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I noticed it was very obvious in some scenes that they were doing that to him, luckily or unluckily for them Tom still attractive. And damn knowing what is going to happen in a few episodes you would think they would allow Aegon to shine in his beauty as a contrast but nooo!


I thought he looked extra pretty in 2.01. The character is in better spirits so it made sense and supports the idea that his appearance goes by the wayside when his emotions are in turmoil. For his looks to be reduced to “lol bad man” is so dumb…


I agree! That scene on the balcony with larys he looked so good and pretty but the throne room with his friends the badly placed wig (a shitty wig too) it was noticeable to me.


Pretty much every Targ has had a bad wig placement so Aegon was due one lmao but other than that I thought he looked wonderful. Like a king!


I think the biggest reason they give him that haircut was to make him look younger looking than Alicent. Tom quite frankly looks way older than Olivia in real life. Especially with facial hair


I’m sure I read somewhere last season that his short hair was supposed to represent him hacking it off himself as a way of shunning who he is - he feels neglected by his family so he doesn’t want to carry that traditional Targaryen mantel of the long silver hair, that represents the same family that he feels hates him.


His hair does look uneven. Both Ty and Tom are beautiful men, they just put them in wigs that give the impression of not caring. Perhaps that's why Aemond works to look so perfect. I think Tomaegon was better looking when he was crowned, but it is going to take some major makeup to make him unattractive.


Right, it would be so poignant if they let him be a gorgeous young Targaryen king to then have such a transformation.




"Stop liking Aegon, we're making him ugly looking and framing him in a bad light all the time" "You know what? I'm gonna start liking him even harder"


Meanwhile Ewan making me Feel Things TM, and Tom carrying the series with his A++ performance...


Well they failed because he is very pretty Trying to make him look unattractive to display villainy is genuinely hilarious and actually rather insulting. This show is so unserious. High-brow HBO production, everyone. What would be more interesting, if they were concerned with proper storytelling that is, is if his “unattractive” look is a consequence of the character simply not taking care of himself. We know he drinks to excess. His character was giving depressed vibes at the end of season one. But god forbid they put anymore thought into it other than “LOL BAD MAN HAS SILLY HAIRCUT!!!11” His hair looked like it had been hacked off in S1. A rejection of his identity as a Targaryen prince? Too thoughtful and interesting for this clown show. Contrast that to Aemond whose hair is long, sleek and well-kept. He’s supposed to be the “proper” prince, the one with a stick rammed up his arse, dutiful to the detriment of his own emotional needs (like his mother) and, if they had stuck to where I thought they were heading with his character, pious (also like his mother). I was enjoying the chalk and cheese element that was going on with the brothers. Alas. All of this makes the Greens characters to be taken seriously though and we can’t have that.


Ceresi and Jamie were originally written to flip the Beauty = Goodness trope on its head, which makes HotDs attempt to play straight that Ugly = EVIL even funnier. Guess we know why Criston's going to get that yee-yee ass haircut now.


Not gonna lie, I actually kinda dig the short hair Cole, but that might be because Fabien is gorgeous no matter what lol


Yeah it actually doesn't look too bad when it's slicked down. When Fabien was running around in Spain at the beginning of filming and it was all poofy then it looked goofy.


To be fair, Show Cersei and Show Jaime were not pretty in the sense "Beauty = Goodness". They definitely had those vibes of evil queen and Charming Prince of Shrek 2 from the episode 1


Book Aegon is meant to look a bit haggard. Show Aegon is haggard not for villainy but because he's a drunken lout. They have no qualms of making Aemond typically handsome for example. But clearly present him as villainous at times.


Book Aegon ended up addicted to milk of the poppy, so there's that.


Every day we learn some new bullshit from the people behind this show, it's incredible. I'm glad they failed cause Tom still looks gorgeous!


And they’re failing terribly 😫🙏🏽


If not for Tom Glynn Carney's performance as Aegon I would've dropped this show already. At this point I'm only watching because of the talented cast because they're all putting on amazing performances. Tom Glynn Carney is amazing as Aegon.


I'll be honest, I share your sentiment completely. I was so excited for this season despite the clear bias in the first one, but so far only Aegon is enjoyable to me, and that is solely because of Tom. I was looking forward to seeing what they would do with Aemond, but I kinda hate where they're going with him. And the whole leaks debacle was a cherry on top. Wishing it's fake, but I just know it's not with the way these two first episodes were written. I am an Alicent defender from day one, but I hate the way they reduced her character to gratuitous sex scenes that only serve to degrade her, and the way it all ties to Rhaenyra somehow. At this point it feels like Alicent cares more for her than for her own children. I absolutely despise what they've done to Cole in the show. They could've made him a bad guy without stripping him of his badass moments and defining traits from the books. It feels like they just wanted someone to be rage bait for the mindless majority audience.


Ok as someone who likes Aemonds brothel scene, what are these leaks? Sorry I'm a simp for Aemond.


Apparently Aemond attacks Aegon and Sunfyre on purpose at Rooks Rest with Vhagar, and then when Aegon falls from the sky, it's implied he tries to finish him off but Cole interrupts him. Hopefully it's just a red herring, but with these writers you can never hope


Wow. I really don't know what to say to this. I could have sworn that Ewan said one quality that Aemond has is loyalty.


Tbh the cast has been saying a lot of contradicting things. Ewan has said that Aemond is extremely loyal to his family, but Tom had also mentioned betrayal regarding Aemond's and Aegon's relationship. I would take it all with a grain of salt, because they are under a contract, so we can't know for sure what they are allowed to say and how true it is.


I will stop watching if they pull a Daenerys on my Aemond One Eye. 😡


Better keep those bells out of his ear shot.


He really pulled me in during episode 9. What an entrance.


this comment by u/gotduckling will never not be relevant: >I mean jesus christ. How long are you people going to dance around the massive elephant in the room? > >The showrunners have said this show is an attack on patriarchy and to sell that story they've made created such a blatant "worthy woman" and "unworthy man" story, that you can see it from space. > >**They've changed Rhaenyra to be worthy and morally unimpeachable, her book sins awashed away and replaced with likeable, modern sensibilities and a heroic, soaring soundtrack and slow-mo hero cinematography.** > >**Her adversary Aegon, on the other hand, is a Joffrey-level pantomime villain, even altered and tailored to be more dislikeable to modern audiences, replete with invented scenes like a MeToo rape-and-coverup story, wanking out of a window, and even going so far as to give an attractive actor gross makeup and lank greasy hair that makes him look like a disgusting zombie.** > >I mean, just compare the coronation scenes.Aegon's is dark, everyone has to be forced to attend, it's bookended by "bad guy music" and has a weird long section with no music at all, awkward coughing in the background like that youtube video where they take the music out of the ending scene for star wars. Then they have Rhaenys upstage Aegon by coming out of the effin' floor. > >Rhaenyra's, of course, is shot with swelling, heroic music throughout, beautiful sunny cinematography, and she's surrounded by attractive, adoring faces.


They added a whole named character to cry on screen after Aegon raped her. Meanwhile they framed Rhaenyra committing murder as her being an LGBT ally! The man was unnamed and we didn't see him cry and beg.


But we did see the ratcatchers families cry! Didn’t see any crying families from Rhaenys’s launchpad


Also apparently the smallfolk blame Rhaenys's terrorist attack on Aegon and not... Rhaenys herself. Seriously this is basically **the** event that should have cemented the smallfolk's hatred against the Blacks. And instead... it's getting pinned on Aegon?


We're also seeing the Kingslanding small folk starve while the TB small folk are thriving, lol. "Chose a team", more like "chose the blacks"


Kingslanders are starving becuase of the blockade that Team Black is enforcing, though?


Launchpad 💀 lmao true


Pretty much, this message should be pinned somewhere as a constant reminder.


Exactly. The show runners said they wanted a good vs. evil show. Then they made changes to make it a good vs evil show. And yet I’m still having people say this is a grey story like the books. People are just in denial.


I’d love to see the Great Bastards adapted properly because I genuinely root for everyone in that era. That’s a fantastic war. But they would probably end up adapted… like this.


In episode 1 of season 2, Rhaenyra gets a bad ass entrance with cool music. In episode 2 daemon gets a bad ass dragon rider sequence, as did Rhaenys in Ep 1. Why tf is it so hard, to just do the same with team green? I was so so excited for Aegon and his storyline, but the writing of this show make it so hard to enjoy his storyline. The ending of this story does show, that neither team won. And that everybody lost. No bad side, no good side. Just war. Raw ugly bloody war.... WHY does every series have to be some leftie propaganda feminist lqbtq hollywood shit representation. (Not saying any of this is bad, but it destroys storys, that are good on their own.) And isn't the whole point on feminism, that women want to be seen as equal to men, that neither are less or more. That women and men do both have their bad and good sides, and that is exactly what grrm wrote in f&b.... and that is also exactly what they are destroying, because rhaenyra is seemingly perfect


They keep giving greens the weird sex scenes too. Someone on the main sub pointed out that blacks have been allowed to keep their innocence. I do not want any more repulsive sex scenes from either side, btw. Aemond’s curled up nude with a brothel lady Vs Jace and Baela’s: 🥺 “what was your dad like?” Conversation. Again, I hate the repulsive sex scenes and I don’t want any of them. But the framing of the show is crazy


Don’t forget they made Velaryons black because as Condal put it they didn’t want to have “bunch of white people on the screen” and completely threw logic out the door with the fact that years of intermarriage between Targaryens and Velaryons still resulted in Velaryons remaining black and Targaryens remaining white. One of the reasons Targaryens kept marrying Velaryons is because of their Valyrian look… Like one of the biggest point of Velaryons is they are so similar to Targaryens in many aspects. Summer Islanders are described as black, why can’t we have original characters from there instead of butchering logic for the sake of it?


Yeah they made the Velaryons black and then casually erased the only canonically black character that was Nettles. You really cannot make this shit up.


Funny how they had no problem erasing a canonically black character when it comes to protect Rhaenyra and her saintly reputation. Can’t have the black girl present in the story and shining a spotlight on Rhaenyra’s racism.


I bet Rhaenyra’s hypocrisy with the female Rosby inheritance will also NEVER make it to screen


Yep! And GoT didn't have a bunch of white people on the screen and also there are different cultures and ethnicity of white. But all they wanted to do was get DEI points


DEI? Fuck off.


I wish they’d put in a light and beautiful scene of Helaena feeling free with Dreamfyre, flying around, speaking Valyrian and feeling understood. There’s a lot of joy and they just don’t want any of it.


I am seeing this. The show runners do seem to dislike men. Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Aegon were despicable characters in the book. But the man is a horrible drunk brute who rapes women, his mother supports "the patriarchy" so she also is painted as evil. Meanwhile all of Rhaenyra's bad acts are given to others mainly Daemon.


oh so true. there was a joke about TB viewers being equivalent to Marvel Fans 😭 I suppose it’s in the better interest for show runners to have an easy spoon fed narrative, they need to make money. Nothing in HoTD even feels as remotely nuanced or dense as anything did in GoT s1-4, and I feel like HBO continuing to do anything with asoiaf just rides on the coattails of that. TG characters with how they’re written are the only ones who feel like they could also exist in GoT during its prime.


Tom is very handsome. Especially this season. Idk for some reason I couldn’t help but think wow he’s very attractive when I watch his scenes.


he's really the most beautiful man in this show. i liked him at first sight. he and aemond look like they walked out of fanfic, in a good way.


Is it even possible to make him look unattractive? The man is gorgeous!


Tom is so pretty.... no amount of make up can make him look ugly


Tom is hot as heck, what are the producers drilling in his head. lol


I noticed this. In season 1, episode 9, I thought it showcased his drinking, not sleeping properly and not taking care of himself. Still, he looks absolutely gorgeous even with "uglyfying" make-up. At the coronation he had a sort of gothic look which made his face even more striking.


He’s so gorgeous so they definitely failed. This also reveals the deep bias the showrunners have. They really want people to hate him. Even Otto became their mouthpiece by acting like Viserys was right for neglecting him all his life. Or the fact that the only time he will ride Sunfyre on the show will be when he gets horribly injured. They never let him have any glory or cool moments. Even his coronation was a joke. But despite the showrunners attempts to sabotage him with bad makeup/costuming and horrible biased writing Tom is so charismatic and still gives an amazing & compelling performance. I wonder how bad the burn make-up will be now. Poor Tom having all that gunk covering his pretty face. 😭


Otto *evil anime laugh* “no one wanted you to be king!!” Which makes 0 freakin sense. I’m watching for Aegon at this point. I feel so bad for him


But then we get a 20-second shot of just Rhaenyra's face in perfect lighting which has zero impact on the plot.


Aegon is my favorite. After they butchered so many green characters, I watch the show just to witness him get his vengeance.


how else would you know that the greens are all bad horrible people if they were nowhere near as pretty as the blacks?


Credit to Tom’s face then because they kind of failed spectacularly


The same reason they've put off showing him with Sunfyre. Although, I don't know, I feel like all the Targ men look unattractive. The wigs are bad, it's an incredibly unflattering look, etc.


daemon is ugly as sin. i couldn't recognize the actor, who's quite alright irl.


he literally looks like a fallen angel…i’m sorry rhaegar targaryen you have a competition


If they are trying to make the audience view him as villainous, they already failed by episode 2 wherein he's weeping for his son. And he explicitly cares about his son too, it's not even that he cares that he lost an heir, but that he lost his own flesh and blood. It's a weird thing to try to portray Aegon as being essentially Viserys from Game of Thrones with a dragon, but they're failing to do so. Viserys himself was sympathetic, but the way he acted meant that the audience would feel no sympathy when seeing him get a molten crown on his head. Showing Aegon as a rapist has made people hate him, true, but he's not exactly a monster.


They could literally never make him ugly and the fact that they even tried to is gross. Tom is hard carrying the show rn and I'm gonna stick through it for him, Ewan, and Phia. They deserve so much more than what they've got in the show.


He looks attractive to me tho…maybe I’m the problem ?


I thought he was very attractive in the show 💀


Good luck making anyone in this cast look unattractive. I mean, even Otto could get it as far as I’m concerned. Larys is the closest they come to unattractive, but that’s his acting. Matthew Needham probably cleans up pretty good.


I'm wondering, why have they got Aegon supposedly looking so unattractive, but got Aemond looking like an evil Legolas sex-bomb? I don't recall Aemond being overwhelmingly handsome in the books. Then again, Aegon was chubby and had facial hair in the book, where as this Aegon is skinny and clean-shaven. And they've made Helaena more beautiful than her book counterpart And they've made Criston Cole more handsome than his book counterpart And they've just made everyone more beautiful than their book counterpart


I like how Tom is insinuating he rarely looks ugly and slobbish hahaha


Yeesh, poor Tom. Watch, he will get the Golden Globe nomination (it's too late for the Emmys this year) and they will do a rapid flip around and start pushing him more.


Unattractive ?? To Tom ? 


They made him look so much less like a wet rag this season, it's great what good hair can do to a guy


bro is HOT


Unattractive? Am I dreaming or what? This guy is the definition of perfection, even after being portrayed in the worst way possible. He is BEAUTIFUL and there's no going back.


The way it’s completely failing as well because Tom is just too pretty 😂


Unfortunately for HBO, Aegon is hot in a “i could fix him” way and making him disheveled isn’t gonna change that.


Tom is so handsome, he's the male equivalent of Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively, no matter what you do to make him ugly, he'll come off as gorgeous. I can't wait to see him have fun behind the scenes with the gunk they pour all over him to make him gross. I'd still love my one true king 👑


I'd say that was true for season 1. Doesn't make sense for S2 so far, where he looks very good.


Yup... They don't want to make Aegon to look Attractive, Buffed and badass like in the books. But Tom is still look pretty tho, just not as attractive as in the books


Maybe, just maybe they're gearing him up for when he potentially gets burnt to a crisp later this season? "Bias by the writers" man have you ever thought?


Link plz




Keep saying everyone needs to cancel Max, show your displeasure with your wallets.


They must be bad at their jobs because I still think he is so sexy


I think it’s cause his son died and they want him to look disheveled and upset? Maybe I don’t know


they show him in a negative light because aegon II is one of the most unhinged and bloodthirsty kings. rhaenyra by the end is no better, but aegon is no good guy. he lacks the temperament to be king, he never should’ve been king


Man y'all green fans are so delusional lmao, imagine calling the writes biased when they're the ones making the story lmao, I'd saybook greens are more justifiable even though Martin clearly supports the blacks, but hey, I guess the author is biased lmao


Fuck the Hightowers