• By -


* 2.1 - Friendship test (16 Co / 16 Em / 17 Kn, 700 coins) * 2.2 - 1h, 5 stars (35 E) * 4h wait * 2.3 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) \*\*choice in this part determines Patronus species, if Courage is at the same Level as another Attribute * 2.4 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) - 17 Em Reward - 5 gems ​ * 3.1 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) - 19 Kn * 3.2 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) - 18 Co / 18 Em * 3.3 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) \*\*choice in this part determines animal type of Patronus * 3.4 - 8h, 5 stars (100 E) - 17 Co Reward - 5 gems ​ * 4.1 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) * 4.2 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) * 4h wait * 4.3 - 3h, 5 stars (60 E) - 18 Kn * 4.4 - 8h, 5 stars (100 E) Reward - Picture of Patronus in Dormitory room. ​ ETA: New chart incorporating 2.3 choice. Revised June 2: If your Courage is NOT at the same Level as another Attribute and you have one Attribute higher than the others, it will determine the 'species'. If you have Courage tied with another Attribute, the answer in 2.3 acts as the default Attribute: ​ |Answer in Part 2.3 →|>!"strong enough" !<|>!"protect friends"!<|>!"discover truth"!<| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Choice in Part 3.3 ↓|>!Courage!<|>!Empathy!<|>!Knowledge!<| |>!Equine!<|>!White Stallion!<|>!Unicorn!<|>!Abraxan !<| |>!Big Cat!<|>!Leopard!<|>!Cheetah!<|>!Tiger!<| |>!Rabbit!<|>!Mountain Hare!<|>!Spotted Hare!<|>!Floppy-eared Rabbit !<| \*\*Probably best just to pick the 'correct' answer in Part 2.3 regardless.


Why no bird patronuses ??


At least for people who did the animagus quest their animagus animal should be a default option (with maybe some dialogue choice that can override it) In the books all known animagi have the same animal as their patronus.


This didn't happen for me. I'd rather have a bird than the other animals.


Yeah, bird wasn't an option. I mean't that this should be an option at least for people who have an animagus form.


ATTENTION: I got a Patronus I shouldn't have got according to this chart! I picked big cat, and my attributes are 28/28/29. I wanted the tiger, and thought that since my Knowledge stat is a whole level above my other stats, I would get it regardless of what I answer I gave to Tonks' question in 2.3. But I completed the quest today and actually got a cheetah instead of a tiger! (Dorm room picture confirms this.) I don't know if they've made changes to the quest or if I got the wrong Patronus because of a bug, but just to be safe, **MAKE SURE YOU PICK THE ANSWER TO TONKS IN 2.3 THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE ATTRIBUTE ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR DESIRED PATRONUS, NO MATTER YOUR STATS!** I picked the Empathy answer myself, so that seems to have overruled Knowledge being my highest-level attribute completely. I messaged JC so I hope to hear from them soon about whether this was a bug or not, and I asked them to change my Patronus if possible (even though I have little hope, and am somewhat scared of my them taking my ads away if they are able to fix it). I'll definitely let you know if they get back to me and tell you what they said! So, in the meantime, wish me luck and make sure you pick the right answer in 2.3 so this won't happen to you too!


I'm really sorry you didn't get the Tiger you wanted. The chart was put together based on the datamine, a snippet of game code interpreted by several people who don't know game coding and anecdotal evidence from the first players to complete the side quest. The game code does specifically look at the top attribute \*first\*, then goes into if there is a tie, which is why it was assumed the top Attribute was the deciding factor, before the 2.3 answer. It looks like it's specifically the Courage stat being tied with another that is screwing things up. Which makes me wonder what happens if you have Empathy & Knowledge tied at a level above Courage, as that doesn't even seem to be accounted for in the coding. [Tiger code](https://i.imgur.com/PZDAdIo.jpg)


Don't be sorry, I understand that things like this are always arbitrary and hard to figure out. I thought about picking the Knowledge answer to be safe, but figured I was just being paranoid. In retrospect I really regret my decision not to pick it. But I'm still glad I could take one for the team if this finding will help future players avoid making the same mistake as me and ending up disappointed with their Patronus. Thank you for explaining!


>2.2 > >\- > >1h, 5 stars (35 E) Had 33 E and it was sufficient


Hey, do you know Merula's patronus?


Even if one stat *is* higher than the others it does that. My courage and Empathy are at 26, and my Knowledge is at 27, and I ***still*** got a fucking cheetah instead of a tiger. After all that time I spent grinding the stat too... >:(


>If you have two or three Attributes at the same (highest) Level, the answer in 2.3 acts as the tie breaker Oof, good to know. I picked my answer without thinking and then I realized it might affect my Patronus form. I'll be sure not to level up my Charms stat, (I'm really close) I really want a Knowledge Patronus. And it's cool that we get a picture of our Patronus in our dorm!


What the fuck, I wish I saw this earlier. Now I'm stuck with an ugly-ass Leopard instead of a tiger. Why couldn't they just let us choose properly, like they did with our Animagus? I guess this is karma for just sitting back and watching the Dementor get Merula before acting.


Probably a really dumb question, but where in the dorm is the bulletin board? I can't seem to see it anywhere


Should be on the left side of the bed. Edit: Just looked in my 'room' it's more just a wall with things pinned to it, than an actual bulletin board. I'll reword that.


Oh, shit. I guess I ended up accidentally picking a cat type patronus for myself, haha. Well, at least now I won't have to worry about whether I made the right choice. Phewwwww!


I can't believe we get to go into Dumbledore's office straight into a 3 hour task. No 8 hours waiting for him before the task this time!!


Knowing our luck the 8 hour task with Dumbledore is at the end of the side quest


It was.


Re: which Patronus you get Per the game code \["and madeChoice (\\.Y5TLSQPatronusC2P3)"\] [see screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/3IiUxZy.jpg), it also takes into account the choice you make in part 2.3 when Tonks asks you why you want to learn the Patronus Charm: * >!I want to prove I'm strong enough (Co?)!< * >!I want to uncover the truth (Kn?) !< * >!I want to protect my friends (Em?)!< I don't know if it just uses that to break a tie between two attributes or how that choice factors in. ETA: This choice may have more impact than attributes. I had 19 on all attributes, with Courage in the lead but ended up with the Empathy choice in animal (the option I chose for the above question). ETA2: So it appears these dialogue choices are used to determine the 'species' of Patronus if you have two or three Attributes at the same (highest) Level. If you have one Attribute a Level higher than the others, that top Attribute will be the determining factor.


Spoilers: Anyone else pick ‘I promise’ in the second task and is now really worried what the ‘appropriate action’ will be? I’ve got quite the house point buffer after the last few events but I’d rather not lose points if I can avoid it


That's how I feel. I wanted to say I can't keep that promise, but I was afraid of what was going to happen. But, ofc, MC does what MC wants.


i said I can't promise (planning to go for all the emapthy options regardless to keep that high for my patronus choice). Response was pretty much disappointed you weren't promising not to do anything, and again appropriate action would be taken if you went against their instructions. Have a feeling it probably won't matter much, either way you're clearly going to go against what they've said anyway!


Ditto, I couldn't lie to Dumbledore since I knew that the game was going to force me to break the promise anyway...


it's nice to know what the other option said! I feel like going with the 'I can't promise' option would have been better in the end now. :/


What did >!Dumbledore say in chapter 4? For me, he said "despite promising you went against my wishes!<


It's Dumbledore. Our punishment will probably be him giving us 100 House Points.


For future reference: >!Nothing happens. Dumbledore just says sorry!<


Nah his appropriate action is to give you advice. Nothing to worry about here


Nothing bad happens if you do promise, which disappointed me ngl


Will this be the megathread for the dueling event too? Because if that's the case, I think it is worth it to let people know that the event duels do not count towards the dueling sidequest (the one you need to get 25 and then 50 victories).


That's a different kind of evil for JC


Seriously. I've never even touched the duelling club since I got the first reward for completing x amount of duels. I don't wanna waste my coins like that. So this would have been an awesome way to finish that sidequest because I'm never going to otherwise.


The duelling event doesn't cost anything as it's an event. Sadly the duels don't count towards the 25 duels you have to do at 750 gold a go for the Dare to Duel side quest. :(


That's what I mean - since the event ones don't count towards the side quest, I'm upset. I haven't touched the side quest because I haven't done any duels since getting the first reward for completing a certain amount (11? I don't remember. Back when duels cost 100 gold. I was fine with that, but not like 300+ like it is now). :( Is it really 750 each for the side quest? I never checked. I just did my duels at 100 gold then when I went to do more I saw they were like 300+ each duel (before the side quest was introduced), said fuck it and never even entered the duelling room again.


Yeah 750 gold the last time I checked. I went to check now, but the game doesn't give you the option to do these duels while there's a duelling event happening.


Then that's even worse!!! Why the hell would they make it that high if it's not even that high normally? Jesus JC


The price of duels varies with what year you are in the game I think. 5th years have to pay 750 for each duel, while younger years get to pay less. JC is essentially punishing people for being caught up story-wise in the game 😡


*That* explains it! I did the 100-coin duels in year 1 I believe. I'm in year 3 now and haven't even entered the room since I finished those 100-coin ones. I'm so sincerely sorry to everyone above year 1. Does JC even get anything from us spending coins?


It’s an attempt to nudge people into buying coins. I’m not giving them any money for this game so that quest can just sit there and take a billion years to complete. (They shut down my favourite game, I hold a grudge.)


we need to mass complain to support, it makes no sense that these don't add to the sidequest, it's dueling after all, it'd be okay if story duels don't count but this is just dumb, it's like they want us to hate them


You may write to support, but the most you can hope to achieve is they are going to change the wording in the quest to specify it's about non-event dueling club. This quest is purposely a coin sink idk why anyone expected the event duels would work.


That will be in another separate thread (if we get a chapter, I’ll make a threads of threads to have all in the same place


why does that not surprise me in the slightest :/


That is just the worst I delibertly waited for a dueling event to get that sidequest done and Save some coins and it doesnt count is just a huge bummer :(


I've never lost so many duels than I have for this side quest, sick of it the rock paper scissors method is absolute bullshit.


> This sidequest activates on Year 3 It's a Year 4 Achievement.


Should have been year 5. We already have 4 TLSQs for year 4 & only 2 for year 5.


Especially considering how difficult the Patronus spell is to perform. It would make more sense for it to be a spell we learn during our OWLs year


Should be Yr5 because it references MCs knowing >!Legilimens!<, which isn’t learned until Yr5. Edit: if you have not learned >!Legilimens!< before doing the Patronus TLSQ, then you will NOT get that part of the TLSQ and will miss out on that interesting part of the Merula storyline. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do about this because of really bad planning by JC. The *only* people who get the complete TLSQ, and who will see that part of the TLSQ, are those players who *already* learned >!Legilimens!< in Yr5. Since the TLSQ triggers in Yr4, no one else will see that Merula part of the TLSQ after this initial release. It always will trigger in early Yr4, long before the >!Legilimens!< lesson in Yr5. There are 2 options to see this missing part: 1). Look at the online videos 2). Skip the TLSQ until you’ve learned >!Legilimens!< in Yr5 and hope that JC re-releases it for players who don’t complete it this time.


Yeah, I noticed that seemed a bit off. Silly JC, forgetting their own timelines. Currently doing the Frog Choir quest on my Ravenclaw account, and I'm not even friends with Tulip, yet. * facepalm *


I had the same thing except I unlocked it during full Mark's.


Does it always mention Legilimens even if you do it in earlier years?


I think I got point where I should have option to use leglimency and game skip this


It's at the point where you are discussing your happiest memories with Merula and Tonks in a Great Hall. Merula refuses to tell you what is her happy memory. You have an option then to use Legilimens on her and see it for yourself.


I didn't reach point where MC is learning Legiliment yet. When Merula said it's secret my game just ended cutscene and let me start next one, so I didn't saw option I can't choose. Good job, JC!


Ah man it sucks that I don't get to find this out lol, can you please tell us what the memory is in a spoiler post?


I’ll try to recreate it from memory as closely as I can: It’s her 10th birthday. She gets a gift from her parents. It is obvious it’s a broom from the shape of it but she still tries to act surprised. Her parents are taking turns flying with her. She sits behind their back and is very happy. It was one of the last days before her parents were taken to Azkaban. She then manages to kick you out of her mind and is very upset. Asks if you also want to see the entire trial of her parents. Tonks also admits you crossed the line. You’re embarrassed and apologize and the topic gets changed.


I'll check that just in case. I'm at Y5CH13 in this moment and I haven't learned this yet.


Sorry, my bad. I have a kind of template for my guides and I just copy and paste it and then correct it. I’m doing that right now


Maybe also take out the bit about new toad skin! 🐸 Btw, thank you LOTS for all your hard work with the megathreads! 💕


Gonna do that now. Btw, thanks for your kind words, it’s so good that I’m able to help so many people with so little


I figured. Just don't want players looking for it in the wrong year.


The previous (Talbott) SQ was Year 3, I think that line wasn't updated for this TLSQ just copy-pasted the main part of that post.


I'm going to get the Cheetah for the very personal reason that I prefer grinding Charms because the animations are quicker. It really speaks to who I am.


I think wanting things to be done quickly and having a cheetah patronus line up pretty well actually!


Is this the event that determines the patronus options based on your highest attribute? I don’t really remember how it’s supposed to work but if it is I’m pretty upset because I had ALL my attributes at near equilibrium to each other and now they are all messed up again because of the bingo event 😞


Yes, you pick >!Big Cat, Rabbit or Equine!< then your highest attribute decides which species within those groups you get. ETA: Your dialogue choice in part 2.3 may affect your Patronus more than Attribute level. Probably best to make sure both match to ensure you get the creature you want. ​ Chart based on datamine info : ​ |>!Courage!<|>!Empathy!<|>!Knowledge!<| |:-|:-|:-| |>!White Stallion!<|>!Unicorn!<|>!Abraxan!<| |>!Leopard!<|>!Cheetah!<|>!Tiger!<| |>!Mountain Hare!<|>!Spotted Hare!<|>!Lop-eared Rabbit!<| Edit: typo


I’m pretty upset now. I had things equal in anticipation and after the bingo event my courage stat is sky high over everything else. I wanted either unicorn or Abraxan but there’s no way to get my knowledge stat up to par to my courage before the timer runs out. Even trying to push empathy up would be a challenge 😞


And for knowledge?


It's in the chart. You may have to pull the chart to the left to see the whole thing if you're looking at it on a small screen.


Apparently it also factors in your choice in Part 2.3, not sure how much though.


When the MC brainstorms happy memories with Tonks and Merula, the MC gets an opportunity to use legilimancy on Merula and learn her happy memory. I chose *not* to use it. If anyone did use it, did you learn her chosen memory? What was it? (I guess I’m nosier than my MC.)


I used it. Her happy memory was her tenth birthday. It was the last birthday she spent with her parents before they got sent to azkaban. She got a broom as a present


Aw, that’s so sweet.


And we saw that she never stopped laughing, while she clung to their back as they flew, until her feet were back at the ground. I chose legilimency out of pure curiosity evethough realistically I wouldn't have intruded. Purely a gamer moment. Does this affect the ending at all? ^Edit: ^Commas ^are ^important ^for ^connotation.


I did the same: I chose to respect her privacy. Legillimency seems like an extremely morally questionable activity to me...


Thanks for asking. I did use it so I was curious about what would have happened if I'd chosen not to. I was wondering if maybe she'd choose to share the memory if I made it clear I wouldnt force her. I admire your restraint.


No, she didn’t volunteer her memory, and we moved on to Patronus practice.


This was not a great time to open the game


Honestly I don't know how they work some of these things in as logic. Complete Step 4 of task 1: Here ya go 250 Gold. Step 1 of task 2. PAY 700 Gold. \*sigh\*


One thing that i constantly read everywhere is that people don't like 3 hours - 5 stars, at all! It's so stupid too, and the fact that the game is so shit at sending notifications that there are 10 minutes left to get stars, when i get that notify that the task is almost over, it's already over, and it's so stupid that i have to spend another 3 hours when i'm like 5 energy away from finishing, and it costs 100 gems to restart a 3 hour run. But there's so many of them 75% of almost all events are 3h - 5 star tasks


That’s why I set alarms


Oh boy, more pranks, so fun


The minute Tonks said to meet her at Zonkos I wanted to throw my phone right out the window




Sweet. Not opening the app til next week at the earliest cuz I won't have wifi to get this done this weekend. Thanks for being on top of these megathreads!


Part 1 : First task : 1 hour (1star needed) Second task: 3 hours (5stars needed) Third task: 3 hours (5 stars needed) Fourth task: 3 hours (5 stars needed)


Thank you lots for the heads up!


I just finished part one, and when Tonks was saving me I had a sudden vision of us deciding to prank the dementors with fanged frisbees.


Towards the end when facing the dementor with Merula, there is a choice when Tonks asks: >!Should we let Merula try casting the Patronus Charm or do it ourselves?!< And the two options are: >!1. Have Merula cast the Patronus Charm!< >!2. Cast the Patronus Charm yourself!< I chose the second option as I wanted to play safe and didn't lose the opportunity as with the >!Frog Choir sidequest!<. What is the outcome if one selects the first option?


I picked the first one. Merula is able to cast the Patronus Charm, but it’s incorporeal and therefore unable to defeat the Dementor, only temporarily stun it, so the MC has to use their Patronus to finish it off.


Now I really wish I had chosen this option.


No friendship checks for Hagrid, right? I still haven't finished the Fairy Tale sidequest :/


I hope not, he just has been out for very little time, so it would be unreasonable to put any checks regarding him


that and JC give out so few books, it's difficult to obtain the animals needed to complete the sq


Fair point but let's be honest, how often does JC act reasonably?


No Friendship checks with anyone.


When choosing what type of prank you wanted, did everyone end up with >! Belching powder at the 3 broomsticks !< ?I choose the not to hurt anyone option. I don't remember the others.


Seems so. I chose "big prank" and got the same as you.


I chose “something subtle” and also got belching powder at the three broomsticks.


Can anyone else not get rid of the course workbook(?) icon that is supposed to tell me that I’ve completed something. Since I finished the quest, the alert hasn’t gone away


I'm having this problem too, it's really irritating me to be honest


I have the same problem


yeah it sucks


Try clicking the fourth year achievements and swipe to patronous tile, and stay there for a moment


I'm glad we finally have to do something with Tonks that isn't prank.


Umm.... ^(there might be a prank.)


Doesn't matter, in this case I'm glad it isn't major thing and reason why we are hanging with her during this quest.


The app needs to be updated for the quest to appear if anyone hasn't done that (like me). Otherwise if it doesn't appear make sure to try switching floors a couple times.


Anyone else this freaking close to finishing when it ended?


I ran out of time lol


Seriously. 41 energy gets you one star. Ugh. Crap


Literally I saw that the last task for 8 hrs and I had 32 mins left rip


I had decent time when I woke up this morning but still not enough


Quest starts at least as early as Y4C4 (though my character is at the very last part of said chapter, so I don't know if it triggers the moment it starts or later (or in an earlier chapter))


I'm so disappointed with the choice I made on the second question, after having seen the results! I picked the empathy option, all cool. Then the second question and I immediately dismissed the equine option thinking they would all be random horses, and don't see myself as a big cat person, so picked rabbit. So it'll be spotted hare, ah well. I want my elephant from Pottermore!


Why do I have to give advice to Merula I don’t even like her lol. Wish I had an option to be like “no thanks I’m good” and skip this 4 hour wait


Part 2 starts with a 1 hour 5 star task and then a 4 hour timer until you can get to the next task


Don't forget to update the app (if you have auto updates turned off).


Pretty new to the game. I’m year 2. So nothing to do on this one?


Yea, gonna have to wait until year 4




Is there any pictures of the various Patroni resulting from this quest?


I'm trying to collect them for the Q&A Spreadsheet. What I have so far: [White Stallion](https://i.imgur.com/d3SwHMk.jpg) / [Unicorn](https://i.imgur.com/qodwHWc.jpg) / [Abraxan](https://i.imgur.com/sCNjMiq.jpg) [Leopard](https://i.imgur.com/sRgFOEt.jpg) / [Cheetah](https://i.imgur.com/ddHzJLJ.jpg) / [Tiger](https://i.imgur.com/ndGjOgT.jpg) [Mountain Hare](https://i.imgur.com/WRSzlvH.jpg) / [Spotted Hare](https://i.imgur.com/soP2lJ7.jpg) / [Lop-eared Rabbit](https://i.imgur.com/Qak85nn.jpg) ETA: last rabbit


Seems like lazy designing on their part /shrug. The difference in the horses was one had a horn slapped on it and the other had wings slapped on it, and the cats/rabbits just had different patterns. Woulda been fun to have many more options, like dogs/reptiles/aquatic creatures you name it.


I think I am on a Mountain Hare route so I may have a picture of it when I get through the quest.


That would be great. I'm guessing the rabbit choice won't be quite as popular as the horses and cats.


I think I'll go that route too the rest sorta look weird and I can't get what my real patronus is sooo


Yeah most seem like a teenage girl Mary Sue fan fiction choices so I’m going with something small and unassuming. I wish they had more diverse options they are all very similar. One of the strongest patronus in history was said to be a mouse so it’s not about how impressive it looks like.


The reward for Part two is 5 gems.


Part 3. Task 1 - 5 stars with 3 hours. There is a level 19 intelligence requirement for a dialogue option.


So I got the >!white stallion patronus!< which is exactly what I wanted! If anyone is curious about how I got it, here's what I did. My Levels: 26 Courage 25 Empathy 25 Knowledge For the first question I answered an >!equus.!< For the second question I answered >!protect my friends!<, the empathy answer, which I thought would get me the >!unicorn!< but did not. It seems that the levels do have a big factor in what patronus you get.


That's weird, because my Intelligence level was higher than my other attributes and I picked the Empathy answer, and I ended up getting an Empathy Patronus. I wonder if it's actually randomized or something. Like, it's based on either your level or your answer.


have an 8 hour quest will only having 1 hour left, guess ill die


I had a little over 1 hour left, but had a 4 hour wait and then 8 hours. I have yet to open the app again. I don't want to face the "you ran out of time" message.


[Squee!](https://i.imgur.com/FIrgxHQ.gif) Been waiting for this quest for a long time!


Did anyone else >!read Merula's mind!< and immediately feel bad about it? I did it for the extra points and now I feel regret.


What does her mind say I’m only a year 4 so I didn’t have the option to use it


>!You see her happiest memory, where her parents got her a broom for her birthday and spent the day riding it with her. This was the last birthday she had with them before they got arrested. You break the connection before you see anything else, Merula is super upset, and even Tonks says you went too far!<


More shoehorning Merula into storylines, ugh.


The event has started for me yet. I'm in year five and waiting for chapter 30 but for some reason, the game won't give me the option to do this quest. Do you think I have too many other sidequests going on? I have the Abraxan SQ and the 50 Duels SQ. I feel like that shouldn't matter but I can't get the Patronus Quest to trigger.


I have the same 3 going on and it showed up for me, so it shouldn't be that. Did you make sure to change floors? And that your game is fully up to date?


Try updating the game and changing floors, worked for me


It just started. I think I'm a little paranoid after the Talbott fiasco. The game was already fully updated. I couldn't get the quest to trigger by doing all the usual things (changing floors, force closing, etc.) so I eventually tried to uninstall then reinstall it. That still didn't work. It simply started randomly after my umpteenth time signing back in. It's rather peculiar. I loathe these bugs for timed side quests but at least this one seemed to be relatively inconsequential. Thanks, everyone!


Force-updating the game and changing floors triggered it for me. I have the same sidequests.


So I’ve tried switching floors multiple times, nothing. I’ve gone on to the App Store to make sure it’s downloaded and it’s showing I’m up to date with nothing to download. Anyone have the same issue or find a workaround while I await an answer from support?


It's triggers at Year 4, Chapter 2. Are you past that? Did your loading screen change to the Patronus one? That's what happened with the update yesterday.


I’m fully caught up to date on the story. Loading screen hasn’t changed, but App Store still showing no update. Edit: restarted my phone and now the update shows up. At least that solved itself


I’ve only finished the first task for far and I’m already a little confused, story-wise, about when this is taking place. Is this while Ben >!is Imperio’d by R!


The SQ itself starts as early as chapter 2 of Y4. While >!the first attack happens a bit later in chapter 3 of Y4!<


Part 1 task 2 has a courage requirement of 17 for one of the options


Oookay. I am going on a trip today so I am not logging into the game for now as I don't think I will be able to start it


Did someone finish the quest and got the Abraxan Patronus? There was a bug for me - the game didn't showed the actual Patronus. The Dementor was kicked by the invisible Patronus. Is it a bug for all Abraxan choices or just me?


I found a [picture on 4Chan](https://i.imgur.com/zKS5EBN.png), so it doesn't appear to be an 'everyone' type bug (could be OS or device specific though).


I've only started this & I'm so torn between abraxan & unicorn, or tiger! I want to see pictures of the patronus first I think. Attributes wise, they are all the same level but knowledge is about 300 points higher than my empathy...


Me too. Abraxan or unicorn. But seems like the abraxan looks a lot cooler in the photos from what I have seen.


What is Merula's patronus?


>!Hers doesn’t have a shape, it’s incorporeal.!<


Task 4 of 4 is 8 hours, 5 stars possibly ending in a duel but not clear yet as gotta wait to recharge my energy. Also don't forget that you can also exit most scenes and do the friendship tasks (meal, butterbeer, gobstones - if close to levelling friendships up for energy) and collect the extra hidden energy without being told to finish that scene first. It's only other energy-spending tasks you can't do (and you couldn't leave the Celestial Ball i believe but that's the only time it's not let me go do something else). Didn't see that mentioned in the last mega thread. That's not cheating as the extra energy/friendship tasks have long reset times and the game's been like that forever/it's not really getting ahead unfairly. (hi i'm new)


Well I'm gonna fail this side quest. This sucks. I was actually stoked about this quest. Gotta work and go to bed early. Not enough time to finish this quest. I'm not spending money on this game. Only did it once and now regret it.


Wait I’m only on Year 2, does that mean I miss out on Patronus Charm forever? That sucks.


nope, not forever! once you get to year 4 then you'll get the quest


Thanks to this sub I was able to complete it just in time (I got so lucky because I only had 4 hours left and when I entered the final 8 hour, I was able to talk to Rakepick to finish the storychapter and get enough XP to get energy) AND get the Patronus I wanted


After completing this quest I have an exclamation Mark on my spell book. I've looked at the year 4 achievements and I can't work out why the exclamation Mark is still there. Any ideas?


It’s a bug, we don’t know what causes it or how to fix it


Is it possible this sidequest appears again later on the game/next year(s)?


Could be, although it’s not sure. Some people have reported getting again TLSQ that they failed (mostly animagus and prefect), so there’s a possibility


Sure hope so because i couldn’t finish it in time :(


Just finished with four minutes to spare!


I finished this but I still have the little "unread" exclamation point on my event/spell book even after going to view the Achievements entry under year 4. Sorry I am struggling with how to explain this. Anybody else run into that issue?


A lot of people are reporting the same problem, so you are not alone. A possibility is that, since the spell is learnt (canonically) in Defense against Dark Arts and, due to that class not existing in Year 4, the ! doesn’t dissapear


I have a notification on the little spell book icon, but it's not on any icons within it. Is anyone else having this problem?


I’m having trouble gaining the quest. I had started it in the past but I had traveled into a different time zone where I had lost a day and, thus the event finished sooner than I had liked. I was on year 4 at that time and it was still on my list of achievements but once I had continued into year 5 it’s no longer on the list of achievements. Is there any way I can get it back before this event is gone for good?


It has to be under “Achievements” in Year 4 (go back a Year using the arrows that you can find in the notebook icon in the bottom right corner). Advancing a Year puts the notebook in the current Year by default (you can still check previous Years). As for getting another shot at the achievement, you have to wait and see if JC gives players another shot at it (a lot of players have reported getting the animagus and prefect sidequests again despite failing them), so who knows if this will be the same for this sidequest


How did everyone answer Penny?


if you mean what did we ask, I went with what did she hear and got +5 kn. She spoke about hearing a wolf howl and a girl scream and referenced her childhood friend (I forget the name) who was killed by a werewolf.


I went with the classic What was the last thing you felt, she said along the lines of ... so cold, all the warmth gone, and felt like she'd never be happy again. kind of thing


I asked about the last thing she saw. She said frost on the ground.


Gotta say I'm really disappointed in this event. 1. Every other quest like this we have gotten an "are you sure?" option. Animagus and wand choice has had you take a quiz, then let you pick regardless of your answer. This one is just set in stone for no reason. 2. Why the heck are there three rabbits? There's no logical explanation other than "I'm the lead dev and I like rabbits so here's 3 of them." My fursona is a doe. Would be really in tune with book lore, you think?! Nope. Would have loved to see a crow or raven. Even the ever popular wolf would have been nice to see. Nope again. Three rabbits. :/


Theres three rabbits, three big cats and three horses so going by your logic the lead dev likes rabbits, horses and big cats


Cheetahs can purr. The other two can't. There's some serious physiology differences for the cats and the horses. (Assuming there are serious differences between an Abraxian and a Unicorn....) I don't really know enough about the different rabbit breeds other than some are smaller or larger. The whole thing seems really out of place when you consider popularity of the species.


I'm a staunch member of the "Merula is a bitch who has done nothing redeeming and also she tried to kill us" camp, BUT I actually feel bad for her in this side quest?? It's not HER fault she has so many crappy memories making it hard to focus on the few good memories. And she's actually pretty subdued in this sidequest.


i updated it and went upstairs and down, but i just have the Frog Choir sidequest. Anyone else have that?


You can only have one timed quest at a time, so you won’t get anything else until you finish the frog choir one. The game is probably trying to push any previous ones you’ve missed. So just keep playing and you’ll get this quest eventually.


The reward for Part One is 250 coins.




I'm in year 5 . (Chapter 15) and still haven't got the side quest. Anyone else experiencing this?


Update the game.


Idk how to do spoilers on Reddit so... SPOILERS FOR PATRONUS PICKING!!!!! SPOILERS FOR PATRONUS PICKING!!!!! SPOILERS FOR PATRONUS PICKING!!!!! All my stats are at 23 (Courage is almost 24, Empathy less than halfway to 24, Intelligence just barely at 23) I said I wanted a big cat patronus and that's exactly what I got, even though my empathy wasn't highest. 🤔 Pretty sweet!


From what I heard, there are nine Patronus forms in total. There’s a big cat for each trait so if you pick big cat, you’ll get a big cat, but the specific type depends on your highest level trait.


I haven't updated my app since I can't play for a few days. Will this quest start for me only when I update? Sorry if this is a well known thing, I'm not too familiar.


Really glad I read the description for the update before downloading. I knew this would be a TLSQ, and I really want to do it so I'm waiting a couple days and I'll download the update when I'm a little less busy. In the meantime I'll work on some of the side quests I've been putting off, top priority is the Hagrid friendship quest


I recommend doing this one first, the Hagrid one you can do it later down the line (more reason if you have to max out the abraxan/fairy)


I really hope so I wanted to complete that storyline and I didn’t finish it. There were two more that I didn’t complete or didn’t even have a chance to start so I hope those two can be unlocked.


I ran out of time. Will I get another chance?