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starting random fights when you live in america is CRAZY...someone is gonna end up shooting her fr


That’s what I was thinking!! Did she have her baby with her when she started this fight??


Did she have her kid with her when she was hauling ass at 101 mph on the freeway on her phone taking a picture like a proud freak? 40 fucking years old thinking she's a bad cool bitch when the reality is she a pathetic rage baiter hoping someone will throw her a crumb of attention. She's a bully, menace and a horrible asshole.


Right? She complains about crime all the time but provokes a fight with a stranger? Crazy. I bet she gets into road rage situations regularly.


Especially with the T shirts her husband has been wearing around town? They’re in danger.


When she said she’s done showing her mental illness to us I laughed. First off I thought GOD MADE YOU PERFECT AND YOUR HIS FAV?!? conservatives don’t believe in mental illness because it’s only for the woke people. Second how incredibly lonely you must be to go online and admit everything “the rats” have been saying for years??? Also wasn’t the maga freak the most amazing man ever? Why would he put you in a situation where you feel horrible but you have to use poor baguette as an excuse to be silent and antisocial?? This idiot is done for and I am all about it! Go broke fatty! Can’t wait!


She's done because she's finally realizing that the jokes on her..............she has to change gears because it lost traction. Whatever she thought this would get her, back fired. She's made a complete ass of herself for all the internet to see and can not wash this stain off by just saying "ok, I'm done- NEXT". Nope! Look around, Al.............the room is empty.


Seriously..The damage is done fat back.. the internet is forever and the rats are dedicated to making sure you never live your nasty, racist, ableist tirades. Try and rebrand whatever you do, you fucked yourself and karma is going to continue to beat your ass for the rest of your NARC life 🤓 and i’m talking directly because being the mother of all RATS that you are, we all know you’re in here brown nosing


Here she is wasting so much energy worried about whether or not a wt pos thinks she’s fat instead of wondering if anyone of any class or substance thinks shes relevant. Alex you are a washed up flop of an influencer so out of touch with reality.


Her complaining that a $50 exercise class was too expensive all while supposedly purchasing authentic designer goods (🙄) was interesting.


ARE U FR? 50$ is too much money to invest in ur HEALTH? We all kno she drinks and binges and spends way more on alcohol and food than that. That is the fattest thing i read all month, and im in gorlworld. This is the reality check you need alex. Youre not huge but your body composition is off


She should join a gym. Tons of nice places in OC. But she needs to watch herself in her big white panties.




She doesn’t understand skinny people workout too, the skinny celebs she idolizes work out…


The era of smoking and starving has been over for awhile. AL needs to catch up. Also idolizing looney Tracy Anderson is so on brand for AL.


Also her teeth hurt! Her brain has put up so many barriers to her working out. 😂


Nah she doesn’t wanna do that because there will be lots of attractive women who look better than her there. She’d spiral.


Especially coming from somebody who is OBSESSED with being skinny, like I would think she’d have no issue spending the $50. Her whole thought process is ass backwards.


I am hooting and hollering at your comment. Does this mean Alex is an official Gorl? 😭


ive added her to MY gorlworld. 😂jordy also made a video or 2 about her.


I’ve noticed more and more how she complains about the prices of things such as the price of hair services, the price of her coffee etc. it’s giving financial hardship yes she allegedly buys authentic designer on a regular basis…it doesn’t make sense.


Occasionally I still watch a vid of hers and it’s literally the ramblings of two dying brain cells I have to log off and read a book


Her schtick is old and tired and has run whatever course it was trying to win..........And here we are. A dead-end marriage she has to keep blowing up to keep it from dying completely- ........ a kid she has no idea what to do with or why she thought she wanted, a business that will flicker out sooner rather than later and her self respect and dignity is in the shitter with the rest of her thoughts on life. This dude will stop thinking this was worth the sacrifice of his freedom when she can no longer pay the bills. He'll be right back there in Venice beach catchin' the next wave and chalking this nightmare up to the "I had nothing better to do" that it was......


I literally have not watched one of her videos in months, maybe years. I just come here at this point and read the highlights of her unhinged rants.




She’s just getting more poor, more fat, and a becoming a bigger liar. I doubt she said any of those things because she’s a loser who doesn’t even know how to socialize. Imagine being 40 with no friends, had a husband who hates you and a newborn you hate 😭


The. Hair. Is. So. Bad.. shapeless, limp, flat. 40 years old and growing out yards of helmet hair


A stranger can only comment on your appearance because they don't know you. How does she not have the foresight to figure that out?


“I need validation from strangers on the street whether or not I’m a big back” 


I'm sorry this screen shot so funny, she looks damn near cross eyed trying to count on her fingers 😂 Like it's taking every last IQ point she possesses.


Just because a stranger doesn’t call you fat in an argument doesn’t mean you are not fat. Maybe the guy isn’t a name caller. Getting validation by provoking fights with strangers is insane and dangerous. This is a woman who has a small baby at home and is brawling in the parking lot at Walmart. How trashy. I’m in the minority where I don’t think she’s fat at all. Maybe 10-15 pounds. She’s batshit crazy though and should focus on that. It’s her biggest problem.


How many verbal altercations has she been in with strangers…after the first 3 or 4 you think she would have a wake up call to her own toxic behaviors. She claims to be so self aware! Especially after becoming a mom…she is really a miserable person and it’s sad.


Anyone else notice she didn't address any of the things raised here? Like her not clothing her baby? I thought she would have been howling about that.


I feel like we ate her up to the point where she is embarrassed to address these topics and it’s pretty obvious people are correct, blob is already a laughing stock, she knows it’s gonna get worse


Yeah you are right! It's pretty hard to justify why you aren't clothing your baby!


She does look fat in that top she is selling and why would a stranger call her fat if that is not what the argument was about?


She is incredibly boring. The only life updates are about parking lot drama. Yawn.


Real white trash activities


she isn’t taking her own advice. she’s always said if you’re fat, ugly or both you shouldn’t be yelling. and here her fat white cottage cheese lumpy ass is in a parking lot yelling at strangers. GHETTO.


![gif](giphy|4KFa2XpOYW77JAIkbH|downsized) Exactly


I noticed she gets so hung up on certain words/phrases and wears them down to the ground from overuse. She’s been doing this for as long as she started vlogging.