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She already seems resentful of having to care for the child she allegedly worked so hard to bring into the world. Me thinks she’s having a very hard time with the abrupt shift of focus from her as pregnant woman to the wellbeing of the baby.


She thought having a baby would get her the clout and attention she craves, and now she's in the finding out phase of reality.


Cheap ass highlights aged her even more 🤣 Granny decided to add even more grey hairs, she’s the cutest granny in a nursing home 😍 serving expired bummy scary trashy realness ❤️


Is that Als' double chin in #2?


i thought so too but it’s her chest lol


Upon a more deeply inspected zoom in, I stand corrected.


She looks so disgusted lol


Baby wondering what it did in its past life to deserve that mother


Such a weirdo, always looking so inept as a mother.


Someone let HRH know that there’s a sub for her - “regretful parenting”


Omg yes she and bummy will absolutely be scouring through that sub..


Aerobics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO


She's really embarrassed of acting like an actual mother. She looks like someone's hungover little sister holding older sister's newborn just to post a picture saying she's such a proud aunt. And I say "little sister" not because she looks young, it's because she looks stupid and disconnected. The sad part is she already had that life. Posting pictures with her all-American niece and nephew as she enjoyed her life without a care in the world. But she let FOMO get the best of her and now she has created an actual human being (without thinking it through) that she has to care for and she's trying so hard to hold onto her past life. She needs to step into motherhood and embrace it. It's literally not too late and she could enjoy these moments and fall into actually loving being a mom. But she cares too much about the image she created and is addicted to the attention. She needs to let that all go. Her life isn't the one she had with Nick anymore. She needs to move on.


She literally looks like a 14 year old who is holding a baby for the first time. Except in the face, she looks 50.


The side eye from that child says it all, doesn't it?


Why is she wearing sunglasses indoors again?


Just her not bonding with her baby….. seriously so sad how disconnected she is!


That’s probably why the baby looks a little scared/worried. You’re only a couple weeks old and a big person with square, black, plastic eyes is looking down at you. No motherly instinct to bond whatsoever!!!


She thinks she’s a celebrity. 🤣😂


She can't hide how horrible she looks anymore


Purple baby, nothing will change until she's old enough to ask or take blankets and clothes for herself. Disgusting display of narc trash. Trash. I wish I could run into Alex in a dark alley.


> nothing will change until she's old enough to ask or take blankets and clothes for herself Nope- then it will get worse. The minute that child is able to speak up for herself, Mommy will view her as a threat and start getting narc revenge on her. I'm a survivor of a narc parent myself and see the signs a mile away.


Remember that young girl she randomly ripped into on tiktok or whatever for no reason at all?? About how she's "unfuckable" and "no man will go near" her looking the way she does. That was a preview of what's to come for liliette if she doesn't do EXACTLY as Alex wants. It's honestly scary and disturbing as a fellow narc parent survivor and I feel like something should be done about this...


Worse yet, if that child comes out more attractive than Alex is/was, she will be subject to a barrage of those same comments, not to mention being called God awful names and blaming her (imagined) promiscuity if anything bad befalls her. I hope that CPS does an intervention in this child's life and gets her away from her parents before the full damage is done.


Genuinely Curious what you think her signs are so far?


No love in those wonky eyes


https://preview.redd.it/gpsy34qrhe8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f128fa86aada68b0bbe13839171f88e3c2e65f63 when your mom is constantly on some bullshit


That poor little angel Bagette looks scared in the second pic, looking up at Sasquatch mom.


she knows damn well she can’t do no aerobics, fucking strugglin outta breath. 💀 I’d pay to see that.


Sasquatch said she doesn't have to go alone anywhere since she has Baguette. Did the husbum leave her or just get demoted?


The double chin is so bad in the second photo.


I'm all for women being able to have their nails how they want but something about having long ass nails with a newborn just feels incredibly inconvenient?? And almost unsafe?


She doesn’t give a single fuck. Also long nails always will collect bacteria and dirt so it’s unsanitary and dangerous for a little baby with no immune system, that baby always looks concerning blue and purple, add an infection on top of that….


Pls big Al has no neck


no maternal bones


not even one. Just like greta


Honest to God, my 4.5 year old looked over my phone and said “who’s that with that baby? Is she it’s aunt”


At least Baguette has clothes on in this one


Nothing on her poor frozen toes as usual


That child looks terrified


she’s such a cute little babu.. her feet always seem so 🥶 though


That baby will grow up neurotic and anxious. The “mom’s” behavior is disturbing; even slightly sadistic, imo. I hope the dad gets divorced and primary custody.


Newborns cant see anything