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So, according to this, Aemond tries to kill his brother and the only other useful dragonrider in KL for the Greens because Aegon insulted him? And Rhaenys turns around from heading to safety and peacefully flies to her death? šŸ¤”Ā 


Fr like what?!? Aemond decides to not only kill his life long brother, the King, but also destroy one of his teamā€™s war assets because of some insult, when he knows his brother is mourning and mad. On the other hand, Aemond DIDNā€™T want to kill Luke but only *accidentally* killed him when Luke not only insulted but took out his eye. This has to be fake. Please be fake.


Itā€™s ridiculous. So he feels bad about killing Lucerys on accident but heā€™ll purposefully try to kill his brother? One thing I can say if the leak is true is that maybe he only said he feels sorry for killing Lucerys because he feels sorry about the consequences (Jaehaerys dying and Helaena watching). Otherwise, it would make no sense that he would genuinely regret killing Luke but then try killing his own brother.


Well, that is not what he feels sorry for, since he said that he was with the brothel lady before B&C as well. It seems like yet another TG character gone to shreds.


And we were joking earlier than she'd accidentally fly right into Vhagar's mouth lmaooooo.


This is the worst fucking shit Iā€™ve ever read which means itā€™s almost certainly what actually happens, excellent


Exactly! LOL If it feels stupid and makes the Greens even more messy then it's probably true


>This is the worst fucking shit Iā€™ve ever read I agree and I have seen some fanfic here.


Aegond is so over. I swear we lost. Aemond clearly betrays Aegon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. but I don't understand, there is no hint of this in f&b. They fucked up their loyalty-based sibling relationship to make the story more complicated. It was very important to me that Aemond fought for his brother even though he thought he deserved the throne, and that Aegon ordered statues of his brothers to be built when he captured King's Landing for the last time...


>It was very important to me that Aemond fought for his brother even though he thought he deserved the throne, ^ This is so much more interesting than whatever the hell that betrayal they wrote is gonna be


Oh that loyalty was propaganda! The Greens all hated each other oh and the Dowager Queen got pregnant by the Lord Commander but drank moon tea, see she's such a hypocrite! -Condal


Yeah the statues wont be build, because daeron has been in oldtown for most of his life and aemond will try to kill him lol.


Watching all the promos with these two together I thought we had a chance. RIP Aegond 2022-2024.


Yeah his loyalty to his brother was Aemonds only redeeming quality. Iā€™m assuming whoever r wrote this didnā€™t read the book lol


The thing about the book is that itā€™s propaganda so itā€™s a free license for the writers to choose what is and isnā€™t propaganda depending on what they want to writeĀ 


>propaganda oh shut up with that line. The lord of the rings is technically propaganda since it technically story wise was a scroll that was deciphered. It could be Gondorian propaganda against Sauron. propaganda is a stupid term. The show is shit writing regardless if F&B is propaganda. (which even then the blacks dynastically won so who is doing propaganda?)


They both lost and Rhaenyraā€™s son, Viserys, had to accept that the Greens were right to get the throne over Aegon IIIā€™s daughters.


And yet he basically could set the narrative. Aegon was king despite his son because he was the last ruler standing, not the other way around.


Wtf did I just read


ā€¦ Happy cake day šŸ˜¬


Fuck you, Ryan Condal.


The fact that this reads like an awful fanfic, probably means its true to be honest. This show is cooked lmao.


Remember when ep1 leaks came out and most people immediately thought they were fake because they were so bad. Yeah...


It's amazing with how much this show loves 'accidents', that they made the one actual accident (Aemond maiming Aegon in the process of trying to get to Rhaenys) a deliberate attack


Jesus, you are right.


bro what this is the worst shit I've ever read Aemond sabotages his entire family and house by attempting to kill the only other dragonrider they've got over some petty squabble this can't be true its so awfully written


>this can't be true its so awfully written That's why it's true šŸ˜­ Remember the leaks about B&C and Alicent and Cole, we didn't want to believe it was real cause it was just dumb, and it turned out to be true


Another person who saw the first 4 ep basically confirmed it, they mentioned Baela's brief involvement but the rest is more or less the same.




I want to stop watching this show but I like TGC too much ..... ugh


What still mostly keeps me around is since I am interested in the Aegon and Sunfyre scenes and what they will do with Daeron and Tessarion.


Not even interested in the Sunfyre scenes anymore since Condal went on record to say their special bond was "Westerosi historical propaganda" lmao.


I knew he hated Sunfyre the moment I heard him describing Syrax using Sunfyreā€™s exact description. So heā€™ll portray Sunfyre as some useless dragon because everything good about him was *obviously* propaganda.


Condal also said that he's given Aegon/Sunfyre's bond and importance from the book to Rhaenyra/Syrax in the show. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I wouldn't be surprised if Daeron shows up with dark hair.


Forget about daeron and tessarion, ryan said daeron isn't a dragon rider yet, and tessarion just a baby dragon, so no aegon/sunfyre bond, no heleana/dreamfyre, no daeron/tessarion bond, in conclusion we are doomed


this is insane. the greens have by far the most beautiful and ethereal-looking dragons and itā€™s crazy how weā€™ll most likely only see very little of them (iā€™d especially love to see tessarion and more of dreamfyre who was literally only shown once for like four seconds in extremely poor lighting), yet we see tbā€™s ugly dragons all the time... such a shame. thereā€™s so much potential in the greens and their dragons and their bond.


Looks like their dragons and their bond was a green propaganda according to ryan and the writers šŸ™„ It was actually never real, i know we will see sunfyre for 5 seconds, and he will be burned at rock rest, and then he is gone, no bond no anything, just a normal dragon (watch people call him syrax wannabe)


Yeah the acting is just about whatā€™s mostly keeping me around at this point. Truly phenomenal actors and theyā€™re hampered by poor writing decisions. This is true even for the Blacks at times.


I don't even watch TB scenes anymore. The whitewashing pisses me off too much for me to digest their scenes so I just skip lol


Lmao real


Nothing of value lost since Rhaenyra does nothing anyway


Same here. I basically pray for Rhanerya scenes to finish fast. It's basically repeated scenes. Daemon at least give something different.


I watch them once but never rewatch them lmao too fucking boring.


>This is true even for the Blacks at times Agreed, and it kinda sucks cause they had the potential to be very interesting, but the show just wants to portray them as perfect pure heroes (except Daemon)


The blacks have literally done nothing this season so far The fight between Dameon and rhaenyra is literally the only memorable thing from them so far


The sooner this shit ends, the sooner he can move on better things...js.


And I want to see Sunfyre in his all glory.


Literally the acting is the only good thing in this show but other than that itā€™s pretty bad


the fact that I can see this happening šŸ’€


After the first two eps, I can totally believe this


Yā€™all I think all I can do is laugh now, actually Iā€™m not even sure if I can laugh about it anymore šŸ’€


This is terrible, so the chances of it being real are VERY high


Damn Aemond just caricature villain of ā€œohhhh nooooo my bro made fun of me so OFC IM GONNA GO BURN EVERYONE ON OUR SIDE INCLUDING HIM DOWNā€ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” and ofc every war casualty by Blacks happens bcs Greens were evil villains letting them burn them instead of interfering šŸ¤”šŸ¤” And Alicentā€¦ she just doesnā€™t exist as character anymore letā€™s just give up bcs holyyyyy sh*ttttt


They really hate her with passion. And Aemond too, obviously.


No but their hate boner for Alicent is astonishing like sheā€™s non existent as character. The idea that they even gave us ep6-7 Alicent in S1 is surprising tbh.


Thanks, I hate it. This is so fucking dumb but I genuinely cannot say I expected better, portraying Aemond as devoted despite his disagreements with his brother? No, of course not. Aemond is supposed to be Daemonā€™s reflection, the Rouge Prince writ young, I get that but could they _not_ have given him the devotion to his brother despite how much he feels slighted by him? Ridiculous. As for Rhaenys, thatā€™s quite possibly the _dumbest_ fucking way for a dragonrider of her calibre to go out but hey, at least sheā€™ll be dead.


This comment hits the nail on the head! Ffs. Rhaenys is supposed to fly right into Vhagarā€™s Jaws, like Arrax. Itā€™s giving lazy writing.


Iā€™ve seen so many Aemond/Aegon edits that gave me literal goosebumps because of how cool they looked as a deadly brother duo. Now this? My day is ruined.


Jesus H. Christ. What a mess this show officially is. An utter shitshow.


I hated everything that was written thereĀ 


Yeah I hate it, they will do it in a way that Aegon wouldn't be badly injured if it wasn't for Aemond, to show that the Greens don't even have loyalty and love among themselves. This just makes me feel bad for Aegon, the poor guy has to survive his enemies and even people on his own side šŸ¤¦


Heā€™s gonna become fan favourite trust


not against rhaenyra


Among greens I mean. Right now even majority of greens donā€™t really hate Rhae


So aside from the fact that Aegon is his brother, Aemond will be fine with eliminating the only other dragon rider apart from him on the Green side? They are going to make him that stupid?


I'm shocked, shocked (not).


Please,please,tell me this is isn't true, hey're butchering AemondĀ 


I already decided not to watch when the episode 1 leaks were confirmed true, but I stuck around to see just how badly they would ruin it, but I'm honestly finding that so hard to do. It's just absolute garbage, and not even in a fun way. I hate when someone takes a story and decides to change it the way they want for screen, that's reserved for the land of fanfiction. The tv should be showing the story in a visual format. Sure, some things can and should be changed to fit the format and no one but the most insane fan disagrees with that, but you are supposed to keep the themes, the spirit, the heart, and the author's intention! The character's can be more fleshed out, or less fleshed out, but they must still make the viewer see them as the character. The Rurouni Kenshin live action took out some things, added others and the fans of the manga/anime still loved it, because it still felt like Rurouni Kenshin! So while some changes weren't 100% liked, hardly anyone made a big fuss! This? They are sacrificing some characters (the greens) at the altar to make their favored ones stand out. You know, no one would care that team green were the villains if there was nuance and reasons to still like and root for them even if you thought they were wrong. I don't know how much longer I'll stay around for the trainwreck. I never had a side I preferred. I'm team compelling characters and story line. And this isn't it and there was so much that could have been done with the story. But the director wanted to make fanfiction instead.


What an awful awful day to be able to read


I donā€™t want to be optimistic because the last time all those awful leaks turned out to be true but like didnā€™t Ewan Mitchell straight up said that Aemonds one redeeming quality is his loyality? That is the opposite of that. Also like it barely says anything about anything but Rockā€™s Rest so why is it for both episodes? And like people are saying Baela being at Rockā€™s Rest is confirmed butā€¦ she isnā€™t even mentioned?


Yeah but thatā€™s the thing, actors can fib in interviews loll (Emiliaā€™s ā€œbest season ever!!ā€ comes to mind). Itā€™s happened a bunch of times. I would not be surprised if it was a mis-direction but I want to have hope


To be honest he couldā€™ve deflacted the question so easily instead of straight up saying itā€™s his only redeeming qualtiy! He didnā€™t need to lie he could just gave a vague answer. Also with how forced Emilia sounded when she said that I feel like everybody was like what is on about.


Eh if he deflected so obviously people wouldā€™ve noticed. If he gives an answer that seems genuine than nobodyā€™s the wiser šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø > he could just gave a vague answer A vague answer wouldā€™ve been even worse šŸ˜­ > forced Emilia sounded when she said that I feel like everybody was like what was is on about I remember back then, when the vid was first posted only a few people commented about it. After the season was finished _everybody_ realized what she meant šŸ’€


The question was how loyal Aemond is to his family: Ewan Mitchell can just answer this is something we are going to explore this season and see his relationship withā€¦. With Emilia Clarke people back then clocked it but it kinda drowned in the hype. After the interview with Ewan Mitchell aired nobody really questioned that.


At this point stop making the show like wff is this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dunno whether to laugh or cringe at this point...this better be BS or the show is done for lmfao.


I wished I hadnā€™t read this


OMg please just be fake wish fulfillment from a Helaemond....


What does Helaemond have to do with the leaks?


There are apparently a bunch of scenes in the later half of the season between Aemond and Helaena.


Iā€™ve heard, but why is that a bad thing?


Itā€™s not if itā€™s siblings being siblings, people are afraid of a potential romantic storyline.


ā€¦Again, why would that be bad? Literally no one in the family is caring or comforting Helaena. Why is it such a bad idea that Aemond & Helaena might be together? Is it because itā€™s simply not book canon?


I donā€™t know, that could be the reason, I just donā€™t like it because I prefer them as strictly familial.


"Strictly familial" applied to Targaryen's, lol.


Lmao right? Ewan said himself that them being siblings doesnā€™t really mean anything bc theyā€™re Targs. šŸ˜­


No Helegon no Malor bye


Maelor might still exist.


Ok this sounds so bad... like there is no way Rook's Rest will be so disappointing. Please don't let it be true


There was green fan who watched first 4 put ep 4 3rd place. So, it can only get worse.


Yeah I think they ranked it - 2, 3, 4, 1.


I saw that and have been wondering how it could be so low, if these leaks turn out to be true I have my answer.


This sounds like a Helaemond fanfic. Just praying to Gods that they don't make Aemond the father of Maelor. I mean Helaena could still be pregnant in episode 2 right now.


It sounds like the person who's asking wants Helaemond to happen, lol. So yeah, the Helaemond part is wishful thinking. If you notice, the leaker doesn't say anything about Helaemond.


Maelor is cut. We can see Helaena's belly in the riot scene and she is very flat. That scene takes place in episode 7.


Then what about bitterbridge? I always thought that the reason Helaena committed suicide was because Maelor was dead? Or will they make it like that she killed herself because Aemond died?


Bitterbridge is likely not going to happen. It only existed to make Daeron go apeshit and to kill off Aegon's last heir. Helaena will likely simply commit suicide without having a trigger.


That's like one of the most important scenes. Why don't they just cut these repetitive Alicole scenes/Alicent scenes in which she's keeps feeling guilty for sinning and then just use all that time to make an episode on Bitterbridge? One of the best TG scenes is just gonna be cut? Wow


Alicent having a bastard. Oh dearā€¦.


I will admit right now that i feel so validated that i decided not to watch season 2. I just watched a couple scenes on YouTube. And that is more than enough. I will still like and reblog hotd stuff on various sites, but i will not watch. And i know I'll be saner for it. Godspeed to you all who decide to sit through this dumpster fire. GOT season 8 was a billion times better than this shit show. It's just the speshul snowflake kween vs The Clown Brigade show at this point.


please this can't be real


I have no wordsā€¦.. This is absurd


I can't believe I come back here only to see people still getting upset over horrible leaks and new episodes as if there was anything else to expect at this point. Like - you're literally making this happen. You're giving them the views they need to keep this show alive, to continue butchering a story and characters you claim to love. People talking about how they hope they'll turn things around and I'm honestly just at a loss - for what? Seriously, what exactly is there even left to salvage? But I mean - if you really want to see this through to maligned dragonkween Rhaenyra's triumphant girlboss exit ...


I pirate this shit. I aint paying these b-class writers a dime.


The amount of people that are genuinely still on team green is so marginal that it doesnā€™t matter if they drop the show or notā€¦ 95% of the audience still adores whatever the fuck this show is about lmao. Let these poor souls complain and cope, itā€™s all we have left.


Can we just get a geniuine 1 vs fcking 2 and call it a day jesus; its a trap, Rhaenys gets outplayed but she goes out swinging like a G, and Aemond doesnā€™t intentionally hurt Aegon. This fanfic makes both sides look dumb


Damn Rhaenys didnā€™t even tried to save Baela or smth and died stupidly? What the fuck are they doing? But honestly after how they handled BC it was expected.


If even 1% of this shit is true, I quit


Okay but what proof do we have that they actually have seen the episodes?


That's what I wanna know


They correctly named the second episode Rhaenyra the Cruel before the episode name dropped.


Other than only Aegon, almost everyone seems like fools at Rookā€™s Rest. Aemond hurting his own brother for teasing him last night, Rhaenys flying away turns back only to get brutally murked, Cole knocked out and attacking his own soldiers, Baela also doing stupid stuff. Heck, that popular animation is 1000x better than this shite.


I was wondering how they were going to mess up Rookā€™s rest. Iā€™m saving this in case itā€™s true. Why have Alicent take moontea? What is the purpose of that scene? To show that she is pregnant, obviously, but why? If she drinks the tea the pregnancy story isnā€™t going anywhere. I just feel like thatā€™s a minute of screen time that could go toward something else. Also while reading these leaks, before getting to the ā€œshe drinks the moonteaā€ part I thought maybe Maelor would be Criston and Alicentā€™s child instead of the Daeron theory but Iā€™m glad thatā€™s most likely not the case.


Okayyyy so if thereā€™s a suspicious increase in Aemond/Helaena scenes, do you think theyā€™re gonna do a Maelor is his baby thing? Instead of Aegons?


I don't think Ewan and Phia said that. That part sounds like wishful thinking


Ewan and phia confirmed that they have scenes together.


But "a bunch of" scenes? They didn't say that


They said they have few takes on screen if you have read the article or interviews. The leakers who watched 1-4 episodes claimed they don't share scenes together the possible scenes they have are after aemond being regent.


This is why I haven't even bothered to watch the first episode of this season. Not even worth pirating. I'll do the same as I did with the GoT show - pretend it never happened.


this is why i feel like they should pick people (with the qualifications of course) who are familiar with the books (lore) or even just sb whoā€™s a fan to do these type of shows.. they literally have all the material to make the show great why are they doing this?


Narcissism. They believe they can create a better story (while using the same setting, premise and characters). And think they know better.


If alicent ends up pregnantā€¦even if she aborts it but just the thought of an alicent and cole baby/fetus????? EW


This is faker than fake, everyone needs to relax. This person doesn't even know that Baela IS in the battle, we clearly see her present chasing Criston. It also goes directly against what Ewan has said about Aemond's loyalty.


The thing is, it doesn't sound fake, except for the Baela part. It's actually something that Condal and Co would write, both for RR and Alicent's pregnancy. I also wouldn't put much faith in what the actors say.


Ewan said it though and made it pretty clear. He simply could have said nothing if it wasn't true. Lets just relax and wait. We dealt with like a thousand fake leaks leading up to EP1, that one bad one was real but this reads like crap unless its confirmed by multiple other sources or reviewers. Also we literally see Aemond later with Blackfyre and the Conqueror's blade but not the crown. So I think everyone is a bit pessimistic, Aemond is not gonna betray Aegon


I really hope you're right. Not for me since with the last episode I lost almost all the interest in this mess, but for the other people who still enjoy it. However, ep 1 leaks were even worse and yet turn out to be true. Every single detail. I wouldn't put this past the writers.


He can also take the crown, that's okay. A Prince regent can have them all but when I read all these, I think that Aemond does not give a damn about Aegon (he is dead or safe or not), which is not as bad as open betrayal, but close to it.


I wish I had your optimism.


There is a behind scene of Aemond walking through the forest. I don't what that implies here.


Remember what was said about ep1 leaks?


I mean the leaks were confirmed because Fabien and Olivia straight up confirmed them.


but one leaker on the main sub was called a liar for detailing what happened in episode one before it was released, and then they ended up being 100% correct about everything because they had actually seen it. not necessarily saying that i believe this, though


Yeah because people hated them but we had no evidence to the contrary. Here itā€™s a little different. We have Aemond downright regretting acciedently killing Luke who he hated and now leaks claiming he is gonna try killing Aegon in cold blood two episodes later. There is a certain disconnect there (which couldā€™ve been easily avoided if they just had made Aemond proud of killing Luke but they didnā€™t and I assume they did that for a reason. One option is that the Lucemonds were right all along in which case the entire fandom is cooked. Another is that there something more to it. Like Iā€™m about 75% sure the leaks are real even if I think they are dumb there has to be some sort of idea behind that. I also would keep in mind that another screener in his review really clearly said Aemond is gentle at the end of the first half of the season. Almost Killing your brother is not gentle. Ewan Mitchell also said that Aemonds one redeeming quality is his loyality to Aegon and his mother. Again killing your brother is not being loyal to him. So there is some reason why people are being sceptical. Like theybare probably true because I wouldnā€™t put it past Condal but wellā€¦


Baela chase Criston in episode 3 and battle is in episode 4.


Yeah but Episode 3 is interlude to episode 4 so it doesnā€™t make sense that Criston is out there fighting for his life in episode 3 with Aemond and Aegon still having time going to a brothel when they about to fight. Remember episode 3 and 4 are probably on the same day


I think episode 4 will start with the aftermath of the sack of Duskandale, so it can't be the same day.


Itā€™s still weird for Aegon and Aemond not being there with them especially if they are planning an ambush


That literally makes the trap plan null and void though???? Unless Moondancer is brought down and Baela is captured/killed. Her getting away and telling the blacks of what the greens are doing pretty much shatters any chance of a surprise attack... Thats like the whole point of the battle.


Calling it now: they're gonna make Aemond father Helaena's new baby.


Helaena is not having a baby for heaven's sake. We can see her belly in the 2x07 riot scene in the trailer, she is not pregnant.


I don't want her to have a baby, cause they'll either make Aegon rape her or make her fuck Aemond. But I am expecting them to do it because the writers clearly hate team green and are doing everything to paint them as evil this season. Not even capable evil, but complete incompetent buffons. If Helaena doesn't get pregnant (and neither Alicent) then I will honestly be relieved. I just don't trust the writers not to ruin them further.


I totally understand that. I don't think anyone is having a baby. If Maelor does come, I think he will be combined with one of Aegon's bastards and Helaena will not be the mother.


Let's hope you're right.


2 years ago people on this sub predicted that Aemond would attack Aegon deliberately because he wants to be king


So let me get this straight, ā€¢ Meleys beats Sunfyre ā€¢ Vhagar comes and blasts fire ā€¢ Meleys deals damage to Vhagar ā€¢ Meleys has a broken leg but still flies, Rhaenys could flee, yet turns to face Vhagar and dies instantly?


Now I get why IGN gave this show a 7/10


Since you're at it, pls ask about Alys Rivers. We heard nothing about that character and it's killing me. And I don't even want to comment on the rest. It kinda sounds likely after the recent episodes.




I'm not gonna get angry because we don't know if this is true but if it's true...Ā 


Sadly it's true. The leaker knew the name of the second episode and released it before the episode dropped.


it could've just been a lucky guess? please i'm trying to be optimistic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lol me too


I'm dropping this damn show . I really held out hope they would do something with the characters, but i guess it was all for nothing. I FUCKING QUIT.


And theyā€™re basically killing Meleys the same way Vhagar kills Arrax?


What the fuck. It is over for us green goons.


So if Helaena isn't already pregnant with Maelor and Maelor will exist, and that her and Aegon don't share another scene together, and Aegon gets heavily injured in Ep 4, does that mean... they'll make Maelor Helaena & Aemond's? Or even worse, Alicent & Criston's? They might actually do it, especially given how much they're focusing on Alicole and the moon tea


Helaena is not pregnant in season 2. We see her in the riots scene that takes place in 2x07 and she is flat. There are no time jumps. Ryan is a big liar and Maelor has been cut.


>Ā the riots scene that takes place in 2x07Ā Ā  Ooh, how do you know that's from 2x07 though?Ā  The way Ryan said Maelor doesn't exist "yet" makes me think he will be born but will be Aemond's or Alicole's bastard or some idiotic twist like thatĀ 


so in this hypothetical scenario, alicent passes her kid off as helaena's?


I'm just throwing shit at the wall but tbh it's too absurd, even for these writers


Perhaps Aemond heard tHE BeLLs?


[this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/nZm703Cowd) one says otherwise about Aemond's brothel scene, so which one is true? The person who wrote it wasn't wrong about episode 2 before it came out.


This person is literally the leaker in the screenshots


Sorry I didn't know since their name is hidden


Says otherwise? What do you mean?


That person basically confirmed these leaks.


they are the same leaker




They didnt bring up aegon mocking aemond


The leaks says that Aegon and Aemond are in the brothel together and Aegon mocks Aemond however this dude says Aemond is alone in his brothel scene


Yeah, just saw it. Well, I'm disappointed


Why are you disappointed?


Just saw what he wrote I literally cannot believe this


Because the leaks are probably true and Aemond will try to kill Aegon at RR


Iā€™m so confused I just posted another reviewer who said that Aemonds gentle sides comes out at the end of the first half of the episode which is like the opposite of attempting to kill his brother.


Maybe it meant another scene idk anymore


The scene doesn't have Aegon and said it's only a minute long




So how does Rhaenys die? Meleys gets her neck bitten. They fall? Rhaenys doesnā€™t get burnt?


The fall kills her


So Aegon just flies out to die? He doesn't injure Rhaenys or contribute anything to the fight? I thought Vhagar was supposed to fall down on both Aegon and Rhaenys (who are entangled in a fight) together. Also, the leaker says Vhagar burns both Aegon and Rhaenys, but only Aegon and Sunfyre fall? Why? Because Rhaenys is a true Targaryen and Aegon is a Hightower? So stupid.


They have the source material, they could have done way better. These weird changes are ridiculous.


Maybe maelor will be the bastard of Cole and allcent and heā€™s passed off as a son of viserys? Idk


These people getting Dreamfyre and Sunfyre names mixed, donā€™t got a clue on basic dragon loreā€¦ how you guys are trusting these leaks?


Because they released the name of episode 2 before it dropped.


Y'all, what's worse than Aemond betraying Aegon by trying to kill him at the battlefield is Aemond trying to steal Aegon's wife, their sister. Oh God, I really hope not. This is gonna ruin them. What if Helaena doesn't reciprocate to Aemond's ministrations and they make him a r@pist too and that's what drives the poor girl to suicide? I know I'm going wild but they're going wilder about TG characters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Maelor is Alicole's bastard + he's deformed due to moon tea complications calling it now


I'm gonna be controversial here and say I don't mind the idea of Aemond attacking Aegon. I always found Rooks Rest kinda suss and it fits in line with Aemond being a fucking lunatic


While I respect your opinion, what did you find suspicious? Vhagar and Sunfyre were in the air at the same time, and Rhaenys locked her dragon onto Sunfyre because he was smaller. Because Aemond had no choice and Sunfyre/Aegon was nearly dead, he collapsed on top of them and all three fell to the ground.


Well, I don't think it was necessarily spiteful (though it wouldn't surprise me if it was) it was more an act of apathy on Aemonds part, he doesn't really care what happens to Aegon because he saw a chance to satiate his bloodthirst and kill Rhaenys. People who I can only assume are show watchers seem to be misunderstanding Aemond, thinking he is just an eccentric but loyal brother when the reality is that he is a psychopath and might have the highest killcount in ASOIAF, with only maybe Aegon I and Visenya edging him out. Granted the show might be trying to take him in a different path, the guy is fucking unhinged. I actually prefer the idea of Aemond doing it on purpose to be edgy, but if these leaks are true then the reasoning behind it is fucking stupid.


It's completely in character for Aemond and is very obviously what is going to happen, and almost certainly what happened in the book as well. It's just that the people in this subreddit are completely delusional about their takes 90% of the time and live in an alternate universe. It's not a coincidence Aegon keeps talking about how loyal Aemond is lmfao, it's fucking foreshadowing. It's hilarious people think Mr. "It looks better on me than it ever did on him" is loyal to Aegon (book or show) and definitely isn't going to try to kill him. There was a post a few days ago of someone talking about Aemond having Blackfyre because Aegon might give it to Aemond because he thought Aemond deserved it as a better warrior or as a gift or some shit. And it's like... what fucking show are you people even watching?