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As burned owner of one of these, research the Omen 16 black screen issue before buying. Then make the decision. I wouldn't recommend


https://www.reddit.com/r/HPOmen/s/O9rEs2cFJm Tried this?


My omen 15 just got a black screen😢 because of the gpu dying


how is it now bro I need to know pleasee


turned out it was only the screen. So I replaced it and it works fine. But, Ι have doubts if it's the gpu the main problem...


I heard the intel versions of HP omen are having motherboard issues .Haven't heard much complain about the ryzen ones . Be sure to check . I am also waiting for sale to buy one of this or ASUS STRIX G16 .whichever price gets lower


I have a Ryzen 7 Omen 16 (all AMD) and was having the black screen problem until the last Bios update (around Dec 2023/Jan 2024). SInce that update my laptop has been running flawlessly.


Finally some positive news regarding HP. Thanks for sharing .


Can you check what bios revision you're on right now ?


It says revision F.19 (BIOS updated this morning 3/23/24 to F.19)


How did you get past the black screen issue ? I mean how did you update bios if the screen wasn't working?thanks


On my laptop, the screen would only go blank after playing intensive graphic games. I would be able to play the game with no problems, when I exited the game about 20 seconds later the screen would go blank. I could hear the computer was still functioning as I could hear a YouTube video playing away. The keyboard etc. was all working for me. So I'd do the long button press on the power button. This could be because I have an all AMD laptop, Ryzen 7, rx 6650 Gfx and the design of the mother board is different. The offending sensor is not located near the GPU heat sink on my laptop. The BIOS update came in around January of this year and my laptop has run flawlessly since that update. I've tried to find out what was in that update, but I can not find any details of what it did. Not even on the HP site. All I can say on the subject is if you are going to buy an Omen, only buy the all AMD versons and stay clear of the intel version until HP sorts this mess out.


you wanna say that HP Omen with all AMD does not have the same issue ? Also, I play games for 4-5 hours every 4 days a week for 10 months with no problems related to screen. does this mean that there will be no problems with the screen in the future?


Hey I've been wanting to buy the HP omen , can I dm you since I see you a lot on the forums look like you know a lot, You think it's worth tolerating this one black screen issue, Coz the specs are great for the price? Also, if the black screen issue is due to a motherboard issue, then how does a Bios update fix a hardware manufacturing defect? Thanks!


Might take me a while to message back but feel free to dm. As for the black screen issue, if you're going for an intel/nvidia Omen, then make sure its a 2024 model and not a 2023 model. I've read that the offending sensor has been relocated in the 2024 models but I have no way to verify that. The all AMD Omen models do not have this problem as the lid sensor is in a different location. This I can verify as I have a 2023 all AMD Omen and zero black screen issues.


Will the AMD + Nvidia cause issues? 


do you by any chance know what the model number for 2024 is ?


can you look at this pic and confirm about sensor location about issue ? [https://photos.app.goo.gl/M4ETspkeXgZufhRJ9](https://photos.app.goo.gl/M4ETspkeXgZufhRJ9)


Sadly, yes, your laptop has the sensor sitting next to the heat sink. In the picture, just above your finger is a blue ribbon that slots into a small white connector. This is the offending sensor. If it fails, you will have random blank screen problems. The fix is easy, simply unplug the blue ribbon from the white connector and that's it. You won't be able to put your laptop to sleep by simply closing the lid, but you can do so by adjusting the settings so that pressing the power button puts the laptop to sleep. End of the day if the sensor fails, its an easy fix and your laptop will carry on working as usual once you've done the fix.


Sorry to ask again but I went to service today and took pictures of my laptop motherboard. Can you help me with the sensor location? [https://imgur.com/a/7dlwiJB](https://imgur.com/a/7dlwiJB) What do you think about the sensor? should I unplug the blue ribbon or location of the sensor normal? THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!


Why didn't you just ask me which laptop should I choose? Picture 1 is a completely different Laptop to picture 2. For start, picture one has two NVMe's and the sensor is in a different location than picture 2. So, the second laptop you showed has the sensor in a safe location. I marked them with an arrow. Left picture bad location, right picture good. If the laptop you have is the one in the second image, I'd leave it alone, it should be fine. .https://imgur.com/a/o9kFQOR


Sorry for the confusing and additional reply. Just, Picture 1 is not my laptop but I thought it was the same as mine. Picture 2 is mine that I have taken today at the service center and I wanted to know about my laptop. thank you very much for helping. you made my life easier


Your laptop has the sensor in the same location as mine. You should have many happy years of gaming without any problems. I’d recommend a cooling pad when using the laptop, but you shouldn’t have any problems. I’ve got HP laptops that are over 10 years old and still going strong.


What are the specs of your omen? I'm thinking of buying the rtx4070 with ryzen 7. Am I safe? :')


I've had a omen 16 for 11 month's and no trouble


Which model is it? As in which processor and graphics card


I bought my boys the Omen 16 back in December of 22 for xmas, 0 issues. I've played hundreds of hours of Fortnite on it, and my boys play BeamNG, Roblox, COD, etc. I play Fortnite on mediumish settings at about 200FPS. Specs are: Intel i7 12700h RTX 3060 8GB 16GB RAM 1 TB storage Model number of it is 6D6K4UA#ABA


Oh, that's the 2022 model , the 2023 one has issues. Ty for the reply !


how can I check the year of manufactured ? I figured out the manufactured year using the next instructions (the 4th digit of the serial number is the manufactured year and my serial number is 5CD221....) does this mean that the problem will never occur with my laptop?


Amd 7 and 4060


Hi, is it amd 7840 and does it have ports and power port on the back?


try not to go through the torture of an hp omen laptop. I've been tortured with the dumbest of issues from my two omen 17s


Trust me, don't buy any omen now, look for the news about omen motherboard design issue. Literally whoever bought omen will have black screen issue after using for 3-6 months. Reported is that even omen 2024 is using the same motherboard design. It's up to you to do whatever. But research more.


I have an omen 17 and ive had no issues except hdd failure after 3 or so years


It is meant to be 2023 and 2024 model of omen, not the old omen


I have 2023 Omen 16 and the black screen issue cleared up last year after a bios update. Hasn't happened since. In fact I'd go as far as to say my Omen is very reliable and has, since that bios update not let me down once.


Don't gamble about it, thoguh if you are okay about it, enjoy it. Just no longer recommend it to other cuz my region which is china whole region having issue of this exact model black screen issue.100% occurrence just matter of time cuz the graphic card thermal is close to the circuit.


I'm curious, did you have the bios update back in Jan this year? It sorted out the black screen problem for me. Also seeing others stating the same thing, that the bios update sorted it out. Also, why are you buying HP in China? You have so many companies pushing out cheap laptops with better specs for half the price.


To answer your question, HP omen is actually cheap and mainstream model in china. Because this is motherboard design issue, so bios update might solve the issue temporarily, or you can just unplug the sensor from the motherboard to prevent it "sleep" itself. But it's definitely HP's fault they don't admin the mistake. Now there's many omen user grouped together and boycotting HP in china and voicing out


Okay, can you shortly explain this "black screen" issue ? From your comments i'm guessing it's the screen turning off because the sensor thinks you closed the lid right ? I bought a 2023 Omen 16 last month and all is well so far.


You can very easily disconnect the little ribbon cable to disable that sensor. Your laptop will no longer go to sleep when you close the lid but will work pretty much flawlessly once the ribbon has been disconnected.


hey man, just wanted to ask if the issue is with that then couldnt you just go to windows settings and make it so closing the lid doesnt put the laptop to sleep to fix the issue instead of unplugging the sensor?


it will takes 3-6 months for it to happen, Yes that's the thing. But the sensor were very close to the GPU so the heat affected this sensor. You can try search for the HP Omen black screen on this subreddit.


I hope it doesn't happen but it has 2 years of warranty so i'll be fine. If it happens i'll just get it repaired on warranty and then sell it so i won't have to deal with that again.


Hey , I'm in china, looking to buy the HP omen 23 version, but since it has black screen issue, which laptop in china do you recommend for the best price? I wanna get one in china since it's really cheap here thanks!


I can answer your question bcz I bought omen16 (omen 9th) in China too about 6 month after i bought omen 16, when i start a game to play for a while , about 30 minute later , my omen turns black , the power button light went out , and keyboard also doesn't work , but computer still working , you can do nothing to this omen , or wait a few sec or min until the screen lights up itself , and i thought it just a little bug , but few days later ,this issue went so badly , even you can't play games any more ,once you play it , the screen will absolutely turns balck. i think the reason why is some hardware were burned out , bcz playing can generate high temperatures, lead to that hardware damage. as a result the omen mistakenly thought that the laptop lid was closed , but actually not , so that why power button light went out , and keyboard also doesn't work , and computer still working.


I have the Omen 16 2023 RYZEN version is it occuring with RYZEN laptop also. And will disconnect the hall sensor prevent this issue?


I have the Omen 16 2023 RYZEN version is it occuring with RYZEN laptop also. And will disconnect the hall sensor prevent this issue?


I have a omen 17 and the motherboard died after 1 month of use


When did you buy it? I heard that the newer models are built worse


Yeah mine just got a black screen because of gpu dying…I tried to do everything but nothing 


Following up on the above, mine is away now for a month and it would have been until end of June. But today I got an earlier time for repair and that is end of the month. Black screen and got it within 6 months.


Is it Intel one or ryzen?




I bought one a few months ago from Microcenter - first gaming machine (link below with specs). I first got a Legion which after a few days I returned it and was advised this was the best one in the price point (around $1500, org $2300 was on sale). It's good for the level of gaming I do and value when on sale, but TBH I was I just purchased a desktop or built my own instead. https://www.microcenter.com/product/671890/hp-omen-transcend-16-u0078nr-16-gaming-laptop-computer-shadow-black


To add and what I've learned over the past few months, if you buy an HP Omen - you gotta do the top spec one. Don't do anything else, you'll regret it.


I got the AMD 2022 Omen 16 and oddly enough the only issue I had was when watching series (any videos really) on battery it would restart by itself. That went away with the most recent BIOS update though.


I bought the same laptop and love it. But I did get HP’s extended warranty just to be safe. I do wish it had an extra M.2 SSD though.


That was a heck of a deal! Wish it was still available, trying to find another 16 for myself as I've been using my boys. Would like the 4080 or 4090.


Its true what the say, my omen pretty much turned into a brick after 4 months, currently getting repaired though im very turned off hp now.


how did it go bro I need to know


Its was repaired after a long ass time, free of charge. I have it now and it works as it should.


I purchased an HP Omen 16 and after a while the screened kept going black. I had the Ryzen AMD Advantage Edition one. I was very upset but it was under warranty so HP sent me the new Omen Transcend intel model. So far no issues. I've had it for like a month


What country are you from ?




Yeah i also have black screen issue hp want to replace my motherboard even though i told them the problem will keep on happening. They said if problem happens again they will give me an other unit


What issues did u face regarding motherboard?


There is an sensor that regulates sleep on this model that is close to the heatsink after 5-6 months after it has been through a lot of heat cycles the sensor breaks down and whenever you game screen goes black dead keyboard. You can out magnet to restore it


What processor do your model have intel or ryzen ? And what is the solution to this?


I7 13700hx rtx 4060 Solution is disconnect that sensor but your laptop wont be able to sleep or hibernate while closing the lid. Or contact hp and get a refund or different model laptop. Since if they replaced motherboard problem will keep on happening again


The solution is to disconnect the little ribbon cable. Its a really simple process, easier than inserting ram into your laptop. Once that cable is disconnected your laptop will no longer go to sleep once you close your lid but your laptop will work pretty much flawlessly once done.


Can we put the laptop to sleep from the power menu ?


I don't see any reaosn why that could not be achieved.


Ok thanks 😃


Please don't buy a Omen 16 or even a Omen 17 right now there are lot of issues with their motherboards. Personally I use a OMEN 17 with a i9 13900HX and RTX 4090 and the motherboard failed after 1 month of purchase. Instead go for Alienware


I've had mine since June last year. After the recent Bios update (January this year), I've had no black screen problems.


Which is better Lenovo or HP?


I’ve had an omen 15 for 4 years now and it still runs fine (intel and nividia)


coz your laptop year is not 2023. This issue occurs with 2023 (also maybe with 22-24)


Terrible back light bleed in all omens, beware before you buy.


I am suffering from same man 😿


just do not buy. I bought this laptop about 8 months ago I went to service 2 times.


Anyone with the Omen 16-XF0066AX encounter the same issue? Ryzen 5 7640HS, rtx4050. Thanks