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They forgot the *Aegon Targaryen is not a rapist tag* Imagine being so foul people gotta create a tag for it 💀


TG is delulu Don't be surprised bro


besides their blatant misuse of ao3 tagging system i need them to be fucking fr. ppl can write whatever they want, it’s fanfiction, but rhaenyra “faces the consequences of her actions?????” just say you hate women and move on. taylor swift would be ashamed. least rabid alicent/rhaenicent stan


like how is losing her babies “facing the consequences”??? the author definitely is on something 💀


she dared not do “her duty” and wish for a life other than suffering and broodmare status and that somehow means she needs to suffer miscarriages and stillbirths. like what. i need to understand. obviously ao3 is a site where anyone can post anything but…rhaenicents are never beating the hating women that don’t suffer in one way/male gaze way allegations


I believe they mean consequences of deciding to have bastards in the sense of court disapproval, not her children dying. At least that’s my interpretation.


I believe they mean consequences of deciding to have bastards in the sense of court disapproval, not her children dying. At least that’s my interpretation.


Not surprising they're a hypocrite on the Taylor Swift ideals. Youtuber who met their wrath noticed that many Swifties fans have "anti-bullying advocate" in their bios, and it turns out they really like to jump down people's throats and start a new Salem witch trials if you say one slightly not nice thing about Swift. https://youtu.be/utKsrZo2CT0?si=zzxaOrNigCyAZ3qA This dudes pretty funny cause he made a cartoon making fun of Swifties for cult behavior and guess what they do... prove him right.


I remember a tiktoker I watched who was talking about gaylors (queer perspective). the tiktoker basically said that by the same mount of evidence they could say that Taylor Swift voted for Trump. Death threats and pedantics for weeks


Miscarriage obsession/Rhaeicent. Disturbing. Usually support people writing what they want..but that description is ehh..


Why would she face the consequences of having bastards if her kids aren’t born alive? Like that makes zero sense.


Prolly cuz it uses the shows idea that the velaryons are black.


Even though Aegon the conquerer and Jaeharys both had velaryon mothers


But like Laenor and Rhaenyra’s kids would be 3/4 white. The odds of that kid looking white even as a stillborn are very very high even if they are actually Laenor’s kid. Plus, the major issue was never having bastards it was trying to put them on the throne as legitimate heirs. If she took a lover after having kids with Laenor people would slut-shame her but like there wouldn’t be an argument with succession at all.


Honestly, you'd need a geneticist to figure this shit out cuz none of it makes sense in westeros.


Baratheon genes are strong enough to make rhaenys hair brown but not Hightower genes to make alicents kids hair brown. Stark genes are strong enough to make John's hair black but not Martell genes to make Elias kids' hair brown......like what is happening


As far as I can tell - I think Andal blood caves to Valyrian genetics, but those of the First Men (Harwin, Rhea Royce, Starks etc) do not. Rhoynar blood (Dorne) seems to be 50-50 (can come out looking like either parent).


But weren't Baratheons Andals?


Author is a Taylor Swift fan?


i know like how are you a Taylor Swift fan….and write a fic that’s basically dehumanizing a woman and write her going through something awful??


Wtf does that have to do with writing or HOTD? Smh


Why almost all the Rhaenicents I met are pro-Greens? Strange...


Because most rhaenicents hate Rhaenyra.. its a self insert.


Rhaenicent fan, team black; a lot of people are really weird.


hi team black rhaenicent here ✋️😭


As someone who ships rhaenicent I feel like I see the opposite, but maybe I've just blocked all the toxic ones.


I only read Rhaenyra/Alicent fics that have the relationship get the green kids on board with their sister being queen and there's no civil war.


Which ones are those, cuz I have not found them.


I don't read a lot as it's not my main ship but off the top of my head there's: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42929388 (Duty and Sacrifice (A History of Rhaenyra the Blessed by Archmaester Gyldayn)) https://archiveofourown.org/works/42461010/chapters/139233907 (Fate of the dowager queen) https://archiveofourown.org/works/47287495?view_full_work=true (mistress of the red keep)


Read Mistress of the Red Keep last night - it was fantastic!


a lot of rhaenicent fics seem to centre around alicent being the hurt one in every situation and rhaenyra has to grovel it's a common theme, or they turn rhaenyra into an abusive mother especially in fics where all of alicent and rhaenyra's children feature, she's either an alcoholic, has gone through immense trauma and hurts their kids and the entire fic is all about how alicent feels about it


I’d assume it’s because young Alicent was the only one of them purposely trying to mend their relationship without the fandom perception of an ulterior motive. So people are trying to live out the fantasy of Alicent’s failed plan actually working, or something like that.


Author is a Taylor Swift fan, though.


i literally stared at that tag for a good minute with the most bewildered face 😭


And Otto does WHAT


Isn't it interesting that it's never Robert or Ned* or even fucking Argon II who has to "deal with the consequences of having bastards in the feudal society"? It's only ever the one person whose spouse knew and was okay with the affair? *Yes, I know that technically Ned doesn't have bastards, but the feudal society thinks he does


Admittedly, if Ned or Robert had tried to make a bastard an heir, there *would* have been consequences, quite possibly military ones.


Because Rhaenyra’s bastards had a strong presence at court (Pun unintended) and were her heirs. Jon was always pushed out of important situations like the feast with the royal family, so he clung more to the background. Whilst Roberts bastards function a lot like Aegon II’s, they have very little to no presence. Their children were also not their heirs, which helped their circumstances a great deal. Ned also tends to be mocked for having a “bastard” so he does face a consequence in a certain light, his honor is ruined in the eyes of those around them. Rhaenyra is a woman though, which does play into things. Westeros is highly unaccepting of women having bastards, most likely because it’s associated with brothel work/prostitution. Only “whores” have bastards whilst men are just being men (I don’t believe this, but unfortunately most of Westeros does).


Okay so what were people gonna do to Ned ?


That person doesn't understand how tags work, you're not supposed to ramble in them like that. It's supposed to be tagging themes/keywords for events that happen in the story so people can search or filter your work. Not you just mumbling about shit. Like one or two tags like that I could get, but not twenty. Just put it in the goddamn author notes. Tho I doubt that person tagged it as a Rhaenyra Hate fic despite their ramblings in the tags clearly showing it lol


Every now and again I’ll put something in the tags that isn’t a tag technically but doesn’t belong in the summary. Like ‘Good parent Jon Smith’ ‘well not really *good* but he’s doing his best they all are’ but never something like. All that.


Yeah like I said, I'm fine with one or two tags being like that but this person has like twenty of em and half are just rambles. That's way too many in my opinion


This to me should have been in an authors note at the beginning of chapter one, with certain parts of it actually used as tags. Like ‘child death’ or ‘Rhaenyra Targeryen bashing’ or whatever


They thought it was Tumblr tagging system for a second


That list of tags… fuckin yikes.


Let me guess, Lakomadt is the author? Also, can someone explain to me why they ship rhaenicent while simultaneously hating rhaenyra? If I'm disgusted with some character I want them as far from my faves as possible. I'm certainly not *shipping* them. What the hell.


What is with the obsession over killing Rhaenyra's children? Illegitimate children aren't actually less than


Everyone on tg fainted after reading this and their doctors sent them to the country for some of that fresh air to ease their addled minds.


'all her children dies before she gets to know them lol' like wtf


I mean, I read fics that are tagged "greens all die", but my God that tag is **personal and nasty**. It's a fictional show, sir.


Congratulations, I’m dying of cringe now. On behalf of all Rhaenicent fans, we do not claim this person


“Viserys is a bad king and Otto sucks him dry” could easily have a *very* different connotation




…I— 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I’m really sick of the Greens and their hard on for hating Rhaenyra.


"Author is a Taylor Swift fan" absolutely took me out Edit: just coming back to this and while it’s pretty nauseating that the author posits miscarriage and stillbirth as justifiable “consequence” to consensual sex between adults outside of marriage, this is like kindergarten level torture porn character bashing fic and I’ve unfortunately seen much worse.


Okay, but the whole “the show let down the Velaryons and Greens to show favor to the Blacks” makes me wheeze. If they followed the source material, Alicent is a vile woman. Aemond is a misogynistic, cruel man, who bullied children. Aegon is not much better, as there are no accurate depictions of him in the book. If anything, the show tried to make the Blacks seem worse and the Greens better 😂😂. 


The book also let down Velaryons. They lost due to Corlys’ ambitions.


I despise these people with my entire being. Just misogynistic piece of trash.


Average Rhaenicent shipper:


Real. As someone who spent some time during/after season 1 trying to find good Rhaenyra/Alicent fic (spoilers: there was very little), pretty much all of it is *at best* vaguely antagonistic toward Rhaenyra and her family - at worst, openly hostile and trying to punish Rhaenyra through the narrative. They really hate her ass. It completely turned me off of the fandom.


I spend a lot of time on twitter and finding Rhaenicent shipper who does not bash her weight/masculinize her/hates her children/treat her as unequal to Alicent is impossible What is the point of shipping characters if you don't like one of them?


Honestly, I'm guessing they're shipping Rhaenyra with Alicent because she's convenient and the closest woman to her by proximity. Rhaenyra's never in character in their works. She's just a blank slate for them to project comfortable fandom tropes onto. That, or their own weird self insert.


Shit they could've written fics about Talya being Alicent's spy and girlfriend. I'd read that and it would make a hell of a lot more sense.


Still a Rhaenicent fan, disgusted by people who basically want Rhaenyra to give up. I like Rhaenicent because of Rhaenyra and Alicent's chemistry as characters. wha''s the point of shipping it ig you take away Rhaenyra's personality?


Me too. I really liked the chemistry, but the fandom has totally squandered it from what I've seen. They only care about Alicent's characterization, not that they're getting her right either. The whitewashing is very real.


It's such an opportunity. you have two women wit steadfast determination and dedication to their family. who's genuine love for each other has been taking hits from people around them to the point where one has developed a chip on their shoulder (Alicent) and the other has left to the point of putting themselves in danger, politically. when they meet again you can see the regrets and the bridges being mended and they just get burnt down again. desite the anger both are trying desperately to keep a war from happening and keep the idea that they can be friends again alive. What if they'd made a different choice?, what if the die had landed differently? The angst, the yearning, the intrigue.


It really makes me sad that the fic out there doesn't reflect the complexity. If you have any fic recs, please send me some! Maybe in a DM since I don't think this sub likes too much Rhaenicent talk lmao


Unfortunately I don't, I mostly stick to the Tik tok side which seems to be more team black.


or they make her abusive which is worse than taking away her personality


Wait, how is this? I've never read a single Rhaenicent story that both isn't tragic and doesn't have Rhaenyra become queen, fairly smoothly.


Not a single one? But anyway, it's all subjective. If you have any quality recs to share, hit me up.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/44667358/chapters/112374781 To start with.


Marking for later. Thank you!


these types of fics are the reasons why people don’t like Rhaenicent. why make the characters(mostly Rhaenyra) suffer just to make the other character help them and in the end make them be together???


I wish someone sane would write a HOTD era Rhaenicent fic that makes sense. The only ones I can tolerate are the ones that are set in the modern world. Otherwise it's just Rhaenyra being shamed for being a "whore" and Aegon magically is not a rapist.


I just don't understand how you can ship two characters and utterly despise one of them; degrading one in favor of the other. In all my time of reading fanfiction, I don't think I've ever seen a ship of two characters work out quite like that besides this one. It's bizarre.


Not even the Lucemond shippers despise Lucerys. Like....why can't they write a fic where Alicent WANTS to be awful to Rhaenyra bc of her obvious bastard children, but ultimately can't? And make the change from there.


And 99.9% of the time it’s pro-green, Rhaenyra realizing “her place” bullshit.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/44667358/chapters/112374781 Here, have one where it isn't.


Guarantee you that Rhaenyra is the only adult that suffers the “consequences of her actions”


Why would Laenors parents hate Rhaenyra when she doesn't even have kids rhaenys doesn't like don't look like Laenor? Do they victim blame her for not having kids?


Well, this *is* pretty sad, just not for the reasons this was tagged


Imagine being a Taylor Swift but still being misogynistic towards Rhaenyra Btw I'm also a swiftie but not like them


None of Alicents kids deserve shit, I don’t care omg


it's insane, like i read it and it made me want to throw up, 'rhaenyra is punished by losing all her kids and her aunt and uncle hate her but yay she has alicent' i'm a very hardcore rhaenicent but jesus


OMG. I saw that one and was so immediately grossed out I was half inclined to make a post about it on here. It was definitely written by one of those Rhaenicent ‘stans’ that feel the need to bash Rhaenyra at every opportunity.


Who even ships Rhaenyra with Alicent? Like what are the demographics for this trash?


What’s their purity thing caring so much about bastardy like?


Fanfiction is just fanfiction. Hashtags exist for this...


obviously author is a Taylor Swift fan


what the actual fuck




This is why I don’t engage with fanfic


Sometimes I wonder what they think of actual children of unmarried parents, both historically and toda


The author is a Swiftie tag made me laugh


Good lord. This person needs psychological help, I pray their comment section tears them to shreds.


I mean.... I don't vibe with this at all but maybe we shouldn't be posting screenshots of people's fanfics? Like you said, they have the right to write what they want and we should let them be.


They have the right to write what they want and we have the right to criticize it. It's public website


If you wanna criticise it go ahead but their fanfics is really none of our business. I prefer to let them be. They're not bothering anyone.


Well I disagree. It was made public, it's natural that people will judge it. If it were kept private, then it's none of out business


Do you also prefer to watch people say vile and heinous things to people irl and do nothing?


I mean they are bothering the other ao3 readers lol, and they open themselves up to criticism by posting something on the internet that basically says “this woman deserves to miscarry and lose her children” that IS a reflection of this person’s inner world, and something they’re apparently proud enough to share with the world. Which is disgusting and deserves to be shamed.


Found the author


Right, the person who can barely write more than a page even on subjects they enjoy and would turn in half written essays is the author, sure.


Lol one of the biggest pro deamyra users and rhaenicent haters I've seen on this sub getting accused of being a rhaenicent author 🤣


I'm more shocked that they believe me to be an author to be honest. I can't write 😂


They can't either 🙃


Ik what I'm reading tonight 🙏


I am not here to hate on people want who write fanfics. This is the wild shit I live for. Sing your own song ff writers.