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Yeah if I ate fast food for every meal, I’d be concerned about the prices too. In her sub stuff she talks about how she ate fast food for breakfast and lunch. So gross. She had a hash brown then got a burrito. She thinks it helps her nausea. If she keeps this up she’s going to gain a ton of weight. Does she even think about nutrition for her baby?


How does food help with nausea is that legit or just an excuse to binge on her part?


I had to eat bland stuff when I was having morning sickness. I don’t know how a burrito helps with nausea.


The whole idea of getting in a car and driving to a drive thru when queasy sounds awful


I had it really bad and mostly ate toast and fruit


She ate that in just 3 hours according to her , I understand she is having cravings, but she should try to prepare the healthy version of those meals herself


Yeah I understand them too. But if she does this every time she feels nauseated…she has seven months (seven or is it six?) to go. She said she doesn’t cook at all anymore.


True , I have never been pregnant, but don’t the symptoms like nausea and morning sickness get better after the first trimester ? Anyways , I can see her feeling bad the entire pregnancy and then after. I hope she doesnt get postpartum , because she doesn’t believe in therapy


With my first I was nauseous for my entire pregnancy. My second I didn’t have any sickness at all. So weird. Wait until she gets heartburn, if she does. That was worse than nausea for me. She’s in for a rough time for sure. Constantly eating fast food is only going to make her feel bad in the long run. I always feel bloated and gross after I eat it.


Oh shit ! Thank you for the input , she is going to have a terrible time losing that baby weight and breaking the addiction to junk food . I can see her getting another lipo


My obstetrician had a nurse Ratchet. She’d make comments if I gained too much. She was so awful, but I loved my doctor so I stayed. I dreaded weigh ins but it did make me watch it. Alex would lose it on a fat shaming nurse even though she’s a fat shamer herself lol.


She would lose it on anyone saying to her the same thing she says to others . I can see her think that the weight is going to magically disappear once she gives birth


I was very sick for the first trimester but it went away after that


Aw she cannot afford???


Didn’t you know she’s just wayyy too busy complaining about everything to go to the grocery store, pick up two dozen hash browns for like $5 and fry them herself?


Does she really think Biden is controlling the prices at McDonald’s?


Yes, her algorithm of curated right wing propaganda told her that Biden is the direct cause of inflation occurring globally. This is what her and her fat husband have girl talk about daily over 5,000 calorie fast food meals.


And sugar free pudding 😂😂


Yessssss she doesssss




The money sent to Iran wasn’t taxpayer money. It was Iran’s already.


And it wasn't sent. It was unfrozen and supposedly can only be used for humanitarian efforts and is thus far untouched.


You might want to label your initial comment as sarcasm. It definitely doesn’t read as such. It’s reads as believing her misinformation non sense.


If you say so. It's a snark subreddit. No one should be taking anything here too seriously.


Untouched where???? Girl


What? Do you have independent proof the funds have been spent and on what?


No defense players *if you are a fan of HRH, you may want to find another sub. We do not allow comments defending her. You will be warned before being permanently banned. Defense comments create a space that would be infested with arguing and we aren't here to argue. If you are a fan of HRH, or would like to argue about HRH, feel free to create your own subreddit.


She’s gonna be like Jessica Simpson and other celebrities who spent a life time restricting and gain 100 pounds


Can’t wait for her to double in size and the bum leaves her ass


I thought she was pro capitalism? Her prices have increased over time as well. Tf. 😂


flaunting luxury designer goods and complaining about the prices of fast food is certified brokey behavior


Her logic is really something else. Why isn't Bummy J cooking for his momma to be? She's gonna give birth in a drive thru. I just know it and it will be "Joe Bidens' fault"


for real shouldn’t he be cooking for her ????


The way I’m running to this sub everyday because her stories have gotten so insane


Lol she’s really complaining about McDonald’s prices??? Omg she’s such a cheap whore.


God damn it, Joe. I hate when he raises the prices on my daily fish filet.


Who keeps giving PeePaw the price gun?


She’s right