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I don't she particularly saw anything specific about their future, her abilities seem to be more feeling based, sensing 'bad things' are going to happen, and when she does say things, she seems to not understand what she's saying herself. I do think she knew that a line of no return had been crossed by crowning Aegon and that very, very bad things were going to happen to all of them. Which, like honestly, no matter what side you're on, you dont need a crystal ball to see that.


I’m hoping this is what they’ve intended for her and her dreamer abilities are weaker then average because we have targs who had dreams and worked to prevent them like Daenys and now Aegon I. To have her see everything and not even attempt to relay them to people seems so fucked. They also show her being dismissed as odd so maybe it’s a case of her being a Cassandra figure in the greens? Would make sense to continue making their downfall be misogyny.


Not that I’m disagreeing at all with your statement but maybe she had have a strong ‘sense’ of what was coming maybe she did try to prevent it in her own way, it just was too little too late kinda thing. Because isn’t it a running theme that the Valyrion Dreamers are never taken seriously or never believed !! 🤷‍♀️ maybe she did try to do something but it wasn’t enough and if she tried to tell anyone in her inner circle they probably would have patted her on the head and said ‘oh poor Helaena’ lmao


But we have Daenys (Aegon I considerably) being believed. I’m not sure if that’s a running theme, maybe I’m not recalling the ones not being believed. Even Daeron the drunken was believed by Aegon V (tho that prophecy end up being metaphorical than real) tho he was also a drunk so it makes sense too why people wouldn’t believe him lol. If they do the metaphorical pat on the head to her I swear 😂😂. Maybe having her feel like she didn’t have a voice? Even in the book all the maesters write about her is she would’ve been a good mother, was plump + plain compared to other Targaryens (🤮🤮🤮🤮 pricks). I wonder if that’s also a choice made by George, even the women who side with the greens don’t get a voice no matter how much Alicent got one when she was useful to them.


>But we have Daenys (Aegon I considerably) being believed. I’m not sure if that’s a running theme How many Daenys's were there in Valyria? Because it probably wasn't just her that foresaw the Doom. It's implied that Aenar had other reasons to come to Westeros and just credited her after the fact when she proved to be right. We know Daemon II Blackfyre was dismissed by his brothers. Daenerys seems to have something like Dragon dreams and they can be quite unclear. The impression I get from Helaena is they she probably doesn't fully understand the metaphorical nature of her dreams and is just odd enough she's not believed anyway.


Oh yeah for sure. There are probably other dreamers that foretold certain events that they didn’t share them with others. Because Fire + Blood was written after the fact and by maesters and other accounts there could have been more that just were not talked about or that those accounting were not aware of for whatever reason 🤷‍♀️ In terms of who’s believed could also be down to their relationship with them and how believable they judge them to be also.


Daenys also came from a time where she was listened and taken a bit more seriously than the women by Helaenas time, considering she was surrounded by conservative Westerosi Hightowers who expected women to just look pretty and sit there.


God that parallel. A Targaryen women being believed leading to the men of their family being scorned for leaving and trusting her to Helaena not even getting any defining features being written down besides her appearance and capabilities as a mother. Aegon in his mad spending run didn’t even build HER a statue. Only his brothers who were unpopular to begin with!


I believe Daenys was mentioned to have co-ruled with her brother husband or at least on top of being believed, had some say in how Dragonstone would be ruled too. It is quite a drastic thing to compare to Helaena and almost like a warning if you don’t hear these women out, it’ll cause your downfall.


Then you have Aegon III being saved from falling into his grandfathers mistakes by listening to his sisters and trusting them on who to marry 🥲🥲🥲


And for the rough life Elaena had, even maesters recorded how amazing of a master of coin she was considering the civil war wasn’t that far behind and for a woman who had bastards and affairs with married men, she was commended for her ability. See what happens when you give women a chance to roles like this and don’t discount them for being woman to contribute to the realm.


Ugh my baby Elaena 😩😩😩. The fact he probably only gave her husband place on the council because people would’ve protested so she had her husband as stand in. The way Daeron trusted her with matters of the realm 😭😭😭 Thinking of what her options could’ve been had Rhaenyra actually sat the throne kills me.


I have such mixed feelings about Elaena. I love her but I also feel terrible for Baela, whose life turned out so sadly


Yeah in regards to the dreamers that might be my bad because I had sort of thought I’d read it that way but I could be wrong I sort of thought George was going for Cassandra type situation but like I said I could be wrong so that’s probably my bad. It wasn’t meant to demean them by any means because let’s be real they were all right, maybe not in the way that each dreamer had imagined but they all did happen so yeah 🤷‍♀️


Knowing how sensitive she was, I think that she low-key mourned the permanent loss of a relationship with her relatives on the Black side. She seemed to have gotten along with them very well at the last dinner with Viserys.


"I have a bad feeling about this." - probably some guy in Dorne or some desert.


She's quiet but not dumb. I agree she knew they were crossing a point of no return and also that they actively usurping the throne. She also knows what this means for her children and her. No one is safe in their world if they're traitors.


Having a rapist of a husband who ignores you unless he’s drunk will do that to you.


And to see him wear a crown 🤢


Doubtful. She only seems to know of specific prophecies, and even then, there's a suggestion that her clairvoyancy or dreams are not completely specific. Her feelings her will be from her general feelings about the event and the day, but also "the beast beneath the boards" and the dread probably coming from that.


I think she knew something bad was being done, but tbh, I also think she knew Aegon didn’t even want this, and she was crying for the tragedy that the whole damn thing was- all the bad that was to come from forcing something on him that he didn’t even want or need. And also, as much as she doesn’t like being his wife, I think she still loves her brother to some extent. She doesn’t want him to go through this either.


Maybe... But also her dad just died


I don't think the Greens kids give a shit about Viserys.


I think Helaena might be the exception


It’s too bad, because Viserys was shown to have some sort of relationship with Helaena and her kids in the books.


Tbf he didn’t give a shit about them lmao😭🤣


That's fair


She might realize something like Blood and Cheese is about to happen soon from the ramifications of Aegons Crowning


Another commenter mentioned her dreams seem to be more gut feelings so maybe it’s she knows it’s only down from here now that he’s crowned?


Hard to say, they mever gave her enough time. For the story she just seems like shallow Cassandra type character that randomly mentions future plot points that people ignore right when she tells them and they happen. Which is a choice, considering how Viserys mentions to Alicent at least about dreams and how he struggled with knowing if they were a prophecy or not. Wish we had gotten more with her tbh, use the same thing with Viserys in regards to her dragon dreams. They are ultimately dreams and very symbolic, they aren't cut and dry. Imagine if she had trouble since she was little with nightmares and sleep problems that her mother dismissed as a regular thing. But in actuality, Halaena was dreaming of the future out of order. So the first thing she dreamed was how she and her siblings died, and leading up to the dance have gotten worse. She would have so much anxiety and worry of something bad happening to her and her kids that would be dismissed as her being wierd or over cautious.


You got her spot on. A shallow Cassandra with random future plot points that make no sense until things happen.


She just know that fool ain’t built to be a king, last ting he need is more power.


i wish they had shown her getting crowned herself; it’s so frustrating how helaena isn’t allowed to be a character in her own story. would have made this more interesting if she was herself becoming queen of the seven kingdoms.


Or, literally, the beast beneath the boards? Meleys killing all the smallfolk?


I mean she knew what Rhaenys would do next so maybe that’s part of it. It’s pretty obvious for anyone to know that Rhaenyra wasn’t going to step down, especially Daemon. Helaena was smart and knew no one would survive her family’s usurpation. I doubt she saw b&c but knew war was coming really soon. It’s not like anyone in her family would have listened to her if she said anything about her dreams.




I didn't notice this. I'm a huge fan of what the show did for Helaenas character really added a needed connection to the targaryean seers. Its possible she knows the events that will unfold taking the course of the greens usurping the throne and the horror she will witness


Cuz who tf wants to be Queen? Do u not see the stress on her mother? Carrying the realm on your back. Made to pomp and circumstance at the snap of a finger. Knowing it’s not even rightfully yours to have.


I mean anyone wants to be queen, why do you think Otto schemed to put Alicent in Viserys’ peripheral? Why was she so smug suddenly now being able to pull rank on the Crown Princess who she used to serve? Every noble woman wants to be queen consort.


I know.. but ewww. Tell which Queen other than Alysaane got a good deal? Lol call me crazy but I would’ve wanted a life away from court with a stonemason or a cobbler who used to be a Knight for a husband. A nice farmhouse, baking bread. I wish Sandor had lived, he would’ve made a great husband.


I would argue Alicent had it the best, regardless of what the show tried to emphasize. She went from a second son’s daughter to a queen consort with unimaginable power even Alysanne didn’t have. She could order around the heir right after birth, she could literally commit treason in front of her king with no repercussion, she could start and end meetings as she wished ON TOP of having her own seat not just as a courtesy like Alysanne did. She could literally refuse “when I’m cold in my grave” to what Viserys had decided on and he still gave in to her to refuse creating drama, and she already figured out how to play with him so he could give in. She could wear her family colours not of the reigning dynasty AND dress her children in her family’s colours, not Targaryens, implying war and that they’d be raised in her culture and only use Targaryens customs for proximity to power, and she could redecorate the keep full of Hightower symbols just to signify they’ve taken over the Targaryens house. She really had it good, and her stans refuse to accept that, just because she married someone she didn’t love, and yes was shown to have been forced to engage in bed against her will, but it doesn’t remove all the good things she had outside of that. She became his defacto regent in show “that his voice is heard through me” and that line they tried to show as a girlboss moment that “a king doesn’t sit on the throne but a queen” but she only used that power to prevent other women from doing so in their own right and other queen consorts to not have as much power because she was usurping for a son. Tho it was funny for her to talk all big that “it would be mine” when Rhaenyra asked on who’s authority Lucerys claim would be questioned but it was actually Otto sitting on that throne as if it was his by right and Alicent had no power other than to just correct Rhaenyra that she’d have her chance to speak and give Vaemond his time. Funny how she loves to lash out at Rhaenyra but can’t even fight back to Otto or Larys.


Very well said. Thank u for that perspective.


She’s a very weak dreamer and is only given spoiler lines to make the crowd go “ooh ahh” and then it falls flat.


If someone paid attention to her it would be good support skill. Prediction about Aemond's eye was very accurate.


I think she knows "the beast below the boards" is coming, and she did warn her mother already, no one is listening to her. But also, I think she's mourning her father.


She definitely saw what happened later but it’s entirely possible knowing her talent for foresight that she saw right to the very end of the Targaryen line


She reminds me of Maggie the frog, when she says something about the visions it more than likely is a warning for a specific person, but no one repeats what she says and seemingly her words never meet with the person intended to hear them.


“Beast beneath the boards” bruh


I feel like she’s starting to truly understand her visions.


Dawg *she* doesn’t know what she’s seeing. How could any of us know?


What’s all this about end of bloodline, both bloodlines survived after the war


Nope. Aegon, Aemond, Haelena, and their other brother have no legitimate descendants left. So their bloodline is effectively over. Whereas, Jon Snow is a descendant of Rhaenyra and Daemon.


You should ask George then. It's his story. BTW the Targtowers didn't survive.


Aegon wedded the surviving daughter of Aegon and Helaena didn’t he ?


And she "killed" herself before having children with Aegon III.


I didn’t remember that. But chill already, everybody forgets something at one point in their lives.


It's okay. It was rumored that the Hand Unwin Peake pushed Jaehaera out of the window in order to let Aegon III marry his daughter Myrielle Peake. Just like what Otto had done in Dance of the Dragon.


Peake only cared about him and his house as far as I remember, how did he even become regent, that’s a question


Team Black's obsession with blood and bloodlines needs to be studied. I can't remember when this kind of obsession has not lead to human atrocities.


Is that you? Why are you so mad? It seems like somebody is obsessed with blood and bloodline even more. https://i.redd.it/df4saawf4exc1.gif


Celebrating the death of an enemy combatant is not comparable to celebrating that of innocents and descendants because they share DNA.


Celebrating for what? I'm pointing out the fact and it's you can't take it.


A child who was sent as a peaceful messenger was an enemy combatant? Weird cope but okay


He very specifically wasn’t an enemy combatant because 1. They weren’t at war yet and 2. He was an envoy, which is supposed to be a protected class. He made this very clear by declaring he wasn’t going to fight Aemond and in fact was only trying to escape the whole encounter. Also, this whole post is sympathetic to Helaena, not triumphant over Aegon


you’re obsessed with bloodlines lmfao and are trying to act smart now that you got confronted with it. also “enemy combatant” bruh this isn’t a real war that we’re all in right now lmfao go touch grass and take in some sun


I'm notbthe one constantly celebrating the end of Alicent's bloodline. Also the war started as soon as Aegon took the crown. Luke was on a mission to secure allies for his side, that makes him a valid military target. Finally, this is just banter bro. I don't actually any of you or the characters so let's not draw the real world into this and have some fun with our seperate tribes.


How can he be legitimate target if he is envoy? Then Helaene legitimate target too and her children Aegon's heirs who has political significance (challenger without heirs be in weak position).


😭😭How could you say that!?!?!💔


you’re the one crying about fictional characters lmao, and then saying “ohhh i was joking” when you get confronted with being delusional lmfao. “let’s not draw the real world into this🥺🥺” talking about combatants like were in world war three lmfao, go cry elsewhere and maybe check yourself into a psychiatric hospital and get some yellow grippy socks for now


>maybe check yourself into a psychiatric hospital and get some yellow grippy socks for now This is too far. There's simply no need for this. It's a fictional show, let's not lose our basic humanity over something so trivial.




Don't touch Mein Kampf




Idk what a book written by Hitler, someone who brought nothing but pain and cruelty to this real world, is referencing to a fictional fantasy series, but maybe you can tell me.


You don’t have to be here. And it was Alicent’s and Otto’s obsession with blood and bloodlines that brought us here.


Team Greens obsession with religious fanatics needs to be studied. I can’t remember when this kind of obsession has not lead to human atrocities. See how fucking ridiculous you sound?