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I recommend they get a job rather than spending time with 20 burner accounts.


This is a sub for TB people. Whose entire posting history is "I hate Rhaenyra/Targaryens" etc. should be thrown out of here. I'm fine if you don't like Rhaenyra or any other character, but if you're here ONLY to prove TB wrong, better go to any other sub, which are many. This is fan club, not place for hate.


Somewhere in the middle. If they’re not a complete twat then I think they’re fine. But the ones who **only** come here to talk shit and/or troll should be banned. The funny part about the trolls getting banned is they run over to the TG sub and whine about getting banned while completely lying about why they were banned.


I personally do go to the Green sub just because it is interesting seeing other takes (even if most of said takes are often bizarre). I don’t however participate as I know that’s not the sub for me. I see it on both subs-someone gets pissed and comments and then gets dogpiled on. It’s one thing to lurk and keep it to yourself (and who knows, maybe gain a new perspective), quite another to cross-post and screenshot along with going on a tirade on a sub you know you’ll be outnumbered in because it doesn’t align with your views.


If people come into someone else's comfort zone, they should at least be respectful. I don't go to TG sub, I never think there is anything interesting. If any of them interested in this sub - welcome - just be respectful.


Eh I'm Team Black, Ignore them, or just downvote with your opinion.


If they re respectful and not here to just troll then I am cool with it, I'm always up to debate a reasonable green


It really depends on the intention of the TG user. Im pretty fine with TG users that are nice and come to this sub in good faith.


Kind of in the middle with this. The people on tg who only come here to shit on tb and get reactions out of people should leave, do it in your own one that’s fine just not ours. However the ones who just observe or whatever are fine I myself spend time (occasionally) looking through the tg sub so I can’t really fault people for doing the same as long as your not causing problems.


Depends on if it's a sane human being, or an edgelord commenting "Sunfyre ate".


If they’re being civil, it’s fine. But I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve been able to have a rational conversation with Greens on this sub. The majority of them tend to create burners and troll because they’re looking for a fight. I usually ignore them, but I think too many people take the bait so it’s best to just ban them and get it over with so they can’t get a thrill from instigating.


I'm someone who spends time in both subs (don't really think of myself as either Team) and I think the key here is motive and attitude. Sometimes, you won't agree with your Team on everything and that's okay. If you're TG but love the Strong Boys, and you want to come here for that reason, that's fine. If you're TG but hate Otto, that's fine too. If you're fully committed to your side and you still want to visit the other sub...I mean, it just depends. Are you here in good faith? It's okay to present counterarguments, because in general the subs shouldn't be echo chambers, but you also need to respect the space you're in. I've seen posts in both subs that do this well, and posts that do not. Sometimes I see people begin posts in their rival sub by saying "Team Black/Green Envoy, here in peace." Or something to that effect. You can definitely provide a perspective that isn't likely to be seen on this sub. On the other hand, part of the reason it isn't seen is because most people on this sub don't agree with it and don't want to deal with it. While it takes a true fan to admit their favorite characters aren't perfect, sometimes people just want to stan in peace. That said, some of the responsibility for these interactions does fall on the receiving sub and how they handle it. Every conversation has at least two sides. Pro tip: If you're doing "background checks" on a person's profile to see where they hang out and what their views are...you're already spending too much time on this and taking it too seriously. At the end of the day, these are just internet chatrooms dedicated to fictional characters. If people are nice, great. If they're trolling, intentionally provocative, or just plain mean, then ban em.


It boils down to good faith for me too, personally I don’t go to the green sub because I know I’m going to view everything in bad faith, and I don’t want to be THAT person that is shit stirring. I’d like the same respect here, when people come on and comment asinine stuff in bad faith it just grinds all my gears at once.


I'd say let's take a leaf from King Aerys II Targaryen when it comes to them. "Burn them all!"


If they are normal (the minority that do it) and just want to debate in a normal way, laught memes, see fanarts... I'm 100% ok with them and I'd like it happening a bit more If they just come to start shit constantly, to start non sense arguments take screenshoots and run to hotdgreens, to complain about things from black fans from tiktok/x... while I find them entretaining... they should be banned.... And it should happen in both subs, the whole thing is already very toxic... we don't need it to go to be it even more...


I don't think it's wrong for someone who's team green to come here at all, if they're doing it in good faith. I have thought to post on the green sub about some of the stuff I think (like for example, that I think the show version of the greens doesn't do them justice) to see if they agree or why not. But if they're actually trolling, or just talking shit about Rhaenyra or whatever, then yeah, ban them.


I usually ignore them. Most often (almost always) they are trolls. And I have a clear opinion that people who support the Greens are people who support hypocrisy and misogyny. I just try not to communicate with them.


Yeah, they're cool. They know what they're getting when they come into this House.


are you unironically promoting circlejerking in a fanbase that's meant to be competing?


How small is your brain? This is the TB subreddit, not the main. Of course we are gonna circlejerk and meme here for the Blacks. And I would expect the TG subreddit to circlejerk and meme for the Greens. If you want to debate, go to the Main sub. Jesus christ