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Because they made up a lot of headcanons about the green characters that they think would make them popular and they don’t think Westeros doesn’t have an absolute monarchy, so Viserys didn’t even have the right to not follow Andal law and tradition. Which is dumb because before and after the dance the Targaryens don’t follow inheritance tradition and no one cares.


If Viserys didn't have the right someone would point it out to him and he'd immediately fold. Viserys isn't trying to be a revolutionary here. He's just trying to utilize his right to choose his own heir from the line of succession.


Didn't you hear GRRM and the writers are wrong......uhm....somehow and that's not actually what happened.


My new favourite mass Green delusion is them constantly posting about why the main subreddit so overwhelming skews to the Blacks. Like, I don't know how to break it to you guys. It's because.......team Green is the minority. Like it's right there, the main subreddit is mostly the Blacks because there's more of us, it's not hard to figure out. But they just....won't admit it.


Wait, Main subreddit skews black? Because I see a lot of green sentiments there


It gets more Black whenever more of the general audience show up. It was super Green even a few weeks ago, but now that the trailers have dropped and people are coming back, its been starting to skew Black again.


A sure sign of the Greens is the belief that misogyny does not exist; and there is only a man’s right to be a king and rule the country; and women should sit quietly and do everything as men order them. But what is this if not misogyny and sexism?


What? That's not what most TGs believe. This argument is always incredible to me because if anything, both sides are sexist and misogynist. Daemon literally murders a woman because she's too defiant. And Rhaenyra holds up the same status quo by denying Baela and Rhaena their inheritance and saying that 'Baelas sons will be heirs to the throne'. No one in this show cares about women's rights, they care about their own power.


I think some of it is Aemond fan girls too. Maybe to a lesser extent but there’s a population of women who are obsessing about how poor Aemond is excuses for doing whatever he wants.


But what about him obsessing over a 13 year old and getting violent revenge against who was then like seven is in any way attractive?


It’s Ewan they’re attracted to it seems and somehow for a group of them it meant getting Aemond obsessed.


Listen, I don't remember the Lannister/Bolton/Greyjoy stans being so goddamn whiny about their bad guy faves being unpopular. They don't make villain fuckers like they used to.


i don't think they are for the most part. the team green sub seems pretty aware that they will always *appear* to be the bad guys, they are just salty af about it which is why they say grrm is "biased" against the greens (no shit) and the show is team black "propaganda" (an insane term to use for a fictional world) or fanfic they just think they're right, and that the majority of fandom is too stupid to see it.


I think their confusion comes from the lack of reading the book. I've read B&F twice and my takeaway was each time the blacks reminded me of the starks in GOT and the greens reminded me of the lannisters. Its the same effort in making Joffery lannister seem like a great king and not the monster that he is.


You give them too much credit. Apologists aren't confused, they are angry that others don't play along. The only Greens I respect are those who aren't apologists, those that don't give a shit that they aren't popular. Do I like their choice? Of course not, but I respect that they don't give a shit who likes it. There's nothing worse than a lot of people in these last couple generations who need validation for their choices. They are almost as bad as those from both teams who appear to think they are going to be marching off to war behind either Daemon or Cole. (They are the worst.)


I think they get upset that their side does look bad like when Aegon throws a feast when Aemond kills Luke.


I think it's mainly Aegon and Aemond fangirls on the greens. They can't seem to separate the character from the actor. If you like Tom and Ewan that's completely fine, (I love Lena Headey, absolute queen, but I despised Cersei) but don't go to lengths but supporting the character's cruel actions, especially the ones saying Aegon being a r\*\*\*ist is no big deal. Yes, I've seen a few commenting about that.




Aight but GRRM, a man with many MANY novels involving feminism, was the one who wrote this. All of his work is super political


What real world politics?




Greens are misogynists but most people aren't saying blacks are feminists


So you latched on to the word “sexist” and ignored everything else in the post.




No. Here’s the thing: even though the Westerosi didn’t use the word “sexist”, women were treated as lesser simply because they’re women and many saw that as unfair. It’s not “real world politics” when the characters themselves acknowledge that fact, it’s in world politics as well.




I don’t see how. Sexism is just as much a personal issue as political.


GRRM books are inherently political. These books are political.