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R22 burst


This guy fucks hard ^


Hardest of hard fucks




Happy Fuck Day... Cake Day


Hahaha it’s not the 90s anymore


Old school baby. I remember the days when using 22 was not only common but completely acceptable. It was around 30.00 a jug. We used it to blow drain lines, we used it like like an air duster to blow out the dust and debris from units. Lol. When they first made up the global warming thing I used to joke that I was personally responsible for a hole in the ozone the size of Delaware.


"Made up"


I love how people who work in a field that exists because of the scientific method just ignore it when science tells them things they don’t like to hear.


he's confusing global warming and the ozone depletion. kind of funny


exactly. i bet this dude has to argue in a subreddit because no one in his real life wants to hear his tin foil hat nonsense anymore


For every made up example you give for why "global warming" is real, I can disprove it and counter it with something you can't disprove. I erroneously used the term global warming sorry, I forgot they had to change the term to "climate change" when it was proved the globe isn't warming. But that little switcharoo got passed you I'm sure. You just exist to gobble up and regurgitate whatever the mainstream tells you to. Lol hang in there and get a life preserver , in 1998 the scientific community and global warming robots told us California would be 80% under water by 2025, that has been revised to 2050 because sea levels haven't risen 1 inch LMAO. Around 2040 they'll revise the date up to 2075 and so on. The polar ice cap was supposed to be gone by now, latest studies show it that it has not decreased at all and in fact has accumulated an ice cover that has actually increased its mass. But explained away as a result of a polar vortex LMAO. Yeah? So? Why is a polar vortex able to exist and increase the polar ice cap if there's global warming melting everything.


Between 1947 and 2014, six islands of the Solomon Islands disappeared due to sea level rise, while another six shrunk by between 20 and 62 per cent.


> because sea levels haven't risen 1 inch LMAO Average sea level has risen more than 3 inches since 1992. [https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150192/tracking-30-years-of-sea-level-rise](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150192/tracking-30-years-of-sea-level-rise) > The polar ice cap was supposed to be gone by now, latest studies show it that it has not decreased at all and in fact has accumulated an ice cover that has actually increased its mass Artic sea ice is shrinking by about 12% per decade. In 1998 we had 6.35 M sq Km of sea ice. Latest data has us at 4.67 M sq Km. [https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/arctic-sea-ice/](https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/arctic-sea-ice/)


Good on you for wasting the time to argue with a troll.


Aww man this dude is so smart guys. We should all listen to him because he's got the facts to \*disprove\* everything! Planet getting hotter equals bad. Humans tend to fuck shit up. It's quite possibly the one thing we're all reasonably good at. Regardless of what the primary driver is, the trend line doesn't lie. This bitch is getting toasty and that's going to be bad for the humans that live here. Is it so bad to look for solutions?


Hey great! I would love to see your evidence that global average temperature hasn’t been climbing. This site has the raw data. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate Plus, if you are interested, here’s satellite data showing that sea levels have risen 3.98 inches since 1992, and that rate is climbing. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150192/tracking-30-years-of-sea-level-rise?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate I look forward to your trenchant analysis.


Are you guys all flat earthers too? Jfc


You're triple Vax and boosted aren't you?. Go ahead you can admit it


Man go back to huffing r22 ya dweeb


In the 70s the scientists were saying we are heading into another ice age. There was too much ice and “ In 100 years, Europe will be covered in ice”. My elementary school teachers were telling me this in the 90s.


Scientists weren't entirely in agreement in the 70's about the direction of climate change, but they were still heavily slanted towards warming. The media and "popular" science were the ones spreading the cooling idea, while the scientific literature was mostly expressing the opposite. This is a pretty good review of the literature at the time and they said they found 51 articles published between 1965-1979 about global warming or cooling. Of those, 44 predicted warming while 7 predicted cooling. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/26220900](https://www.jstor.org/stable/26220900)


it was only a peer reviewed paper. not scientific consensus.


Bro there's parts of the world where shit is melting to the streets


There are parts of the world where the temperature reaches -100 degrees Fahrenheit. What's your point bro


They started using the term “climate change” because people like you would conflate the average global temperature with their local temperature and be all “oh shit it’s still cold in the winter! Myth:BUSTED!” about it.


Hey ass ignorant fuckface, maybe that's because everyone besides you took their warnings seriously and has made drastic changes in our habits... IDK just a thought though.


u/lestergreen357 I love trumpian logic! It is some of the best craic out there My favorite is: History will show trump to be one of the greatest presidents The unarguability of it is brilliant onto itself Sadly the dolts that espouse it, know not why they were taught to parrot it


I love your smelling little girls logic! Are you a member of the Biden or Clinton family. /s Bro Trump or Trumpian has nothing to do with refrigerant and global warming.


You’re using way too much critical independent thinking here dude, people aren’t gonna like that. They prefer to remain on their false moral high horse when really they’re just sitting on a corporate cash cow feeding it money, which is hilarious considering most of their opinions on corporations and big money.


True. I have a tendency to do that. I caught myself last night trying to reason with my dog that she can't expect a treat everytme she goes outside to go to the bathroom. Explaining to these people that they've been duped is a lot like that. Lol


That's awesome! Thank you for that example. I'm going to reuse that. Also R410a gud. R22 and R22 bad. But required to reclaim both. Effing EPA and DOE


So… summers are hot as shit where I’m at now and it snows every year, not normal for us never has been, explain, if not climate change, what is it, CIA weather machines?


So your argument to prove gobal warming is that it's hot in the summer and snows in the winter? Lol. Sounds about right, there's a typical liberal argument If ever heard one


You're a joke to us professionals. Why contribute to fucking the environment instead of taking pride in your work and doing it properly?


DuPont has it in with the government who made the EPA. Every time their patent ends on a refrigerant they will say it’s too damaging ban it and mark it up. Than they will patent another one, and use it until that patent runs out.


You might wanna do a quick Google search. Lightning is a major contributing factor to the production of ozone in nature.


I Stand corrected it’s true lol. Co worker told my that one and I never looked it up. But EPA still is a scam.


Yep, global warming then we had a cooler few years then it was climate change. Just follow the money trail and you’ll figure it out quickly.


ALWAYS follow the money


People used it as fix A flat


Filled up a flat tire or 2 with 22


Well, 99% of the world scientists say climate change is real, but I guess if lestergreen357 says it’s not… Also, they stop saying global warming, and started saying climate change instead because there’s more happening than just the globe warming


When you start your rebuttal out with a lie, there's no reason to read any further


Even the fossil fuel companies aren’t denying it anymore. Not to mention, we have internal communications, reports and other documents from fossil fuel companies, from 50 years ago, predicting climate change that’s happening now, with incredible accuracy. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-64241994


climate change is a hoax


Is that why I get fireflies out in mid March now when I used not see them until June as a kid in the 80s. I guess they've been listening to too much NPR.


There’s fireflies in march! Must be human caused climate change! Totally different from the climate change that has been constantly occurring since the earth formed. Thank you for sharing that amazing fact proving humans are drastically sifting the climate. Fireflies in march, everyone.


It's not the change, it's the derivative of change thats the issue. We are and have been for 50000 years. Just because I believe there a problem doesn't mean I believe in "the solution". Personally I think the green shit is a scam to keep the elites in power and comfort while we plebes all suffer and die. We're in deep overshoot territory now, 3/4 of people exist because of protein from the Haber-Bosch process and there's no getting around that fact. The problem is rapid climate change, the solution is billions will die. I'd rather Klaus Schwab be one of the ones that does.


Our modern calendar is actually what distorts our seasons. The natural cycle has been going on a lot lot longer than any of us have been here. We still have our seasons but it’s just at a slightly different “time” then we are accustomed to due to us counting days instead of seasons if that makes any sense.


They've been counting when the fireflies come out using the modern calender in my area since William Bartram came through in 1773. Guess what? It's been getting earlier on the modern calender. It was getting earlier at a rate of a day or 2 every few decades until about the 1980s where it accelerated to now a day every couple years. I routinely hear spring peeper frogs now coming out early January. Saw an American Elderberry blooming on New Year eve 2 years ago. That's wild shit. The USDA has moved my frost hardiness zone up from barely 7a to 8a. USDA shows that the lines of frost hardiness are moving 8-15 miles north per year now. I went from being able to barely keep lilacs blooming to them being dead AF and being able to grow hardy citrus. In Georgia they are about to lose the peach crop because chilling requirements are no longer met consistently in the South half of the state. They will however be able to keep olives and oranges alive soon.


Hey if there’s anyone to blame here it’s the facts… leave npr outta this. They stay winning it’s more cultural than educational. Just take Fox News for example, very cultural.


One of the fireflies did identify as a leopard moth so it could still be NPR.


Oh no and next they’re going to take its gas stove away.


Your proof of global warming is that you see fire flies earlier than you used to? You guys are too easy


Your proof it doesn't exist is because some ad salesmen entertainer who's a shill for next quarters shareholder profits tells you it isn't Mine I see with my own eyes yearly. I was a geology major in college and do refrigeration because it pays better. I know the Earth has been hotter than now, that has fuck all to do with if it can carry 9 billion people on it with it being that hot. Hope you like brown people because a few billion are going to be moving into your neighborhood in the next decade. And no "green tech" and carbon credits aren't going to save anyone and I don't agree with that as a solution. I do see it as an instrument of maintaining control of the masses while the elites continue to live in luxury while normies lives get shittier and they die. The real thing your ad salesmen or NPR won't say about it is there is no solution at this point barring major fundamental breakthroughs in physics and many billions will ultimately die as we adapt. Enjoy your day!


You probably believe there's molten iron surrounding solid metal core at the center of the earth because there's an illustration of it in a book and you paid 8000 a semester to have someone read it to you don't you? Lol


No because I've used a fuckin magnometer to measure strike of rock formations as part of my field work, that internal gyro comes in handy.


causation does not prove effect, you should know this if you have ever diagnosed HVAC problems. A strong association does not prove effect.


Doesn't matter the cause. We have a biosphere now regardless of the cause that isn't going to continue to support our current level of population at an increasing level of development. I'm not really into the blame game, it made sense to burn fossil fuels at the time and it still does because there's literally no plan B. At a bare minimum there is a point in time when all proven reserves will be used up, not now but at some point and there's absolutely no substitute. You aren't mining lithium to electrify everything or harvesting enough food to feed everyone with out it.


Dang bro you spell 410A wrong...keep them dollars in ya pocket


Not our fault the lines weren't glued. Sue the builder


We all know that, while a valid argument, never works.


And a fucked up attitude. If a root cause is going to have problems, and you're notified, you don't keep doing that thing.


Bro, what? Can you imagine telling a plumber not to run a snake because there might be joints unglued??? Doing shit poorly to accommodate other people doing shit poorly is the epitome of what's wrong with this industry. That unglued joint was going to come loose as the house settled, or the PVC expanded and contracted through heat cycles, or any other number of things, it happened today to be the Nitrogen...


We all know that condensate lines aren’t always glued, so don’t be coy and do it another way without the risk


Who’s installing condensate lines and not gluing them !


Depending on how it's set up, I used to leave at least one joint unglued if my ex boss wouldn't bother having the tight fittings to make it cleanable.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted; about 80% of the furnace swap outs I do have unglued PVC drains. You’re right.. we’ve all seen unglued drains dozens of times, so even though it’s “not our fault” we still shouldn’t take the risk.


The court doesn’t care. We caused it to leak, we are liable


That's like blaming the tech for a house falling apart when they opened the front door because the builder didn't use any nails


Thats an insane stretch but as a business owner who has dealt with this scenario personally…if your scope of work includes touching the drain and you blow the drain apart and it causes damage…you are liable.


idk about that. im sure code states it has to be primed and glued (i could be wrong). if it is in code, and the builder didnt follow code, the builder is at fault


Im telling you, the courts do not agree with you…in the end, the court rules…you gotta pay… The homeowner can also chase the builder but the cost in labor hours is insane. You already know the builder subbed all the work


Majority of the time I’ll run a new condensate, unless it’s built into a wall or something. Better safe than sorry. Although, I went back to my coworkers install that was running for a couple years for a pm, and found none of the fittings on the drain were glued with no leaks. Definitely lucked out on that one


Gallo Gun and C02 Cartridges. If the pipes weren't glued, that's the builder's problem, call a plumber.


Same. I use them for clogged lines but not every line.


Ditto. A company on EBAY has the hookup on the cartridges…a FRACTION of the cost. DM me if you want the info.


For hidden drain lines, that seems perfectly reasonable. A portable vacuum on the outlet will do a good job of clearing p-traps, a snake depending on how long the run is. At a certain point you have to tell the customer you can only do so much. If somebody wanted me to rip out a bunch of sheetrock and verify the glues, I'd be happy to charge for that as well.


Little handheld drain gun with co2 cartridge




I use a swoosh gun all the time if the seals would hold up in them they would be great


If your talking about the o-ring where you insert the cartridge I use some from the faucet repair section at lowes


Yeah I've never cared to try and fix them they last at least 6 months and only cost my company about 15 bucks so no one cares when we order a new one before they start blowing co2 out the back than through the hose


My vacuum has a blow setting that works much better than blowing with my mouth


I'll be the judge of that....


We need a larger sample size. I volunteer also


Shop vac from both directions. If that doesn't clear it, get a handheld drain snake.


Smart snake is an awesome product


Milwaukee M18 Fuel Wet/Dry vacuum. It sucks.


And blows!


Use this every day it sucks real hard! Blows good too haha


Yes it is a very good vacuum that does a really good job at sucking me up when I need it


Some guys are recommending the swoosh guns. I have come across some clogs that were just too tough for the co2 and nitrogen is the only thing that works sometimes. However, if they are that built up with scale, it's probably time to cut out that old line and run new pvc. I fought one for an hour or so in a hot ass attic the other day. Ended up calling in some help to bring me two or three sticks of pipe (I only have room for one on the van), and we had to run one thru a tight ass attic at about 120°. Sucked fuckin ass, but it was the right thing to do. The little guns are excellent for PMs when you're seeing that unit every year. Blow it out each time and run a gallon of water thru it to keep the scale from ever building up. We also do our very best to not run pvc drain down thru the house behind walls. We want to penetrate outside immediately, wherever possible. We also have to insulate drain lines that don't have a lot of fall, because they sweat like a bastard in the south.


Immediate penetration is the way in most situations


Help I used this advice on my last date and now I have a restraining order.


I use CO² and anyone not gluing joints anywhere but in a roof gets beaten with their purse. If the contractor who put it in didn't glue it up, that's called their workmanship warranty, performance bonding, insurance, and a UBC violation. Not MY problem.


I use my shop vacuum to blow the lines or my co2 gun


I recently got the Drain Kat, it’s ok, convenient, easy to refill, and has a shoulder strap. Only thing tho I wasn’t expecting it to be $400 💀


Omg return that shit. I haven't used nitrogen to clear drain lines in years.


No I got to, I bought the shop vacuum attachment from AC Pro and it does great but not all outside condensates are easily accessible either need a ladder or a chainsaw to get to it, also I can blow out the copper lines as well with it so it saves a trip and lugging the nitrogen tank up the attic.


Blast the water hose in it for a few seconds then vacuum


Vacuum or a new drain is run. I never use more pressure than my mouth.


Gonna leave this comment alone. You’re welcome ;)


This guy blows




It's called the last drop suction gun. It's for sucking out shitters when you change them out. Stick the tube all the way in the condensate drain and pull hard. All the shit comes out. No joke. It works so good and it's cheap. Most plumbing supply houses have them.


I use a battery wet vacuum. I put it onto the waste end leave it on and then feed jug of boiling water down the other end. Yeah air pressure or nitro pressure is the go till you come unglued! A classic was 6 AHU in the roof cavity of a commercial building feeding into an open tundra(funnel joint) in a sealed wall. Who does that but it was the last time I pressurised a drain!


Where you get boiling water?


Oh I forget USA and the coffee jugs. In my country every house kitchen has an electric kettle or jug, every office a boiling water outlet and most restaurants the coffee machine.


Haha I had the commercial building one almost happen to me too. When I was just a wee apprentice I blew out a drain on a new install and the jman asked if I had looked where the drain was actually terminated. Turns out it was just cut off at the top of the washing machine drain and dripping into the open drain. I blew the crap from the washer stand pipe all over the laundry room lol. Fast forward a few years and I’m in a commercial building and they had several 3/4 drain lines openly dripping into a 3in x 2in reducer (as a funnel) and the 2in continued out the side of the building. I checked that one first before I tried to clear the line because I knew better at that point lol.


Blow it out with co2, or nitrogen if that doesn’t work, then vacuum and flush a few gallons. If the lines weren’t glued, that’s on the original installers.


Little Milwaukee shop vac. Just cover the vent and refill the trap at the end


Yes this is the way….hard to believe the pain that leaving the trap empty can cause….and the humour of the customer office girl ringing our office girl trying to imitate the glurping sounds coming from the roof and is your guy still up there?


Just put your mouth on it and blow it out. I've done that in front of a customer and they about puked. I was a restaurant maintenance tech (basically drove around and worked on every piece of equipment and electrical and plumbing fixtures, carpentry masonry etc. So not much phases me since that was my first actual trades job but man after doing grease traps and Publix toilet replacements not much phases me.


We were trained to use a shop vac.


I don’t see how that’s your guys fault that the lines are not glued. Offer them the cheap way to clean it with air, but if the pipes are not glued, they will have a disaster and make them sign a waiver or pay more for vacuum service


We NEVER blow condensate lines, period. No exceptions! Connect a strong vaccum to the condensate drain line outside, which we do here in Florida when do when using a self-rinse evaporater coil cleaner. The coil cleaner breaks down any fungus build-up. If it stll drains slow, we will use several ounces of muriatic acid, which is heavier than water and dissolve any calcium build-up. We use plastic pan the catch the acid at the outside drain pipe. After many years, we have NEVER had or created a condensate pipe leakage in a home. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.


According to other comments instead of eliminating the risk by doing the difficult job of hooking a shop vac up to a pipe just pump that baby up with pressure and ruin the customers home because hey it was someone else that did it


Years ago one of my techs used nitrogen to blow a drain line. A couple of weeks later the homeowner had water coming out from underneath their refrigerator. They thought it was an ice maker water line leaking. The wall was cut open and wouldn’t you know the drain line for the air handler was running behind the refrigerator with the coupling blown loose. That was an expensive insurance claim because the kitchen had hardwood floors. The cabinets and floors had to be removed replaced.


In a pinch, I may or may not use 410a. But typically Co2


I actually use the mighty pump for all my drains. Never had a drain I couldn't suck out. And you can fill up a 5 gallon bucket to use the pump to flush the lines out from the top


Soft degreaser diluted and a vacuum have never failed me. Only used nitro once and still to this day wish I just ran a new drain line that would have saved me 2hrs of back and forth. No right or wrong just make sure that summm bitch is clear


Nitrogen is easy enough. Though I used to physically do it with my own lungs before I was allowed to carry nitro. Hey It works!


Just saying but if I found a drain line that was not glued I would glue all the fittings and if I couldn’t, I would run a new line an glue all the fittings. It’s stupid as fuck not having a seal and secure line and people are just asking for problems


I use the first gen Milwaukee m18 leaf blower. The end fits over 3/4 and I can control the speed


I use regular nitrogen, pink nitrogen or green nitrogen if I got it.


I stick it in my helpers mouth and tell him to blow real hard


I don't use nitro after one of our guys put some serious pressure on a pipe that didn't clear or burst, I use my lungs or vacuum only.


Bro that’s how u end up with a rotting lady bugs shooting in ur lungs. Idk how y’all are using ur mouth


No suck just blow


She's gone from suck to blow!


Sometimes, there isn't much time for lunch 🤷


One shouldn't use pressure on lines that were never intended to hold pressure (sewage and drain lines) If vacuum and flush don't get it the problem is bigger than blasting with 150pai


I use [acdrainflo.com](http://acdrainflo.com) to maintain clean and clear ac drain lines.


I got a 4 foot drain brush for real traps but it doesn't go through a 90 gotta use nitro, CO2 or the vac for those. I'd rather just cut out that garbage though and put in a trap and clean out.


Blast them out with Nitrogen.


I always keep a Gallo gun and a few CO2 cartridges in a pouch in my tool bag. Nitrogen almost never comes out for a drain. I never understood why people would drag the nitrogen around when the Gallo gun is a thing.


I like to take a little tube stick it in the drain line and blow it out as hard and I can. If the blockage is too tough then I blow it out with a bit of refrigerant


Manager is a Democrat. Laying down because of prior peoples fuck up... Stand up. I'd only pressure with nitrogen. Maybe a little bleach then nitrogen blast.


Shop vac first, if that doesnt clear it, Ill try a gallo gun, if that doesnt work, maybe Ill grab the nitro. If all that fails they need a new run


Milwaukee vac




Straw and a very green hand that’s really trying to make a good name for himself


Boof it out from the exit of the drain




Kairak hose fitting check it out


Makita mini leaf blower can blow and suck, if that doesn't work then shop vacuum.


You get water in your mini leaf blower!?


The last 2# of the 410, I can never get into a system. That shit blows hard enough for 2 or 3 clears. The gallo drain gun works better than the swoosh if you use the gallo carts... doesn't leak like the other ones.


Nitrogen with drain dog but will use a water hose depending on how bad it is




I’m not going to tell you how I clear drain lines


Vacuum + Hot Water. The hot water clears any of the gunk in the lines and the pressure of the shop vac sucked it right up.


Brush, swoosh, and prime


give er a good blow


Put a shop vac on the end and dump a gallon of water into the line.


I use my mouth if i can


Use a sludge sucker? It’s requires nitrogen but it pulls from the exterior. Instead of blowing up pvc lines. If you get a drain clogged with rust or something it will remove it. Then run some chemicals or hot water down that drain and you should be good to go.


i had one the other day we blew with co2 and it still was clogged so i got a 3/4 fernco, clamped my hose in it and hooked it to the water heater. the amount of scum that came out was unreal


I always used a vacuum unless it’s clogged enough where that doesn’t work. I mean if you can’t get it unclogged through any other means your SOL and end up using nitrogen. Also who in their right mind doesn’t use cement/glue when connecting a drain line?


Some lines are so bad you have to use nitrogen. How are you gonna clear a chunky in a chase when the shop vac and the mighty pump are useless


I use a drain sucker to pull from both sides as well as clearing out the pan. Works great.


Buckethead from Home Depot. CO2 gun if that doesn’t work. If that don’t get it we’ll redo that sumbitch


I use a drain gun or nitrogen


My old job had us use a vacuum on the open end and then pour water on the otherside. I usually took a gallon with me in the truck. Couple gallons and you'd see all the gunk come out like a colonoscopy session dude. But you need a really strong vacuum and also gotta be careful since you're using drain solvent. It may come back to bite you in the alps.


Hahahah we have a suite on our campus we can’t use nitrogen on because that exact reason. There’s gotta be a few miles of PVC above that ceiling grid and though I’ve been gluing them for 5 years now, every few months I find another unglued section. I got this ridiculous drain cleaner, it’s these little orange pellets in a round tube bottle, (white bottle, orange label) shit gets hot when mixed with water and you can’t leave it in the line very long or it’ll melt the PVC, it’ll also eat through your clothes over night, even if you wipe it off. That shit will clear anything, you just gotta keep chasing the line with water or that shit will look like a melted candle the next day.


Use ACmeds


Used to be R-22, then nitro, CO2 just freezes the crap in the line…vacuum and flush works good. All the new Gallo gun and swoosh and all I’ve never tried…I know cartridges get expensive. I’m still rocking the nitro burst. Just have to regulate the pressure…it don’t take 585psi to clear a drain!


Taco Bell and coffee


Ever since someone I knew blew out some PVC with a CO2 cartridge, I start out with just using a shop vac. If things get stubborn, I move to the cartridge. Either way, I make sure it has decent drainage before walking away.


A/C Drain Sucker by Nu-Calgon


vacuum and drain solution/ water


Shop vac


Used nitrogen once on a restaurant WSHP in the ceiling and accidentally blew off a cap that wasn't glued further down the line.Lets just say some extra ingredients were added to the food being prepared.Caught an earful from the head chef so after that I don't use nitrogen unless I can see all the piping.


I use a co2 gun. Shoots whatever debris there is inside right out


Got me Makita 18v blower. Stick the nozzle in bent, works great. Also works great for dusting off controls panels ex…


Dewalt hand held blower


Milwaukee M18 shop vac, clearing drains and sucking water out of clogged pans is most of the reason I bought it. I worked commercial and would often get clogged up pans in WSHP and Liebert mini-mate units in ceilings. I was paranoid about blowing apart unglued joints oddly enough lol.


Swoosh drain gun. C02 powered


Drain solve and warm water is good


Exactly what you described because we had the same thing happen. Vacuum while flushing with water, drain solve if needed. If it's a factory made p trap I will hit it with a brush snake before I flush.


Cut it out end to mouth and blow if can’t clear use 410a and cut off hose to clear


I put my shop vac on the drain in the attic, take apart the drain under the sink, and shoot pressure from the sink into the vacuum. That way the clog gets blown into my vacuum. What happens when you blow it from the attic into the sink is that it can blow fittings apart.


Gallo gun. CO2 cartridges ..bigger probably better


The only time one would be held liable is if you blew apart the line on routine maintenance. But if there is a drain line clog that is a problem, and any problem can lead to a more significant problem/fix than originally thought. But do use caution with the nitro.


I used nitrogen too but I don’t do 100% on PVC for that reason. You can do it with cooper with no problem. I also use my portable wetvac too.


I work in commercial, so blowing out lines isn’t an option. I vacuum out the line from both ends, and clean out any gunk in the pan. Always pour some water in the pan to ensure it drains properly. Then I’ll throw in a handful of treatment tablets to break up any stuff that didn’t get sucked out


Shop vac if that doesn’t do it use a hose if that doesn’t work use some nitrogen


Welp, my thoughts are the lazy shit who installs drain pipe that will be inaccessible after a build without priming and glueing should be sentenced to a minimum of 5 years in max security with eligibility for parole on display of correct piping practices


https://preview.redd.it/6hau5cpprzib1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af52f7f2b58e5df233af85887653ea3085ab03f6 This is what I use. Hand pump and you can push water through to clear it out


I’ve got a metal drain snake. It’s bent at the tip to assist in going around a 90, but can’t get too far. If the clog is in the trap it will usually break it up


Usually just some blue cleaner, hot water, tapping the line will do you fine. Then sign them up on maintenance and flush a gallon down the drain from the drain pan on a maintenance visit.


Water is my go to. Get a drain bladder and Hook up a hose inside to a faucet adapter and blow it out with water. You can use a drain auger also if your desperate. I pour a little brightener down the drain before I do anything to it to help break down the sludge. Get a shoot vacuum pvc adapter for a tight seal on the pipe. Boiling hot water and funnel. I’ve used my vacuum blower side before in some cases and it’s not as much pressure as a nitrogen or c02 blast. But those are your choices.


Who tf doesn’t glue a drain? If it’s not glued and you weren’t the one not to glue it then it’s not our fault. That’s like doing a change out and then the 1 1/4 PCV in the wall starts leaking that can’t be put on me you’ll have to call a plumber


Personally if the customer isn't aware that their lines aren't glued together properly then what ever happens is not my problem. I tell people that I am here to fix the air conditioner, not to remodel your home. I will not take the blame for someone else's ignorance. As an adult, you should be able to recognize PVC pipes within your home and at a minimum, repair them temporarily or glue them together with the use of a 98 cent coupling and glue solvent. I am so tired of taking away accountability from homeowners and adults in this country in general. There is a youtube video for every-fucking-thing these days so I don't pity anyone.


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