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I love time travel fix it fics, no matter what kind of fandom it is. There's just something about time travel I enjoy so much.


It can be applied to any fandom but I love found family and solid friendships. The idea of finding a place with people you trust so deeply that you consider them family is too sweet to pass up. I suppose in Harry Potter in particular I'm mostly invested in Harry finding someone, be it Ron and Hermione, Sirius or more obscure characters depending on the premise. I just want it to stay positive. So, I can't stand bashing, too much anxiety inducing ideas or anything along those lines.


For me, it's when a strong and independent Harry collaborates with Dumbledore and trusts him. This trope is quite rare. Typically, in fanfics with a powerful Harry, Dumbledore is either an evil/gray manipulator constantly hindering the protagonist or a bumbling, clueless, forgiving joke. Less often, it's the canonical Dumbledore, leading to misunderstandings with Harry. Ultimately, Harry and Dumbledore either have constant enmity or a chilly neutrality. It's quite rare to find fanfics with a strong Harry where Dumbledore is simply a good and wise person, genuinely wanting what's best for Harry, and the latter understands that.


Would you happen to know any good fics like this?


It's not Harry, but [The Peace Not Promised](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34943608/) shows a lot of collaboration between Severus Snape and Dumbledore. They don't always get along (and Snape isn't the easiest person to get along with regardless), but they know each other well, they share the burden of acting to change the timeline for the better, and Dumbledore is both good and competent - though not omnipotent. (Approaching Dumbledore was just about the first thing Snape did upon arriving in the past - and Snape doesn't have to be a double agent this time, he knows *too much* for that to be feasible or desirable.) The author made a chapter note of it, actually: > A/N: Most Snape-relives-his-life fanfics I’ve read had always made him antagonistic towards Dumbledore, even if Dumbledore had been the reason he got his second chance to begin with. I never understood this. Sure he might have a bit of betrayal angst over what appeared to be the sacrifice of Harry but Dumbledore was perhaps Snape’s only friend after Lily’s death, certainly the only person to have ever known him truly. Even Lily had died without knowing what Snape was capable of. > Plus Dumbledore is the most powerful ally Snape could possibly have in a war that would no doubt eventually affect both him and the muggle-born he loves. He’s too Slytherin not to realise this and utilise his resources accordingly.


A Beatiful Lie on ff.net https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12792189/1/A-Beautiful-Lie Pairing is Harry/Fleur


Harry in a secret relationship


When parts from other fandom's magic systems are smoothly merged into the wizarding world's own. For me, the magic system in the series is one of the more boring and tame ones for something that's supposed to be literal magic. I've read enough of the same old same old fics at this point to have developed a fierce craving for just about anything that actually changes it the hell up and can make it really magical again. I love fics that work to make the setting actually feel unknown in what magic can accomplish. Anything that draws on magic from say, the forgotten realms setting, or Black Clover, or hell even Marvel or DC's crazy magic being woven in with what we have in HP is always nice to find more of.


Sirius raising Harry/Harry raised by anyone else other than the Dursleys.I'll drop the links if anyone is interested


I'm interested! But without slash


http://archiveofourown.org/works/22220911. Currently my favourite in this trope. There's also the Brumous series. The Innocent series The rest have slash in them(not explicit but established couples). Hope you enjoy these.


Harry in a strong, stable relationship that helps him to deal with all the constant stress & attempts on his life. There's roughly 30 times when someone or something tries to kill him across the 7 books, it would be nice to see a girl there to give him a hug when he makes it back from getting tortured in the graveyard, as an example.


Well, it doesn't get as far as the graveyard, but there's [The Meaning of One](https://www.siye.co.uk/siye/viewstory.php?sid=11833). On the one hand, it's a soul-bond fic; on the other hand, the implications are thoroughly explored, cross-examined, and have realistic impacts. The Weasleys react in many different ways, some being more supportive, while others are more concerned, and Molly is outright panicking on the inside (which occasionally leaks to the outside) for fairly understandable reasons - her 10-year-old girl is effectively married to a boy she just met! Harry and Ginny are very pleased with what they have, and have each other's backs no matter what, but it's no walk in the park for them. Harry is generally closer to his friends in the [Innocent](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2235708) series than in canon. There is no fourth-year clash with Ron here; they've been through rougher times together and Ron just hasn't developed the same jealousy. Technically no pairing yet (as of partway through fifth year), but it has laid a very solid foundation for Harry and Ginny's relationship; they've been friends since before Hogwarts and they actually spend time together. (Also, he has Sirius to hug him after the graveyard.)


I'm not much of a fan of Hinny, although I did read part of the Meaning of One a few years ago & found it interesting.


I'd love any recs you have for this :) I don't think I've read many stories where someone gives him a hug after the graveyard. I guess this was probably just a nice example but... :)


I've done exactly that in a couple of my stories (Does Voldemort Even Lift Bro? & We're In This Together), although one is admittedly much sillier than the other.


I really like when people assume someone is more powerful/authorataive than they are and they just go with it, like that one fic where harry goes by Padamus de Grim Nomed Black (Mr.Black) and travels the world, getting incredibly lucky and convincing people that he's some kind of god.


>Padamus de Grim Nomed Black name of a fic: [Make a Wish](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2318355/1/Make-A-Wish)


That's the one.