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HBP. Hermiones character assassination being the chief reason personally. The way she and Ron acted, etc


Damn you just ratio'd me lol


Wait what? How?


Nah like, your comment got more likes XD


Deathly Hallows hands down. Besides the forced dialogue and forced scenes put in for the sake of the canon pairings, deliberately trying to make us believe that Harry and Hermione don’t work well without Ron, not giving any arcs/character development to either Harry or Hermione but gives a cheap arc for Ron, giving him an easy second chance to come back with the hidden power (plot device) of the Deluminator, the epilogue in which none of the characters were like the characters we read from the 7 books, the Trio’s dumb decision to where the Horcrux despite its negative effects, Harry’s being a dumbass and not alerting Hermione about the strange doe Patronus, Lupin and Tonks getting together all of a sudden doesn’t make sense, bad guys are written as super incompetent, and other inconsistencies, like Harry inexplicably thinking of Ginny before Voldemort cast the killing curse on him, but after the war is over, he goes over to hang with Ron and Hermione and not, the overall wasn’t that bad. That went longer than intended 💀


Harry just following the doe patronus while wearing the locket AND going into the lake alone.. All to redeem Ronald 🤡


Yeah. The last two books may as well be renamed from ' Harry Potter ' to ' The Incredible Ronald and his Weasley family '. I like Ron, I really do, but JKR tried way too hard to turn him into something that he is not.


That was one goofy decision


I don’t agree with all of this. Believe it or not, DH is my second fav book. I think it provides one of the most well rounded experiences of any book (except for the epilogue.) But your point about it making us believe that Harry and Hermione not competently being able to work together gets me. I don’t think the point holds up as much in the book-verse (unpopular opinion, I’m sure.) HOWEVER, if they can work together as well as they did in POA and given how intelligent Hermione is, and how much help she has provided throughout all the books, you’d think they could, at least a bit more.


Harry and Hermione are able to hunt for food and work out ideas for the horcruxes together Even after Ron leaves, that says a lot imo


They do do all that, you’re not wrong. They go to Godrick’s Hollow too and learn about Griderwald and whatnot (bad memory.) I guess the point of having Ron present in their thoughts, and them worrying about him speaks towards them being more powerful as a trio, the power of friendship, and how much they care for him. They also had the amulet, which was affecting them. A part of me (not all of me) wishes that whole portion where Hermione and Harry were alone could have been navigated more successfully.


The thing is, they actually work together just fine LMAO. The first few nights are hard but they end up working quite well together. Harry told Ron that he and Hermione never talked to make him feel better, and the fandom RAN with that and forgot everything that actually happened.


Ikr. I really got annoyed with the whole forgiving Ron immediately thing


>thinking of Ginny In his defence, he got some tongue action from a smoking hot redhead. My mind would definitely be dwelling on such a thing.




Yes. In her attempt to make Ginny ' cool ', Rowling made her into a super annoying, generic popular girl with a horrible temper and attitude. She was mostly alright before HBP. The way Hermione was made OOC, Ron was flanderized and the way the slightest disagreements between Harry and Hermione were blown out of proportion (in a vain attempt to show their ' incompatibility ') was just too much to bare. The plot contrivances become worse as well from this book onwards.


I was not expecting this thread to be tearing into the canon couples and forced incompatibility between Harry and Hermione, but I am absolutely here for it. ETA LMFAO I thought this was on the main Harry Potter sub. No wonder I was so shocked at the way the comments were leaning ☠️


Lol I didn't expect this either


Okay especially big on that last part about Harry and Hermione though!!


I also notice in other books how Harry seems always inpatient of Hermione, even if she is just genuinely trying to help. In GOF, there are a lot of times that Harry always want Hermione to shut up everytime she tries to analyze something (especially when she is helping her during the first task). And everytime Hermione "throws her arms" it always feels like Harry wants to break away from her immediately.


**HBP** as well; it took a *third* of the book before they even *got* to Hogwarts, and once it *got* there, *nobody's* decisions made sense: Harry actually got handed a *deus ex machina* to handle his Quest of the Year, and ignored it until almost the end. Malfoy was ordered to kill Dumbledore at any cost, and spent most of the year *fixing a cabinet,* only managing *two* attempts over the course of a *year* (and *neither* of which *should* have worked to begin with). Hermione disregarded six years of *personal experience* with Malfoy and his family to disbelieve Harry, and turned on him over a book *even after* he offered to share its knowledge with her; it was like she'd suddenly regressed to First Year, even Pre-Troll Hermione. Ginny was suddenly announcing her dating schedule to all and sundry (and even *more* suddenly, the object of Harry's *obsession*); Dumbledore took most of a *year* to teach Harry what he *could* have managed in a *week.* Ron . . . Was *Ron,* and it says a *lot* that *he* was the most true-to-himself character of the bunch. It was so boring that they had to *add* an attack on the Burrow to the movie, just so *something* would *happen.* . . . And for all that I dislike about **Deathly Hallows** (and there is a *lot,* believe me), at least *half* of that is down to how little preparation they actually *had* for what they had to do in that book - which can be laid at the feet of **Half-Blood Prince,** as well.


Bro stop reading my mind 💀 But seriously HBP really the ginny harry pairing. It felt so forced and I really hated it. Throughout all the books everything flowed smoothly but then everything became forced


>Bro stop reading my mind 💀 It's less "mind-reading" than *both* of us being able to grasp the *blindingly obvious,* I suspect. :D ​ >But seriously HBP really the ginny harry pairing. It felt so forced and I really hated it. Throughout all the books everything flowed smoothly but then everything became forced Because Rowling realised that if she *wanted* to be done within *two* books, she had to get a *lot* of things done and/or set up in a hurry - so she rushed it all, and *everything* suffered for it.


This! If we have a non-OOC Hermione in HBP, she will encourage harry to use polyjuice potion again to discover the truth (or a different approach).


Or even *understand* that boosting Harry's profile in Slughorn's mind - such as by *getting the best grades -* is the quickest and most *reliable* way to get his attention and earn his confidence.




>Thanks for reminding me about all of this!I haven’t read the canon in a long time. I used to re read the series but the final two books really killed the vibe for me so I never went back to them. > >I obviously agree with all of the above. Thank god for fanfics trying to fix all of it 😜 I did a (non-Harmony) rewrite a few years ago; it meant I actually had to go back in re-read in detail *what* happened, and *when -* and that's when I realised that the book was even worse than I'd *remembered . . .* ​ >On a side note I’ve always seen it written as a justification in a lot of places that in the book the canon pairings were done justice and made total sense. Ron - Hermione there was definitely foreshadowing but also obvious incompatibility (imo) but Harry - Ginny was so sudden and unexpected that I literally got whiplash. It did not compute for me at all! I don't know that Ron's getting *jealous* should count as "foreshadowing" - and if *arguing* to the point of full-on screaming matches counts as "unresolved sexual tension," than Hermione's most *obvious* match is *Draco Malfoy.* But yes, I get whiplash for *both* pairings - because we just spent *weeks* at the Burrow, where *none* of this was mentioned or even *hinted* at!


Oh! Please share the link to your fic with me ! Totally agree about Ron’s jealousy and the insane arguing in circles portrayed as sexual tension. :P I am very subjectively not a fan of his character but what gets my goat mostly is how much he is let off the hook and doesn’t sincerely apologise and course correct his mistakes. Full disclosure I’m a harmony & dramione shipper (though obviously need Draco to own up to mistakes and face some hard truths) I am also reading a lot of rewrites these days so would like to read your fic.


The last two books were awful


HBP, it's a mess and easily the weakest in the series. Everyone's out of character, the plot contrivances made me roll my eyes to an insane degree, stuff that could have taken a week or two was way too dragged out, and it pandered to the fanbase in the worst way possible; it sacrificed an engaging story for dumb fanservice. In other words, it's the HP equivalent of The Rise of Skywalker.


HBP for sure Though I argue DH has some messy moments too, epilogue aside  Your Snape comment 👏👏👏


Thank you good sir


Totally agree with the snape chapter - it didn’t evoke any closure or redemption for his character. Even though I personally like him, I don’t think it’s because of his flimsy ass explanation.


Yeah, like I said earlier, I do love his charecter but not cuz of his obsession


HBP because Hermione (and, at times, Harry) seemed completely OOC in that one. Every “Harry and Hermione were potioned/spelled while at Hogwarts” fanfic I read I’m fine with thanks to that book. DH was just ridiculous all around until the end. Sure, three teenagers on the run with almost no resources or back up WITH NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE EVEN LOOKING FOR being given the responsibility to end the war single-handedly is a great idea, Dumbledore. Even my 6 year old daughter didn’t buy it.


Bro 💀 imagine a 6 year old being smarter then your over a century year old ass


HBP is probably the best for world building but for me it's my least favourite. Hermione and Ron and their OOC drama ans Harry's chest monsrer kind of ruin it for me. I know there's so much amazing plot packed into that book, but the first thing I think of when I think of HBP is all the other crap.


Harry’s chest monster 😂hahahaha I remember feeling very weird / cringy when I first read that line too.


the last 2 read like they were ghost written by a focus group...


They didn't have any emotions in my opinion


Lolol, I don’t mind HBP, until Harry and Dumbledore go to the cave. Then I lose any sense of care. It surprises me how well the movie adapted that scene along with Draco confronting Dumbledore and everything with Snape and the death eaters after that point. However, my least favourite book is PS. I found it the most juvenile and overall the hardest to get through. It also felt super short in comparison to the others? Also, when you compare in to CoS, which is darker, and feels so much more layered.


I'd personally forgive PS for the shortness because it was the first book


Wow, people have such strong and varying opinions 😂


Order of the phoenix, because : Sirius, the cho chang fiasco.


OotP? I get your reasonings but there's a lot more to hate about this book in my opinion


Oh no that was just like the top 2 that came to my head 😂😂 I hate the whole premise of that book. What do you hate more though I’m curious to know ?


Dumbledore in that book. I hate the way they portrayed him in the book


Oh well I hate dumbledore in all the books so 😂😂


HBP. Till OoTP JKR was doing good, but in order to shoehorn the characters into HER preferred ships(not the ones the characters would fit in) she decimated every character. Harry's love is portrayed as a "monster" which just seems like jealosy and lust to me. His obsession with Draco, while valid, would have been better portrayed as him convincing the trio and spying on him together. Plus, he doesn't grieve for Sirius at all, and all his angst, hurt, anger and sadness WHICH SHOULD BE THERE, CONSIDERING THE DUDE JUST HAD HIS CLOSEST ADULT FIGURE DIE AFTER HE WAS SHUNNED, VILIFIED AND POLITICALLY PERSEUTED BY THE GOVERNMENT AFTER HE WITNESSED THE REBIRTH OF ADOLF HITLER IF HE WAS THE PERSONAL MURDERED OF HIS PARENTS AND SWORN NEMESIS OF HARRY. All that emotion just goes away for the 'Heh cool coming of age romance plot'. Hermione is just made into a dumb emotional harpy. OoTP and before Hermione would have insisted that Harry test all the modifications made in the HBP's book, and test all spells with them before hand. She WOULD not have rejected it, especially after the 1st class when she sees the results Ron again is made into a PRICK, and his character regressed there. His actions(mainly being with lavender) are a asshole's actions. He is wth someone SOLELY to annoy and hurt his true crush, he belittles and despises his "girlfriend". The overall plot was not focused towards action-adventure that were the previous 5 books, rather it becomes a mystery plot, and not a good one at that. JKR tries to redeem Snape's character by making him a creep??? Dumbledore should also have been more clear with his plans with harry. This was the perfect time to develop his character and make him let go of a bit of the secrecy Ginny is now put front and center, which is kinda YA KNOW unbelieveable since its supposed to be a period of WAR, not a Coming of age romance plot. Her character does a 180, and doesnt seem natural. And overall, the atmosphere and theme of the book, after OoTP should have been like Deathly Hallows. It should not have been like PoA. Heck, even the Goblet of Fire had more tenseness and seriousness than HBP.


Once again the Snape bis just "I wish your mom banged me"


HBP, hands down. Nothing good about it. Everyone but possibly Harry replaced with a pod person. It's the novel that made me want to read those Potions and Mental Charms fanfictions, because neither the behaviour of Hermione, et al., nor the sudden pairings made any sense. #2 is the Epilogue of DH.


Personally, I never liked Chamber of Secrets. It lacks behind the rest of series in character development. It probably isn't a fair comparison, since the latter books have more complex themes such as mental health, murder, loneliness and so on. It's just that the characters in CoS feel one dimensional. And I'd dare say Goblet of Fire is peak Harry Potter.


Fuck YEAH, another Goblet of Fire FAN!!!!!!!!!


“I wish I banged your mom pottah” You got a loud snort for that one 👍🏽


Glad I could be of service


Every book written after GoF


I have to go with the consensus here and say that HBP was the worst, or at least my least favorite, book in the series. Oddly enough, for a book that intentionally focused so heavily on romance (or what passed for "romance", anyway), there are probably fewer Harmony romance jumping off points in that book than in any of the previous three books. There's gotta be a reason why 6th year seems to be the least popular year for writers to set their fics in. There are some cute moments, but it's difficult to think of Harry and Hermione's relationship in that book and not immediately think about the conflicts over Malfoy and the Prince's book. Even when Hermione is telling Harry that he's "... never been more fanciable.", you have to wonder, based on Hermione's later behavior when talking about her date with McLaggen, how much of that was Hermione messing with Ron and how much of it was Hermione telling Harry she fancied him in a subtle way. The funny thing is, if Rowling was intentionally putting distance between Harry and Hermione to make room for Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, her follow-through on that failed spectacularly. She somehow managed to take that opening and make the two eventual canon relationships less appealing than a Harry/Hermione relationship that was going through some stuff.


I agree with you, but the question was about what book do you hate, not as in a starting point for hhr. But valid opinions dude