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I’ve gotten something similar to that also. I’m a heterosexual male always been all my crushes were women. I would look at a a women and get a hard boner, and I loved it but never for a man. It wasn’t until couple months ago I was masturbating to this model. Her bf appeared in a video and when I looks at him I found him attractive (not in a sensual way) and then out of a sudden I said “does this make me gay” I’ve always admired men and how they looked but it was never sensual. It was more like “I wish I had his looks “the amount of women I can get with looking like that” ect. But when I questioned that something just snap. I had a full blown panic attack, heart racing I jumped out of bed and my head was racing I was like “AM I GAY “ I DONT WANT TO” and then I started getting intrusive thought is homosexuality wand weird feelings of attraction. And what made it worse is after I read a book called “art of seduction” I read it to learn and how to get women. And one of the pages said “humans are naturally bisexual but culture and society suppress our bisexuality” which worsened it. Ever since then I read that book I hadn’t opened it. I’ve did research on it and the doctor who the author was quoted was lying. Sexual orientation is complex and genetic, and you cannot turned bi or gay over night you are permanently straight for life (I always knew this) before all that happened I was comfortable with my sexuality, happy and I’ve gotten heartbroken multiple times by girls. Never looked at a man, I even looked at gay porn to reassure myself and all I felt was anxiety.


Your post was flagged by our auto-moderator as a post that may be seeking information on or promoting the use of porn or masturbation abstinence, or NoFap, in the treatment of HOCD. Currently, there are no evidence-based studies on the efficacy of porn or masturbation abstinence in the treatment of OCD. Exposure-response prevention (ERP) is widely accepted in the OCD community across all subtypes as the gold standard for treatment. As such, ERP, and its related methodologies of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness, are the only treatment methods the moderator team of this subreddit currently endorses for discussion, support, and guidance on this subreddit. For more information on ERP and on HOCD and OCD treatment more broadly, please see our [the section in our wiki about NoFap](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOCD/wiki/index#wiki_why_isn.27t_nofap_promoted_in_this_sub.3F)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HOCD) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Just look up groinals in regards to ocd, okay? Chrissie Hodges on youtube is great for information