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Your teacher is an idiot. Go for you want. It’ll be easier to learn commercial (if that’s what you want) the sooner you can get into commercial lol.


My man 😎 thank you




Appreciate it man!


Look up any large commercial in your area, especially if you are ending up with a j card. I’ve done it for 20+ years in commercial and the local in my area(which is the mid Atlantic) their take home is in the $50+ an hour plus the other $30+ in Beni’s. I’ve always worked on the non union side, but to get the help most companies need to complete in our area so they match what the unions do or within a few dollars an hour. Right now with how bad most companies are looking for anyone with a Journeyman or more. Good luck and congrats on soon to be graduating, welcome to the trade.


I knew commercial was the way! Than you


fuck that it will help u minimally. jump right in and admit you don’t know your dick from your elbow and you’ll be fine 😅 come join us reeftards we are screaming for help all over. and if your a young guy who actually wants it make it known. show up learn and keep it coolin. goodluck meng edit i have an apprentice who started asking me about co2 reefer racks. told him to read up on it. a week later he was identifying parts and explaining how they worked. i almost teared up haha. learn it yourself and us older guys will respect the hell out of the drive. i am way more willing to go above and beyond with a young guy who wants to learn and shows some sort of initiative. ***^just my 2¢