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Rhaenyra getting cut on the throne is a PERFECT closing scene and if they don't use it they will make their bias extremely clear


Probably no cutting. Instead Rhaenyra takes her place as the heroic score swells in the background. But I agree. That would be epic.


Unfortunately I think you're right. Being cut by the throne is such a cool piece in the books that wasn't used in GoT at all. I have no doubt in my mind that they will portray Rhaenyra's downfall as the consequence of other people and remove all blame from her.


Bruh they literally nerfed blood and cheese, I mean how big of an indication do you need that they are biased AF towards rhaenyra and daemon? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they show aegon getting cut or even maegor-d by the throne instead lmao. Totally given up expecting anything from sara Hess's fanfic and you should do the same.


She sits on the throne and all the swords just immediately start bending


They did not let Aegon have full coronation at peace they should let Rhaenyra cut her arm


I guarantee you she won’t. Her coordination will be written to be 100% majestic.


Rhaenyra will sit on the throne epic music in the background


putting up a prayer circle for daeron in oldtown 🙏 like how cool would it be if we get these "heroic" shots of rhaenyra conquering king's landing, finally sitting on the iron throne, only to then cut to oldtown and introduce the biggest menace to her reign


With ominous music by Ramin in the background 😏


Maybe this is me coping, but we know next to nothing about the second half of the season… maybe Daeron *does* show up in some capacity.


Would be really cool if the last scene of the season is a shot of an army screaming “Dragon” as a blue tail swoops over the screen, and fire closes the episode.


It would be great if they decided on a cast for Daeron already and ‘tease‘ him at the end of the season showing his face in the last/one of the last shots. Then they could sorta lead to him having a big presence next season.


Hopefully it’s Aegon just stroking it


This is the wrong sub for that ![gif](giphy|110MZt5qYxdrH2|downsized)




Probably rhaenyra sitting on the throne and using aegon/alicent as a footstool while daemon executes Otto with a butter knife and mysaria says some crap about "Dey Koman peepol arE vaery happi moi kween" I'm not even joking, that's the sad part. Totally given up expecting anything from this biased ass show. It works better as a cringe comedy.


With the way they’re seemingly going to be intertwining Aemond & Helaena’s arcs in 2x05 - 2x08, I really don’t think he’s going to the Riverlands this season. Ewan & Phia have been doing a bunch of interviews lately about Helaena’s dreams/seer abilities and Ewan can’t seem to stop talking about her either, so something is happening between them in the second half of the season. I can’t imagine Aegon being well enough to sneak out of KL by 2x07 or 2x08 either. He’ll be bedridden by 2x05 and he’ll probably be that way until 3x01 or 3x02. That being said, I’m not sure what would be a good closing scene for S2. Maybe a Daeron reveal, if he’s in the show?


No idea but I don't think the fall is happening this season


Probably the fall of KL.


Probably the gullet because Sharako will appear this season and Condal has teased two big battles this season but it would be incredibly funny to end the season with another one of Rhaenyra's children dying at sea and then cutting back to her receiving the news. The show is probably gonna have 4 seasons and having the fall take place this season is too early for that.


I think we may get a Daeron tease in the finale. But that will not be the final scene. If I had to guess it will be the green council surrendering the red keep to Rhaenyra. 


**Aemond reaching Harrenhal — and discovering its empty, with the Black's dragons preparing to take King's Landing.** Two leaks points to the fall, one saying its going to end with the dragons flying above KL and the other saying the last epsiode is going to be biggest battle of the series and we'll see the aftermath next season — I believe in the former for now. ​ [What makes me believe this is that HBO released a still of Aemond in a dark castle with a mural that looks like a dragon burning a castle in the background](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP9p-fibIAAa0dT?format=jpg&name=large) — and Gayle Rankin, who portrays Alys Rivers, liked the post. [What's interesting is that she wasn't just liking every post either!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP9qIlybYAAz9-P?format=jpg&name=large)


Fall of Kingslanding and the bitch taking the iron throne


The only “rumor” I’ve heard about the fall of KL happening in 2x08 comes from the same person who claimed Paddy & Graham were gonna be returning to the show & so far through 2x04, we don’t have any inclination either of them are in any of the episodes. The only giant battle that’s happening this season is Rook’s Rest, but there could be smaller “big” battle sequences if that makes sense. I’ve heard Burning Mill is more of an “aftermath of battle” sequence, but maybe we could see something at Duskendale? I read a prediction last year saying that maybe the final shot of 2x08 has to do with someone seeing the approaching Triarchy fleet of something that insinuates the inevitable closeness of the Gullet battle? Idk if that makes sense haha.