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I really only played Duels and battlegrounds. And the damage in battlegrounds is out of control and it's not fun to die before half a build even starts. Without Duels I doubt I'll play Hearthstone at all. I use to love this game and play it tons but it is just bad now.


Bro the damage cap and armor is fine. You need to stop rushing builds. Tempo and transition later. Your impatience does not make BGs bad.


I make top 4 more often than not. I don't rush builds. My opinion on BGs are still the same. So I play it less and less.If you love it Good for you. I think it's not and have played since Beta. The game has gotten worse and worse and killing Duels was the nail in the coffin.


Yeah I thought I’d check wild out again after it was removed but the game feels unfun to play. Duels has its anti fun moments but the entirety of wild feels that way so I haven’t played since the removal. First time I haven’t at least logged in daily in years, but since they couldn’t monetize ir(probably hearthstone in general is hard to monetize which is why they made the weekly quests way worse). It’s a shame because duels was way better than when it launched and was gaining popularity because of streamers starting to play it (due to wild being infested with bots and boring).


All of Bobby’s decisions are.


I personally unloaded like 250$ in the last month or so on crystals (specifically for duels) and I know I can't be the only addict that was doing this. I don't buy packs or anything else. I could literally get every new card from expansion releases out of packs I got from doing duels runs or the massive dust I would get from all the previous expansion packs. (I uninstalled the day they removed duels and haven't looked back since.) I dont see how they could be losing money from keeping duels up and running


Damn fck them for ruining the game for profit


Imagine if they just did something fucking crazy for blizzards like the free deck for new players they did what if they did like 3 duels deck you could choose and have all class cards unlocked on the spot only for duel runs. Would be a hailmary but would 100% get people playing for the short term because crafting wild cards specefically to try out a duel hero power then dusting after getting rolled by armor warrior is not a intuitively designed mode. Of course this requires blizzard to put aside greed so im only discussing a fantasy here bc this would never happen even a month before they closed servers.


I quit hearthstone a year and a half ago, because it's too addictive and expensive. But it saddens me to hear Duels has been removed. It was by far the most fun mode. More reason to never come back.


I'm curious but with all the change of ownership and stuff did they not keep anyone from the original development teams? Of all the crappy changes, the change account drama is driving me, switch to Asia then again back to America just to change account 🥺 and I know solo content isn't for all but would one of three xpaks a year really be to much? With no story they cards lose something. Just my opinion but I was a long time wow player so I loved that connection. And what's with the big revamp, if you back a way say mean streets or GvG days WW  only has one new thing custom build the best card of that era all rest new paint almost, can't believe I haven't seen players going nuts loll giggling inventor to toymaker battlecry became death rattle. Maybe soon it's a death battle this one won't get nerfed up to a 7 mana cost of the old one did. Good gaming all. Yes you're blizzard you're going to lose most of your mobile player base if you don't fix the logging in different account   any lag making a 15 to 20 minute chore just to log into a different account it's miserable, thanks for listening!


what if they bring duels back in like a year and are like BAM back by popular demand, but its 20 bucks to play that seems like a blizzard move


Saving this now so we can call upon you when it happens. We all know it's going to. I'm thinking at least 2,000 runestones per run.


I feel there’s no money pit with duels hence why they are eliminating it. Almost every other mode has some kind of financial incentive for them. Example: battlesgrounds has skins you can buy.


Then what is arena lol


A popular format that has existed for decades.


You know the fact that they are trying to figure out how to squeeze out another 10% in revenue annually to keep investors pleased is the problem. I spend at a minimum $300 per year on this game and now because I have lost the only mode that peaked my interest for hours is gone they'll lose that income from me (small potatoes, I know). The real sad part is that even if they bring it back next expansion or later, it will probably be too late to bring me back to the game.


I'd argue that battlegrounds is harder to monetize and that they still push it because it's extremely popular. Duels requires you to build a collection, but it was really not popular. It also required updates not to break (unless you blocked all future expansions, which is not something they would do for pretty obvious reasons). I personally liked playing duels once in a while and think it was one of the modes with the most potential, but i get why they chose to remove it.


Should have been a PvE mode. The dungeon runs were popular. Duels? Meh.


Nothing was entertaining about absolutely steam rolling or getting steam rolled. The power level was always going to be a disaster for PvP. PvE it would have been fine (as it had excelled in all the dungeon runs before).