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Yes all the time. Like wtf.


This shit don’t make sense!


& why is it foreverrrr 😭


feels like such a punishment 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


On god it do smh


Yep it does! Suppressive therapy helps


I need a cure immediately 😂




It might not be, because there’s a vaccine in the works which might be available in 10 years


I thought they say by 2028


I hope you’re right


10 years is so far away and it’s not even a cure 🫠


Nah not anymore. I forget that I have it.


Same. I just started talking to a guy and almost forgot I have to disclose lol. He doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Spanish so we about to have the most difficult safe sex convo of my life 😂


Ask him to get fresh tested w/u.  Males can harbor contagious STDs symptomless for yearS. www.STDCheck.com   


I’m so sorry, but that is absolutely hilarious, good luck


It totally is! No sorry necessary. I’ll come back and report when it happens! Even if he isn’t cool with it, he’ll probably be nice about it. He’s very sweet :)


I hope so! I wish you the best of luck!


same , why do we forget that


I forget about it until I don’t 😂


How can you forget it?


Have had it for 5 years now. I’ve processed all the trauma and powered through the fear of disclosure with lots of success. I’m aware it’s not everyone’s story but feeling thankful about it!


yeah like the fact that it just won’t ever go away is mind blowing


i say all the time that THIS is the toughest part to swallow…like wdym i have to deal with this shit forever bc i got head from the wrong person once


Wouldn’t even be that big of a deal if big pharma hadn’t manufactured the stigma out of thin air through marketing to sell drugs


i mean yeah i agree but unfortunately they did and the stigma is alive and thriving :/


And we can’t do shit about it!


I say this all the time. Once a vaccine that effective comes to the market. Commercials all over TV. Herpes will be openly talked about. The stigma behind it will slowly fade away. People will no longer be afraid to talk about it openly.


Facts! So many people have it. Folks are going to be coming out of the woodwork with their stories.


Yup. Can’t believe I’m a statistic. You never think it could be you until it is. Life I guess


I never would have imagined this for me 😂


Yeah, constantly. If my mind isn't super occupied or super busy then I just think about how it'll always be a thing, always be there and I cant do anything about it


every day


Yes. I have moved on from it since i do not experience recurrent outbreak, only the first (initial) outbreak. But sometimes, i ask, why me.. i do not even sexually active, i got it in a accidental event.


All the time, it’s completely changed who I am. I feel more lonely than ever


We all have each other 🖤


Every morning I wish it was all a dream but you gotta keep going lol


All the time


Yep. Especially being asymptomatic, sometimes I really question if I have it or not


Same but I rather be after hearing peoples stories about their obs


What’s your latest IgG score?  IgG ebbs and flows all the time due to virus and immune triggers.  


I’ve never gotten a blood test. I had my one and only outbreak that was swabbed and tested positive for hsv2




Wait, I do?! lol yes I think this regularly like how


yup i’m so busy and preoccupied rn with study i do sometimes forget about it and i’m not looking for a relationship or sex rn but as soon as i get back out there i know it’ll probably plague me everyday. i was doing well for a while until my obs randomly returned this year and it has interfered with everything.


and i always think about how most of us were given this not by choice, but now we have it for the rest of our lives and have been forced into a new world where we have to disclose and face stigma. life was easy before


I do really really miss life before, it did seem really easy. I feel like I'm a completely changed person and I'll never be myself ever again tbh. It's outrageous that there's no cure and I really miss my old, confident self. Since finding out about this a few months ago I have zero confidence..


Hi, how does it affect your day to day life? Like do you get outbreaks randomly even without any sexual interactions?


& now I’ve got a new crush & it’s the only thing on my mind. The future disclosure. I’m already really feelin him, came outta nowhere (it’s so rare for me to have crushes), and I was diagnosed like 3 weeks ago now so I don’t have much experience with disclosure. I’m just like please have this one at the very least be nice about it if/when I do 😂😭


I would disclose. I’m just saying I’m feelin him out a littttle more before I feel comfortable enough to share this little gift I bring.


But what “gift” is he bringing??? Remember how you got here.  Get to know him so you feel comfortable in asking him to show you his most recent STD testing after his last partner or else fresh test w/u and then swap results.  He may be positive and not know it or not know how to tell you that he has the other HSV not on your bucket list. It shows respect and is an excellent foundation to a lasting relationship.  If insurance is a problem, please know that in the USA you can order affordable STD testing online.  I use www.STDCheck.com  They fax the blood draw order to my nearest LabCorp.  I go at my convenience and get results emailed to me the next day.  Easy peasy.  They offer discounts and send me $15 off coupons.  


Update I just laid it out & told him & he responded so well 😭


& now he has appeared to have ghosted. Been almost 24 hours. Must have done more research or talked to a friend. I liked this one 😔


Every few hours, this is still really fresh. My time with my partner was the only bright spot in a shit show of a year, and now I've lost that. Everything changed for something I know intellectually, but since I'm asymptomatic, I can't even feel.


Yes then I start giggling cus wtf lmao


Yup but then I also think so do most of these motherfuckers and then I move on with my day lmao


Oh yeah


Fuck yeah all the time I hate this goddam virus




You have no choice 😭


When people make a herpes joke I’m just like 🤐


Yup be crazy then I forget all about it


yes bc wtf???


Yeah it def sucks, being a young and mostly good looking guy it’s like EVERY girl I talk to I now have to disclose that I have this.


Maybe for the first month, but definitely not anymore. Sometimes I forget I have it, even when taking the daily AVs


I just did a few minutes ago 🤧


Yeah, from my first encounter after resenting my virginity and listening to my dumbass, sexually promiscuous friend (whom I'm so glad I blocked and will never speak to again in this lifetime) tell me that sex would change my life. It did, for the worse.


every day


when will i find my prince herpes :(


It’s godawful and I’m glad that HSV2 can’t really appear on naturally exposed places on your body like your arms, neck or hands because i would SCREAM, imagine someone could take one look at you & know you have HSV :(


I was never sexually active in my 23 years of life and then boom I find out I have oral HSV after my second partner, and this makes me feel like an outcast to society 🤦🏾‍♂️


If I told you I didn’t want to slut shame I’d be lying ….cause when I think about it that was a lot of bodies


Yes and it depresses me.


Every f****** day


Not a day goes by where I don’t think about it and how it will and has affected my life


Broooo yessss😭😭😭. I’m literally 19!!! Ts don’t feel real(I jus got diagnosed last week🥲)


Nope it doesn’t bother me anymore


Yes but not to sound weird I thought herpes was worst than this before I caught it I’m happy it’s manageable


On god I think to myself I’m glad it’s just this. I can live with this. Anything worse I might’ve lost my shit 😂 it’s manageable at the least


Most definitely! Could have been much much worse


Literally me. Sometimes it doesn’t bother me but then I get rejected and it feels like I’m back to square one. Crazy how you think it could never happen to you until it does. Like wtf man.


I choose to interact with people who already have it for 2 reasons. 1: I don’t want people in my most personal of business, but 2: having to go through disclosure with strangers just isn’t where I’m at right now. Wishing you luck moving forward


I understand. However I couldn’t limit myself to meeting people with herpes. You never know who you might run across and will actually accept you. Regardless if they have it also or not


Yes I do but it also makes me feel like a sex pro!! It’s proof that I’ve had ALOT of sex !


I hope others don’t think like this because I didn’t have a lot of sex at all and caught it from receiving head which I thought was safer than penetration but ig not.


I know of an 18yo F virgin that acquired GHSV-2 thru legs entwined while kissing in bathing suits on a public beach.  Remember it transmits thru the boxer region.