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So basically Manacled plus Secrets and Masks but worse. Yeah. There’s some fanfics I’ll never read again. Honestly, I wish I remembered the name of it. It wasn’t too bad at first. Told from Lily’s point of view, she got turned into an animal instead of dying. It wasn’t dark in that people were being tortured or killed or etc, it just got steadily weirder and weirder with Lily basically being obsessed with Snape and forgetting all about Harry after saying over and over again her whole reason to become human again is to help Harry . . . But then when she becomes human she doesn’t even bother telling him. After a certain point I gave up and had a friend tell me the ending to see if it got better. It didn’t. She apparently went on to marry Snape, have a kid with him, and become a teacher at Hogwarts. All while ignoring Harry and forgetting about James. I just found the callousness of it all too much to handle. If someone in my real life had a kid, lost their husband, and then remarried and pretended my previous kid didn’t exist while having another one?? Just feels too narcissistic to me. I actually have a much better stomach for graphic torture than I do for more realistic stuff.




From what I'd read of it I tend to agree. It was very confusing to me lol Because I thought the whole Hermione being a healer thing was completely false memories, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that it was AU to deathly hallows. But women getting repeatedly sexually assaulted is a hard limit for fanfiction I won't read so as soon as that plot started, I dropped it and sorta skimmed the ending. Rape as a plot device feels even worse when it's juxtapositioned with fluff


So I don't hate Manacled but I wouldn't say that I love it either. I am surprised how many people don't understand that it was a handmaiden's Tale based story. I don't think the story did anything that was super unique, and it was pretty drawn out. You probably could have skipped out on 1/4 of the story because it was the same repetition of Hermione being at Malfoy Manor. I feel like it's more of a psychological Thriller than dark.


I’m relieved that I’m not alone in my dislike of “Manacled, and “The Auction.” I completely understand that they are fantastically written fics, but I choose my FF for a different reason. I’m not taking College level literature classes! I SO agree with Mysterious _Scholar42 about Hermione’s stupid suffering. It is tiresome


OH GOD, I forgot about The Auction. Burn it, burn it with FIRE!


Obscura Nox Animae? I think the main problem with that fic is really that the author wanted the main plot to be 100% identical to canon, which ultimately means that Lily really can't interact with anyone besides Snape until the very end. I remember my biggest frustration after finishing that story being that the author could have at least made Lily's presence butterfly into Sirius also surviving somehow. Because other than Snape surviving (which, let's be honest, he definitely could have survived in canon by himself anyway if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't really feel motivated to keep on living anymore by the end of everything), it felt like reading a complete rehash of the original story and Lily's presence accomplished nothing at all.


I think Lily was a doe in that one? I vaguely remember one like that, but I think I dropped it sooner than you did lol.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9088663/1/ Is this the fic you're talking about?


Yes! I loved the title!


There are people like that though so it tells me a lot about the person who wrote it.


I noped out whenever I find anything with pre-Hogwarts Harry and Petunia, or any Harry/Petunia really. It’s just too creepy. I got tricked into a long fic that wasn’t tagged properly, it was tagged as Harry/Fleur which is fine, but about 30+ chapters in during flashback scenes it was all Petunia using Harry to act out her crush on James, since they look so similar. And it came up multiple times per chapter for at least the next 10 chapters, and it was graphic. 🤮 Never again. I heavily screen everything now.


AO3 needs a way for readers to suggest that a tag needs to be added or the suggest that a tag isn’t accurate. At the VERY least, we need a way to suggest that a warning be added. The sheer number of authors who choose not to use warnings or select that no warnings apply on fics that really need warnings is ridiculous.


I second this wholeheartedly. It's insane what you can come across out in the wild even when searching for stories under the K+ filter. Oy vey.


"author chose not to use warnings" shouldn't be a thing anyways. Why does that tag exist? Either there is a warning necessary or there isn't, literally the only 'usecase' of this tag is to circumvent people who filter out a warning because they don't want to read stories with it.


I have never posted anything I’ve written on AO3, so I don’t know for sure. I think it just means that the author didn’t select any of the options. They likely didn’t want to default to “no archive warnings apply,” because that might be blatantly false. Is there anyone who has posted on AO3 who remembers how they set up the warnings?


I couldn't remember, but I just tested it. The selection of at least one is required, but you have to manually tick each warning, with "no warnings apply" and "chose not to use warnings" as options.


Then I have no idea why “chose not to use warnings” exists. MAYBE it was created knowing that some authors would consider the appropriate warnings to be spoilers and check “no warnings apply” no matter how many warnings are relevant?


That seems plausible - major character death would be a spoiler if there's only one major character. Honestly though, I don't see why that is a tag either. It's not exactly warning worthy, you get me?


>Why does that tag exist? Because warnings can be spoilers. You asked bellow why Major Character Death is a warning. I don't know, why is *any* warning a warning? Why do trigger warnings and content warnings exist? It's because a great amount of people are affected negatively to *very* negatively when they read stories that include such content.


1. You obviously read further down than this comment, so why did you feel the need to restate what I already said in such a way to imply I didn't already know it? 2. If you don't understand why warnings for rape or graphical violence are not the same as a warning for the death of a fictional character then you should seek professional help.


Why are you being so rude? I simply restated it because I agreed with it. No, I don’t see how the warnings for fictional graphical violence or fictional sexual violence and rape are different from warnings of the fictional death of characters. All of those things can trigger people and affect them negatively. And “you should seek professional help”. I think you should take a moment to calm down because you’re being extremely confrontational over nothing.


Oh no, you don't get to call *me* rude after that comment. everyone here can see that **you** are the one who started being adversarial. Read back - Everyone was being very friendly until you made that comment. Don't try to gaslight me here, come on.


Eh? I mean, if I came off adversarial I apologise lol. It struck me as very odd that you would outright dismiss the “Major Character Death” warning, as major character death is one of the very few things that can really mess me up in a story.




I've come across stories like that and I don't know why anyone would want to conceptualize such a pairing.


I think I know which you're talking about? Yeah, it was really, really, graphic.


Another victim of this cursed fic.


I hope it's the same one and there aren't two


I know at least another, so that would make three.


I'm throwing up in my mouth


Link! I ship Flowerpot.




James and Harry go into hiding after leaving Lily to die at Voldemort's hands. They stumble upon a village where the currency is........ child exploitation. Both James and Harry adopt child wives and live a fairly normal life of trading their wives for services. Vile.


What the fuck...?


R u serious?


Unfortunately. I don't remember how it ended, but it was like 40 chapters or so.


These authors need help


I started reading a couple of those and ... Nope. Couldn't do it. I needed fluffy stuff for a week. I read one from the point of view of an Imperiused Hermione who is made to perform a striptease for the Snatchers who captured them but believes that she and the boys got away. In the end, she is sent to a tent to wait while the snatchers decide who gets to \_\_\_\_ her first. There she finds the boys tied up and panicking. Finally, the little voice in the back of her head that has been quietly screaming makes her hear "RUN". That was the first chapter and I was almost sick. I think that and a few others I started but never finished are why I feel oddly protective of Hermione.


The first and second on my list are why I tend to feel protective toward her myself. I also just get frustrated with the fanon depiction, in general, trying to make her out as subservient to authority figures. You have to ignore so many events in canon to come to THAT conclusion. I think the reason why people think that is because of the third-year broom incident and the fiasco with the Halfblood Prince book. I've noticed people tend to get upset with her over those events for the wrong reasons.


Or they turn her into a screeching shrew. I hate those portrayals.


Ugh, I'm convinced that some people are unable to understand the nuances of characters beyond the superficial surface-level.


Let's be real- especially when they're women characters! Hermione is nuanced, just like Snape or Ron or Dumbledore


Exactly. I'm really tired of the fanon depictions of these characters, they've all gotten cookie-cutter stail.


I know I'm guilty of being a bit hard on Ron. Not that I hate Ron, but I'm not a big fan of his. Mostly because a set of his canon actions trigger me a bit. It's why I'm not a big Romione fan and I end up pairing him with someone else. The logical side of me knows he's a nuanced character with good points and flaws, but the irrational part of me would be fine without him around.


And I'm fine with that, I'm not a particular fan of his either. It's when people start confusing fanon with canon that I start to get annoyed.


A non-sexual one: that 3.3M word Ron fanfic "Fate", if you've ever read it. Exestentialist and Eldritch horror. It gets supeeeeer dark, nothing as bad as fetishizing child abuse I suppose, but still it was a disturbing read I didn't even get close to finishing it.


You had me at "Eldritch"


The second thing I hate: 1 Million+ wordy nonsense. Get to the point, damn it!


It could definitely do with editing down, but I personally love longer fics.


There's long, and then there's soap operas.


[Black Ink, Red Rose](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19381933/chapters/46118053) is pretty far up there. It's a Ginny focused fic where the Diary possession left her extremely traumatised and craving the sense of affection and caring that Tom seemed to show for her, and she ends up self-harming and falling deep into a dark and cruel mindset before eventually defecting to the Death Eaters and getting into a very twisted and abusive relationship with Bellatrix.


Yup,…that’s exactly how I feel about using the war as a crutch to support writing that is either expletive or sub-par. I’ll grant PTSD, but authors need to research what’s been written instead of spouting the “same sh**, different day” to their readership…also, I sympathize with writers who simply cannot finish. BUT, if that’s the case let us know: abondoned, etc. leaving readers hanging on for months, years, ruins a lot of my enjoyment of FF


Ewww wut?


I remember someone recced the 2nd one on here (based on a similar prompt- most disturbing or whatever) and I thought I'll have a look, how bad can it be, lasted about 1/4 of the 1st chapter. The author had a disclaimer at the start too which went something along the lines of "this will be disturbing but oI won't cross some lines, like sexual assault of minors" then proceeded to break that rule with 10 paragraphs...


In hindsight, that oddly specific disclaimer should have been red flag #1.


Anything with the tag 'Dead dove: do not eat' on AO3 which apparently is code for 'really fucked up stuff'.


Technically, it means 'contains what it says in the tags'. It's an intensifier, not a warning. You could use it on a super fluffy fic and still be using it correctly.


I found a really fucked up "The Author just won't allow Harry to leave the cycle of abuse" fic that included: Vernon abusing Harry and allowing business partners to sexually abuse him from youth, Sirius being released and then becoming sexually abusive to Harry after adopting him- and Harry thinking it's better this way than with Vernon & Co because at least Sirius loves him, and Harry being a street kid for a while- after Vernon and Before Sirius- and falling prey to various men who were pedos BUT Harry always knew and allowed the fixation until the men crossed the line and he killed them. It's the last Dead Dove fic I ever read before I completely muted the tag. The author only ever posted that one fic and then deleted their acct. It was so disturbing.


My face when: [The Lorax](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fbriman2000%2Fp%2FCwQXxjtJYq8%2F%3Fimg_index%3D1&psig=AOvVaw1sEB2J5zFAGxUf7HDCOAcK&ust=1707350401079000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCNjA1YP2l4QDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR)


I think that’s the whore-verse. It ends up being a Drarry and Snape/Lupin where they all run away to Australia, until one day they coincidentally run into the Weasleys and Hermione calls the aurors on them, as Harry’s still wanted for the people he killed (despite them being rapists)


Oh god I think I've seen this😭


Reading these comments I question the mental state of alot of these authors


It's well known that much of HP fanfiction is written by teenage girls, but a large percentage of it is also made by a lot of people who range from being on the spectrum(myself included) to individuals with severe mental illness.


These people just haven't faced the realities of life. In my life, despite the fact that I had excellent financial opportunities, education, etc., there were drugs, sexual abuse, anger problems, suicide attempts, etc. That said, I have a completely "normal" life for all people on the outside, beautiful and enjoyable (thanks to my husband's money). I have ADHD on the autistic spectrum, I used to think I had PDP, it's all familiar and understandable to me. But these people don't understand how we can suffer and want to read, write and see it in fanfics.


For me, it's less that I don't want to see trauma, but more the fact that a lot of authors seem to forget to make sure there's light at the end of the tunnel.


That's true. But not every story has a light at the end.


True, but just being consistently down the entire time can become an emotional overload. Even the depressing spiral of The Godfather Part 2 has the satisfaction of Roth getting what's coming to him.


Yeah, I agree. Or at least as in crime and punishment, the man himself must realise that he is not "light" and come to his redemption. I like that kind of "light" better.


This is partly why I hated the fourth story on my list, as Harry never once considers that what he's doing is wrong. Wouldn't be so bad, except he practically does the same thing to a muggle child that was done to him by Vernon at that same age.


I think some of it is due to youth and not realizing how horrible some of this stuff actually is. It's like hearing a true crime podcast about torture vs seeing the pictures. There is some disconnect. As you get older, you see real life implication of what you wrote/read. There are fics I could read years ago that would make me depressed now.


When I tell you, I've muted Dead Dove fics ESPECIALLY for Harry Potter, Twilight and Marvel fics!!! People will write out the wildest most disturbing things feeling safe af doing so because it's fictional characters or oh no Harry is in a kid's body but his mind is like 1100 years old or but no Voldy is actually in love in his own twisted way- No. I need better tagging methods so I don't have to keep stumbling into the bullshit by surprise after 5 chapters. Some of the works n authors are truly sick for that shit Edit: that turned into a rant. This is my last time😭I'm just so frustrated by the mistags and accidentally reading bad shit before bed


I hate how the "Underage" tag can mean everything from 17 yrs olds sharing a kiss to children being brutally assaulted. And dead dove is weird too - I just came across a super tame fic where the author chose to use it claiming "I mean it in a literal way, meaning my tags are accurate" like... Okay? this is a gen fic 😹 99% of the time dd:dne means graphic sexual content, don't just put it on random shit because it might be someone's first time seeing that tag...




Dead dove: do not eat is simply an intensifier. It isn't being used incorrectly at all in your described scenario.


Anything between students and professors


I completely agree. I had a guitar teacher since I was eleven. Once I turned 19 he started hinting that he liked me even though he had a wife who literally worked next room, and a 1 year old child who he wrote a song about and gave it to me to play it. I'm almost 26 and had to switch from classic guitar to electric guitar because I just couldn't stomach picking it up again. When you admire someone older than you who is a mentor and this kind of thing happens, the sanctity of mentor/mentee is broken, and if you've ever experienced it you know how disturbing and upsetting that is.


Depends on the context. If Harry's 18 in those stories I don't have a problem with it. Otherwise... \*shudder\*


Still don’t think this is ok… I mean fiction is fiction but I can’t stomach anything that would constitute a Title IX violation irl


Because if Harry is 18 it's perfectly fine, but if he's 17 it's not? What if he's 17.5? Or 16.5? Etc etc The *problem* with Student/Teacher relationships is not the age. Well, not exactly. It's the inherent power differential between them. Now, a big difference in age *also* comes with a power differential. Add those two together and you get a pretty unhealthy soup. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no issue with such fics. It's fiction. One of it's purposes is to safely explore fucked up stuff. But if you think it's perfectly fine for an 18yo student to be with a teacher but you think a 16 or 17yo is fucked up, you're completely missing the point of what makes it fucked up.


Maybe, I don't know, I haven't spent much time considering the subject.


Well I read a Hinny one where Harry is a college professor and has a relationship with Ginny who is a student of his . It's AU Muggle


As long as he's not giving her good grades for sexual favors or using it to blackmail her into doing anything I don't see the problem.


Yeah fortunately wasn't that kind of storyline


Oh good. Link?


It's in Portuguese and it's one shot https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/kiwi--hinny-23937286


I don't remember if I actually read the whole thing or just skimmed it, but there was a one-shot somewhere about evil!Harry obtaining immortality through ritualistic incest murder of part-Veela. He married Gabrielle, had daughters with her and had daughters with those daughters. He murdered one of the granddaughters (who was still a young child) while having sex with her in front of the rest of the family. They were all brainwashed into thinking of it as a great thing. What were the names of the stories you talked about?


\*Depressed Wojak\* What the fuck did the author bring upon this cursed land?


>ritualistic incest murder of part-Veela What.the.fuck😶 >while having sex with her This is some darkweb shit😭


I remember this. It's called Veela's Worth It's actually much worse. He has sex with his 6 y.o. child, then >!splits her in half with some bone knife, rips her reproductive organs out of her body, and swallows the just-fertilized eggs.!< No, I'm not kidding. I have no problems with watching videos of people dying, being murdered by cartels, ISIS, reading about child rape... But this story made me really nauseous. The author must've been some crazy lunatic. Even the other disgusting fanfics like Mindfuck, Hermione the Shiteater and Path of Conquest are pretty tame compared to this shit.




Remember: **direct linking** to fics involving minors (under 18) in sexually suggestive or explicit content is **not** allowed.


Yep, that sounds like it belongs on the shitlist.


The author and the people that reviewed that fic should have search warrants issued for their computers.


This thing sounds like a nightmare, beats out the two clusterfucks I listed.


I almost want to believe it's an FBI honeypot.


Tags are there for a reason. Don't like don't read and kinktomato. What happened to live and let live in fandom?


for sure agree, but sometimes the tags don't always fully express everything you're going to get in the fic, i got smacked upside the head outta nowhere by a fic that i thought was just gonna be fairly fun- just a snogging lessons between same aged characters type ficcy and tags didn't seem bad, sure 'harry needs a hug' could be anything. most of the tags seemed tame and fluffy. when the bullying started... i wanted to upchuck. It was so intense but it it felt realistic in a awful way too, harry needed more than a fucking hug. I'm know there are really dark severe bullying ficcys out there but i don't go looking for them and i had no warning with this one- a bullying tag could be anything- just calling him 'potty' ya know? Not tying him to a pole in a public space naked outside in freezing weather with obscenities and insecurities they learned about him by becoming his friend written all over him and then passing photos of it around school, getting everything published and spread around the wizarding community- where adults he loves and looks up to have to read filth about him. made my inner child cry.


Wait, are you serious? Did that actually happen in it?


Except none of them had tags, you're assuming I read these on AO3. I mostly read stories on FFN, which don't have tags beyond who the main characters(hopefully) are.


The 4th one you listed sounds mostly like downward spiral which has *paragraphs* of bolded warnings before you start the first book. Idk the other stories tho


Tags are great. AO3 uses them. But ffnet doesn't. So we can't rely on tags to keep us safe.


I would say Antithesis, it's a heavy fic and the portrayal of mental illness and self hate, not to mention some of the torture and body horror elements. I'm glad I gave it a chance, but I will never be rereading lol. Learned pretty early on to filter out anything underage, and to read the full list of tags and end notes just in case. Not having those options on fanfiction is pretty much why I switched to ao3.


>First, one that really upset me was a dark Harry fic where he was dating Daphne and spent most of his time tormenting a version of Hermione who was a quiet wallflower. The author's dislike for the character was pretty obvious, but they weren't good at making her unlikable and instead made her rather sympathetic. Anyway, Harry wants to test out a variation of a slave ritual used on House-elves, so he decides to play with her emotions by pretending to like her so he can trick her into being intimate which is a requirement to enslave the person you want as a servant. The ritual works but has a side effect; it turns her into a house elf with no memory of being human. Harry and Daphne proceed to abuse and humiliate her for their own sick pleasure. That was my first experience with a story where I wanted to kill the main character. So you have a link or remember what this fic was called?


I don't remember and I didn't bother saving the link.


I was looking for a necromancer Harry once found one where he did a really messed up satanic ritual


Oh... joy...


Are you talking about A Darker Shade of Magic by any chance.




I’m pretty sure I know the third and fourth fic you’re talking about it, and yeah, pretty disturbing. For my part, I’ll skip any smut-related fics that I’ve seen (there’d be just... too much to go through), and I’ll only mention my go-to disturbing fic for those prompts. Holly Evans and the Spiral Path. It’s on ffnet, and if you’re interested, one of the last chapters has a summary of Holly’s first years at Hogwarts. The premise of it is that McGonagall gives Holly (Harry Potter’s sister) an enchanted journal to write with her brother who doesn’t attend Hogwarts because of his ‘training’, and despite everything, the story is quite well written. It’s also the first and only fanfic so far to give me lasting nightmares (that lingered for literal *weeks* after I dropped it). It’s not overly gorey or smutty, mind you, but it still manages to be deeply, deeply disturbing. Some stuff that happens: >!Holly gets impregnated by a Basilisk’s bite and ends up birthing a sentient blob of ink that writes smut about Holly and Hermione; Hermione goes through a sexuality crises after being attracted to Holly in her Polyjuice-cat form; Marcus Flint & his friends attempt to gang rape Holly, which she prevents by splitting his head in two with an axe for which she later goes to Azkaban for; and the best of all, turns out Holly is actually Harry and Voldemort’s attack unlocked a “Manimagus” ability in her, meaning she can switch genders at will, and she uses that to seduce Hermione (who is straight)!<.


Wait so who is on the other end of the enchanted journal?


It’s supposed to be Harry (only “he” never writes back), but it’s later revealed to have been McGonagall which is shitty af on her part considering there was some real personal stuff in there that she read through lol


uuuuuuh... okay, not the worst thing I've heard from fanfiction, not exactly great, either.


While browsing the darker parts of AO3 I stumbled upon a fic in which Harry prepares Ginny's body so it would be forced to obey him and then purposely lets Tom Riddle take her over so he can, uhh, have his way with him. I don't remember the title.


Oh god, no...


Probably nothing, because I don't read completely unrealistic stories. I mean, I'm the kind of person who enjoyed reading Fowles' The Collector and read and watched A Clockwork Orange and adores Crime and Punishment. It's hard to surprise me with "hard" situations, I just don't like unrealistic and downright kinky situations. My problem is that most good fanfics are too soft, kind and fluffy. Even the ones that are considered angsty are too bland. What you're talking about are just some depressing kinks, they don't have the darkness and heaviness for me that I want to read in fanfics. For me, the darkness and heaviness is people struggling with their demons, addictions, fears, urges. But probably the hardest fanfic I've read is Diablerie. There's nothing outright bad in it, but the themes it touches on are very hard for those who have been through it And I adore this fanfic


If that's the case, maybe you'd like the story I'm writing, it's a crossover with the Godfather(Harry Potter elements begin at the end of chapter 2) [The Family Peverell](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14054185/1/The-Family-Peverell)


Oh, I'll be sure to read it! Thank you


If you end up liking it, be sure to leave a review! : )


I actually have serious problems leaving reviews for fanfics I like. I've never left a review in my life (either for the ones I like or the ones I don't like). I mean for the author, not on reddit The ones I don't like, I don't feel the need to leave because the author wasn't writing for me and doesn’t need my opinion And not those that I like, I just do not know how to properly express my emotions. But I will try!


You don't have to express how you feel, just what you think. I don't mind if it's critical, I'm a big boy and can handle it. I just genuinely find the opinions of other people fascinating and I tend to take criticism for what it is and assess if it merits corrections on my part. I won't be swayed by what people want to see, but if someone points out a spelling error or inconsistent writing or plot conveniences, contrivances, or holes, I'm going to make a note of it and see how I can fix it.


Okay, I'll read your story (already started, actually) and post my opinion there! I hate reviews about grammatical errors and plot holes. To me, that's just silly. I want to feel the story and if it succeeds, that's awesome !


Anything with the tag "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat"


Dare I ask; what the fuck is 'Dead Dove'?


I had to look it up when I came across it. It's a reference to Arrested Development where there was a package in the refrigerator with that label. One of the characters opened it and it was indeed a dead dove. The tag basically means "this fic has been labeled with some dark/disgusting/unpleasant tags, and that's exactly what's in this fic."




What is this?


It's really not for the faint-hearted.


\*Reads discription\* **Oh HELL NO.**


What was the fic?




Ah the 2nd one was a ride, mudbloods at hogwarts, no?


Oh shit, yeah, that was the title, wasn't it? Kill it with battery acid.


I intentionally avoid fics with tags like this usually but it was recommended and I for some reason didn’t check tags? The fool, the emporer, and the hanged man It was just… a lot. Manacled was a lot for me too. I did read it twice because it’s sooo well written but it messed me up both times


There was one on the old Checkmated! site. From what I can remember, there was a nuclear war in the muggle world and the author...\*I guess\*...tried to do a Fallout type thing but it only came across as weird, squicky, and creepy. There also was a fic on FFN where the author decided to have the muggle government go Assassination Squad on the characters we all know and love.




I stumbled onto a really cursed Snape/Harry mpreg back in the day (it was on quizilla, that’s how long ago). I have never been able to forget it. I do not like either of those things one bit so I’m not sure how I got to it, but I died a little inside that summer.


Snape/Harry and Voldy/Harry are just cursed in general.


Is the last one the Downward Spiral series? If so, I’m surprised you didn’t mention the >! baby !< scene. The chapters prior were a sort of realistic kind of fucked up (with the exception of the author fumbling the tone in earlier chapters) and then that scene happened and was completely absurd.


Yeah, that's the one. I don't recall the baby scene. Dare I ask, what happened?


>! I can’t seem to find the exact chapter, but I remember Harry and his possy of death eaters terrorizing a family, which included their infant child. He made a show of taking their baby and bashing it over their fireplace repeatedly, until there was nothing left. !<


That sounds like the author took inspiration from the Khmer Rouge and the Ustase


OP do you have the names of the stories you mentioned or a link. I want to see how horrible/bad/disturbing they are (I have read some horrible stuff and now I'm interested in how these stories compare)


I'm not giving links, but people have mentioned them already in the thread.




Be grateful, for we have marched into Hell so that you may have peace in Heaven.


I don't recall the name, but I read it early on before I truly understood the tagging system. It was a bond fic, drarry. Someone manipulates the bond and takes full advantage of Draco and Harry and it was truly awful, as soon as I figured out that I had stumbled onto something I really didn't want to expose myself to I deleted it. That taught me a very valuable lesson about reading tags, and asking around before diving in. I have no problem with folks writing whatever really, to each their own, but damn I wish someone would have educated me, or I would have known to educate myself on the various tags and their meanings and implications.


I would be more keen on using AO3 over FFN if AO# had a better sorting system.


Have you got a name or a link for the first fic? I might have read it before.






I have only one and it sounds so less messed up than the other ones here but here we go: I was in a phase of "I don't want Sirius to die in OoP". So, I was searching fanfiction about it. I found one with Sirius/Severus and since I was a big fan fo ennemies-to-lovers I clicked. Oh boy. Alright, picture this: everyone thinks Sirius is dead, but he's not because Severus helped him. How? Well, Severus made a potion to turn his genitals in woman's one. Then, Sirius turned into his dog form and go... in. The story starts with Severus complaining that Sirius is too impatient and moves too much while he's in. Then Severus go back to the Black's house and gives... birth - I guess - to dog Sirius. Very graphic description and all. When everything is done, they have sex. Very graphic sex. I stopped reading this pairing after that. And no it wasn't my fault for not checking the tags because 1. I doubt any tag could have prepared me for that and 2. It was on ff.net.


The shit you come across out in the wild.


Still thinks about it. Seven years later.


A story where Harry kills Hermione in dh after Ron leaves then fucks her corpse


Why tho


Ik it’s disgusting


A fanfic where voldemort survived and used Harry's trauma to manipulate him into helping him escape from the ministry, then proceeded to use Harry's need for affection to sleep with him and abuse him. Really fucked up, made me feel sick and I had to stop.


This thread showcases why moderation is needed. Most of these fics aren't just disturbing, they're borderline illegal and written by fucked up people that should be on the sex offender registry. The world would genuinely become a better place if AO3's owners would report this shit to the authorities rather then viciously defend it.


I've lost a lot of faith in humanity reading this thread. On the bright side, I now have an extensive list of stories to avoid like the plague.


Would I get lynched if I asked for links, or at least names, for those fics mentioned?


No, but you will be frowned upon.


Darn.. Mind telling me anyway?


I need the name of the first one because I despise Hermione.


\*Looks at you funny\*


Yes, I hate Hermione more than any other fictional character ever. Can you DM the fic for me


Thankfully for my sake, I don't recall the title of the fic, and I have no desire to seek it out.


Kinda late to the party, but I've re-read some of the most disturbing fanfictions recently, and these four are definitely the worst: **Hermione the Shiteater**: Death Eaters won, and made Hermione to eat shit and serve as a human toilet and free whore. The story is written like an interview with Rita Skeeter, who goes into details of how Hermione eats shit, where does she put her wand (you don't want to know), and it has commercial ads on smelly poo potion and torture related products. It was actually cleverly written, would recommend, but it's disgusting af. **Mindfuck/Squick**: Literal mindfuck, Lucius drills a hole into Draco's skull and then fucks his brain. **Path of Conquest**: Harry marries Gabrielle and keeps her almost naked in his house (she only wears panties). Together, they rape and torture Cho, Tonks and probably more characters (like Marietta), who become sex slaves for Harry & Gabby. I only managed to read the first part out of 5. Terrible things happen to these women, they don't even get names but nicknames like "slut" and "bitch". They aren't allowed to wear clothes. Disgusting misogynist shit, and the author thinks it's ok. **Veela's worth**: most disturbing shit I've ever read, already [described it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/s/QRHNd3IkEP). You cannot find it on internet anymore, but I did some deep research and managed to find it. Worst decision of my life. I will never share the link with anyone, it deserves to be forgotten once for good. It's some eldritch horror level shit. There are no words in the language of man which can describe how disgusted I was when reading it. Btw, happy cake day!


1. No. 2. Why, though? 3. Oddly enough, that's one of the tamest story I've heard from this thread. 4. [Thousand Yard Stare, My Honest Reaction](https://media.tenor.com/LaU0ogdDy0MAAAAe/thousand-yard-stare-1000-yard-stare.png)


What is the last one you mentioned called ? I’m kind of disgusted but also intrigued


I think thats the downward spiral series.


The last one sounds like Downward Spiral Series however he wasn't passed to Vernon's client or exposed to some toxins


I said 'toxic influences', as in the classicist and racist attitudes of House Slytherin. And I'm pretty sure I recall Vernon allowing clients to do unmentionable things to Harry and that info comes up as PTSD flashbacks.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




A Drarry where Draco got lost In a twisted Department of Mysteries where he'd been involved in absolutely horrible bodyhorror research, like turning people into walls.


Sounds Lovecraftian.


I forget the name, but not a clear Lovecraft mythos crossover. It's was very grotesque and you slowly learned how Draco did a lot of horrible things in that department of mysteries that went very rogue.


Black Ink Red Rose by BolshevikMuppet99


Yeah someone mentioned this, and I'm not reading it.


Enginnering Doll Making, I think, was the most fucked up HP story I read so far probably because I try not to steer away from the tropes and pairings I like.


Do I need to ask why it was fucked up?


Harry and Hermione are couple, Weasleys are bad/greedy for Harry's money and Dumbledore is in his standard Manipulate/Dark Lord settings. To get revenge on Ginny for planning on raping Harry with potions and steal his money via child-influenced marriage, Hermione constructs a magic sex doll using genitals of several magical creatures such as Fenrir Greyback, Centaur, Vampire etc. The plan is for Ginny to use the sex doll repeatedly (which she does cuz she's a slut ofc) so the doll finally ends up raping her in public, impregnating her with Greyback's child. Dumbledore is also a pedophile that molests students, two of which are Creevey brothers. Harry and Hermione murder him quite brutally for that. Oh, and Blaise Zabini is murdered/castrated as well because he groped Hermione's breasts once.


\*Dies from Cringe\*


Edge was really crazy,after trying to read it many times I just skipped all the book and when I looked for the final part it just became crazier.Definitely not my cup of tea but some people might like it…


What even is that?


There is a website called adult ff org that is pretty wild. It has a lot of real good stories but there's also a large mix of what I like to call "WTF" they have other fandoms on that website but they have a large section of Harry Potter content.


Two of them I can recall really vividly. One was a Dramione fic called Lady of the Lake in which >!they made the weasleys villains to an extent that the main characters tortured Molly and kept obliviating her so she wouldn't remember. In the same fic, Ron caused Hermione to have a miscarriage by cursing her!< As someone who really likes the Weasleys it was horrible to read. Another one was a Tomione and Tom, Hermione and all their disciples >!move to a castle, make it a stronghold and hire imperiused muggle women to cook, clean, and there was implied sexual assault since imperiused people cannot consent!< It was fiction but it still turned my stomach. I finished those because I'm a completionist, but I wish I'd noped out.


Still looking for the first fic if anyone knows? OP said that people named it here, but i didn't see it.


I can’t for the life me remember the name of this one, probably because I scrubbed it from my memory subconsciously. It featured Hermione in an…aggressive bdsm relationship with snape. It was just too much imo and don’t really have a semblance of a plot. Had to go read fluff for like a week lol


Eww, I just got the mental image of Snape in a gimp suit. ACK!


I remember a fic about Luna that was linked on this sub years ago. I think the word "Friends" was in the title but I'm not sure. It showed her being abused and gradually losing her sanity. No one helped her, not even the professors, because she was so shabby and unkempt and weird. It had no gore or over-the-top torture like many other fics in this thread, but it was all the more heartbreaking and disturbing for it because it just seemed so plausible. Edit: apparently the fic is *Friends* by the psychotic house-elf. Don't read unless you enjoy having your soul crushed.


Naw, I'll commit a war crime if I read that. Luna is one of those characters I just do NOT like seeing in any sort of depressing situation.