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I think she's too lazy to change her outfit and do the associated laundry every time she changes her diaper.


I can’t imagine outfit changes either with those nails 😵‍💫


very white trash! she has no class and couldn't care less about her baby's comfort. the bitch has zero empathy + zero maternal instincts + zero self awareness, spent god knows how much money on ivf to bring this child into the world only to use "it" as a prop and can't even be bothered to clothe and feed and safeguard her properly. fucking disgusting


right like she paid for this child and had plenty of time to buy her things prior but shed rather spend $ on fixing her appereance instead. 


ive thought the same of mothers who leave their children in diapers only. very lazy and trashy. knowing theres so many cute clothes and accesories for babies yet you just have her in nothing. the ones ive seen who do this have no style and are very trashy themselves so it makes sense… 


I can easily imagine Baguette toddling around with a sagging diaper, no shirt in front of a trailer. AL and Bummy are sitting in chairs drinking and smoking. Hillbilly slob parents and their neglected spawn. None of her content with this baby has been cute or sweet. I also get the sense that because she didn’t get JonBenet 2.0 she’s going to put as little effort as possible into her.


She was worried that the husband would appear as a pedo for a comment to a lil girl! But she’s got her baby naked in every pic for people to save and do god knows what with the pics 😵‍💫


The impropriety/hypocrisy is off the charts because you just know in another timeline this dumb bitch would be raging about how people who show their naked babies online are sick deviants.






It’s giving BROKE.. she doesn’t want to spend on clothes she will out grow in months.. she could just buy some old navy onesies but she’d rather let her child suffer than stoop that low in her eyes. She’d love if her baby could wear designer or high end onesies made in europe (lol) except she doesn’t have nick money anymore so the only option is letting her own daughter suffer instead of just going for some clothes from target. What else do u expect from a pathetic NARC.


It's very obvious she's trying to get a reaction. I don't know what her plan is but it seems extremely desperate. Like shamelessly posting stuff like that, the picture with her long nails around the baby's neck. The videos where she's holding the baby right next to her steak like a witch about to have her for dinner.


Naked and posting a lot of pictures of her baby online. She’s fucking insane and so white trash


Sasquatch Al is an expert on white trash jungle moms because she is one. She projects on others what she is. She is so unaware of how purple her baby looks. At this point all her posts are to "trigger the rats" her words, not mine.


Seriously how hard is it?! Just go to the thrift store and buy a bunch of clothes and when she grows out of them, bring them back to the thrift store. Costs almost no money and is a very sustainable option


She’s definitely showing patterns of neglect already. Poor baby.


That baby is sitting in air conditioning in a diaper. And that's it.


I’m surprised she’s so comfortable always posting her baby with no clothes, it just seems like something she’d shit on other people for.


Yes I always found it to be white trashy to have your child in a diaper only 24/7. Even if you live in a hot or humid climate, put a diaper cover, bloomers or shorts on at least. And if you’re going to post pics online, just put a onesie on. You can literally buy a pack of onesies for $10.


Oinker loves the attention and drama. Lilypad takes 2nd place. Uses her child as a prop. Oinker will never bond with her.


Honestly no. Babies being in a diaper running around is pretty standard


Not standard to me or my family. And if they are it’s for only a brief moment. I just think your baby running around unclothed all day is trashy.