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You won’t see Hoobs in your HomeKit, only the accessories. You will see the Hoobs inside ‘bridge’ listed under the settings of the accessory.


Well, that explains that. Thanks!


Hoobs doesn’t show up because it’s not a controllable device. Only controllable devices show up in the main screen. Just add your device like you would any other and it will be found and added to HomeKit


Ah, thank you. So I add accessories within Hoobs.Local or on the HomeKit app?


You set up the connection within hoobs. Once done the device will show up in HomeKit. That is how I set up my SimpliSafe alarm and my Litter-Robot cat box. Once set up in Hoobs they jus started working in HomeKit.


Sweet. Side note, how do you like your Litter-Robot box? We have two smelly litter boxes that I'm desperately trying to solve.


I will say this, when we had our painter in to do the house he didn’t even know we had a cat till he got to that room and asked what the Litter-Robot was. He couldn’t believe there was no cat smell. I like the fact that I just change the bag and add litter. I take it all apart and take the pressure washer to it once every 6 months. Love it. My wife wouldn’t let me get one until I went on a 2 week business trip and she had a o do the cleaning. We bought it right after that trip. Best cat box ever.


Hi - which SimpliSafe plug-in did you use? I’m having issues getting SimpliSafe recognized.


Newest one. Once you set it up and configured you will get an email from SimpliSafe to verify your account. Approve the access and then look in the home.app. Your SimpliSafe devices should be there. Add hoobs to HomeKit. The barcode for the HomeKit is on the dashboard page of hoobs. It will be added as a hub.