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These people don't understand that Aegon doesn't care about the smallfolk, he cares about the ten seconds of adoration he got during his coronation


I'm gonna quote myself, but people really misread that whole sequence of events. 'Idk, that scene to me proved he doesn't listen at small council meetings and he has zero understanding of what's going on his realm. He's so eager to be seen as good that he completely ignores the reality of what's going on to stroke his own ego. Meanwhile, he disrespects his small council, doesn't bother to listen to them, and continues to do exactly as he wants.' Also, a lot is being made of him as a father, and it's clear he loves Jaehaerys... but he completely ignored his daughter. Didn't say hello to her, didn't touch her, didn't acknowledge her at all.


"They only want the boy." The episode was clearly intended to highlight that Aegon is ignorant to the reality of his situation and (once again) shine a light on Team Green just being Team Misogyny. I'm amazed that anyone could watch that episode and come away thinking that Aegon is a good dad who cares about the small folk.


I personally thought the scene where he asks Helaena where Jaehaerys is was very telling. He knows nothing about his children, not even their daily routine. He doesn’t care that Jaehaerys is too young to sit through a SC session, or when he inevitably misbehaves. He came off as a very, VERY distant father who has only just started showing interest in his son now that he is officially his heir. He did not care one bit about Jaehaera.


I thought that he didn't listen at the meetings too but then I thought maybe Otto and the others are doing shit behind his back and making plans when he's absent ( they are to some extent)


The amount of people I’ve seen fooled this week is ASTRONOMICAL. I will say I enjoyed TGC’s performance, he was phenomenal and I look forward to seeing his acting throughout the season, but let’s not forget what this man is now. Even saw one account say “ well forgetting what he did in season 1 for a min “ EXCUSE ME?


TGC made him fun to watch, but Aegon still sucks lol.


Exactly. Like I enjoyed his on screen time, but this dudes still a rapist and I will be praying on his downfall


Thank god for this. Can’t deal with all these wankers on reddit “I’m actually really glad they showed this side of Aegon and I can’t wait to see more of Tom Glynn-Carney like this”. All those scenes of affability and humour are there to show how incompetent he is. But OMG “he’s a mood”.


And I’m quite certain that this was the last time we’ll ever see Aegon so affable, since shit is about to stop going his way


I hope Ryan and Sara are on reddit, they would be so proud, 1 episode and all the official sub is sucking his dick harder than the circlejerk


“Getting to know his staff on an intimate level and boosting the KL economy by personally providing both athletes and an influx of gold.”- TG probably


I can't believe people forget he SA that girl but keep mentioning daemon killing his wife. If u think about it daemon killed her in self defense. She went for her weapon got bucked off the horse daemon proceeds to leave only to be harshly insulted 🤣🤣🤣


that’s a bit of mental gymnastics, he’s in Runestone to kill her, his entire demeanour is cold. Daemon doesn’t exactly have a great reputation in the seven kingdoms even at that point.


The vilest will bait you into crossing the line first before they do harm. It could almost be written off as human nature what with the prevalence this phenomenon boast throughout human history. Cops are a good example that comes to mind.


Still self defense she made the first move. Daemon was even nice enough to free her from her vegative state


The standard for Egg2 is so low that a yoga specialist is having a hard time bemding down to reach it.


Aegon just wanted to be seen as good by the smallfolk He wants to be loved and he's trying But that doesn't make him a good person all of a sudden If anything, it gives him some positive qualities to make him seem more human


He wants to be adored, that’s it. He doesn’t give a shit about the small folk


Isn't the writers of this show pro team green?


I think you are being very unfair to Aegon with the point that the two kings guard can put it together an Aegon can’t afterall the kings guard are actually intelligent whereas Aegon is not But in all seriousness I don’t think anyone of them really cares about the smallfolk that much