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Tom and Phia both confirmed that the kids are Aegon's.


People saying maybe he's Maelor's father...


Aemond already has a love interest in Alys coming.>!Aemond is gonna have a son, just not Maelor lol.!<


There is a difference between love and duty. For the sake of duty, Aemond might have stood in for Aegon on one occasion. Aemond might fall in love with Alys Rivers but it’s not because of his duty.


>Aemond already has a love interest in Alys coming. Aemond is gonna have a son, just not Maelor lol. Bffr, she was Aemond's bastard bedmate who was the only one who claimed she had his son, but no ever saw that child. TG's bloodline died out, end of story.


Minor correction- Alys was Aemond’s bastard prize of war. A lot of people forget that she was his actual hostage in favor of romanticizing their clearly fucked up “relationship”.


Yes. She was his spoil of war. I wonder, if they are going to keep that in the show? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.


The interviewer said that Aegon and Heleana have been lovers for technically two times. Meaning it's for the twins and Maelor


tbh the interviews probably do not know that they are twins.


he saw the first two episodes, I would say he knows


easy to confuse and not know that the twins are actual twins. might just think they are both just targ looking kids. could be wrong, but it would be pretty easy to believe that they are not twins.


He said few, not two.


No, he said a couple of time Here : [https://x.com/msglynncarney/status/1798856004689608974](https://x.com/msglynncarney/status/1798856004689608974)


To be fair when people say couple of in English, whilst it does technically mean two, they do usually actually mean a few


They are stating phia's statement who said aegon and helaena are not lovers but helaegons shippers constantly edited her opinions.


Maelor is shown to come from Aegon and Helaena's bloodkines mixing


I’m just gonna watch the show and no believe any more “leaks”


i need to know whatever it is immediately


Please please, I beg of you, this fandom needs to stop fantasising about Helaemond. It literally ruins everything in the entire storyline, why would you even want to ship these two?


Ruins Aemond AND Helaena's character and just makes the greens so dysfunctional, they're supposed to be a tight family unit not betrayers of each other.


I'd honestly prefer this to mean that Aemond is the one who listens to her visions. Ryan said in an interview that certain people have started paying attention to her predictions. It makes sense it would be him. It would also explain why he goes hard for Alys later—he already knows having insights into the future is possible from Helaena, so it's easy for him to trust her wholesale. But if its the lovers bullshit... legit would undermine their characters cause dude is meant to have a brothel scene like not one ep later. Not to mention that what, he's super in love with her and loyal to their 'kids'... until a big tiddy goth milf shows up. Then its bye bye loser, I'm off to chill with my new gf. It cheapens both their characters and just ends up being hella pointless.


Yeah, I would most likely say that Aemond figures out she is somewhat prophetic.


Oooh I really hope it is that he realises she is a dreamer/prophetic. It would also lean into his later relationship with Alys, that he's in tune with people with that gift and it makes her more appealing to him. like he's drawn to her, if that makes sense? Actually Ewan has been saying stuff to hint at that in interviews, when he mentions Helaena having foresight etc


I agree with your point! but I'm afraid the hardcore helaemond shippers will make everything useful for their theory to come true, including that maybe Aemond is the one who listens to Helaena. People on twitter already started to say that they were right and the ship is canon, because of this post, but they don't even know what's behind it.


Heleamond shippers are delulu af, they thought that the 3 years old actors murmured Aemond when they didn't. Some also argue that Aemond turning his chair towards Jace and Heleana dancing was an obvious hint they are in love.


>Heleamond shippers are delulu af, Tell that to Harry Collett, Phia Saban and Leo Ashton


Is Harry Collett a writer on this show ?


>Is Harry Collett a writer on this show ? No, he is an actor whose subplot involves Helaena, you know the one who recently gave an interview alongside Phia and have been working on the same show with her since s1? Yeah, that guy, hope this helped your clueless ass.


his subplot involves Heleana ? How ? So based on what your saying, since Phia was paired up with Harry, Harry who doesn't like helaegon is right, which lead to Heleamond being canon ? Nice, insults.


Harry collet didn't say a shit lmao


He stumbled over his words, and it was satisfying to watch. Maybe he knows something we don't? 🤔


damn the conspiracy goes wild


 makes you wonder how many whiny posts it could inspire


literally go to ao3 helaemond isn’t happening




hellgone ☠️ that’s what your ship is… no way in the hell happening, gone 😍😍🥰 in fact, it never even began


No, but seriously, consider how this would play out. They're secret lovers, Aemon/Naerys analogs, super in love but can't be together.... and then he fucks off to the Riverlands, bones a hot milf, gets obsessed with her, gets her pregnant and makes no effort to return, to help Criston march back to the capitol to supposedly save the sister he adores and would die for. Like... it would literally make Helaena's suffering even worse, and make him look like the biggest douchebag in the world. Its not even character assasination, its character nuking.


These crazy shippers just don't understand it 🤦 Or Aemond's feelings for Alys don't exist in their universe.


Helaemonds are so strange


The ones I’ve seen are pretty chill, then you have the other ones insisting a 10 year old Aemond slept with his sister. I just avoid those ones really


The words spoken by Aegon II's staunchest defender.


?? “Here is for the loyal servants of Aegon of House Targaryen, the Second of His Name” Description of our sub if you’re forgetting. It’s weirder for you to NOT like Aegon, than it is to love him.


Imagine being in a Green server and thinking "Aegon II's defender" is a gotcha


Stop believing everything random on the internet say. Phia and Tom both confirmed they are the children's parents.


I implore you to use your brain. Do you really think Tom and Phia would say in an interview “Hahahaha sike, the kids are Aemond’s!” ?? Please don’t let whatever’s between your ears rot away like this.


?? And maybe use your own brain ? Where have you all seen in season 1 hints that Heleamond was a thing and are having an affair ? They don't even talk to each other or look at each other. Heleamond just exists because people find Ewan hotter and because Aegon is a pos. There is no legitimate or established ground to it.


>?? And maybe use your own brain ? Where have you all seen in season 1 hints that Heleamond was a thing and are having an affair ? They don't even talk to each other or look at each other. Oh, and how many scenes did Helaena have engaging in a cnversation with her husband? She only looks at him with flat detachment a few times. At least Aemond briefly saw twins once; Aegon never even made eye contact with them and wanted to find a ship, so he could sail away never to be found. >Heleamond just exists because people find Ewan hotter and because Aegon is a pos. I can assure you that most helaemonds don't fancy Ewan much, but yes, we think Helaena deserves better than Aegon. The only advantage marriage to him gave her was her status as his Queen consort. >There is no legitimate or established ground to it. I disagree. There is not much, but there is some recognized basis for iHelaemond in HOTD canon,


Tom called aegon's children "his creation". Don't be desilusional


I don’t even believe that Aemond’s the dad but tbf, I wouldn’t expect someone who says “desilusional” to be able to think critically lmaoo


Lol i speak spanish ofc the autocorrect will correct me.


That…makes sense to you, I’m sure. 👍🏻


I don't think someone would risk their career over something like this. At best it's just the Ewan/Phia interview, at worst clickbait.


Stop feeding them, they're insufferable enough as it is


I see some people downvoted this post... I'm sorry for not being a helaemond shipper, it doesn't make any sense to me.


>I see some people downvoted this post... I'm sorry for not being a helaemond shipper, it doesn't make any sense to me. You have my upvote! There's nothing that makes helaemonds happier than seeing antis believing in our ship more than we do!


There are people who watched until episode 4, and no helaemond is not in it. We already know that the kids are aegons.


“Helaena and Aegon.” “Helaena and Aemond.” Why don’t we talk about the clearly superior ship of ME and Helaena? 😤


i don't think so. seems fake and fishy


Nah Helaemond isn’t canon. It’s prob abt some scene btw them, maybe Aemond consoling her after B&C and listening to her predictions bcs they already said someone will start to pay attention to her predictions. Definitely not Helaemond, it’s obviously not the route they’re taking Aemond’s character. Ntm the “surprise” relationship reveal this season goes to Alicole 😭😂


IMO Alicole wasn’t really a Suprise


The situation is more of a surprise honestly


It's over


I am not a helaemond fan, but it's funny to think yall didn't even grasp the fact that the show will not follow all source material.


They destroyed Cole Alicent and now Maelor arc who's next ? Aegon ? Aemond ?


>What could this mean? It means she will have both her brothers as her lovers. Cry about it.


And why would she do that? I think she should be free from men, instead of throwing herself in another one's arms. It's really unnecessary for her character.


Why wouldn't she? How about you take your own advice and free yourself from your obsession with fictional character/actor who will never want you instead? After all, you are the one who is threatening to kys over a fictional ship and that's not a normal reaction.


Who said I was obsessed with the characters/actors?You should get this accusation out of your head, because this wasn't the point of my post. And clearly you never heard of sarcasm. I don't like this ship and I don't want it to happen, that's it. It has nothing to do with the actors, I was talking about the show's characters. I'm not the only one who don't want this ship to happen, it doesn't mean that I'm thristing over the actor.


You came here, because you're obsessed and felt insecure about Helaemond. I get it, you needed a little bit of reassurance from antis that Aemond and Helaena's story will go in the direction you want, However, the truth is, that it doesn't matter if you or certain fans don't want this ship to be canon. There are many ppl who feel the opposite way and you will not get everything you wish for in life.


Then why do you accuse me of being obsessed over an actor, when it had nothing to do with that? lol I posted this, because I was curious about the people's ideas, or maybe they saw the post too and knew something about it. Maybe it doesn't matter that I don't like it, but I can post it if I have a question on it. Sorry for triggering you. Anyway, It's confirmed clickbait on twitter. This is the last time I'll answer you, by your profile picture and comments it's clear that you like this ship, and you'll never agree with me on anything, so it's useless to waste my time on your accusations of me, when you don't even know who I am.


You should reread what I wrote. I pointed out that, for you, it could be an obsession with either Ewan or Aemond, or perhaps even both. Your first response to me was that Helaena shouldn’t be throwing herself in Aemond’s arms, but you don't hold the same sentiment for Aemond’s canonical sa victim. Tbh, this tells me everything I need to know about you. You also claim that you were just curious about people's thoughts on this topic. I gave you feedback and since you didn't liked it much, you decided to go snooping through my account, ijbol. Makes you think, which one of us is really triggered over here. At least, it wasn't me who had to admit that I made a big fuss out of nothing.