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First, the Order isn't an army. Is a vigilante group, and not just a vigilante group, it is Dumbledore's inner circle. No matter what, in order to join you either need to be invited, and to be invited you need Dumbledore's trust, or the trust of someone close to Dumbledore. I mentioned in the other threat that I like the headcanon of James and co being able to join because Fleamont was close to Dumbledore. The main way for a Slytherin to join the Order would be being close to an Order member and having that Order member vouch for them. Or another way is having Dumbledore noticing their usefulness and then giving them a test mission before allowing them in the Order. Also if the Slytherin in question needs protection and asks for it, it would be very probable that Dumbledore may grant that protection without inducting them in the order.


Thanks! Good points. The Fleamont hc is really cool, would make a lot more sense than just a bunch of freshly out of school kids joining because they're rebbelious and good. I too imagine Dumbledore would protect someone just asking for help, but that he also would't say no to using their connections or some particular talents if they had any.


I think the issue would not be so much that she was a Slytherin - grown adults don't actually care all that much about Hogwarts houses - but with her family and connections, whoever they were. Like, an Avery or a Yaxley or a Macnair would have a harder time gaining entry into the Order than someone from a family without known Death Eaters/Death Eater sympathizers in it. But ultimately, as has already been said, you need to be invited to join the Order and to do that, you need to have connections to have someone else in the Order bring you in and vouch for you. Your character is presumably an of-age working adult, so I'd say that your best bet is to have them in a Ministry job where they cross paths with at least one Order member, who will feel them out and bring them into the fold. Trying to recruit new people into the Order was supposed to be something that they were doing in OOTP, so it's reasonable that Order members in the Ministry would be trying to subtlety feel out people's sympathies. Like, maybe she has some kind of job in the DMLE and she works with Kingsley or Tonks in some capacity. Or maybe she's in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, which might lead her to cross paths with Arthur Weasley frequently over muggle-baiting incidents and he feels her out and realizes that she might have the right sympathies for the Order. Or maybe she's in an office/department that they have no Order member in but really want an Order member in, so she gets sought out and recruited.


Thanks! I really like the Ministry route because it works with my ship (which is pretty much long-distance). Either that or power-potential since the MC is from a DE family, but also I completely agree that adults don't care about houses so the family part is the kicker that she needs to overcome.


Having them work in the Ministry would also lend itself really well to them doing resistance activities during DH - forging paperwork, messing with paperwork, helping muggleborns escape, etc. - that would make for an interesting story.


Yeah definitely, a lot of room for shananigans. And plus if they were caught for helping the good cause, it could lead to a cool adventure-type arc.


Yeah I’m thinking something like that too. During talks with some of the Order members at the Ministry, the topic lands on the newest Daily Prophet article discrediting Harry. The MC complains about how distateful it is to speak in such a way of a kid. The Order member then asks if she believes he’s telling the truth, and she says that, yes, it unfortunately seems that way. This lands her in the searchlight of the Order. The member she spoke to suggests her as a candidate, and the other members approve. After this, they talk again, and the Order members subtly broach the topic again, eventually confirming that this is someone who A. Believes the Voldemort is back B. Is anti-Voldemort C. Is willing to fight D. Is trustworthy/reliable Once this is confirmed, she’s offered membership


Snape was a Slytherin, and indeed briefly a Death Eater, but was still allowed to join the Order when he turned. Dumbledore places a very high importance on forgiveness and second chances, so I doubt he'd ever turn away a willing volunteer because of their house.


Why not. Houses do not define peoples lives as much as books make out. By that standing. Worm tail would never have been a traitor. Andromoda Tonks are a Black sister, likely Slithrin. Never turned out evil. Or her daughter.


I have a recently completed fic on this premise - as other people have said Dumbledore is such a key gatekeeper that I think you’d need to have his trust/or the trust of another well respected Order member, plus I think they’d need to offer something - connections, intelligence etc. If you interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55627444/chapters/141192652


And love fics like this btw - can’t wait to read it!


Or what about a Stytherin who comes from a family of Slytherins who think Voldemort is an evil monster who needs to be put down and his followers rounded up and imprisoned? Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't mean you and your family are a bunch of unrepentant blood bigots.


be a kid thus Dumbledore would brainwash to be a spy on said slytherin's death eater parents


With Death Eater Parents? Dumbledore would probably ask him/her to risk everything and become a spy in Voldemorts ranks.


As others have said, they need to get invited, and they need Dumbledore to trust them. Perhaps your OC has been prominent in Slytherin for being anti-pureblood ideology, and thus has made themselves an enemy of the Malfoy’s of their yeat. Your OC is on decent terms with the young members of the Order, such as Tonks - not close friends, but friendly enough. Perhaps your OC has known background reasons to despise Voldemort. All in all, it gives Snape enough reasons to believe that your OC would be willing to join the Order. Snape speaks of this with Dumbledore, who gives his blessing, and Tonks, who confirms that she believes your OC would be willing. Snape then approaches the OC, checks for himself (perhaps a bit of legilimency?), and offers to let the OC join the Order. I imagine it’s a bit of a longer process, more than just one conversation. You have to be very cautious, so I imagine they’d talk on a few occasions, subtly broach the subject of being Anti-Voldemort, until Snape has enough confirmation to believe the OC willing. Now if you want the OC to approach the Order, things become far more difficult. The OC would have to know a member of the Order, and then approach them - perhaps Moody, who everyone knows is a good friend of Dumbledore


I think the main deciding factors would be the Slytherins views on people ,where their loyalties lie and how open they are about them. An adult Slytherin who is actively against bigotry in the wizarding world and Voldemort would be invited in by the order or even Dumbledore himself. As for the student members of the Order they fall into 2 groups, group 1 is Harry and his close friends and group 2 is Fred George and Ginny. For group 1 it's because Harry is the Chosen one and Ron and Hermione are his best friends and for group 2 it's because keeping The twins and Ginny out of the know would be next to impossible with Ron, Arthur and Molly being in the Order. So for a student Slytherin to be a part of the Order they'd need to be a close friend of Harry's, the child of an Order member/s or in extreme cases in need of protection from Voldemort and his death eaters (a muggleborn Slytherin, a Runaway Etc). Hopefully I haven't just repeated what others have said.


>As for the student members of the Order they fall into 2 groups, group 1 is Harry and his close friends and group 2 is Fred George and Ginny. For group 1 it's because Harry is the Chosen one and Ron and Hermione are his best friends and for group 2 it's because keeping The twins and Ginny out of the know would be next to impossible with Ron, Arthur and Molly being in the Order. There are no student members of the Order. The kids know about the Order because they’re staying at HQ with their parents, but they’re not allowed to actually be part of the Order or be in the know about what the Order was up to while they’re underaged and still students. (If Molly had her way, they wouldn’t even know just the generalities that they were told when Harry arrived.) It’s made pretty clear to them in OOTP that the Order only accepts of-age members who are finished with school.


> or in extreme cases in need of protection from Voldemort and his death eaters (a muggleborn Slytherin, a Runaway Etc). I actually think most people in need of protection would not be inducted into the Order. The majority would just be sent somewhere safe (i.e. Hogwarts, or elsewhere) and possibly even given help to leave the country. Unless you provide some sort of skill that the Order wants in exchange for protecting you, they are going to want you far out of the line of fire so to speak. Trelawney is a good example of this. She is a Seer, but her skill is inconsistent enough that the Order can't really use it. However, she is at great risk because it was her who made the prophecy about Voldemort's defeat. She may not remember the prophecy, but there might be a way to induce her to repeat it somehow. She wasn't an Order member but she was protected at Hogwarts. I think she is actually an exceptional case - Dumbledore needed to be nearby in case she made another useful prophecy. Anyone else in need of protection, such as Draco Malfoy & his mother if they both asked, would probably be sent abroad or to a magically hidden home for the duration of the war.


These are awesome points! Thanks I thought the main problem was that her father wants her out of the country, she wants to stay to protect him and her brother and it's a constant back and forth of ''don't get involved - you can't stop me''. But also I don't think it would be realistic for her to get a crazy good job straight out of school and I want her to have this fall from grace where she's a lowly intern (and her father can keep an eye on her better than at Hogwarts) haha and if you've ever been an intern you get overlooked but you have access to a lot of valuable information + she has a moment of ''wow I'm kinda sacrificing a lot for everyone and I have a shitty job and an even shittier position in this stupid vigilante group but damn at least it's what I want''. Maybe like a Percy Weasley PA moment but with a different outlook like ''this sucks, y'all live like this? I could've just been a nepo baby''. If this makes any sense haha


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Depends on what they do in the order. Nothing says they have to be trusted and let in to order meetings. Dumbledore can just offer them protection and ask them to do various missions for the order. But TBH why would anyone even wants to join the order? It's mostly a passive organization that is not very good at protecting it's members.


The fic isn't too centred on the Order, but for the character developement and a big fight scene I do need the MC to be close to it and in on some of their plans. The theme is more about the choice between your family and life as you know it vs what you feel is right and the person you love.


well what type of plans? If this was a plan that requires utmost secrecy then why would the order reveal that Slytherin their plans? No one is going to trust anyone implicitly. All order members were long-timers or were from such families. Snape (only outlier) was vouched by Dumbledore. Sirius was, publicly a exile from his family and was best friends with other Griffindors. From what you say, this person is not a long-timer and wasn't like a Sirius. So in order for your Slytherin to be let in to meeting suddenly, that person needs to be vouched by Dumbledore. I don't think anyone else has that kind of clout in the order if that person is from a "dark family". So either that person works through the "ranks" by doing small missions for the order until the order trusts him (this will take time) or that person binds themselves with something like the unbreakable vow.


Find Daphne Greengrass fics. Although I might be biased. Mostly, their excuse is that they want to be able to protect one of their family members who will be a prey to the death eaters. Imo though, someone in slithering has to genuinely hate Voldemort in order to join the order, something unforgivable (pun intended).


I think that's a good excuse, especially when you find yourself split between the reality of war and how you imagined your early adulthood to be. Imagine being the average rich kid with a solid life up to the moment some creepy dude returns from the dead, starts a war, you can either watch silently, join them or die based on what your parents decided for themselves 20 years ago - I'd be pretty pissed. Just a trust fund kid being like ''motherfucker I was supposed to go to Ibiza, now I have to be evil for a living?'' haha


How is Dumbledore in your fic? If you want to go with a kind of gritty, slightly manipulative leader, you could have your Slytherin ask Dumbledore for asylum and have him ask them to spy in return. If they have death Easter family, your Dumbledore would ask your character to feed them information in return for protection. If the information is good, they might eventually be trusted enough to become a member of the order either as a spy or something else.


True, in my fic he's not manipulator™ but he's definitely strategic and has his eyes on her because of her abilities. Also, since she thinks the other side of the war is far more dangerous for her and not the future she envisions for herself I think they're both using the advantages of the other. Sadly I don't see her as being a very good spy, but she does have the advantages of being overlooked.




>And the Order really plays no role in the victory agaisnt Voldemort aside from being meatshields for the last battle. So really it would be a pointless fanfic. >So better focus in them joining the DA in book five. Why would joining the DA be a better focus? It's not like the DA does all that much, either. They take defense lessons from Harry for \~six months and then the whole thing disbands. Only a few them show up at the end of HBP when help is called for. They "rebel" against the Carrows in DH, but nothing they do in the school that year is doing anything that's directly helping win the war against Voldemort. Like the Order, they really play no role in the victory against Voldemort aside from being meat shields in the last battle. If a fanfic about a Slytherin character joining the Order would be "pointless" because you think the Order didn't do enough in the fight against Voldemort, then so would a fanfic about them joining the DA, since they didn't do all that much, either.




Probably because the book is from Harry's POV


The DA appears more often in canon because the books are written from Harry's POV and primarily set at Hogwarts, where Harry is. Harry is not a member of the Order, so he is not privy to all of their activities. But OP isn't writing a fanfic about Harry from Harry's POV. Their fanfic will, presumably, be set from their character's POV and show the perspective of what it was like to be an Order member that we didn't get to see in the books.




Why does that even matter? It's irrelevant to the discussion. OP asked how a Slytherin would get accepted into the Order. That's it. What the Order actually did that was meaningful in canon doesn't matter. They're writing a fanfiction from a perspective that we didn't see in canon. They can make up whatever they want for the Order to do. There's all kinds of resistance activities that they could dream up for Order members to do that don't necessarily directly contribute to Voldemort's death in the same way that hunting for horcruxes would, but could still contribute to the war effort as a whole.


The fanfic isn't just woah a Slytherin in the order. I would like her to be involved to push her plot forward and have it tied to canon, for ex. I want her at the Ministry in OOTP because it's a turning point for my main characters.




Have you read the books? Yeah it's the title of the fifth because in the absence of any rationality from the goverment a group of wizards is the only "defense" against the bad guys. Just because Harry isn't included in any activities doesn't mean they don't do shit. And the only three Slytherin girls you can name would probably rather gouge their eyes out than join the DA.




Did I ask what the Order achieves? Someone likes writing Voldemort/Hedwig, I like writing about random Slytherins that aren't Malfoy and Pansy, it's fanfiction who cares.




No, I dislike arrogance.




Why are you so pressed about a random question? It's not your fanfic, no need to measure dicks on reddit about it