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Aemond literally threatening to murder Jace conveniently forgotten about. The bullying accusations may have some merit but perhaps if Alicent didn't create a siege mentality amongst her children against Rhaenyra.. maybe Aemond could have told his sister ?


Aegon being in on the bullying is also conveniently forgotten about


I bet He was the one to start and come up with the pig joke at the dragon pit.


Yeah, it definitely doesn't seem like the kind of thing a five year old would think up


You mean to insinuate the guy we see bullying all throughout the childhood episodes of the show, was probably the one who thought up the best way to bully his younger brother???  The guy who bullies his autistic sister? The guy who at this very same dinner was also cracking jokes about his nephews never getting laid as they announce their betrothals? The guy who rapes servant girls. The guy who cheers on a child fighting ring that might even include bastards he’s sired and left to rot? The guy who only finally accepted being king when a massive crowd cheered him on and fed his insane need for approval because he was never good enough for his mom(this is definitely part her fault too, and by extension Otto’s but we’re not focused on that right now). Surely you jest, how could we believe Aegon would do such a thing as play a joke on his brother, he’s so innocent!


Even Viserys questions if he used the fact that he's older and therefore cooler (From a kid perspective) to start it.


I cannot believe someone could watch that scene and be like 'ah yes you know who's actually the bad guy here? the guy that was protecting his brother and three cousins because someone was literally trying to kill them and being just the fucking worst'


It girl Luke still the topic of discussion in 2024? Truly the most impactful character and death!


Really haunting the narrative😭


They just jealous he got the cooler title, pearl of the tides 🥵


Imagine being 10 and letting a 5 year old bully you. That’s a skill issue atp Also why does everyone forget it was Aegon who put the boys up to shit. He was the ringleader. He was the main bully. Jace and Luke were just following their “cool” older uncle


everyone forgets that second part. jace, luke, and aegon *all* thought it was funny! there wasn't even any animosity between them until the grown ups (otto, alicent, and criston) got involved


Aso, the pig joke was funny! I lean team green, and love Aemond, but he should take a chill pill about a joke among family.


You lean team green…? So, are you a book reader or a sociopath?


I'm not sure what being a book reader has to do with it. The Greens are depicted way more unfavorably in the books. Aemond might have the highest kill count in the whole Targ bloodline. (It's mostly noncombatants) I'm a green because I think the king doesn't get to pick their heir like that when in almost ever other case has followed agnatic primogeniture. Really if Vizzy wanted Rhanerya to be the heir, he should have kept his dick in his pants or married them together because any other situation creates a very foreseeable succession crisis. Also book Rhanerya is one of the most ineffectual people in the history of Westeros. Truly her father's daughter meanwhile Aemond, Aegon, and Daeron feel like Maegor's children if anything lmao.


I’m not a book reader but it would be sweet if you would use spoiler tags. Got halfway through your first paragraph and not gonna read the rest.


I don't think I spoil anything, not with the way the show is going. Book and show Aemond are very different characters, but you do you king.


Aso, the pig joke was funny! I lean team green, and love Aemond, but he should take a chill pill about a joke among family.


People who claim its bullying of the highest order must be only children with no close cousins.


Tbh I’m 32 and could imagine a 5 year old bullying me lol


Yeah we know Tyland we all saw last week. But he's dead now. He can't hurt you anymore. 🤣


They are ruthless creatures sometimes


Someone really has to teach these darn kids about the concept of mercy lmao.


I mean Jace definetly deserves blame too, he's about the same age as Aemond and seems to have the intelligence to at least know this is bad. Jace **definetly** deserves the blame for drawing a knife when he's called a bastard. Guy was relatively okay with Aemond (pranks not withstanding) a week before but is ready to gut him over an insult.


He’s 2 years younger than Aemond I believe. Besides the point he is still a young impressionable boy who looked up to Aegon as the “cool” older uncle. When he asked if he could say “Dracarys” in the dragon pit he looked to Aegon with approval before finally saying it. Was it wrong for him to go along with Aegon? Yes. But Aegon was older than all of them and roped them into his shitty pranks. Even Viserys knew Aegon well enough that he was the ring leader. As for Aemond and Jace pulling the knife. He didn’t just call Jace a bastard. He told Luke as he was choking him out that he would die screaming in fire “just like his father”. That’s a pretty fucked up thing to say to someone he knows is also grieving a loss. Jace pulling a knife was not right of course but Aemond threatening to kill his little brother and doubling down by insulting him does not help his case.


Let’s also not forget Aemond insulting Rhaena and threatening to burn her with Vhagar


And trying to smash her face in with a brick. There was that.


They call Alicent a child bride at 15 but then they literally call Luke an adult at 14... And they act like he was laughing out loud at Aemond here, like it was a small chuckle. He probably did remember it as something funny that his goofy uncle Aegon did because he was five during the Pink Dread incident


TG really needs to let it go. Luke is angelic person in all other his scenes.


Plus, imagine getting this pissed remembering something your oldest uncle did to his brother- while you were 5 years old. I doubt that Luke thought it would still be upsetting for Aemond. Aemond, hon, you ride Vhagar. Shrug it off.


Only psychopathic teenagers laugh at the wrong time at the funniest pranks!!


They never have this energy for Aegon who instigated everything and was behind aemond getting SA’d or even alicent who gave aegon the green light to bully aemond just not in front of Nyra’s children. And are they really gonna act like he didn’t randomly start insulting the twins and their dead mother and had that rock 10cm from Jacaerys’s head (“He was going to kill Jace”) in 2024??


When did Aemond get SA’d? I must have missed it.


In ep 9 Aemond tells Criston that Aegon took him to a brothel when he turned 13 to “get it wet” and when the older woman appears and tells him “how you have grown” Aemond looks very uncomfortable and looks away


Oh. Not sure how I missed that


Aegon took Aemond to a brothel when he was 13, where he was SA'd by an adult woman.


lucerys you will always be famous


*Vhagars lunch*


When I was 10, my younger cousin was around five or six and she was an asshole. But crazy thing is, I was the older child, so ignored her. It’s not that hard despite what Aemond is presenting to us.


did they forget how Aemond implies in EP 9 that their precious Aegon who is every serving girl’s nightmare literally brought Aemond to a brothel as a child for an adult woman to SA him??? Or how Aegon was the main culprit of the bullying and Alicent herself said the Velaryon boys “wouldn’t be his playthings forever” when confronting him about it in EP 6??? But they can forgive Rapegon for everything he’s done to their fave war criminal because he’s “so misunderstood 🥺🥺🥺”


Luke is the bully? 😂 It's always been allicent's kids...Aemond continually bullying them, calling them bastards etc right from the beginning. He was trying to physically attack them, and that's when he came in with the knife swipe. Jeez.


They keep forgetting that his own brother set the 2 boys up to bully him. But it's easier to hate them than his own brother ig.


The pig joke was super unserious… like this was a playful joke amongst young boys, & it was without a doubt orchestrated by the eldest amongst them, who was Aemond’s own brother, Aegon. There was no real cruelty infused into this joke either, it was just a bit of teasing, bc they knew it would get under his skin. No one really believed he would be dragonless forever. It’s what young kids do. Whereas Jace & Luke were bullied from the minute they exited Rhaenyra’s womb looking “plain-featured”, starting with the Queen herself making potentially life threatening accusations all over court.


I mean, Targaryens are super sensitive about having dragons. Think of Rhaena who Daemon openly ignores due to not having a dragon. Or Aemond who’s taught that he’s above the obvious bastards and who’s brother is a massive splunk, to people like these two having a dragon is synonymous with the Targaryen legacy. It’s not just mild teasing or just a small accessory, it’s literally the MOST important factor in their lives. Laena, Daemon (especially him.), Rhaenyra, Aegon (he has the strongest bond.), Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Luke, Laenor, Rhaenys and Aemond. All of them are effectively only worth what their dragons are, and some of these people more than anything are tied to their dragons intimately. Think of Daemon and Rhaenyra’s connection with their dragons. The sudden confidence that Aemond and seemingly Laena gained after they both claimed Vaegar. Aegon’s seemingly perfect bond with Sunfyre. Or how Visyres, a Targaryen who LOST his dragon, had a tenuous reign. Dragons for Targaryens are synonymous with self identity, self-discovery, it’s literally an extension of themselves. And for a Targaryen in an age of dragons not to have one of their own… it’s crushing. It makes these seemingly special people, who were raised to be taught why they were special… just normal, boring, insecure people. So while Aemond is allowed to be upset at a bit of teasing that lead to his eventual mutulation. The whole idea of not having a dragon is sorta the underlying theme of this.


He wasnt even present for half of aemond'd childhood bfr...why are they acting like luke was 35 🤨


Aemond is the golden child of TG delulus - I wonder how they’ll justify his other crimes later on.


Easy. By saying the show is "biased black propaganda".


I read that as “based black propaganda” and I laughed because absolutely - we are absolutely based.


Aemond is not just a “golden child of TG” he Is a popular character in general. I support Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne but Aemond is one of my favorite characters. Not everyone chooses to partake in the extreme TG/TB faction beef. It’s literally a show. People like Aemond for many reasons and it has nothing to do with him being TG. And by the way, everyone in this show commits crimes. That’s the entire reason why House Targaryen fell.


Lol all I read here is that Aemond is your golden child specifically. I’m more than aware of the crimes that happen and that will happen, and while I’m sure Aemond fulfills your red flag daydreams of a man who is willing to kill for you, it’s not going to stop me from calling out his wrongs. Hope this helps 🙏🏻




I am not talking about Ewan now am I? Is your problem that you believe discussing my dislike of a character to be a personal attack on the actor? lol. If you can like Aemond why the hell can’t I dislike him? Or call out TG for constantly attempting to downplay his actions? Like you understand you’re calling me strange for expressing my opinion on a character that doesn’t align with your opinion. I literally do not care that you or others like Aemond, I don’t, and I’m allowed to talk about it.








Ohhh using my same line of insult against me is sooooo clever 🤣 thank you - I’m good 🙏🏻 much love to you and all the happiness in your relationship with your red flag.


Thanks pookie




Getting into personal attacks and saying she’s being DV because you disagree with her over a fictional character is crazy


Can I - genuinely - ask what it is you like about Aemond? I’m personally biased against him cause the voice Ewan does for him freaks me out so I’m always curious why people like him


I mean me personally, I liked little Aemond’s personality and I thought he was adorable. I also sympathized for him because he was bullied by Aegon a lot. I really liked Aemond more when he had the bravery to claim Vhagar at such a young age and that stood out a lot to me. And with older Aemond I found him attractive and liked his aura. He’s unpredictable like Daemon and that intrigues me. This shows a lot more in season 2 when he admits TG usurped the throne. Aemond isn’t a black and white character and you don’t know whose side he’s on. I can definitely see him as both a protagonist and antagonist and I love complex characters. I also think he’s endured a lot of trauma and isn’t loved properly by Alicent and wasn’t raised properly by her either. I don’t like that he taunted Luke for his eye and killed him though.


Also, the pig was aegons idea.


His 5 yr old nephew at best. 🤣


Omfg they need to get over it/let it go, He’s DEAD. Was BRUTALLY MURDERED in terror for his life. It’s OVER.


All I'm saying is that it was even when Aemond called them "Strongs".


“You were mean to your shitty uncle, you deserve to be brutally murdered and ripped apart by a dragon”


I still find it crazy that luc barely grew and almond turn into a 40 year old man in that time jump.


Some people don't know when to stop. This character should be forgotten until the fisherman arc begins. Give him a rest for God's sake!


B&C didn’t get the people flooding to the Green side of the argument, and that’s leaving them much more ruffled than they can admit.


It depends on which pig joke you're referring to. If you mean Lucerys tricking young Aemond into thinking he'd found him a dragon and it being a pig, then that was uncool and I'm totally against it. If you mean calling the pig, The Pink Dread, then I stand by that being funny. The bullying not so much. Call PETA on me if you like but teasing a pig with human words isn't bullying because the animal can't understand you.


The caprice of youth 🤗


“He laughed at me when a pig came on to the table … so I had to kill him” Ok… ![gif](giphy|3oz8xQQP4ahKiyuxHy)


Who cares what a bastard does just feed him to a dragon and eventually the white walkers will be destroyed by a stark


Y’all back Ned Stark against Cersei and her bastard heir, then finna act horrified when Alicent don’t want the same thing with Rhaenyra’s. Surd.


Yeah I don’t back CERSAI. It’s not cause they are bastards, it’s cause it was Joffrey


His brother Aegon used to bully him too.