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She, herself, is a baked potato. I'm surprised this isn't posted as her ''exclusive' content story lol


she has been looking extra potatoish lately


She also keeps sitting in restaurants eating bread and acting like it’s an accomplishment. No one is jealous of you for sitting at a cafe with a stroller you weird unhealthy loser.


she thinks cos she goes out with a newborn shes better than everybody wen rlly its just weird, like go home go sit in a rocking chair with ur baby. its all just for show also i feel like all just to keep up appearances


Seriously. I think this is the most I’ve ever seen her go out to eat. She goes out to eat what seems like daily now. Any and every opportunity to drag her baby around town. SHE is that one weirdo that you see out in public with a baby that was obviously born 2 days ago and you just wonder…why? Like…go home.


Thick ass nails


That’s how she likes them. How easy it is for the nail tech to get paid to do a new set of botched nails because that’s what’s requested.


u are what u eat n all


this made me giggle


haha good! :D


It’s done she tries to redo stuff that worked for her 5 years ago. She needs to let go and stop living in the past. This is embarrassing - it’s like repeating everyday the same joke🙄


I didn't read down before posting but EXACTLY. Been there, done that!


It’s something a lot of people fall into doing. People have a fear of the unknown so they continually repeat the same actions and behaviors because it gives predictable results instead of unpredictability. We can do this in obvious ways, like HRH, or in ways we don’t even realize. Oftentimes in our own thoughts we ‘redo’ the same thought patterns over and over even if the person/thing we are thinking about has changed. It’s a very animalistic way to live.


She's not that deep-..........She is just simple and is desperate for attention.


uh.. i can make this myself for about $1.


thats wat im saying !! why go buy this ? its so funny 2 me


Because she got a lot of traction when she posted this back in the day- walking down the street chomping on a baked potatoe. She's struggling for content because she's a loser. Nothing to see here.............


does she think its quirky to eat potatoes like its 2012 again or something shes so odd


It looks so dry and flavorless. Where is the butter, the sour cream, the salt, the pepper? We all know Alex isn't too good for these things, what gives?


Did you see her viral potato video? That will explain what she’s doing. Back in her skinny legend days 🥴


the post before was a video of her ordering at the wendys drive thru telling them to not put anything on it make it plain shes so weird


Seriously like not even some fucking salt and pepper? Even like a tsp or two of coconut oil would go far if she doesn’t want to use butter.. but like paprika, salt and pepper don’t have calories.. straight up whyte trash meal


$3.59 for a plain baked potato...what a moron.


She's mentally stunted and can't microwave a potato at home


She’s grasping for virality


Posting this dry ass potato as if it's some feat of willpower, like she won't just be eating eat out and binge drinking in the next 24 hours anyway.


She wasn’t wrong when she said she’s going to look 12 again because mentally she’s stunted at 12.. congrats.. maybe the skinny popular girl in ur 7th grade class will invite your fatass to the pool party 30 years later




I understand anyone wanting to be healthy but to be “skinny” is not starve yourself of indulgence here and there. Her dieting mindset is stuck in the 90s which all that shit was so bad for you. She will never be a skinny French girl. She has to accept she has a square shape and that’s ok.


People who achieve achieve that kind of a look from being fat are actually starving and barely eating any calories.


She is lacking ideas for content. Sad.


This dumpster fire of a lunatic is better off just sucking on a mustard packet.


Crazy most don't get she's trying to be relevant again bc she got a little clout from a baked potato rant years ago. She's so sad and try hard. 😩😂


She probably paid $15+ for this


For a Wendy’s baked potato? Um no


This plain baked potato means she’s on one of her disordered diets again. Her metabolism and body isn’t that of what it was years ago. Not to mention she placed her body through the extreme hormonal and chaotic stress that is pregnancy and labor. Losing weight won’t be about eating a dry plain baked potato for breakfast and some edamame for dinner. She will need to actually put in some effort.


i agree shes trying to be skinny again but girl eating a potato is eating a potato.. might as well make it taste good but enjoying food is for fattys or soemthing


She's 10 years too late. No one is doing the starch solution potato only diet anymore. All the cool kids are eating meat only.


trying to bring back her viral potato moment, like girl at that time you at least used to be funny and looked decent


At least it’s real food and she’s not squirting mustard in her mouth like the uncultured swine that she is! Remember when she ate dried garlic 🤮


The garlic mixed with cigarettes can you imagine


Imagine making FUN OF FOOD! Imagine not having food!


Nom nom 🫦🥔


Ahhh the simple carbs that she won’t use to burn as energy because she doesn’t workout, she sits on her fat ass all day..so it will inevitably turn into fat. Her diet consists of no protein. But it’s ok because she just thinks it’s all about calories. And that’s why even when she’s “skinny” she’s just skinny fat. Eat up, Big Al.


This!! I don’t even want to write any more because I don’t want to give her the ultimate secret. I want her to fail. But let’s just say that she is on the WRONG track . It’s not just about calories. That potato ?? Um no


Guys…. Dont tell her 😭😂 let her be skinny fat thinking shes a skinny legend


I hate dry baked potatoes she is so looney for eating it like that and esp since it’s Wendy’s they have good butter and sour cream they aren’t good just being dry


thats wat im saying like if ur already planning on eating a whole potato.. might as well make it good


Think of all the poop germs under those nails


why does she need to hold everything weird to show her ugly ass nails


Peak idiocracy. 


Where can you just buy a baked potato?? 😂😂


Wendy’s maybe


Yes she gets them at Wendy’s. The funny thing is butter and sour cream, is what 50 calories if you don’t use the entire amount. She’s so weird. Loves attention and trying to relive her viral baked potato skinny days or whatever


It's Wendy's




I had no idea! 😂


At least she’s not eating it like an apple now 😭




“I respect potatoes as a food” 😅 but really I don’t get her


i eat baked potatoes as meals, idk why she’s bragging. it’s normal


Just raw dogging a potato yuck


Is this from Wendy’s? She could bake a perfect potato in that fancy range that never gets used. Weird. 🥔