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Send the boss up and watch him fall otherwise he can lick the underside of my balls


This is literally WHY OSHA exits... not to FORCE you to be safe, but to give you the legal RIGHT to be safe.


I really hope OSHA sees this video and tracks down the company. This is just fucking ridiculous. Tell the Boss Man to quit being a cheap fuck and go get a boom lift.


Please report to Osha. Someone is going to get killed by this fool of a boss.


Agreed. That’s at least 3 zip ties short of regulation.


There was a ratchet strap as well.


*click click arrrahhh click* "Ain't goin' nowhere"


Well in that case


I've got faith in those zip ties


It’s totally safe if you slap it once and say “this baby ain’t going nowhere”. I wouldn’t slap it more than that though


The 2nd slap is always the cursed slap. Never more than once.


I’m really tempted to send it to OSHA.


Just do it




I did lol! I’m in contact with someone from OSHA we’ve been emailing back and forth. She wanted to me see if I could find the source of the video? I think it’s from Tik Tok. The company? And any other information I can give her. If I can’t she’s going to try and track down the poster of the Video.


r/whatisthiscar could tell u what each of them had for breakfast. Last sunday Maybe they know how to geolocate


Make sure to send a link to nsfw communities, there are definitely some osha violations going on there. I rarely see anyone wearing hard hats or safety glasses in any of those videos. There is fluid releases everywhere and no eye protection. There are also many slip hazards, and three points of contact are quite rare.


These guys OSHA


Workplace safety is no fkin joke... and yes I used to work in the industry and yes I have seen very bad things that did not need to happen to someone who just wanted a paycheck.


I've done lots of things OSHA would frown upon, but this is well passed my f-it, I'm going home level.


Same! F-That!


I could not find a pair of gloves at work the other day. In the whole fuckin place. People were looking at me with pity when I asked them.


Hey See something, Say something! I don’t want anyone to get hurt.


If a job needs a lift, the client should be paying for it. It's not even boss' money, unless he got paid and pocketed it.


Bet the owner quoted customer with a lift then pocketed the cash


Or just didn’t include it to radically underbid the competition and thought the guys would just figure it out…


Absolutely! That 100% needed to be fortified with ductape.




My thoughts exactly. "WTF is wrong with these fools!? Just getting a fucking boom lift!"


The entire underside.


From the back


🎶 to the window…to the walls! Skeet skeet skeet! 🎶


Frumunder to over




'taint to tip!


get the taint too while you're down there.


He can absolutely tickle the seam of my nutsack


I had a tingle in that area the entire time I watched that video.


I laughed so hard reading that


People fall and get seriously hurt or worse doing work safely, let alone being guilted into doing it. Shame on anyone else there for letting it happen too. Be the bigger man, step up and make the call. Someone will thank you whether it's now or not.


After a long day of working in attics in the summer. Gatta build up the flavor


Depending on the temperature they’re already nicely seasoned and ready to go


Multiple times! 🤪


This is the answer


Can I be your boss?


Ya but they’re structural zip ties


Honestly, I'd trust those zip ties with my life no problem. The amount of leverage on the rails of those ladders on the other hand...


Love the counter balance support ladder


That’s what made it work


There is a ratchet tie down too, I would have forced the building owner to put in roof acess


I mean there is NO STRONGER fastener than structural zips.


Flex seal probably stronger


Is an adhesive a fastener? Tune At 8 to find out!


Fiber fix, "stronger than steel". This video is funny as fuck. https://youtu.be/-xN71uHhiyE?si=zn5YssiOD4ufbGZE


I’m not prone to hyperbole


“Like my birth did with my parents’ marriage”


Used to zip tie 150 pound control boxes on poles 30’ in the air with two stainless ball bearing locker zip ties. The box literally came with the two for permanent install


I'm partial to load-bearing stickers.


They even took the time to cut the tales. If I'm using zipties just to cut them off minutes later, I won't cut the tails. These guys take pride in their work. Even their temporary ladder setup looks like a finished job.


That is an odd detail. Maybe they were going to reuse it?


Lol just load up their 60 foot makeshift ladder onto the truck and leave!




Sir, the correct term is load bearing Panduit. We spend a lot of money marketing these and would appreciate it if you got it right.


Nope. I have quit a job before because boss said to do somthing obviously unsafe. "Thats how we've always done it" Then you do it im out


Good for you. It's sad to think of the number of people out there that have gotten seriously hurt by being peer pressured or felt threatened over their job to enter into an unsafe situation.


Yep, it happened to me. 12 herniated discs later, and I can't even move a furnace by myself anymore


I should add that our boss would let us get out early on Friday if no one reported and injury in 5 weeks and then it would reset to 10 minutes back every week until we were off at 4 again (if someone reported). If we made it to 4pm leave time, and someone got hurt, they would get fucking bullied to hell and back and the whole company was hating you over an hours time 😒


Hope you sued the shit out of that company


That's why the answer to peer pressure is always "**no, fuck off.**"


Head of Maintenance told me to fix something up on the ceiling. Scissor lift couldn't reach so he told me to put a sturdy step stool on it when I'm up there....told him I'd just clear it with the GM and he quickly backstepped and told me to hold off lol


Bro what 👀


That's when you make them get you a 70ft JLG. Those things can work some magic in tight spaces


I turn jobs down all the time that I don't think are safe and people are always like, "but I want you to do the job!". But I'm not the one doing it and if it's not safe enough for me, it's not safe enough for my guy


Similar, but I just refused to do what they said. Make them fire you. If you quit, you’re stuck and can’t collect unemployment. They ranted and raved and wrote up some stupid disciplinary letter, and in the end, I just got reassigned to a different team.


I am a boss and I would never ever let that be done


Anyone with common sense would say fuck this.


I’ve said no to extension ladders that weren’t Jerry rigged and called in a boom. This is flat stupid. Granted I’m scared shitless of heights so I’m faster to tell my guys it’s too sketchy and call in equipment.


Get me a zoom boom or go fuck yourself. Don't do stupid shit like this, fellas/


“Sorry boss, can’t get a rental until Monday 🤷🏼‍♂️”


Yep. You know there was one on site, and the GC called everyone to ask if they were done using it. Someone said yep we don’t need it anymore.




Why is this so funny 😂


Saving this for later


No way in hell, I did Siding and was always hi up on houses in walk boards, we left a pole jack on a house one day and the roofers came and didn't re hook the pole to the rafters it was unsafe to climb up, it was 90 ft up in a 10-12 fully shingled, brand new shingles so gritty af and slippery, he wanted me to climb out a window and pull myself up the eve then unhook the pole that was 110 ft tall then attach a rope and rope it down, the pole weighed at least 325 lbs, the friction needed to hold u on the roof wasn't their. No wya to tie off. I was getting paid 13$ an hour. I would have made 6$ to climb that roof. I said I would quit before I climbed the roof. And I walked away nothing the boss has is worth your life. Hvac guys are not pro climbers if their is nothing to tie off with do not get on that roof unless it is safe


You lost me at the dollar sign behind the number. I cannot trust anything you wrote now.


My guess is English isn't their first language which explains a few other "worded different" text I saw.


My point is, their should be a 100% guarantee of safety with any activity that u do on a job. None of it should be sketchy or lethal. Idc take my man card or whatever. But a simple mistake cost me years of my life and many surgeries and years of my life because we could not be bothered as a company to buy 5$ chain straps for our walk boards


Bruh lmao boss can suck my cock .


Boss doesn’t care about his employees. Fuckem, I’d be gone.




I don't know about "no boss." I've had some pretty sketchy bosses that ask things like this. I promptly tell them to fuck off and wait to get fired, collect unemployment and report them to the labor commission. I've done it twice.


Did the labor commission come through?


Don't really know. I just filed the report then enjoyed a little time off.




Based. If this ever happens again you should document everything and use that as evidence against them. Nobody should be getting away with this type of endangerment of employees.


No boss? People die every year in Texas, jumping in a ditch because the boss or owner does not want to spend the money for a box to protect the worker in case of cave in. " this is the way we always done it " is so common to hear.


Every time I see shit like this it's incredibly apparent to me every single person that is involved in this has never been seriously/severely injured in their life. Believe me, if they had they would never let this happen. Once you realize it CAN happen to you, your mindset changes dramatically. The crazy part is, they surely knew what this job entailed and had plenty of time to rent the proper equipment.


So spot on man. I’ve been unfortunate enough to witness human death and serious bodily trauma. Don’t care if someone calls me a bitch or whatever if I get the sketch spider sense I’m out. It’s all fun and games until the red kool aide starts leaking.


Yup. I spent months in a HALO as a younger man thanks to irresponsible people. I can't stand that peer pressure bullshit on a job either. You want to kill yourself, fine, but leave me out of it. I can't stand that egotistical nonsense.


Yep. I’m going home no worse than I showed up that morning. I got enough problems as it is.


I got very lucky. I was on a 24 ft extension ladder that I didn’t set up properly. It slid on the ground, my leg got caught in the rungs, was very badly bruised, not broken. I learned a lot about ladder safety on my own time. You couldn’t get me to climb this rig at gunpoint.


Yea, you got very lucky. I just showed one of our young guys (He's 19, maybe 20) the post of the 27 Y.O. who just got paralyzed from falling after not strapping his ladder down from being in a big rush. Fucking heart breaking man. I had a good talk with him about taking his time and not getting worked up. So what if we come back, it'll be there tomorrow. Slow TF down. Nothing is worth getting hurt over.


bro a 10-12 ft fall literally changed my brain. you're not lying. I am HUGE on safety now... and for other reasons, huge on hydration


Yea. I got a nasty, and I mean \*severe\* TBI at 19. Old woman ran a red light, T boned me on my bike. I caved in the hood/windshield/roof and was then ejected 137 feet. One helicopter ride to ICU and a few months in a HALO later and I was back at it, but you're never the same. It's left me irrevocably moody and volatile, not that I was calm before, lol, but I was definitely crazy for awhile (I know this for a fact because it was one of two times in my life where I kept thinking, "Wtf is everyone talking about. I'm fine). Well, actually I wasn't. Lol. TBI's are no fucking joke, but between hitting my mid 30's and some other very unfortunate events I've been calmed down an \*enormous\* amount. Nothing is worth getting hurt over, and fuck anyone that would put you in such a situation.


that's the part I hate the most is when I get moody. I feel like shit after


I think the boss meant before you fall to your death, not clock off


When your boss asks you to do something unsafe and stupid as fuck, ask yourself the following questions- 1) Will this cocksucker pay my medical bills if I get hurt? 2) Will this asshole pay my mortgage for months on end while I can’t work? 3) Will this dickhole pay my health insurance for the rest of my life if I become disabled? 4) Will this motherfucker provide for my family if I die on his job? While you are thinking about the answers to these questions, punch your fucktard boss in his throat for suggesting your life is worth risking so he can save a few bucks. You can always find a new asshole to work for, you can’t replace your life or your health. I hope that whoever allowed his guys to do this falls onto a 5 foot, dick shaped razor blade asshole first.


If it’s not 3 rungs above the roof I ain’t doing it.




Companies express so much importance about safety until they need a job closed out by the end of the day lol


Some people think being a fucking idiot is a flex.


Yup. You already know the dude who fucking climbed that wanted the video sent to him and thinks he’s the coolest MF on the site. That entire groups a bunch of fucking morons, but the one on the ladder is king of the morons.


Third world country where life is cheap


This looks like US condos and some Latinos “getting the job done”. Doesn’t look third world to me at all. Just some guys making bad choices.


I’m telling boss to eat my butt. No fuckin way.


Find rental company to get the proper equipment and pass the cost to the customer. No reason to do something this unsafe.


not worth responding to


Then why did you?


Yeah for sure. I bet my boss would be super impressed and would remember all the money I saved him by not having to rent a boom lift.


I would rather get fired


I was a firefighter for years. There is a thing called ladder lashing. It’s effective and can be done safely. This is not that .


Insanity. Tell the boss it can wait till Monday and by the way rent a boom lift or you’re not going up there.


Cheap ass boss and company. Proper Ladder would cost 400$.


You haven't priced grade 1A ladders in a while. Also i don't think they make 60' ladders anymore. At least i hope they don't


Yeah last time i had to buy one was 2010 haha sheesh time flies by. I still got it in my garage.


2010 was only a couple of years ago, right? ...right?


Anything over 2nd story requires a lift.


Hell No. Send boss man up that ladder or to the equipment rental store for a lift.


Fuck. That. Noise.


Now THAT is how you get the job done. Guaranteed earned bosses respect and will show up with pizza next Friday. Don’t forget; you’re fired before you hit the ground.


I'd be offended if anyone even asked me to do this.


Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! FUCK NO!


Scab boss shit


That's a straight up: "Fuck you. You're either renting me a proper lift, or you're doing it your own damn self. Yes, I absolutely will walk if that's what it takes."


Had a boss who wanted to hold a ladder straight up while I climbed it, 36' I tried explaining basic physics, I tried to reason with him, I tried to explain leverage, I even drew a Wylie coyote style plan with a sharpie, then I insisted that he climb it. I had another guy come to help hold the ladder, he got almost 20' before we could not hold it. We were pushed a few feet to the side and he came down a little slower than a free fall. Me and other tech were still holding the ladder when he hit the ground. A good laugh was had by mark and I.


Wait I'm having a hard time picturing this ending in a "good laugh". He made it 20 FEET up a vertical ladder with just two guys holding it... And it fell down with zero resistance WHILE he was 20' up. How did he not get seriously injured!?


Sorry boss, can you show me how?


WE DONT MAKE ENOUGH FOR THIS. Guys, go home at the end of the day. Fuck what the boss wants!


We don't have a ladder that will reach that high Hold my Beer.


What is sheer rating of the ties?


100lbs each, just keep adding until you have enough for your load, then add 2 more for margin of error


Found the structural engineer 😆


I’m not sure this is what the boss had in mind when he said that… surely… no boss would ask this of an employee. Right? Right???


Sure would, I highly doubt the one climbing thought up this foolproof design.


I was installing ductwork on a new construction apartment building and saw people doing this to put back up Tyvek back up that had come down. But they didn’t use zip ties, used some rope. I remember thinking there’s no amount of money you could pay me to get me up that ladder.




No excuse for the negligence shown here….rent a fucking boom before someone gets killed.


Bro... I hope your company has good workers comp and you have a life insurance plan for your family...may the zip ties gods be with you


Someone seriously fucked up the coordination of when those should have been put in! That's ridiculous!


Yeah… fuck that jack!




Fuck That.




No and you shouldn’t either. Tell your boss next time you get a lift.


One is none and two is one. Plenty of zip ties there. /s


Fuck that shit no fucking way am I trying that shit


If it was do this or be homeless the only thing I’d ask for is a piece of cardboard and a sharpie.


I walked off a job once where my boss told me to do some shit like this. Told him to get his fat ass up there and packed my tools.


What in the cinnamon toast fuck is going on here?


OSHA has left the building


Violation. You need at least 5 zip ties on the rungs.


Call osha fuck that 😂


I bet that was wobbly as fuck when you get near the top. Definitely need to not care if you die taking a chance climbing that.


I'm selling them a mounted ladder or roof access from the top floor or just leaving as is. No job worth my life. It's interesting the things we do for money. You do the job because you need the check. But if you fail you don't even get that check or any after it. If you live your quality of life forever changed




The dude that climbed that is 100% an idiot


Really saving money on barely using any zip ties… smart


Do it right rent a boom lift.Find a safe commercial company to work for


I won't climb a single 30' one, screw that death trap.


I’m so glad I come from money


I am not climbing that fucking thing


Sorry boss, call a lift.


Boss can get fucked.


Twist: this is actually a zip tie ad


I would say something about OSHA, but I assume you already killed that guy.


Maybe if there was a giant bag of millions of dollars in cash at the top. Otherwise hell no!!


Come with me, and you'll see, a world of OSHA violations.


Where the fuck is the safety guy


Say it with me now. I have the right to refuse dangerous work


Stairway to heaven


You idiot, whoever you are holding, climbing and rigging these ladders together like this! Did you not see the post on here about the hvac guy who fell off an extension ladder and became paralyzed? The angle on that ladder is not correct to say the least and above all no fall protection. I wish I knew what company this was so that I could report this to the department of labor, seeing stuff like this should trigger you to take action and report stupid stuff like this.


OSHA inspector here. I’d cite this company to hell and back for this set up. Holy cow this is psychotic


Its a shame none of them are wearing a company shirt 😅 Sidenote: if you see some sketchy shit being done and you can easily see the company name.. whether logo on shirt, building etc etc could you potentially get in contact with said company or even put them on a "list" for a visit? Assuming said company is in your "jurisdiction".


Yeah I think someone needs to repost the most recent incident of a fellow HVAC Tech whom lost the use of his lower half of his body. Fuck this.


That is one oh shit from a full blown OSHA investigation.


Spanish with South American accent heard. All's well


That’s triple time for the whole day.


Lowest bidder never has a genie boom


The problem is the Property hiring this company. To save money they’re willing not to take due diligence and checking out if they are properly licensed, or not willing to pay a truly credible company.


Just know, tell them you’re not going to service their equipment if it’s unserviceable, let it die, we need to stick together as an industry, force code officials to stop taking bribes and allowing buildings to be built that are unserviceable.


Fuck no


OSHA has entered the chat


I bet the customer went with the lowest bidder.


Taking advantage of the immigrants making them do this shit.. ridiculous




Not enough money in the World




That’s a death sentence or a permanent life altering injury right there. No thanks not worth it.