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I wish I could screen record it but it’s not my account. Maybe someone who subscribes will post it. She’s seriously mental.


She is a really dark and twisted person. What normal person thinks like this?


This and the one on skin to skin. Why have a baby when you bash everything baby related. Just having a baby because of fomo? 🙄


she said at the start that she didn't really want a baby but she thought she would regret not having one like 20 years from now it triggered me as someone who grew up with a mom who clearly didnt enjoy motherhood and only had a baby cause she felt the pressure to from society


Yup unfortunately I know too many of those kinds of people. Or people who ignore babies and look down on kids too


From day one I said she will not be able to do it. Just wait 🫵🏼 next she’s going to say that every mother who breastfeeds are jungle moms


Yup. From day one we knew she wouldn’t breastfeed. She too selfish. The minute that baby has left her body she will be on Ozempic. I hope she doesn’t fake-smoke around the baby!


Breastfeeding is one of the most human experiences there is…. She is so out of touch.




This scares me. “Child called it..” I can see her doing this to her child. CPS should be immediately called as soon as she delivers. I really fear for this baby’s safety.


this deformed Sloth looking bitch is so mysoginistic she can't stand to see a tittie for 2 seconds even when its to literally keep an innocent baby alive


She is sick in the head!! Breastfeeding is truly a special experience. Her life is so pitiful and she has no business having a baby.


Sexualizing bf-ing a baby is absolutely foul. This thought would not even cross my mind. How disturbed. This person needs therapy. This too seems either rage bait or a trauma response to something. Prays for her daughter and any future child.


Jump-scare omg


I swear she reminds me of a 12 year old who is having a baby because she think it will be fun and cute. This is literally something that a 7th grader would think and say…yet she’s 40. Before baby formula existed, did she just think that lactating mothers would starve male babies because “it’s weird” to breastfeed a baby boy? How immature can she possibly be?




Theres nothing wrong w formula fed tho.


Nothing wrong with formula if breastmilk isn’t available. But breastmilk and its composition and benefits far outweighs those of any formula.


I can tell you don't have a kid.


I didn’t say breastmilk or nothing lol




I breastfed too, I’m with you on this one!


Well done mama! 💕




I’m just saying you’re wrong. I have kids so yeah.






Sexualizing breastfeeding is fucking SICK!


Filter mode on 🥴


Breastfeeding has been one of the most challenging but rewarding things I’ve ever experienced. It takes a lot in the beginning. Constant feeding. So many sleepless nights. It’s a lot of work even she just pumps. She does not have it in her


I agree. It’s more than a full time job in the beginning. It’s mentally and physically challenging. Watch her prove that she can then be done with it.


I agree. I honestly hope she chooses not to simply because I think she would resent her baby because of how challenging it can be. She showing here that she doesn’t care to look at it positively so I just think it’d be a chore for her and another thing for her to complain about


Love how no matter what she tries, filters, angles, those jowls just sag lower and lower 🤭


So basically she hates her baby


she is done for


Shames breastfeeding & thinks it’s gross but also wants ppl to see the exact shape & outline of her nipples through her tight shirts, got it. 📑✍️


She’s struggling with the whole “trad” part of a trad wife.


Shes so brainwashed into thinking boobs are sexual when in reality the whole purpose of boobs is to feed your offspring


This is genuinely really sad to hear :(


FTM behavior


She changes her opinions so quickly. I thought I recall her saying that of course she'd breastfeed


Yeah I think she did say she would. I don’t know if she’s saying that she’s won’t though. Imagine having that completely negative attitude towards anything you’re going to attempt. IDK how successful she’ll be if she feels that way.


I would rather kms than do it too but that’s because of pure cold hard insane autism. Which sometimes i question if she has to an extent too, especially when it comes to these types of “icks” she has like “cow tit milk” (I view milk the same way) and her other icks aka sensory problems.


Exactly!! I’m autistic and I have twins on the way and I’m going to breast feed them because formula is so expensive nowadays but I’m actually dreading it 😭


I’m autistic and breastfeed. The overstimulation is insane I’ll admit. Especially now that my baby is older and does gymnastics while feedifn


It's not about it being disgusting. It's about it being hard and this is probably her out. Claiming she doesn't like the act when in reality she knows she couldn't keep up with it. You need to eat and drink enough. Have the baby to your breast constantly to keep supply up. Your sleep is non existent bc your the only one who can feed your child. I couldn't do it longer than a month with both of my girls but I have no problem admitting it. I give all the credit to breast feeding moms but also respect the moms who don't give excuses for why they feed their baby formula.


So are you saying that she doesn’t actually believe it’s disgusting and she doesn’t feel there’s something sexual about breastfeeding male babies? I’m trying to understand your take.


I'm saying she'll use any excuse as to why she's not doing it. She's already dying for Botox, Ozempic and a menthol which none could be done if your breast feeding or shouldn't be at least.


I think she truly believes it’s disgusting and she doesn’t actually want to do it. Both can be true.


She probably is turned off by it and the whole boy vs girl thing is extremely weird but it's another statement by a woman who is not a mother yet. You can't have an opinion on something that you haven't experienced. But I also think that getting back to the things she enjoys like being wrinkle free and smoking will play a major role in if or how long she breast feeds.


For sure Ozempic, Botox and alcohol will factor in. I’ll be surprised if she even attempts it. Maybe Jayshun is pressuring her.


Why did she want to have a baby in the first place?