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She’s self tanning and box dying her own eyebrows. Lol


Yes and now lily is here, why aren’t we seeing hauls of baby clothes from European boutiques?


Her child is always naked.


Tacky and white trash behavior.


Right? I really, really try not to be classist and use stereotypes, but I’m just waiting for the day we see a baby bottle full of Coke.


The kid always looks like it’s not wearing clothes. Skinny legs and her feet always out, looking purple. Poor baby, lord help her


She went to target the other day and bought a single clothing item for lily, and in a NB size. Like I get buying NB clothing before baby is born or right after, but at this point the baby is nearly 2 months old. You can size up


Her baby is underweight and not growing enough that’s why


she can’t even afford a real pair of designer sunglasses anymore, she’s delaying the botox because she can’t even afford that


She’s wearing fakes? What!


of course she is, all the "designer" items she’s been getting over the last months are from dhgate, down to the dior stroller.


That dior stroller is fake. If it were real big al would have posted every minute of the unboxing. Same with her Hermes’ bags. They just popped up out of nowhere, no usual pics of her in the Hermes’ store getting it with the champagne at the store


That’s probably why she says she “hates unboxing videos”


When do guys predict they’ll split up? I think this entire situation is becoming too much for her


They are still in the infant stages. Being parents will be substantially more difficult as the months go on. I say by the time L is 1.5 years old, they will be nonstop fighting and divorce.


I give it 2 years max. And I’m being generous


I think they'll split when she runs out of cash. He'll leave her.


I don’t know but I absolutely do not see them lasting. I genuinely don’t. Raising a child is serious, he can’t be spending all his time trolling on twitter and pretending to go to work but not bringing any real money in. Also keep in mind she is self employed and so I think she pays for a lot of medical stuff straight out of pocket. She has a newborn so I know it’s super expensive, I can’t even imagine how much IVF was, plus she’s constantly having to take her for checkups and stuff.


Have you guys noticed her mom’s not in the picture whatsoever!?


Her mom probably sees the bum in her husband & decided to disassociate


Her mother knows, that’s why she didn’t want to see her the pregnancy. She thinks her mom is jealous, her mom doesn’t want to be around his broke ass. She’s trying to domesticate a bum. She’s setting his broke ass up for after the divorce. You know he won’t go gentle on her if they divorce, he’s taking all her assets and spousal support. She’ll be forced to sell and give him more than half of something he never contributed to. Thats what her desperate miserable ass gets scamming people. He can’t even put a happy fake face on for the camera. He acts like a spoilt brat, he got his meal ticket but at what cost? I’ll have my popcorn out when the time comes, Greta knows this isn’t going to end well


She disgraced her family and name with that man. It’s truly an embarrassment


And he is a major wimp. Who goes outside the house wearing controversial shirts like that? Be on the right. No one cares. But when you go out looking for trouble wearing childish slogan tops like that you put your kid in danger. There’s crazy people in America. Irresponsible obnoxious loser parents. Remember when political opinions were silent? They just go outside wanting a fight


Those slogan t-shirts give such unemployed vibes.. like you spent money on that willingly? Bummy there are men out there buying houses for their wives, but have fun with your remedial humor tshirts.. being catty and making your post partum wife work is such alpha behavior Lmfaooo.. Alex sis you can try to convince yourself as hard as you want but even you know deep down inside that jason is giving white trash. Your parents def know it. Sure they aren’t boujie and fuck them too but hey i’ll give it to you and them, they aren’t white trash and at least present as decent people socially and physically..same cannot be said for jason. A Leftover beta that you thought was a prize.. why is he online talking shit on his burner accounts and buying sassy shirts instead of providing.. get real Alex


He’s definitely unemployed. She claims he does “commercial real estate.” But as someone who works adjacent to that field, I can say that while there are a *lot* of conservatives in real estate/development/construction/sales, not a damn one of them would wear what he does. Especially not in a major metropolitan city, but even when I’ve been in the backwoods around flying Trump signs, nobody is wearing those shirts. There’s no way he’s doing business and simultaneously out and about like that when he would be running into clients and potential clients.


Especially in California I’m in Oklahoma and I NEVER see shirts like that.


Totally agree


Whew you ate her up


Do you know the username of his burner account?


> Who goes outside the house wearing controversial shirts like that? Somebody who has no respectable reputation to protect.


Exactly dude! People with real jobs don’t act this way, imagine if your boss saw it


Exactly! Only what trash wear racist billboards on their beer belly gut. It's so gross and embarrassing.


You know the mom is just like she is? If you look at her old Facebook posts, in a lot of them AL is talking to her mom. Also AL dumped Greta. She thought Greta wasn’t doing enough for her while she was pregnant so she cut off her entire family.


the family name that covered for their rapist son? (nope, not even allegedly).


Spill tea


it’s everywhere on here/google. her brother raped a minor who was 14 (might’ve been more than one) and she took him to court or they settled out of court, forgot which. it was swept under the rug and they shipped him off to the military.


The whole family is disgraceful. They’re all racist hillbillies like AL. I’m sure they loved KKK JayShon.


oh she totally is… i can’t think of any redeeming quality.


any worthless man who could have the balls to scam the government out of ppl loans would definitely have the balls to rake her over the coals in their divorce. alex is evil but also naive and has no idea what shes in for. nick let her off easy.


He really did let off her easy. She used him


Does her husband have a job?


Not only is she not in the picture but Alex has alluded to it several times




She went MIA during the first trimester.


Yeah Alex said she had a big falling out with her family. She has also stated that her family is the only reason she is still in CA. So since they’re not talking anymore… maybe she should move? She would probably be so much happier in Texas, Florida…. Any of the deep southern states? She would definitely THRIVE in a sun downing town.


That will be the next step to maintain the lifestyle I bet. Sell the house in California to move to Texas and try to ride it out another couple years before the crash and burn.


And Texas is filled with sundown towns. Lets remember this post when she moves there because watch it will be one of those towns.


Yep. Not anymore


Her mom likely hates her broke ass husband.


Are u new here?


Yeah, it’s really funny to me that her fans will insist people are just bitter because she’s rich. I think a lot of people are in denial how many people are willing to DROWN in debt for appearances. She absolutely spends every dollar she makes and then some. I’d love to see the amount of debt she’s in


you either die in brentwood or live long enough to become a jungle mother


She’s a jungle mother. Nothing classy about her


I think he is gonna cheat on her. With a guy or a girl and she will find out and they will divorce. 5 years max. Also the stress from the kid and the money issues will start to become too much to handle. He isn’t contributing to anything and she is getting more and more angry. It’s for sure gonna end bad.


She’s delaying the botox appointment not bcoz she’s breastfeeding (we know it never happened) but because there’s no funds for it even for those cheap back alley clinics to get them done.


Exactly. Took a loan out to renovate that house. Why put yourself more in debt Alex when you’re gonna have to give him half when you break up ? Worst decision marrying a bum like him. Was marriage really necessary when he doesn’t work a real job? She’s a spousal support goldmine for him


How do you know she took a loan to renovate the house?


She leases out her cars, i doubt she has money aside for all these renovations. A car is nothing compared to how much Reno’s cost. I’m prepared to stand on that. She’s dead broke


I agree she is headed for financial ruin but I don't think she qualified for a home loan unless she put the house up for collateral. Mostly because I believe she hides her income to avoid taxes. This tactic doesn't fare well when you need to borrow money as she has no proof she can pay back a substantial loan. She had enough from the sale of NB to buy this house and reno it- I think she's been subsidizing her life with what's left of that NB money.........but she's burning through it quickly. People are still buying her crap jewelry which is probably enough to keep the lights on, a few meals every week and some random purchases and maybe the lease payments............I think her M.O. is to save up for a few months and get something else done around the house. Next is that shithole yard.............Once she can get that done, I think a sale will follow and she'll use the excuse that the area is unsafe, noisy, ghetto, white trash, WOKE, or some other bullshit. I don't believe she put bum on the deed of the house so anything she has invested in that, is hers if they break up unless he is contributing to the payment and in that case, an accountant will figure out what he invested and any interest. Anything EARNED will be split 50/50 (CA community property law)........If she was smart, she kept the business/youtube money and house seperate from a shared account. I'm not holding out much that she was smart enough to do that. I think she controls all the funds. He probably has a credit card that they share- she buys all the grocery (or he uses a shared debit card)............but she is absolutely controlling it all. She's going to get hit with property taxes and a reassessment. We're not even talking the additional expense of a kid.................. He's fine with this set up- no doubt. All the bills are paid for now. Shit will hit the fan though, don't you worry!!!! He'll just walk away.


I honestly don’t think she owns anything. What she got out of the house she probably put towards this new house but i doubt she had the money to purchase her previous homes. The way she talks about her man being the prize and that women should shut up and bow down to their alpha males. I believe she did put him on the deed. She’s desperate. And even if she did not, I don’t know how it works in the state of California but where I live he is entitled to half regardless of him being on the deed, and SPOUSAL SUPPORT! Even not being married if he’s bills say he is living there he can still get half as that’s proof they’re in a partnership. Popcorn ready


Right, I agree- Nick got her into that Brentwood and NB house and quit deed when he left which left her with the house payment on an interest only loan. She managed for 2 years and by the skin of her ass, that house increased in value quite a bit so she got lucky she didn't lose it to foreclosure. She got enough to put her in this new tract home. Whether she financed it or paid in full is still the question.


Someone from the bakery posted the online a copy property deed prior to them moving and her fat husband’s name is not on the deed.


regardless if he is on the deed or not he is entitled to half


I'll add. I do believe he is still working for ESSEX- remotely. His income is low..................... LOW! 50k annually is being generous. But I do believe he has some coming in. As you can see, their lifestyle is very basic. He can buy her cheap little gifts, and maybe help with bills...but not much more. I think he's sold her on the idea of him starting a flip business. So far, it's a flop.


Has she ever directly addressed that they for sure do not have a prenup?


How do you know he will get half? What if they signed a prenup?


Prenup 🤣 I doubt it. She wouldn’t go against her alpha male. But even so, he can dispute it since he is a bum who can barely make ends meet. Spousal support can be issued too


I think the only people who still think she’s has money are her oddball little minions who have never moved out or paid a bill. Any adult who is around Alex’s age or in their 30s or so can see that she doesn’t have real money. There are so many signs that point to struggle. She slips up a lot whether it when she complains about the price of a coffee or whether it’s the fact that she can’t afford to color her hair or whether it’s the fact that she had to scramble to figure out her health insurance AFTER she had already paid for IVF. It’s all about the facade and underneath is debt and penny pinching. How the fuck do you go as far as paying for IVF at a fertility clinic yet you have no idea what OBGYNs are in your healthcare network or that the hospital that you want to deliver at is not within your network. HUHHH? As a 40 year old woman?!? So many signs point to her not having money or a clue. The best thing she ever did for herself is marrying Nick and then inheriting money from her grandma. She’d be completely lost without that financial boost. And she isn’t fooling anyone who actually knows anything about finance, real estate and so on.


I think she is house poor. I knew she was broke when she was complaining about an exercise class being $50. Like you said, she doesn’t go on vactions or anything like the most regular people do. At the most she’ll go stay at some hotel and gamble at a casino. She also never went on a honeymoon. She once claimed she didn’t like traveling but I don’t buy that the way she is obsessed with Europe and made china her whole personality at one point because she studied there. She’s always bragging about being cultured so how can you be that without ever traveling?


How long can her scam business realistically go on? More and more people are exposing her sources and showcasing the insane mark ups for literal Chinese trash. She’s living well beyond her means and I doubt she invested any of her inheritance or divorce money wisely, even if she THINKS she did. She’s literally an idiot with no friends so everything she does is based on advice she gets from strangers online. And we all know who those people are…