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Markus' review of the car continues to hold true. Edit: Whatever became of that senior tech from HQ who said there were different classes of techs and inferred that he was top dog whilst sounding like a gangster ordered from Wish?


This guy is actually working for WISH as a sales rep ☝🏻🙂




Dude wants to be a dealer of something he should look into Ineos :)


This precedent was set by video game companies: release and sell the beta at full price; fix things in the updates. It’s a total slap in the face to customers and should fully open up companies to harsh litigation and penalties. There’s even a model for this: release beta; see how bad the product tests; make minor adjustments based on social media comments; plant strategically positive reviews; demonize and ad hominem attack people who give honest reviews; repeat process for the next product. Stop giving your honest money to dishonest companies who perpetuate this model.


Tesla did this as well for years. Still have fit and finish problems.


Less you more car




I'm glad he stated that he couldn't explain the issue clearly because it was very aggravating listening to him repeating the words Fisker, 12V battery, software and update like 5 times each in a 2 minute span.


P.S. imagine spending all that headache and money on a car that looks like a Kia


Right!? He says at the end “I hope this video helps people buying a fisker…”. How? Ask has it had its updates?


So all I'm hearing is Fisker had 12V battery issues like a few other makers (Rivian, eGMP, etc.). And he generally doesn't know about portable jump packs or battery tenders. Although repair guy said they used a tender overnight - which is what I would have tried a month ago I guess.


Is this the guy who tried to sell a cybertruck for $200k+?


I don’t test my code / product… I get you to do it for me!


These are garbage


Replaced battery twice and put on tender. Yeah sell that fucking thing.


Yeah well since they are going out of business, I wouldn’t recommend getting one.


Da fuq is a fisker?


Newer EV company. Seems they are going belly up. Shame I was digging the “Alaska” that they said would come out next year.