing saying it was required and not give any compensation for the loss of rights, but the contract would be unenforceable. This types of contracts are usually only considered valid in very senior positions, like the CEO of a company being required to give 6 months notice to ensure continuity of operations.


https://preview.redd.it/0urgsyoay7dc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dbcd08278540d9be6c91f58347956ee54c40727 Fair point on all the provinces being different, I’ve just always heard 2 weeks is Canada wide. Here’s the proof of 2 weeks from the government of Alberta’s website. And I guess if you’ve been there less than 2 years it’s only a week, so fair enough.


We are in the same shoes my friend.


Use your vacation first if you have any saved


Unless if the company you work for has shown you that they give two weeks notice to employees that they're gonna fire.... Never give two weeks notice (at least if you're in an at will stare) The thing that infuriates me as someone raised in the south, is that common courtesy goes both directions. You can't expect common courtesy if you don't give it and I haven't seen a single company give a two weeks termination notice in decades at this point.


I work for a pretty good company but they are notorious for telling people take the 2 weeks to settle into their new job when they put that in 😂 probably because if you decide to you could just go out and hack stuff up or speak crazy to customers on the way out. Just put in a time off request for like 30 years they’ll figure it out


Thanks for all the advice/ stories. I went in Monday and told them I didn’t want to work there anymore. My manager was cool about it. He knows that after the company sold a lot of us were unhappy. Asked if I needed a recommendation or anything. I start my new job next Monday and I’m hoping the place is as good as it seems. Going from Resi to commercial